Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Comedy #40

Hi, I’m Dax Shepard, and I love talking to people. I am endlessly fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings to be incredibly sexy. I invite you to join me as I explore other people’s stories. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. What qualifies me for such an endeavor? More than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology and four years of improv training. I will attempt to discover human “truths” without any laboratory work, clinical trials or data collection. I will be, in the great tradition of 16th-century scientists, an Armchair Expert.

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  • traciejane
    I wish so very much that people would stop commenting on Dax’s Instagram page and feeding his ego or narcissism. He loves it. He also loves the feeling of being righteous and blocking people on Instagram. He blocks people on his page and the Armchair Expert page. So be prepared to only say butt kissing comments or you will be blocked. The only thing that they all care about is their fame and money and they will do anything for that. Fame is a drug and they are very much addicted to it! Rob is a snob. Monica is super judgemental. Dax is clearly bisexual. I find Kristen pathetic for staying with him. He knows that she keeps his career going and money flowing so he stays with her and then flirts with other females and males. I feel so bad for their daughters as their parents are greedy hypocrites. They are also frauds and a poor example of what a healthy marriage or relationship should be. And all of Dax and Kristen’s friends go along with it because they benefit from them financially. Am I the only one whom sees that? I hope that very soon they will all be exposed and cancelled.
  • spwhiting
    EPS. 732 - memory
    Why do you forget childbirth once it’s said and done and in the same thought why do you forget those early years of children
  • AnotherPodcastEnthusiast
    Dax is full of himself
    This show is grating to listen to. Dax has no humility and every anecdote he tells is a not so subtle humble brag.
  • KatieLL11
    Monica is so annoying
    Sycophantic Monica isn’t funny, likeable, or interesting. Cohosts should be assets, not annoying liabilities. Sorry Monica, I’m sure you have other areas where you’d thrive, but podcast hosting isn’t it.
  • Don't Blink, youll miss it!
    Monica and her inflated ego have over run this entire podcast. I use to LOVE this show. Dax is fantastic. His ppl, interviewing and hosting skills are authentic & wonderful. The conversations just flow. When Monica isn’t interjecting nonsense or making it about her, that is. Today, the first 5min revolved around Monica’s inflated ego questioning Dax about Eric Dane’s opinion on her the state of her face!? The audacity and delusional belief that HER FACE was what lingered in Eric Dane’s thoughts AFTER he left the attic. So much so that he reached out to Dax to inquire about it? Cause had she not been, post peel , he most def would have asked her out??? Moreover, she also managed to ruin the opening story about how Dax & Eric met w her ongoing interjections and running commentary as he tried to tell the story. This girl cannot ever just shut up! She is NOT NEEDED! She’s like a petulant child… If you must be here Monica, be quiet and let the grown ups talk! Dax, producers, corporate, PLEASE READ THE PLETHORA OF PLEAS TO GET RID OF MONICA! She hit the lotto w Dax & is riding his coattails (1st class) all the way to the multimillion dollar house next Door to Dax/Kristen, to shop at “The Row” & to all the Taylor Swift VIP seats and back. Put WOBBY WOB in the chair next to Dax amd we’ll have a HIT SHOW! Finally, hearing Monica’s disdain when Dax talks about possibly acting in ANYTHING again is maddening as a listener and disheartening for Dax. Wake up and stop drinking the Monica Kool Aid! Give her, the ego, her clueless commentary, her fake Dax laugh/imitation and her bratty, bossy self THE BOOT 👢🙏🚪
  • Slindens
    Suggestion for a Flightless Bird episode
    Pleaseeeee send David to the OC Fair and have him watch the demolition derby. America to the max.
  • christopher Vedeloff
    Smart and funny!
    Great show
  • DuchessofFerdinand
    Love this show!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts! I love Dax and Monica!
  • valiegirl26
    Love this show!!
    I love armchair so much, been listening since 2018 and have enjoyed seeing how the show has grown since then. Guests are great, and conversations are refreshing. My favorite segments are armchair anonymous, and the Monday celebrity/Thursday expert. I occasionally listen to flightless bird when the topic is intriguing and have enjoyed those, specifically the citizenship one. I don’t have any interest in synced, just too much to keep up with already. Love Dax Monica and Rob and their overall banter. Have learned so much and always feel like I’m just in the room with them when listening!
