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acsannyGreat podcastThere is no doubt this is an informative and eye-opening channel. But could you guys stop saying ‘you know’ in every sentence, please? I have to pass up many episodes cause it drives me crazy. Thanks
doctorpewAlexis Cowan episode is the best yet-and that’s saying something!Such an excellent episode! Thank you for having her on. So enlightening! Buying bulbs and a vitamin D lamp….
ilovepresidenttrumpMarie with adhdYour show today has saved me I loved your guests !! I loved the message I can do this !!! You have motivated me and I love you and love your podcast !!! Xoxo thank you !! 🙏 episode 345 will keep me alive !!! I do have the addiction !! I’m on my way to a better life !! 🙏
Chad.HCAExcellent podcast!Be sure to check out Episode 335 with Grace Price! All of the episodes I have listened to have been phenomenal, but something about 335 hit different, as the kids say. Thank you Doctors for an amazing podcast! I am finally a follower. Time to catch up some episodes!
alanasaysliveSaving LivesThese doctors are saving lives, period.
Marilyn558AllThanks for the Laura interview, she sounded like soo many people I know. She is right people have to be ready to open their mind to the science, but once they do it , it gives us hope. The more we learn from these podcasts the more people will get help. You are doing the right thing.
Wrigley wrightIncredible podcast that teaches low carb by expertsThank you for providing this information by experts. I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 but didn’t want to go on meds and looked for podcasts to explain this new diagnosis and in 1 month on low carb I’m no longer diabetic. THANK YOU!!!!!
Izzy15784Can’t take Dr. TroI keep coming back to this podcast, only to be reminded why I can’t listen to it. Tro and his constant interruptions exhaust me. Rather than having an informative and open dialog, he’s there simply to reinforce his own beliefs. In my humble opinion, the primary purpose of this podcast is to feed his own ego, not inform and help listeners. I think I’m finally giving up.
madisonfunGood low carb info but…….I am totally on the same page as these two docs but they have to quit being self critical. They’re always cutting themselves down as if they aren’t good enough to talk to the people they interview. Enough now. You’re good enough.
Tina MelendezWhy so many men?I have just started this lifestyle and am finding it hard to find a lot of women to relate to. Why are the majority of these interviews men? It’s a boys club.
llarkinTucsonFound my TribeThank you for the information and support. It can be a lonely journey when you are surrounded by the unhealthy “normal” and particularly those closest to us. It is amazing to hear from others on the same path who get it. I just joined Dr Lenzkes practice and he turned me onto this podcast yesterday. I have already listened to 2 episodes and am thrilled not only to have found my tribe but to have picked up great tips to enjoy the journey and make this work better for me. My why is health. The weight loss not as big a deal for me but it’s a nice extra bonus to be going from Medium and fine to Small and awesome.
SK from NJCutting Edge A+ PodcastI am a Metabolic RN/Coach who gives this podcast an A+. This is cutting edge information that the world needs to hear. I have seen a lot in clinical practice and still learning tons of new information with each podcast. Thank you for this masterpiece, you are changing the world!!!!!!!
Protecting Your NEST PodcastLow carb doc inspired to start his own podcast because of the low carb md podcastI want to personally thank the Low Carb MD podcast team for inspiring me to start my Protecting Your NEST podcast as we work collaboratively along with the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners to spread the healing message of achieving metabolic health with a low carb dietary plan. Keep up the great work 👊🏾
Big KiExcellentI enjoy a low carb lifestyle in order to maintain good health. I appreciate all the information Tri and Brian provide. So helpful. I hope that more people will open their eyes to what works to become or stay healthy. Thanks for all you do!
RegisterduserGood information & nice to hear from practicing MDsAlthough this isn’t “medical advice” - it’s very beneficial & important to me as I try to starve cancer. I stay in a Ketogenic state. But the NCI Center Oncologists don’t care or embrace anything other than Pharma solutions. They won’t even allow me to use Immunotherapy. Keep up the good work.
HarbingerofLoveFascinating conversation that offer depth and understandingI have been enjoying the ability for guests and hosts to deep dive on many of the topics. It’s an easy listen while I go for a short walk to take a break from my day.
