
Comedy #57

Comic and man of the world Bert Kreischer shares his wisdom and life with you.

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Recent Reviews
  • gggjjjksjdhhs
    Bert is the worst
    So annoying listening Bert talk about himself.
  • Francis J Fox
    Have a heart attack
  • lovecrushbeauty
    Happy fun! šŸ»
    Thank you for getting Fung us something relatable and fun to listen to
  • Thelastampersand
    Listen to a slightly funny man talk about himself for hours
  • Mandatory Nicknames are stupid
    Brennan is so great
    So many LOL moments, I was texting friends Brendan's quotes. Can't wait to watch Brennans special.
  • AKABinks
    Like the show. But manā€¦
    Feb 6 something burning episode 15mins in and already 3 ad breaks. Theyā€™re cut into the conversation. Mid sentence. Havenā€™t completed the first thought yet. Wild.
  • 223534553
    WHO STILL LISTENS TO THIS GARBAGE?!! This is complete trash, if you like bert you need to quit drinking and get a life
  • NBA_Drose25
    Love you Bert
    Ive never found someone more relatable to me with such a different life. it feels good to know im not alone
  • BossiPilates
    Hate to love itā€¦But I do!!!!!
    The vulnerability; the honesty; and on top of that, (and most importantly) the laughs. šŸ˜‚There are many whiplash opportunities to dismiss Bert (if you are the kind of guy/gal to take a word or phrase out of context). However, if you are are a comedy fan with an empathetic heart and soul, then you have found sacred ground. Ugh. There I go again with my feelingsā€¦
  • Macbook_Guy
    Better than 2 bears
    I like Tom, but Bertā€™s podcast is better than 2 bears. Change my mind :-|
  • suicid3blond3x
    Too self obsessed
    Bert can be funny, but he is reaaallllyyyy into himself and it gets old. Heā€™s also super into his daughter, Isla. I believe thereā€™s a second daughter, but I have no idea what her name is bc he talks about Isla so much. Sorry ā€œother daughter!!ā€
  • Bejveuavakveirbqjbsjxhwhwow
    Stay Curious
    I love that Bert is always a fan
  • craftsman84
    Phoning it in with an inflated ego
    I have listened to every episode since the beginning and I have always pulled for bert. Unfortunately as time has gone on and his success has grown, his ego has gotten so big that the effort, interest, and time spent on the quality of the podcast has dropped off drastically. What bert always has is great friends and aggressive marketing. Friends that I believe his success is entirely dependent upon. I wish him the best, but I fear all good things must come to an end.
  • HelloGlamazon
    Bert is my fave baby walrus.
    As a mom of a toddler boy, you canā€™t help but have a place in your heart for Bert. Iā€™m mostly giving this review to petition to have the ā€œtrash Tuesdayā€ gals on somethings burnin. Please and thank you. Kisses to Leeann !!!
  • cassie.CUNextTuesday
    Jackie the joke maker! Thank gentlemen for all the stories. Otto & George, Stern . All the stories you shared. Robin Williamsā€¦. Thank you for all the laughs. Xo
  • kettlemann
    Luv ya fam.
    šŸ¤œšŸæ šŸ¤›šŸ¼
  • MusicHasThePower
    Phenomenal podcast
    Bertā€™s a great guy and his podcast is 5/5 stars. These haters giving him 1 stars are losers who arenā€™t going to amount to anything and if they do, they have 0 personality and no one that truly love them. Bert keep up the great work and keep being an awesome person.
  • GnatsGems
    Love it!!!
    I love this podcast so much! My favorite are the somethings burning. One thing that I could do without are the eating noises... sometimes it sounds like a Tim and Eric skit
  • Shotgun Killer
    No way???!!!!
    Bert and Ernie? Sorry Mark (Ernie)- I love you with Sam (Bert)?!? This Bert already has a Tom. Did everyone start swinging??? I feel like yā€™all are cheating on your ā€œpartnersā€! Lol
  • Gone2bed
    Better Hang
    Bert, quit trying to hang with Boring Segura. Tomā€™s only ā€œhappyā€ when heā€™s insulting you. Mark Norman is actually likable, and down to go for fun ideas.
  • Mikekare71
    The most insecure person, just name dropping and belching. Like listening to hogs feed
  • Hootie pie
    Get Matty Matheson on here for somethin burnin damnit!!!
    Great podcast but you should get Matty Matheson on somethingā€™s burning!!!
  • Jak4202000
    Burt is the worst of the bunch
    Put your shirt back on, get a new story and just be funny. Of all the Rogan bunch Burt is by far the least funny, tried listening but heā€™s no Tom.
