Nutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet

Nutrition #52

The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting root-cause healing with an elimination Carnivore Diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her thousand clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and wellness, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutrition and wellness for all, and passionately advocates for the people. Judy got a second chance at life with a meat-only elimination diet and is now driven to help people live the life they are meant to live, nearly symptom-free. 

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Recent Reviews
  • dachshaus
    Informative and knowledgeable
    Judy shares her personal experience, making her show relevant and brings great voices from the meat-based community to spread the message of root-cause healing. I highly recommend!
  • Sewmama4
    Love listening
    I love listening to Judy and the wealth of knowledge she brings. I still have a lot to learn and look forward to hearing more.
  • HollyLee84
    The Best!
    I've been an avid listener of the "Nutrition with Judy" Carnivore Diet podcast for several months now, and it has truly transformed my approach to health and nutrition. Judy's deep knowledge and passion for the carnivore diet shine through in every episode, making complex topics accessible and engaging for listeners at all levels of familiarity with the diet. One of the standout features of the podcast is Judy's ability to bring on a diverse array of expert guests who share their insights and personal experiences with the carnivore lifestyle. This not only enriches the content but also provides a well-rounded perspective on the benefits and challenges of this way of eating. What I appreciate most is Judy's genuine dedication to evidence-based information. She meticulously explains the science behind the carnivore diet, debunking myths and addressing common concerns with clarity and confidence. Her episodes are well-researched, informative, and always leave me with actionable tips to incorporate into my own health journey. Additionally, Judy's warm and approachable style makes the podcast a joy to listen to. Whether she's discussing meal plans, health benefits, or answering listener questions, she always maintains a supportive and encouraging tone. It's clear she truly cares about helping her audience achieve their health goals. If you're interested in the carnivore diet or simply looking to improve your nutritional knowledge, the "Nutrition with Judy" podcast is an invaluable resource. Judy's expertise, combined with her engaging delivery, makes this podcast a must-listen for anyone on the path to better health. Highly recommended!
  • Grandma jujitsu
    Absolutely a great interview!! Wonderful insight as always. I intend to listen again. It was easy to understand and there were great questions presented.
  • MissyMeaux
    Amazing Podcast!
    Just is so informative and I enjoy her Meaty Minutes!! This was a great topic!
  • 76&98
    Finally, I’m eating carnivore, still having carbs but the nutritious ones. My sugar addiction is cured, my belly feels better and my attitude has improved significantly. Judy is a pleasure to listen to and I look forward to hearing them all.
  • TaraRCrist
    A Heart for Health!
    Judy has a brilliant mind, yet it’s her palpable care for others that makes her work and this podcast truly shine. I’ve been blessed by the wealth of information she shares and her skillful dialogue with a range of guests! Keep eating meat and changing lives, Judy!
  • pieddings
    One of a kind
    I love Judy. She has so much knowledge, as well as personal experience, and is so down-to-earth. Its refreshing to have someone advocating/educating about an approach to eating that doesn’t feel preachy.
  • Katatashs
    Help with my thyroid!
    I really am super thankful for this podcast. The people she interviews are extremely knowledgeable! I am happy to say that since starting carnivore in 2023 and listening to this podcast I have reversed my Graves’ disease and now I’m in remission!
  • mo3yglet
    Health and healing
    Judy delivers facts and hope for many seeking better health. I love her approach to giving information along with her experience and expertise! Her guests also add hope to the listener’s experience with their knowledge. I appreciate the variety of topics and studies to back them up. I highly recommend listening and putting into practice what is being discussed. Have an open mind and see what has worked for many people to heal and get healthier!
  • Marie Grimes
    Doing better following Judy.
    I love Judy’s information in assisting me on the road to better health. I as many others have been brain washed about appropriate nutrition for best health. Unfortunately, I started going down the road of pre-diabetes, loss of vision, gaining of weight, excessive inflammation, and all that comes with it. It has been a slow change, but I do feel better, I do have more energy, and I look forward to the regular encouragement podcasts. Thank you!!!!
  • justjulee73
    Informative and real life Advice/Information
    Judy’s podcast is always lnformative and useful!
  • yenca615
    Wealth of Information
    I love listening to this podcast! Judy and her team and guests always provide so much great information about a variety of topics. Whether it’s the Carnivore lifestyle, health issues, food sensitivities or a plethora of other topics she truly wants to help people. I am a fairly new listener but find myself going back to past episodes to see what all I can learn.
  • ralph boas
    great podcast
    very interesting and informative
  • Qwertyiasdfg
    I follow Judy on YouTube
    I follow Judy’s content on YouTube, her NwJ website, audible, and her first book The Carnivore Cure. Judy is an effective communicator and has a wealth of information available to the public especially about CIRS. I love listening to her. (Giveaway entry)
  • Lacey Wallace
    Learning so much!!