CirclevtLove the guests. Wish I could mute Tro.This podcast has fantastic guests and great info for living a low carb lifestyle. Tro makes it almost unlistenable by asking guests the same question 5 different ways. Podcast could be reduced in time by 50% if he’d ask a question ONCE then just shut up and listen. I hate to think of how many people have missed out on valuable information because Tro wouldn’t shut up.
jammie mTroTrosays uh too much and repeats they need to learn to talk
Anne LinhardDr Bradley episode is terrificI’ve been listening to LowCarbMD since week 2, and love the geeky data, the peeks behind the curtain of the medical system, and the pt success stories. But this episode has it all and shows how nutrition plays a role in larger societal issues. If this episode went on for two more hours, I would still have been completely absorbed. Excellent job, Dr Tro and Dr Brian.
deckert123Good butConstantly interrupting your guests! Makes it hard to get into the show
healnourishgrowHighly Recommend to EVERYONE, Not Just For DocsI’ve been listening to this show for years and absolutely love it. Dr. Lenzkes and Dr. Tro interview a variety of experts as well as others who’ve overcome significant health problems by changing to a healthier lifestyle by implementing low carb. The transformations of health they’re seeing in their clinics is nothing short of amazing. Anyone can learn from this show, but it should be required continuing education for doctors and nutritionists! Share with your docs so they can get up to speed with the latest on conquering obesity and poor metabolic health.
Ruffdog113Wonderful podcast!This is an amazing podcast with very relevant and helpful information in regards to low-carbohydrate diets. I highly recommend this show!
GloveLove21Lions not sheepThese docs are great! I’m perplexed that people can find out that we’ve been lied to about nutrition for decades and then leave because the docs are bold enough to question the vax. Cognitive dissonance is strong, unfortunately.
martie_mcfly13Use to love it. Now it’s scaring meListed to and loved this show for years. Now I’m hearing too much anti-vax, pro-Jordan Peterson talk. It scares me to hear the turn this show is taking. Guess it’s time for me to tune out.
UmpMOBest LCHF Lifestyle podcastThis show never fails to deliver on amazing information and the guests are fantastic. If you are looking for info on a life changing approach to your health, START HERE!
troenkerGreat Stuff!We love this podcast! Especially Dr. Lenzkes. Insightful, open minded and sometime low carb geeky—but in the best way.
rugrunner32MehThought I was going to get some information about low-carb living and statins. Interesting stuff- but lost me at the nuanced questioning of vaccine validity- which flames the fires of the anti-vaccine moment.
pad1954DisappointedI tune in to hear about low carb and keto. I feel that the podcast is going in a direction which has subtle political undertones and questioning the validity of vaccinations for COVID-19. I will tune out and stick with Diet Doctor.
OldLDtrailwalkerInterview w Michelle HurnLove that interview and all her energy
@MichaelUnbrokenGreat Podcast🔥🔥I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Disappointed ExlistenerPlease be more mindful about what you are presentingAs an ABOM certified physician who heartily supports (and follows) a low carb/ketogenic way of life, limiting processed foods and improving self care/physical activity I have appreciated your podcast over the past few years which has allowed me to find indispensable resources and information from physicians and others in the low carb community that I had not previously encountered (such as Dr. Unwin and Dr. Cywes to name a few). However, I have been dismayed by your dismissive discussion of the pandemic. While I agree that metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for severe COVID-19, it is irresponsible to promote proper nutrition by dismissing other important public health initiatives. Please do not endorse false alternative fallacies on your podcast. We should be doing all that we can to optimize our personal health (which proper nutrition and physical exercise is a great foundation for) as well as protecting our loved ones and neighbors (which universal precautions such as masking and vaccination do).
Dunwoody sheriHe lost me at 18% emissions from farming.This guest is in the category of sugar does not matter for diabetics and A. Keys is a hero
ducky flap dup yo lolADDICTED!!To this podcast!! I love geeking out and listening to people’s stories. So motivating and informative. I just completed my first month on Keto / low carb. It’s incredible. Not only do I have energy like I’m 20 again, sleeping better and lost 20 pounds, but I’ve discontinued using my Advair inhaler for asthma. (The last time I tried coming off of Advair, I ended up in the hospital.) Thanks for what you do guys. I’m going to get a check up next month, and I was wondering what the doc should look for. If you could point me to one of your podcasts that has this info, that would be great.
geezerflFeedbackI have just caught up with all the episodes in this podcast. I must say, this almost 65 year geezer has thoroughly enjoyed all the outstanding guests, the great resources and information put out in this podcast. Sometimes Dr. Brian talks too much and Dr. Tro gets a little assertive, but I love these 2 guys and really appreciate all the time and effort they put into making this subject thought provoking and informative. And they do it simply to help heal folks no matter what the issue is. Please, please, please keep putting the message out. I hope that through your efforts, the food paradigm will shift to help make the world a healthier and better place. Thank you so very much! Keith Kettrey
cfcronLearn to listen#168. Guest could have gone out for coffee while MD told us about how they do things in their practice not the point of the interview
pcpurserHit & MissThis podcast has been interesting and informative, but lately it’s more miss than hit. I agree, the hosts talk to much while the guest just sits there. I quit listening to today’s episode with the 2 Bens. Maybe if I was a doctor it might have been more interesting, but I’m just an average guy trying to be healthy. Pro tip: remember who your audience is and don’t ignore your guests.