  • Julian Spivey
    Enjoyed TV List But Clips Don’t Translate Well on Podcast
    Enjoyed the favorite American TV episodes episode of Flightless Bird but TV show clips, especially ones without dialogue or much dialogue just doesn’t work for a podcast.
  • abcjessdefg
    Monica ruins it, especially fact check cuz it’s all her
    The fact check is all about Monica. Her stories about herself. Her insecurities about Dax. He is SO patient with her but it’s so annoying to listen to. Also, she is so controlling and such a know it all. She gets snotty and cuts off Dax all the time. Almost seems like he’s afraid of her. I can’t even listen to the fact check anymore. I wish Dax would do some interviews without her. She’s not a value add. I used to like her but she tried too hard to insert her opinion or add her input when all it really does is interrupt the great flow of conversation. Please less Monica if on even half the shows. Just need a break.
  • newsjunqui
    Amy Poehler
    Could not believe the levels of vulnerability in this program! So very rare
  • JonGaltpilot
    Too much editing
    Great show. It’s over edited. You cut too much dead air,, that conservatives sound unnatural. It’s distracting and takes away from conversations. Real, natural, authentic cadence is better. It’s too fast or something. People can listen at 1.25x but .75x just doesn’t work. Keep 1x authentic please.
  • NickLinc
    Flightless Bird A+
    Great show, love David’s take on the US. Monica and Rob are great for further discussion of his topics. Could care less about Synched Stopped listening to Armchair Experts as often, agree with others, find Monica grating and self centered.
  • Srakow
    Flightless Bird
    Love Flightless bird but I have to say the Top TV Shows did not translate well to the podcast. Many of the clips were mostly just music so really needed the video.
  • Elle from LA
    A fan who is now going elsewhere
    I’m sad to give this three stars - been a loyal listener for a long time, & have gone back to listen to those episodes I missed before I found the show! But sadly I have to agree with other reviewers that are distracted by Monica’s inability to see other people’s perspectives, & the elitist / out of touch comments that take conversations away from the self reflective, open nature they are intended for. I’m sure there are audiences for the other podcasts under the AE umbrella, but I wish they would be spin offs as they take away from the spirit of genuine, deep conversations. I’m a fan, but I do think the AE magic has been lost a bit. I am going to take a break & look for another show & hope that AE self corrects in the meantime.
  • Heart it!
    Love everything under the Armchair Umbrella ❤️
    Love you guys and everything you put out!! ❤️❤️❤️ Been a genuine fan since day 1. I listen to all the pods every week and love the entertainment and education to get me through each day. Keep doing what you do! You’re simply the best! Love to you all! ❤️❤️ *As a note to those in the comments that have harsh criticisms - there are SO many other pods out there. If this isn’t for you, move on. There’s surely something else out there that will make you happy. Find what makes you happy. ✌️
  • Rocket J. Robin
    Enjoying Flightless Bird
    🤟David rocks!
  • BKWcbc
    Flightless bird
    It was even better without Monica
  • Hoss's delight
    Dax: please read the reviews!
    The podcast umbrella is outstanding but Monica’s presence really ruins it. Just like the reviews say. Her hijacking Fact Check to talk about official state fruit? And buying designer clothes? And groveling over Taylor Swift? And you go along with it? NO! I suggest a show about why people continually say to cut her loose. Address it, face it. And address why you keep her when you know that the show is better without her. I’m sure she’s a lovely person but it’s time for her to find her own way. Now.
  • Clusterpuff
    Shocked by other reviews
    What works about the armchair umbrella is that everyone is so different, with all their flaws and shininess. If you don’t like it don’t listen, but it’s so bizarre to make personal attacks about people you don’t know. If you love Dax, love who Dax loves.
  • SalviMx
    My favorite!
    There have been so many wonderful guests who have offered sincere and intimate interviews, offering their perspective and life experience. Dax goes beyond chit chat and has real conversations... the type of conversations I seek with my closest friends. UPDATE— with the new shows on the AE platform, there’s something for everyone. Maybe one isn’t your cup of tea, but there’s so much variety that it’s my go-to podcast.