    I have been listening to the NwJ podcast for almost a year now, after discovering and trying the carnivore diet. I have learned SO MUCH from this podcast and was even able to discover underlying causes for the health issues I had been experiencing (CIRS, Lyme, etc.). I am so thankful for this podcast and truly appreciate the content and information. Judy Cho is someone in the Health & Wellness field that I can actually trust. And she is real, realistic, genuine, and sincere! Thank you Judy and the NwJ Team!
  • Run for fun 1.100
    Informative & Trustworthy
    Judy has wonderful information that I feel I can trust! She wants the best for everyone in their he as long journey! The array of guests on the podcast is amazing and covers so many topics.
  • Circlebee2
    Well rounded. Informative and helpful.
    I really appreciate NWJ and Al the content provided from carnivore to nervous system support and healing and all the things. Even in the last few years I continue to see her grow and learn and evolve with learning as her clients come to her. I’m so appreciative of people who are willing to consider new things and how so much is involved in healing. She’s a wealth of info
  • WildWest702
    Helpful information
    Judy is very helpful in the health care field. You know she is truly trying to help people and is not out to make a quick buck off desperate people looking for answers. Rare in todays world.
  • aicolby
    Thank you
    This is one of the best keto/carnivore podcasts. Knowledgeable, informative, and not judgmental. Just a woman trying to help others.
  • NAC2525
    Love whole body health approach
    I have enjoyed her expanded knowledge of carnivore lifestyle with a whole body approach. Diet does a lot but other factors can impact our health. I never thought about the nutrients in beef (or other protein sources ) until reading her book and watching her summit. I always just thought of beef as protein. Knoweledge is power and Judy empowers her audiences.
  • tmarie4600
    Go Judy!
    She has so much good information and I love her practicality!
  • Milkman3
    Judy Knows Nutrition…and so much more!
    Judy delivers a compelling and powerful message from her experience and the impact she has delivered for her clients. Her guests are incredible and there is only one goal in mind—your optimal health.
  • Gumbolily
    Great content
    Thank you Judy for such good health content. It’s incredible how much can be healed by the food we eat or do not eat. You’re doing great work, thank you
  • hgarippa
    Was hoping for more information on child nutrition
    Only listened to one episode and had to stop midway through when Judy and Dr. Ken Berry were racking Paul Saladino over the coals. I’m not a huge fan of anyone as I’m new to this whole Carnivore thing and I’m here to learn. I just thought it was in bad taste to assume the motives of someone and talk badly of them without giving them a chance to defend themselves.
  • Miel152
    Loved your interview! Please talk about eating eggshells. I want to learn more about the science and can’t find much online. I’m finding it super calming especially before bed. I’m finding mental calming as well. Also acts like a laxative. I add it to yogurt and it makes it very fluffy. Why? Also seems to lower blood pressure. Am I nuts?
  • jstev171
    Thank you for sharing how you Christian faith has played a big role in your healing. 😊
  • Luvlearning
    Loved her Christmas Podcast 2023
    Judy did an excellent job sharing from the heart her journey from trying to control her life and her eating disorder to trusting Jesus and handing control over to him. She was very careful to preface all her remarks with humility - this is my experience. And left it up to her listeners to investigate and find the truth themselves. Judy- you are finding truth since you are seeking with a humble heart and teachable spirit. May God continue to use you to his glory and the good of many.
  • Jack Burton was taken
    So much value from such a brilliant woman. She has helped me more than she will ever know with her podcast and free resources. She has to be the hardest working person out there. I bought her book and am working my way through it and it’s full of so much actionable information. Definitely worth getting if the content of this show interests you. I love the topics covered in this show as well as the guests and Judy approaches everything with nuance and balance and a very open mind. She is amazing. Listen to this show. Thank you for this
  • Jcsontrack
    Love Judy Cho but this was my least Fav
    I think Judy is incredible so I’m giving grace with this episode. I found her guests to be dismissive and arrogant about a WOE which they disagree with. I listened as long as I could but thank goodness Judy would bring them back around—took them down a notch. I’ll continue to listen but not to these guests. Sorry Judy.
  • Tututoyou
    Editing is my only beef
    I watched one show because I wanted to see the person being interviewed. I think Judy did a good job and asked good questions. However, overall, in both the introduction, which was only Judy, and when she had the guest on, there are too many jump cuts. what has happened to good editing? This is extremely annoying. Judy is not the only person with this issue. Most people doing podcasts today are not professional videographers and they do not have professionals doing their editing, so they don’t know what is wrong with having a “jump “cut“. I can forgive a few, but this podcast was full of them and I find it extremely distracting. She would have such a much better video if she would get some professional help or professional instruction.
  • MellyStubbs
    Love this podcast so much
    Nutrition with Judy has quickly become my favorite podcast and I always learn something new with each episode. My life’s passion has always been fitness and wellness and Judy you’ve inspired me to go back to school to learn again and become an expert in this field. Judy is so smart and an expert in Carnivore health. I look forward to every single episode. Thank you!!
  • TJ0275
    Great podcast
    Judy’s podcast is so packed with useful information and her guests are very interesting and qualified in their fields. What a great contribution she is making to all of us out here striving for optimal health! Thank you for all you do Judy!
