Dr. Drew After Dark


Dr. Drew Pinsky is a board certified internist and one of America’s most trusted physicians. On Dr. Drew After Dark, he’ll share his professional opinion about all of the weirdest stuff on the Internet. He’ll also analyze video clips, answer questions from viewers and welcome a variety of comedians, who will also be dissected on the spot! This podcast will allow Dr. Drew to shed some light on the dark side. Intended for mature audiences.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lumberjackdeath
    Thank you
    Thank you for your time Dr
  • Smooth d tickle
    Tom is scum
    Tom eats sCUM
  • Keely Maltby
    Why? WHY? I cry!
    I loved this show! Dr Drew the booth boys and his special guests. It was always a good time. First Nadav and now Dr Drew. Is YMH that hard to get along with?
  • Tuytviyygiyyuyjutyh
    So sad.
    I’m so sad it’s ending. Love this show. So entertaining!
  • Emmybee777
    I’m so sad
    Gonna miss you all! Thanks for this pod, it was one of my faves!!
  • ErikkirE
    Release Sam Tripolis episoe
  • 69xxxDatBoixxx420
    Loved the show
    Truly the end of a great era. You will truly be missed dr mommy jeans 👖
  • Robddd36432
    Love it
    Love the show, but I’ve submitted questions several times and can never seem to get a response whether it be private email or on the Air.
  • no_politics
    The Best!
    I absolutely love this podcast!! Love listening to episodes while training for a marathon. I enjoy how informative, yet comedic, this podcast is for listeners.
  • 🐾Lynx🐆kitten🐾
    I love Fridays because I can walk the dog with a new episode of this show! Love it.
  • Rare Reviewer !!
    From an Evergreen Alumni
    I was a student on campus at The Evergreen State College during the Bret Weinstein catastrophe. To be clear, yes - there was intense conflict between the student body and Bret. Bret’s response to concern/inquiry posed by the student body was insufficient and evasive, which caused widespread anger. Not going to get into the “why” there was student concern in this review. Instead of facilitating an honest and candid dialogue with the student body, Bret went to mega-conservative news outlets to vocalize his opinion. There was no debate facilitated & he knew the volatility of the far-right during this time period and took advantage. As a result, I spent the last several weeks of my senior year in active shooter lockdowns, experienced a campus-wide evacuation due to a verified threat from a man who watched his interview on Fox News, my graduation ceremony was moved to a secured facility guarded by snipers. His actions threatened the physical security of my classmates and I, and my family. Before you disregard as Liberal bias - prior to his actions, I was not involved whatsoever with the situation that unfolded. But he thrust me into it. I’m typically a fan of your podcast, but disappointed with the lack of understanding of this issue before vocalizing a clearly biased view of the events/school. Poor Bret? No.
  • WettyBlanky
    I love the ymh podcasts but
    There seems to be an issue with the upload where it cuts off and repeats what a part or just goes forward and skips parts not sure if it’s a corrupted upload or if it’s an issues with Apple Podcasts app. It only seems to happen with some of the YMH podcasts. 10/10 will still listen to it on YouTube sometime I listen to the audio and then go back and watch the podcast on YouTube.
  • Tygds
    Dr Drew is a low key right wing opera
    This guy thinks he is slick and I’ve noticed that he has right wing tendencies and low key supports right wing ideology no longer listening to this guy
  • Games and more games
    Love love
    Love this podcast! So glad I found it. Love line reborn !
  • Lady Jeans
    Hilarious and informative
    I absolutely love this podcast, it’s so funny to watch Dr. Drew be so informative and smart over the most childish and ridiculous topics, and I actually learn some medical stuff!
  • dopigvhjfry
    I love the podcast and you are truly a national treasure.
  • Erika the cleaning Chic
    In my top 5 Podcasts!
    I like that Dr Drew can answer and respond without hesitation to any possibly embarrassing medical question. I’m always amazed at his knowledge of such a wide range of doctor-stuff ! He often has on comedians as his co-host …. Very funny and entertaining, hearing their stories. The Booth Boys laughter is possibly the greatest background “music” ever! Keep up the good Pod!
  • Ali n mia
    Strange, hilarious, disgusting, educational, fun!
    This podcast is super entertaining, Dr. drew is awesome, gives medical advice but is also not afraid to give his opinion. Funny guest comedians. Some of the stuff they comment on is weird or gross but overall awesome show.
  • Ray_14
    nacya 😍
    Good job Drew , talking with this lovely lady no one could see the boner you had or knew what you were truly thinking.really is a gift my friend.
  • Lencha52
    What have the Mommy’s done to you?!
    It’s obvious you’re having fun. Keep it up!
  • beau bwau
    One of the best podcasts
    Drew is such a down to earth guy with great views on things, he’s not afraid to speak his mind despite having hordes of liberal mouth breathers mean tweeting him from their safe spaces.
  • Mental pod
    Clue us in more
    I liked the ep with Nick Simmons but felt in the dark several times because you didn’t let me in on the joke. Wasn’t always sure what you guys were referencing. Felt like I was eavesdropping on a private convo. Not as fun as it could be.
  • Jajufarly
    Let your guests talk!
    He won’t let his guests finish a sentence.
  • Deeeznats
    Ta Ta there!!!