  • musicfiend21
    The BEST!
    This is my absolute favorite show! I can’t get enough of Dax, Monica, David, and Wobby Wob! I love adding Liz to my list of favorite peeps too!
  • Dani ❤️3
    Please DO NOT get rid of Flightless Bird
    I had to counteract another reviewer that said it’s pointless or whatever. I love Flightless Bird. That is all.
  • Gone2bed
    Caught the podcast w/ Sebastian. Less than halfway thru I realized Dax and his sidekick are both Smug Knowitalls. Surprised and disappointed, The clown should just talk to himself in the mirror.
  • Nikky Rhodes
    Love Monica and Dax!!
    Just wanted Monica to know that I was the same as a kid as not relating to cartoon characters love. I also never cared about Disney princesses or was attracted to cartoon characters! 😁 love you guys!!
  • Tarrin:)
    no more flightless bird PLEASE!!
    PLEASSSEEEEE get rid of flightless bird, it is SO POINTLESS 😩😩 replace it with more armchair anonymous !! Love the other shows!!
  • YawnFest2008
    Monica ruins it
    If it was just Dax, 5 stars. But there is a reason Monica is single and had to beg someone to have sex with her at 30. She’s entitled, adds nothing and can’t even provide a real laugh for the show. I can’t even listen to the fact check anymore bc it’s Monica being an entitled brat. She has no life experiences, so of course she doesn’t have the ability to add to life conversations. She also is extremely judgmental. And of course she hates animals. Cats are amazing, Monica!!!!
  • Jeannamarie11
    Please read listener reviews:)
    Monica, I’m sure you are a very nice, smart & funny person but please, girl, stop talking about yourself non stop. The armcherries love you guys but it’s beyond cringe. Maybe listen to these fact checks before you put them out there. There is no self reflection on your part whatsoever. How about some relatable content and facts, they did used to be funny ancedotes about all kinds of things. I hate mean reviews and I’ve been a loyal listener for years but oh my goodness. Otherwise Dax and the guests are amazing, love listening. Please, please, please, it’s so much talking about yourself and let’s be honest, your privilege. Would be thrilled to hear you correct this, make the adjustment. We will all be a little better for it.
  • Kaiser Soso
    Thank you for the podcast
    I enjoy the poscast
  • iamreginap
    I always love the guests especially the therapist based ones. The interview questions are always intentional. Dax is so honest and it’s refreshing ! Monica is a nice balance
  • Hannah Jeanne
    Thank you!
    You were able to articulate a lot about the negative coming at people who have gotten help with GLP drugs. For me, it has been life changing. And when my brother-in-law was prescribed something- he wanted to know if it was cheating?? I think there should be dietary programs to help support people who need this support. But no one questions heart medications or insulin but this medication has triggered a lot of negativity. So again - thank you for being articulate and addressing this topic so fairly.
  • I need to tell you...
    Yes, it is everything you want in a Pod.
    While they are part of the Sim ;-). It is the best show, so many options, so many episodes per week. Thank you for all you do. It takes work, less work than pounding a nail all day, but work non the less.
  • Hmyers166
    Keep it coming!
    I just discovered this podcast and I LOVE it! I’m a dog walker and this podcast really helps me get through my work days. Love Monica, Dax, and Rob! You guys are awesome!
  • nitrotitan2008
    Get educated
    Don’t talk about a topic, in this case, OCD unless you are educated in it. You’re spreading lies and misinformation.
  • tahkole
    Loved it
  • FIRE’d at 50
    Love Experts on Expert
    I particularly love Experts on Expert where Dax interviews non-celebrities. They are so interesting! Very reminiscent of Howard Stern’s interviewing technique. I no longer stick around for the fact check since most of it doesn’t have anything to do with the interview. The last fact check was over 40 minutes long with only about 5 minutes related to the interview. I would really prefer that they split up the podcasts into separate subscriptions since I don’t listen to any of the Synced episodes and very few of the Flightless Bird episodes.
  • GladiatorAng
    Please get educated on OCD.