  • Oscar Santana Lies
    It Doesnā€™t Matter
    Bert was great on the It Doesn't Matter Patreon podcast. Really funny
  • kngdave23
    Thanks Bert, Thanks Brandon
    GREAT one, fellas! Thank you to Brandon for sharing his storyā¤ļø
  • _The_Prince
    Fun show
    Dave Attell is the best
  • LoveTheNYT
    Put your shirt back on and work on your material
    Practically the worst . Almost.
  • Caldwellone
    Tobacco sponsored
    Dudeā€¦ you know dip kills the people addicted to it right?
  • ClideFrog
    Publish The Episode
    You make taking molly sound like you did a tour at Treblinka. Publish the episode you con artist! Itā€™s not a question of you having self respect; you do not. You canā€™t buy your peers respect so you buy their silence, leaving you free from critique. The Guy Fieri of comedy: Burnz Kryzler
  • pvtphilpots
    I also identify as in shape. But leave it to a FSU graduate to say tattoo wrong. Lol
  • Sinner saved by grace2
    Comedy for 15 year olds
  • et ultor
    Enjoy the real conversations! Funny and entertaining
  • Bertisgross
    BERT STOP chewing like a pig into the microphone. It is truly disgusting to hear you smack your lips and breathe like you just ran a marathon while eating.
  • kgros
    Stop licking your fingers!!!!
    I tried to enjoy Somethingā€™s burning, but the finger licking is too much. Literally makes me nauseated.
  • Bama Cam 94
    Huntsville Fully loaded!!!!
    Iā€™m a huge fan of the podcast! Your one of my favorite comics and make me die laughing. I bought Tom Seguras book and Iā€™d love for you to sign it at the Huntsville show!! Keep it up man!!
  • Ackley426
    Huge fan but listening to Bert chew and slurp in the episodes is absolutely disgusting. The high pitched laugh squeak talk is enough to make me skip ahead or turn it off entirely. I really, really wish he could tone that down and talk normally. Heā€™s funny without that ridiculous, annoying chatter.
  • Adam 239
    Love this fresh, humbling look at life of a comic and the industry. Great stories, lots of laughs, great guests. Keep it up!
  • drumzin
    Love it!
    Love this and love all the YMH pods especially 2bears1cave! Just to let you know , you spelled Adam Sandlerā€™s name the recent episode ā€œSanderā€ lol stupid typo just saying cause I thought youā€™d get a little kick out of it. Love ya machine !
  • Admiral Dildozer
    Somethingā€™s burning is the best. Love you and your family Brent
  • tsmalls12
    Never eat on podcast ever again
    I love this podcast and itā€™s a great listen but I tried listening to the episode with Nimesh Patel and immediately had to turn it off. You might be the worst eater Iā€™ve ever heard. I love this show but please never think that chewing directly into a mic is fine to stay in an episode
  • caitgee122
    Stop interrupting
    I find you funny but every story the guest tries to tell you interrupt with something about yourself, which listeners of any podcast you have or been on have already heard, and then you almost get back to their story then interrupt again and then finally get back to their story. The point of having guests is to interview not talk about yourself. And if I hear you tell someone about the machine again Iā€™m going to drive into a tree on purpose. Or the same story about Georgia when you yelled at her and Leanne said you were wrong, youā€™ve told the same things too many times I try to listen but you need to help yourself here.
  • kdizzle619
    Bert is the best! Funny and thoughtful. Great interviews
  • Rufus0730
    B-man kills it!!!
    Funniest guy in comedy.
    What up Bert!!!!
    I love Fortune. Sheā€™s awesome.
  • Dannnnnnnnnyyyyyyy91
    PodCon Is a dumb idea lol love em all
  • AmericaIsLeftAndRight
    Fat Child
    Bert is a fat manlet who refuses to grow as a person. The only thing he likes more than racism is himself. His crash is going to be epic to watch. Also you should talk Gary Gulman into drinking himself to death. That poor bastard needs to rest and give up on life and just take a long rest. Also i feel bad for your daughters who will be starring in videos because they had a dad who failed them. Bert enjoy the glucose health issues you man child.
  • seth3216
    Most unrelatable person ever
    Free entertainment but very unrelatable. My brain is messed up but dang this guys got a sad LA brain
  • Salthawk33
    Best there ever was
    Bert is simply the best
  • Miiik Bram
    Eating into the mic ruins my day.
    I just cannot listen to people chewing food into the mic. I would rather be deaf. Sorry Burnt
  • iruriudjdhccj
    Please take the marbles out of your mouth and stop interrupting your guests
    This would be a great pod cast if you would allow your guests to finish their story. You are constantly interrupting and talking about yourself which makes each episode hard to follow and beyond frustrating to listen to. I was excited to listen to Ryan Sickler because he is a fantastic story teller but you wouldnā€™t let him finish any of his stories. This is a terrible pod cast. Donā€™t waste your time! Check out the Honey Due pod cast instead.
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