  • Joannaj00
    Always learning
    Each time I listen to Judys show I learn something new. I share these episodes with friends and family.
  • Auriemma67
    A new day
    I have followed Judy for years and after a year long illness with no healing in sight I reached out to her in desperation feeling I could totally trust her and not expect to be pushed to purchase supplements. She knew the exact direction to send me and I’m on my way to heal. I know God sent me her way….I am so thankful for her and so thankful God has kept her in my sights. She’s a beautiful caring woman that can be trusted heart and soul. My heart overflows with hatefulness!
  • KDrunsjersey
    Love this podcast!
    I found Judy on Rumble, but now I’m listening to all her podcasts on my phone…love listening to both her current ones and going back to listening to older ones. Learning a lot, THANK YOU!
  • jfagan13
    Thank you
    Thanks for being an advocate for true authentic health I love your podcasts!!
  • lifesajourney3
    Loved the podcast on education !
    Judy, I throughly enjoy this podcast as well as your Against the Grain Podcast! I just listened to your podcast with Matt Beaudreau and it was so refreshing to hear! Coming from a homeschooling mother of three boys who is also animal based, I appreciate you so much! Thank you for being real, honest, open, and sharing more than nutrition, because it all goes together. I love how you share your opinions and views as well as facts. Your podcasts are very easy to listen to and very up lifting. Thank you for all you do !!
  • tomfarrelly33
    So Helpful
    Ever since I discovered Nutrition with Judy and Cutting Against the Grain, I’ve learned so much about the healing capabilities of a meat only diet. Judy brings so much common sense to an arena that can be very confusing, with many voices at cross purposes. Judy cuts through the confusing opinions with facts. When she generously shared her personal story it really opened my eyes to not only the importance of meat for our health, mental and physical, but the way eating disorders can arise out of nutritional deficiencies. Thank-you to Judy and her husband Kevin for helping so many of us. You’re a bright light.
  • Teddyhoneybunch
    One of the best health podcasts
    Ever since I discovered her podcast, I've been binge listening/ watching. So many good information to swallow but they opend my eyes about nutrition and more. I love how open she is to different subjects that can relate to our health. Also I enjoy her view on meat based diet without toxic dogma. I've been binge-listening/ watching since I discovered her podcast. So much information to swallow, but they opened my eyes to nutrition and more. I love her openness to different subjects that can affect our health. Also, I enjoy her view on the meat-based diet without toxic dogma. Nutrition science can sometimes be challenging to understand as a regular person. Judy always makes sure she has fully understood the guests' explanations. She is already a nutrition expert but reasking again with her words helps me a lot, especially when English isn't my first language. I'm always looking forward to the new episodes! Thank you, Judy, for your effort to share important health information.
  • mac n cheesee
    Great Podcast!
    I found Judy through her podcast with Laura, Cutting Against The Grain. I really like her approach to nutrition. I am also a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (not currently practicing) and I listen to Judy to stay in the loop! Keep up the great work Judy, I look forward to your podcast week after week.
  • stricttime
    A Breath of Fresh Air in the Zero Carb Space
    Judy’s calm and authoritative manner is so pleasant, and the variety of guests she has on her podcasts is far-reaching. I also love her “Cutting across the Grain” podcasts. So relatable! A+
  • Want2befit
    Very helpful information!
    I have learned such valuable information from Judy’s show that I haven’t learned from other carnivore sources. Thank you so much for the variety of easy-to-understand info that you provide! I am also reading your book now too!
  • bvyncere
    Solid information!
    I love that NWJ is a balanced, unbiased source of info in the wellness community. I appreciate that she explores different perspectives but never compromises the solid, foundational knowledge that she knows is truth. I always look forward to her professional and fair interviews!
  • tealsea
    Keep it up Judy!
    A breath of fresh air in the keto and carnivore or even wellness space. Love Judy and what she brings to the table. I love the facts and the “why” she provides in her content when many out there I feel just to off anecdotal experience and emotion. Her guests are great and the topics always seem to be what I’m pondering at the time - haha! And just pleasant to listen to. Thank you Judy!
  • klcalame
    Love learning!
    I enjoy learning about food and nutrition. I am a personal trainer and this is helpful to help my clients as well as my family. Thanks!
  • James.Harris377
    I have been on the Carnivore diet since August. I’ve lost 30 pounds, cured my sleep apnea, and don’t have any gut issues anymore. Judy has played a huge role in helping me stay motivated and informed on how to stay healthy. I wholeheartedly recommend listening to this podcast.
  • Carolinavore
    Judy is incredibly knowledgeable and can distill the information down so that it is easy to understand. Highly recommend her podcast. And go carnivore.
  • Dawnlandia
    Love this Podcast. Judy is Great!
    Love it. She backs her ideas up with data. Learned a lot.
  • 85719LAKKSW
    One of two podcasts I follow
    I only follow 2 podcasts; Nutrition with Judy and Judy & Laura’s, Cutting Against the Grain. Both podcasts are loaded with lots of great health information and tons of science. I recommend.
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