Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich


Fitness and weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, the author of the best-selling book "Fitness Confidential", dispels the widespread mistaken beliefs regarding weight loss and exercise and teaches us how to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lives. Using his 35 years of experience in the fitness and weight loss industry in Hollywood combined with an absolute commitment to good health, Vinnie has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world lose hundreds of thousands of unhealthy pounds in an easy and sustainable way. His listeners love him for his fearless humor, tireless honesty, extraordinary nose for BS, and simple message. Join Vinnie and his inspiring guests - doctors, scientists. researchers, journalists, farmers, athletes, and more - to hear the latest scientific discoveries and unravel the myths that have been hampering our health. Laugh your way to health and fitness with Fitness Confidential and Vinnie Tortorich.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ora Davis
    I am in love with this show
    I have been listening to the Benit show for about 5 to 6 years now. I am continuously in love with it. This way of eating is honestly the best I have come across. I love the no nonsense attitude of Vinny and his various guests and cohosts.
  • annspins
    Love this podcast
    I always start my Monday with Vinnie and Anna! I am loving the addition of Chris on the Wednesday show-awesome! Love the “real life” struggles/accomplishments. Ann Dowdy
  • jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjwwwwwwwww
    Great info
    I love this podcast. Vinnie gives out such great health info and tips. I love listening to him!
  • Ted Sleder
    Love it!
    Love the show! Vinnie & Anna are the best - love all the stories.
  • Jatu12
    Wealth of information
    Thank you, Vinnie, for your tireless work getting the news out on NSNG. You are an inspiration to me. I struggle with eliminating the sugar from my diet, but listening to your podcast always encourages me and helps me stay on track.
  • blakesterb
    Salvaging my Good Intentions
    Blueprint for NSNG. Great starter or refresher
  • andiewalton
    Love the show
    So much info. Y’all are funny a joy to listen to… keep it up…
  • Melissafayevt
    Good info but!
    You have such an important message. Stop with the f word. Not necessary.
  • Orbital Groove Chad
    Life changed!!
    After changing my life at 49 and going keto/ carnivore and especially working on my micro biome gut health I feel better then my 20 yr old self. Thanks to ideas set from this great show as well as your great movies!!! Loved the new keto one too!!! Thanks
  • Deefsgrl1
    Don’t like the F bomb
    I listened to you on Mike Rowe, and loved all that he had to say, but I don’t like to hear bad language as I’m trying to clean up my health.
  • Gadgettrainer
    Diabetes, the real pandemic
    I always look forward to your shows. The show in particular really hit home about diabetes. Unfortunately I lost my uncle to complications from a life of diabetes. He did everything. The doctors told him to do took all the medicines and had total organ shut down and passed away three months ago I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to share this episode with several of my friends who are diabetics.
  • trtkn
    If Vinnie could just not meander
    The core content is good — but … Vinnie goes off on lengthy, irrelevant tangents. These become tiresome He could slice the time in half and have a fairly solid podcast. When you see a 2-hour cast, Vinnie is in a loquacious mood. Fast forward to what is worth hearing
  • Teresais #1
    I’m not crying…. You’re crying!!! Tears of joy…. Congratulations to both of you!!! 💗💗💗
  • Keljo22
    The Best diet podcast
    I love this podcast. The absolute best diet & fitness information you will get anywhere.
  • Arndisney
    Can’t stand Gina
    Literally can’t stand Gina. Please stop her shows!
  • Lakeelmo
    3 times a week.
    I love this podcast. I’ve seen his 3 movies and I’ve listened to every podcast over the last year and a half. Friday shows are the best. BTW down 35 lbs. Marcia
  • shar0007
    The best podcast!
    I always learn new things from Vinnie & his guests.
  • fruitman1242
    So far so good
    Been listening for three years and started following nsng 22months ago. I lost 30 pounds, dropped my statin and no longer use my cpap machine
  • mjpmaske
    Great information
    Straight shooter! Love the guests and all I learn throughout. Can’t wait to see Dirty Keto
  • bartonxiv
    Promo Codes and rock & roll
    Hey y’all I just listened to your podcast on 5/8/2024. Chris joined and mentioned promo codes. For your information, I have ordered coffee, vitamins, and ultra fat. Every time I tried a promo code, it did not work. The promo code was in effect. I sent several messages about it and got no response. I continued to order anyway. Maybe your website developers have an ‘every 7 orders, block the promo code’ kind of feature activated. Keep on rockin it. Over and out
  • privileged in the deep woods
    I pity the fo’! Keep crushing it Vinnie!
  • Plarthur
    Do it!
    NSNG has saved my life and mental health! Ive also lost weight. Love the podcast
  • KarenDogRescue
    Great stuff!!!!
    Wow wee!!! Great stuff, Vinnie and Anna.
  • Mike D T
    Love Vinnie!
    My favorite podcast! A must listen for anyone that is serious about getting healthy.
