Chris Distefano Presents: Chrissy Chaos


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Recent Reviews
  • Horismoku
    Going down hill quickly
    Nothing else to say.
  • bdgalex
    more solos
    jesus let’s make it another few years before Ms Pat is back, so one note and that note is not funny.
  • K8lynncutie
    Keep this going please
    I will fight whoever doesn’t like this podcast. It’s my fav podcast and I share it with everyone I know. It’s so funny and entertaining no matter who is on it.
  • JakeAlonzo
    Love the show
    Listen to the show every time Mike cannon is not on. Love the show then
  • Gracefern
    Having known pedo and communist Hasan Piker on
    I’ve been following Chris for over 3 years now and I am disappointed in his guest choice of Hasan. All you have to do is 5 minutes of research to find out this wanna be communist trust fund baby is a complete piece of trash human. Lost a die hard fan. Besides most of the episodes lately are just Chris crying about his life, even the fake therapist he brought on that charges 6 figures for basic advice couldn’t even help him.
  • cfggfrt
    Loving Chrissy even more now
    I always thought Chrissy was funny bc of his silliness, he doesn’t take himself to serious and his interest of history. As a history teacher sometimes I have to remind myself that he’s a comedian first. Once I saw him with the Mets jersey on Rogan and interviews with Mets players, I became a bigger fan. So let’s go Mets, Knicks and ….. feet loving Chrissy.
  • dzakonly
    chrissy overandoverandover…
    listening to chrissy second guess everything he says or does in life LATELY… he IS halarious and the Rogan ep was fine mostly awkward chrissy but the couple stories were soooo funny even rogan was dying laffin…. i do miss the younger hyena cocky chrissy tho
  • BoltYourDoor
    Just my 2¢
    I really love the podcast. Some of the best episodes in all comedy podcast have been on Chrissy chaos. I will admit that I wish Chris would realize that podcasts are the answer to his issue with traveling and time away from family. There’s no reason he can’t just focus on more podcasting. I will admit Chris sometimes is too serious or talks about fasting to death. However, for those complaining about Mike…be grateful. Without Mike, Chris was going to step away from the pod.
  • powlow88
    Cohost’s gotta go
    Chris lose Mike he’s ruining your show.
  • RGess
    Perfect Chemistry
    You can tell these guys are friends in real life. Hilarious combo!
  • Meatball8008
    I used to love Chrissy. But I can’t stand Cannon. I listened to every history hyenas, his history on YouTube and everything on chaos until Cannon started.
  • scrubs was ok
    Womp wommmm
    Dude has the same jokes every episode…
  • Shrek's#1Fan
    Intermittent fasting
    Is that the only topic? Chrissy used to be a guest on many podcasts but I’m sure everyone is sick of the same old fasting and Latina family stories. Miss pimpy and miss the hyenas days even more. Cannon is fine from time to time but I’ve found myself re-listening to old podcasts before I’d even think of listening to the latest Chrissy chaos or even hey babe for that matter. Hope you turn your content around cause I love you. Tough to think I’d rather listen to Derosa talk about his favorite childhood toys than this….
  • ChilliamChalice
    Do history
    Make it a history poddy bro. I would listen to every eppy
  • 223534553
    Poor cannon
    This pod cast is absolutely atrocious, the amount of glazing that goes on just so cannon can work on the pod is mind blowing
  • Natetheburn
    The boys
    The Chrissy/Cannon combo is top tier The Chaos is high
  • Darjeeling77
    I enjoy Chrissy. He’s a funny guy, has good guests, is a little obsessed with diet and finance, but that’s fine. The finance talk can be interesting.
  • oakboundbooks
    so over the vacuous banter by spineless fawners
    so I’ve seen a few TikTok clips of this guy and found him vaguely amusing thought to give the podcast a whirl, first episode in he’s got some lame NBA has-been denigrating the country parroting the tired “all America’s full of dead bodies of genocide victims, all white Americans have blood on their hands!” and the dopey spineless host merely nods along in assent. Why not level a counterblow demanding whether the philosopher-not-to-be with the victim mentality and whiners’ attitude most nauseating of our current era rendered a billion times worse when adopted by the overpaid useless self-important athlete of middling talent, whether he believes the continent of Africa to be free of victims slaughtered by men in uniform of the identical complexion as their victims, etc. what a tool, next
  • Diana M S 91
    Love this podcast
  • Kgavin756
    Use to be good…
    Can’t stand his co host Mike Cannon… He doesn’t need him for this podcast. I just can’t listen anymore. I’ve been a OG listener.. but that dudes voice is annoying and seems like he tries too hard.