Denile Bill QUinn & KateGreat guests!I love the content and guests. The hosts Dr. Brian and Dr. Tro are very passionate and knowledgeable. That being said, I find myself having to fast forward continuously past Dr. Brian because he constantly cuts the guests and Dr. Tro off, then drones on and on. I’ve pushed fast forward 30 seconds 6-7 times and he is still talking. Love the show, but please let the guests speak and share their points of view.
AssassinsBladeDr. Tro is an anti-maskerLenzes earns this show three stars, but Dr. Tro has advocated anti-mask positions and his medical judgment is suspect.
RowboTonyEpisode 150Episode 150 was the first and only episode I’ve listened to, so it’s the only episode I’m commenting on. This episode was a waste of time, it was like listening to these two have coffee for an hour. Dr. Gary Fettke is great, and I’ve appreciated all the other podcasts I’ve heard him on, but this one was a dud, nothing but fluff. It was basically the fanboy host telling Dr. Fettke how great he is the whole episode. If you’ve read the description of episode 150, that’s all you need to know, you can skip actually listening to it. If you’ve never heard of Dr. Fettke, the show may be slightly interesting, but better interviews with him can be found elsewhere.
MaxxGeeAmong The Best Podcasts Low CarbDr’s Tro and Brian are among the very best when it comes to discussing all medical aspects of low carb and related subjects. Hosts are laid back, congenial, and highly knowledgeable. Guest lineup is consistently exceptional. Low Carb MD podcast is my #1 listen on the topic. Keep it up Dr’s, much appropriated👍!
Tools For Success CounselingAfrican American TherapistThis podcast is amazing. Thank you both for all the work you are doing. I learned about Dr Fung from my sister and after starting intermittent fasting myself...I stumbled upon this podcast. I am a mental health therapist and this podcast has helped me convey and work on healing weight loss in a way I never imaged being able to do. Within a community that has lots of distrust for outside providers, you are the type of doctors we need! The truth hurts but it will set you free.
jimmys itunes acctThis has been a life-saverThis podcast has literally helped save my life. As a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic that is working from being obese, the interviews and info has been so helpful and affirming that I am finally heading in a good direction on my health journey.
LkhgvhoitrdGreat info.I debated on 4 or 5 stars and then realized the only reason for four stars was because I didn’t see eye to eye with some of the guest’s political comments. So 5 stars for content, educational material, motivation, etc. I’ve seen poor reviews because of comments made about wearing masks. Puhleese, that was one episode? Get over it. So, 5 stars for all the great information and people they bring to this podcast. This podcast, overall, is the best out there. Love both doctors and their commitment to a healthy lifestyle rather than pushing pills as a quick fix.
jstev171Jenny RDNGreat show interviewing Joy Kiddie! I loved your spirited discussion. It’s wonderful to hear from other RDs who are promoting the LCHF approach. We are out there!
Shana RDNGreat Info For Practitioners!I am a registered dietitian and started teaching my clients about intermittent fasting and low carb eating over the last year. After 20 years of seeing little results in my clients with standard recommendations, the results we see now are amazing! This is one of my favorite podcasts, because I learn so much and can apply it to my consulting business. Very valuable for practicing dietitians!
kehlleepChanged my lifeStarted listening 2019 - I had dabbled with low carb since late 1990s, but didn’t recognize my carb addiction until I heard Dr Tro’s story. Eliminating all carbs has helped my entire life - sleep, mood, physical stamina. I am now very lean, fat adapted, do not feel “weak” and can fast without any hunger. I am eating mostly carnivore now and see myself becoming healthier and more firmly present in my life. I love cheese too much to be completely carnivore.
All Seasons CyclistBest Source Of Info On Low Carb LivingThis podcast is the best source of information on keto and low-card diets I have found. They present the information in a way that even a layman can understand.
dpr063Another awesome discussionAlly got to a great point about being restrictive. Had a family member stay last year who thought my way of eating was too ‘restrictive’. I said it works for me; would you like some lunch? He said what are you making, I responded with ‘Chicken hearts and beef liver’, he said no thanks, I won’t eat that! I said, isn’t that a bit restrictive?! I really enjoyed this episode. Now to listen to The Nest podcast with Dr. Tony Hampton whom you mentioned today. Keep up the awesome work and invaluable knowledge transfer.
mtebor1Good podcastLove the podcast and look forward to the interview of people mentioned at 35 minute mark In regards to ice cream check out Rebel ice cream
mdpainInterrupting Your GuestsLook guys. Your channel has a lot of good information, but it's the guests you have that make this so valuable. For God's sake stop interrupting them and let them talk/finish a point. I can't tell you how infuriating it is when one or both of you can't be silent for a whole minute before barging into your guests discussion. If you want to talk by yourself don't have guests.
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