  • Joel F Harris
    Good stuff
    Never miss a show
  • BigOlDing
    The one worth sticking with!
    I was amazed when I saw that an old coworker had lost over 100 pounds in under 2 years. The guy looked great and he’s over 50 also. He told me about the show and how he’s turned his life around from what he’s learned because of Vinnie and the cast. So, I started listening and love it so much that I’ve gone back and have listened to almost every episode. I enjoy and agree with his views so strongly, that I decided to write my first review ever, on any platform, just for Vinnie! Keep up the great work!
  • Liddycent
    Five stars!l
    He’s the best. Simple plan for living. Makes sense and easy to follow. Love vinnie.
  • HockeyFan50
    You’re doing good work here
    I appreciate your mission and do find inspiration and motivation here. Now if I could just stick to it. 💟 Thank you.
  • Marshin1334
    Favorite Podcast
    I never miss a show. I love how inspiring, motivational, and honest this show is.
  • FIRE9619
    Christmas show
    Loads of fun !!!
  • healing purpose
    The BEST Podcast hands down
    I cannot imagine not listening to Vinnie and his whole crew?!!! His one on one consult has been on my bucket list for a long time, and now to hear about VIP - I’m just blown away with this set up. Thanks for all you do to keep this great show going!!!!
  • lenrod1
    The Meats
    I like how you said that if the government subsidizes the meat industry prices would drop. Would that also drop the quality of the product.? I mistakenly thought I got a deal on a bunch of meat and seafood from a truck at the out Mall running a deal on ribeyes. Individually frozen packs look decent bought the lot . I was not expecting great meat but average would of been ok but it’s all crap. I have gotten seafood from a guy in the past that was great and local stuff. Now I will never buy from one of these trucks ever again. I’m afraid if the government gets involved the industry would put out even worse product. What chain store butchers would you recommend since butcher shops are rare and the two I know of I hear bad things.
  • CapitalT2
    Great news
    Good show, great information, always entertaining. Great to hear the good news about your brother.
  • offerdown
    Great information
    Love this podcast life changing. Vinnie keeps it real. Very relatable good information great guest. Very motivational
  • wakefoot
    Enjoying Vinnie and Anna. I got their books. Great way to start NSNG. I’m still learning and failing and enduring on.
  • jfagan13
    Hardcore advice but honest
    Hey Vinnie Thanks for the truth and for the informational tips and techniques of how and why to get really health!! I ordered the Villa Capelli and wow… it takes so different!! Thank you
  • upsvic
    All episodes
    Good pod cast but it could be a great podcast if you could clean up the language.
  • Flannery GF
    Behind the Curtain episode
    Love that you called the circus weight loss shows. Humiliating and gross. J.Michaels will seemingly do anything for a dollar.
    Love it
    This makes so much sense.
  • 85 degrees
    I’m not a fitness buff but enjoy listening
    I found Vinnie when he was a guest on another program and talked about how bad fake beyond meat is. I kept listening when he talked about how he loves hallmark movies. Lol he’s interesting and daily banter is real… squatty potties? Lol. Yes I’m close to thinking about getting the pdf.
  • N1kk1a
    I’ve been listening for years!!
    Yes I’ve been listening to Fitness Confidential for more years than I can remember! This podcast is so entertaining and educational. I’ve learned so much. I try to tattoo NSNG into my brain. The more I listen the better I do and the more I laugh because this is fun & funny. Thanks for all the happiness you’ve brought into my life over the years. ❤️💪
  • DisPiperGurl7320
    The health and state of affairs in our world would be much better if we heeded Vinnie’s advice. Check out all his movies, they are eye opening.
  • rossbergman
    Vinnie is a truth sayer
    I’ve been listening to Vinnie now for years. He tells the truth, is entertaining, and thoughtful. He’s a long haul guy, meaning a little does of his show won’t do. Check out the next and the next. I’ve been changed by his philosophy and will stick by him for year to come. Thanks Vinnie. Stay motivated. Ross. New Mexico
  • Mokeyt3/35
    Good to hear
    Good to hear Gina’s voice. Hope she stays on on Sundays.
  • Kadin325
    Try to prove him wrong
    You can’t. Helped me turn life around. Weigh less than 9th grade me.
  • mmaker11
    I subscribed because I just can’t quit you after hearing of your departure from ACS.
  • Russell Alan
    Love Vinnie, just a real guy
    A great motivator
  • Bullwinkle713
    Good source of info
    Vinnie knows a lot. His strength is in finding people who know more and having them on the show. I enjoy learning from and with Vinnie.
  • BP Writer
    Love Vinnie and this Great podcast!
    Love the enthusiasm and fun Vinnie brings to this podcast! Content is 100% fantastic. Loved the “I told you so” episode with Gina! Who knew you could eat fiddle fern! Vinnie keeps it real!
  • MattLautner
    Vinnie Is Best
    NSNG Is Best
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