  • Chicky Dabs
    Chrissy is Chaos but also killer!
    Love this podcast, it’s entertaining and it’s real. Sometimes accidentally and more times intentionally, hilarious! I have to listen all the way through the end credits, to get to the song that Slushii made just for Chrissy. It SLAPS just like the pod does!!
  • Chelsea M., 28
    They 100% do not remove nipples for breast implants.
  • rmurph5
    Mike Cannon is ruining it
    Was my favorite podcast and now I can’t listen because Mike is soooo annoying and not funny.
  • chondog94888
    Since pimp left it’s just not as good.
  • Realassdude!
    Snooze fest!
    Bring back the Hyenas you FF!
  • 130Jenn
    You need new microphones or to turn the sound up! Holy heck I’m driving around with 50 volume in the car just to hear a whisper.
  • nickgeeza__
    Show is declining
    Ever since Pimpy left, this show has gone downhill. The episode with Bobby Lee in particular is easily the worst one yet (not because of Bobby), but you can tell Pimps presence is missing; the audio is terrible, topics are lack-luster, the camera work isn’t as good, the editing isn’t that great. I’m hoping now that Cannon is co-hosting it will make a comeback but this doesn’t look good for Chrissy. Producers are important.
  • MustacheBlake
    Great podcast. Too quiet
  • Bad Friend Chip
    Volume issue
    Turn it up please. I can’t hear the little Korean speak.
  • CeCe Gags
    The GOAT
    There’s no one better than Chrissy D - nonstop laughs
  • gargutski
    What happened to this guy he used to actually be funny now he’s just parroting philosophy and fasting?!
  • Megmm007
    He’s just not funny
    He’s just garish and tries too hard.
  • AislinnNicole
    Complete Chaos!
    I never know what I’m going to get and I love it. Thank you guys for the 5* content even when it’s hard to literally hear.
  • DarkoJonnie
    God save The Queen!
  • jessfritz1
    We need Titi Jerry!!
  • JerryNWWS
    Boring not funny.
    Soooo boring, and not funny. One trick pony and it’s all over for this guy.
  • ziaps
    Not much chaos left on this pod.
  • Cooltd1
    Titi Jerry
    Bring back Titi Jerry
  • Oscar Santana Lies
    It Doesn’t Matter
    Chris was great on the It Doesn't Matter Patreon podcast. Really funny dude
  • Satisfied Sega Retro fan
    Thank god
    Home less pimp is gone now hopefully Chrissy gives us different stories than from HH
  • Dr. McFunkinbeats
    Diet and Investing…
    All he talks about is intermittent fasting, investing his money in blah blah, and now his pool is too much work even though he has someone hired to do it all. Need to take a break and check back in a year.
  • KillaChels
    Too big for his britches
    Lost all of his charm and does nothing but brag about his money, investments, and intermittent fasting. Fake philosopher musings instead of fun and silly family content like back in the day.
  • ChrisCarpentier
    TiTi Jerry
    Needs to be a co-host. Those are my favorite episodes!
  • ugh ...
    We get it
    Been listening for years… going to stop listening now because I’m so bored of hearing Chris ask everyone about their diet, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. No one is here for health tips, ya old geezer.
  • ClideFrog
    H.P. Is Podcast Kryptonite
    Keep him but remove his mic at least. Same reason I had to stop listening to Taste Buds.
  • Lcldi
    LOVE Chris and Ti Ti Jerry together!!
    Ti Ti Jerry episode monthly is my vote! Andrew Santino and Chris also outstanding together!
  • GreenField94
    Podcast seemed better before
    The best episode imo was the one with Ms. Pat. So hilarious but since then, especially these last few episodes are ehh.
  • HappyLongPipe
    Chrissy History
    Beyond hilarious & ya just might learn something!
  • JBrine88
    Super hilarious Podcast! So glad I found this podcast!
    I am dying of laughter because some of these episodes are so much off the rails! Always leaves me busting a gut! TiTi Jerry is super hilarious..MORE TITI JERRY EPISODES IN THE FUTURE PLEASE!!!! He makes the episodes oh yeah and more titi Jerry’s mail time ✊🏻😆😂😂😂😂
  • fehn88
    Solid show
    One of the few podcasts I’ve stuck with for years.
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