    Growing up listening to Dr. Drew’s love hour on Q-rock after a smoke session was top tier. Glad the same idea of a show is hanging on with this podcast
  • I got too many kids
    Please just answer questions….
    The shows with Susan and other guests are hard to listen too. Drew isn’t a strong interviewer in my opinion. Not a strong main host for a show either. This show has fallen off since I first began listening. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • ashohara
    Best show ever
    Love Dr. drew & the booth boys! TA-TA there, R*****!
  • panda45627272762
    Great show
    Just please never have Lauren Compton on again.
  • Data247
    Lost interest
    I love many of the YMH and Adam Carolla podcasts so this seemed like a natural fit for me. But after a couple of years, I feel like they’ve lost any interesting material. Dr. Drew and the Booth Boys are fun for a few minutes each show. But now that’s all the podcasts are and I’m getting bored. Sorry guys.
  • AmandaHufnagel
    Had To Unsubscribe
    Sadly, today I decided to unsubscribe. This podcast is not what it once was. Nadav and Enny make the show unlistenable. The booth boys in general make me cringe. I loved when this show when it first started. They’d have a comedian guest, talk about their life and upbringing, and then watch/listen to funny clips together. Now it’s just the booth boys and Dr Drew going back and forth and it can be VERY repetitive. I’m sad it’s changed to this because I would look forward every week to a new episode. It also went downhill (in my opinion) when Christina left the show. With her on, it was a little different than how it originally started, but she is hilarious and brought so much to the show. Please bring back Christina & guests, get rid of the Booth Boys!
  • billly bobson
    Ignore the Haters, I love the show <3
    Seeing some reviews by some COOL GUYS who are talking some S. Here's the deal man, this show isn't meant to be specific medical advice as is noted at the end of each podcast. Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them, boo hoo the audio might be weird sometimes but who gives a Hoot! Love the pod, love YMH, love all that you're doing Dr Drew. Keep it up boys - Tony Johns
  • smb9104
    Great show
    I’m personally a fan of the format and the banter with the booth bois. And there’s always something new to learn whether it’s…..flattering? or not lol. And yeah there’s some technical inconsistencies from time to time but nobody’s perfect. Overall good job
  • bigfirm69
    Please fire Nadav
    Show is high and tight, but for the love of god please fire Nadav. He makes the show nearly unlistenable at times.
  • LessCouchOn
    Dear Dr. Drew,
    You and Oz need to get steeped in politics more. That’d be advantageous for everyone. How did you like Annie Lieberman’s input regarding AIDS when you went on their show. What a VILE PIG she is. Truly some shockingly poor taste and judgment on her behalf. I was incredibly disappointed. -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
  • rossw81
    Dr Drew
    Used to love this guy then Covid got and his point of view was so incredibly insane that now I realize he’s a just a rehab doctor and that’s pretty much it.
  • Vinny RH
    Enough Eni already Christ
    Finally had to unsubscribe.
  • kalsched
    Nidav is unbearable.
    Can’t listen.
  • NomoSomo
    The Best
    Dr Drew & Dr Jew are the best. Enny is kind of full of himself, but bearable. My go to show after YMH
  • EastKent
    Love it, but terrible audio
    Would give 5-stars, but audio issues are annoying. Everyone's mic levels are all over the map. From whisper quiet to blaring loud, makes it really difficult to listen to in the car. Don't have this issue with other podcasts, so it's not me.
  • dzakonly
    drew w mike
    …catherwoods a nut… in a good way
  • starfish74
    Yes please more Susan
    I love Susan. Love her and Drew together. Long time listener of Drew since Loveline radio. Also, SUSAN PLEASE BRING BACK YOUR GHOST POD!!!
  • BiggestCrabFeastFan
    Susan is great
    I think Susan is so confident and funny is because her post gives her a standing ovation anywhere she goes.
  • kry.n
    Love it!
    Always a great time when Susan is here 💗
  • Justjill29
    I haven’t listened to you since the love line days and really tried to give this podcast a “go”… You should be embarrassed of how little you know about science, you literally have to look everything up. It’s unequivocally the worst podcast advising human beings (idiots, sorry) so poorly on how to handle some VERY serious issues. Go to a real doctor people!!!! I find your understanding of women especially abhorrent. I listed to about 20 episodes just hoping you would become either entertaining or helpful. You actually MOCK people from the scourge of humanity, how is this okay?
  • Hgknii
    Susan made it even better bring her back!
  • EricTylerOlie
    Rational revolution!
    Christina needs to come back and coe host the pod cast is so much better when she’s on
  • TodemTopper
    This is how you lose listeners! Not acceptable!
  • kmstewart2
    The Lakewoods are the best band ever!
    And this podcast is great!
  • anxiousenergy
    A girl faints, most likely cause by the jab but get the 4th booster?
    NOPE. The worst medical advice ever.
  • freakazoid4807
    Love 🩺👖
    I never was a Dr. Drew fan but he has won me over in a big way. Love the dynamic with him and the booth boys. Long live the rational revolution
  • tomshairpiece
    Background laughing has made me stop listening to every YMH podcast sadly. I think Tom and Christina are so funny but It is impossible to not get fixated on it when it starts and it’s so annoying. Thank you for the great entertainment.
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