    Your episode on 5/20/24 with Camilla Cabella is extremely offensive and beyond misleading. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder IS mental health disorder. To hear people laughing it off as a personality trait and being “beneficial” is sick. Please delete that from the episode and get educated.
  • kgcbng
    Almost perfect
    Monica is excruciating.. maybe she is there for Dax’s support, but she has never had a necessary comment in any interview. I’m ready for these known podcast hosts to stop trying to be TikTok for their assistants/ crew by making them cohosts and playing the “pick me” character.. Dax and guests are amazing and intriguing dialogue!
  • JKro0521
    Ketamine Please
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do an episode about Ketamine for mental health. It has changed my life and I’d love to hear you talk about it with an expert.
  • otis 0620
    Camilla Cabello Fact Check
    I have never heard the two of you sound so out of touch with parts of the country outside of the coasts. I don’t see a bunch of rich people in polo shirts and khakis walking around the city I live in that is in the Midwest. You both made it sound like people don’t have individuality and style outside of the coasts. Between that commentary and Monica going on about her perusal of skin procedures she might get done it was 🤮🤢
  • mjh5157
    My favorite.
    🍒Been an Armcherry since the beginning. It’s hard to keep up while wfh, but it’s always my favorite way to start the week!!! Thank you Dax and Monica for introducing so many new things through your huge variety of guests. Such a fun show that both my husband and I enjoy together!!! 🍒
  • chip the i.t. guy
    liberal woke garbage
    i am laughing at the jonathan van ness episode. stupid libertarian trash. they had to give a trigger warning because the idiot was about to cry about fake women in sports
  • Daemo gc
    Picturing Monica.
    Hey- re the Sanjay Gupta podcast fact check, I always pictured Monica as Mindy Kaling and it blew my mind when I saw her picture eventually. Monica is perfect as she is and so beautiful but I still secretly imagine her as Mindy sometimes. I can’t help it!!
  • Linejenn
    Updating my review - Monica is ruining it for me
    As a fan from day one, I've loved Armchair. I've also enjoyed every show David is a part of. Synced is the worst thing I've ever heard, and I want it out of my feed. Literally LOLing on the way to work. This is my new favorite podcast. I love how real Dax is, and the first few guests have been amazing!
  • Patrick.J.W
    mostly great
    Dax Shepard is a great interviewer. He does his research to ask smart questions and also gets people to open up more than even they were obviously expecting. It’s often nice to hear from Monica Padman as well; however, she is frequently just mind-bogglingly out of touch with those of us not in the top five or ten percent. Love the Thursday shows and sometimes the Monday shows (except for the “fact checks” in which they just broadcast themselves chatting about their personal lives and mutual friends for often around 40 minutes). Wish they’d please just take the other stuff out of the feed. Also, they get an F on integrity for running (and reading!) McDonald’s ads after publicly and repeatedly articulating how fast food is engineered to be addictive and is a threat to public health.
  • notwirking
    It doesn’t get any better than this!
    Thank you for enriching my life. Love your episodes!
  • eMetal fan
    Is that the body of Billy Newwood?
    Where did you guys park?? … man I’ve been a fan since! I Love Hit and Run too. Thanks for what you and Monica and Robby Rob do. (And the team) much love.
  • awablahblah
    Disappointed. Please do better.
    I can’t help but love listening to this show BUT I was so extremely disappointed to see Tiffany Haddish as a guest. She openly supports a super right wing extremest government. She openly supports gen o cide. Honestly, I expected better from Dax and Monica. I don’t know their stance but can respect them remaining silent (even though it’s the biggest news happening right now and for the past 6 months). Please do better. Have humanity. Make sure you interview good people.
  • WhitMoGo
    Split your shows please
    I love Dax and Monica, but this show has too many different shows in one follow. I am not interested in ALL of these and am very interested is some. I would much prefer to be able to subscribe to flightless bird as a stand alone podcast same with Armchair. But I am not interested in Synced or any of these other mini shows. Start a podcast network or something and let me choose the content I want. I miss a lot of stuff I want to hear sifting thru all the stuff I don’t. BUT! Keep up the good work! Thank you all!
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