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ajlisteningConfusedI really don’t understand why nothing was ever really said about what happened to this show. It feels so rude
Tepases521MinorRrrrrrrI wonder if he’s gonna talk about that time where he got punched for buying minors, alcoholic, drink drinks, and about how he bought minors alcoholic drinks before he got puncked
snooks the schnauzerLoving thisMissing this podcast so much! Justin and Christian are very entertaining!!!!
BabehRuuthhRealizationIt’s 11.23.2024, I’m hanging out with a cocktail getting stoned; I realize in conversation that, I haven’t heard the voice of my boys nor experienced the delight of life being shorter - I knew something was missing from my weekly routine; We miss youu, We care and also, We know nothing is easy.
Missy WiltzWorried!Real worried guys. Hope everything is okay. And hope to hear from you soon. ❤️
Sherri22222Where are you?Hey guys, all of the shorties are worried about you both. You’ve disconnected the call line and we are just out here hanging. Could you give us an episode to set least let us know that all is ok? Or not?
whisperdidaFavoriteUmmmmm? Where the f are you guys? I've been very addicted to my Long's since 2020 and now you're leaving me in the lurch! Are you ok? What's happening? You're my happiest podcast and I kind of can't survive (I will) without you.
Ivy ARefreshingly HeartwarmingJustin is such a genuine sweetheart. His kind, positive nature brings out the best in his famous guests. I’ve heard so much great advice and stories from his incredible guests that I’ve never heard anywhere else. Someone so genuine and kind creates a space where his guests open up and get comfortable. He’s a really special guy and has such a fun vibe with his brother - if you are looking for a positive, uplifting and joyful podcast this is the one.
trvlingbkgrlMy favorite!I found Life is Short through Armchair Expert and quickly, the Long brothers became my favorite podcast hosts. Great banter, fun interviews, enjoyable guests, this podcast has it all. If you like Armchair, Smartless, or just enjoy banter, dive in. You won’t be disappointed! Thank you Justin, Christian, and Meesh for 5 years of great content!!!
Enough about Lynn...When will you be back live?…or at least tell us what happened/what’s going on? Hoping nothing tragic has happened to you or your family… Please know you are both missed very much. Hope to have you back soon.
KnittelManWhat happened?I seriously loved this podcast.. but about 2 months ago they just stopped airing episodes.. only reruns.. I miss hearing 2 new episodes a week. But personally I find it a bit inconsiderate of the audience to just stop with no warning especially for this long.. all your socials have been getting asked, no news whatsoever. Is this thing cancelled? Is it just because you guys are working and busy? Is there some legal thing? Even just hearing that you can’t talk about it but there will be news at some point would be better than nothing.. If you are sick or hurt, we wanna know you are ok! It’s like idk if I should unsubscribe or what.
DrartmoorNeed a book for those sandwiches 🤤🤗I love to hear you and your brother banter back and forth. Justin is always so interested in the person he is interviewing. I love to hear all of your guests answers on the ‘not so’ lightning round. Haha, sometimes an answer is not always direct. Some of the sandwiches sound really good and some just weird. 😂 How have you not made a book of them yet? You could donate a portion of the proceeds to a food bank.
OllieRuthWhere have they been??It’s been weeks now without a new episode or an explanation for this break. I get things come up, but a statement to their Instagram or a 2 minute podcast update would be nice.
saavyvBest PodcastJustin and Christian make you feel like they’re your friends, the more you listen, the more you’ll listen. Great podcast, fun format and easy listening.
Claymaker12Michael Ian Blackis a racist Zionist douche who should never ever smile or experience joy ever again.
DjmachineartBEatingULove Justin and the podcast but please no more Dr. Phil. That guy is straight up trash.
3bpmlLove the podcastOh Justin-the Mexico story! It’s one of my biggest fears😳!
JanmlyonKelly Ripa EpisodeLoved the conversation with Kelly and this podcast in general does engage some very interesting guests. BAD FORM Justin on your intro and name dropping/shaming of the generous host who offered for you to stay at her home. Why did you even share this? Why did you not take responsibility for the careless actions on your part. Instead you shamed her for her response. Of course she should be upset. Your inability to understand the nuances of what topics should be mentioned on a public platform or not is quite alarming. Remind me to never to accept you as an Airbnb guest. Bad form. Do you even read your reviews? There are some very insightful albeit harsh comments that you should take under consideration.
Speeding BeautyTHE celebrity podcast!A lot of the time we see a celebrity and think of their “glitz and glamorous” lifestyle and imagine their godliness. But what I love about this podcast is its’s ability to make celebrities into the real people they are and make them relatable. This is all done with the ease of Justin’s communication. Not to mention the episodes with his brother. It’s an intellectual delight and makes waiting for my kids in car loop picking so much more exciting! 🤎
superior chick64OMGYou are a terrible podcast host. You’re very unprepared and you stutter a lot. you probably would be better. If you actually knew anything about the people you’re interviewing and had prepared questions.
TravismohrmanAnywhooI love this podcast and my faves are the life is shorter ones with just Justin and Christian. The celebrity interviews are great and better than the majority of celebrity interview podcasts.
Kaiser SosoDrop the Swift talk"Swifties" are psychos. Please drop the Taylor Swift talk. Taylor Swift fans are a major problem and I don't need them integrating into my life in any way.
Gamemom14Easy listeningGood show, I listen to it in the mornings. The conversations just draw me in, good topics and interesting guest.
helicoptermomof6Absolute Favorite PodcastBoth Justin and Christian are *chefs kiss* ! I'm up late at night with little ones and this podcast has gotten me through some long nights. Long time listeners really do feel like 'friends' with you guys because of how you invite us into your every day lives. We appreciate you both! Y'all are humble, aware, genuine, inquiring and funny! The interviews are eclectic and meaningful - and often hilarious!! The Shorter episodes are always a fun surprise. Thank you taking some of the heaviness of life away for some of us, on the weekly. Twice weekly :)
EverG999Re: Gerry!!!Okay, and I am prob not the only one listening who caught this, but like you both, I am a complete fan of The Golden Bachelor (which I can’t say of the OG as it’s just pretty boring now because all who are on it just want to be famous and aren’t there to really meet someone, etc. Still sometimes funny though, yes.) and of course I am dying to know who he picked (although I think I know who it is)! Did you catch when you asked him where he would love to travel to and he said Italy? Think back to his first date with Theresa and she asked him to learn Italian with her and so that maybe they could travel to Italy together?!! Could be a clue- I don’t know?! Lol I love the pod Justin but was hoping you wools ask him some deeper or questions he hasn’t been asked by all the usual press? There were some good moments but I just wished there had been more things revealed about him on just a regular person level from your interview with him? Def best part was the rapid fire questions as that is more of the things I wanted to know- just about regular Gerry and his life etc you know?I mean, I suppose, I know you had to ask some of the regular questions as not everybody has devoured all the press about him like I and many of us have, etc. LOL Not a complaint just a wish! Love you both! So glad you added the second pods of just you two hanging out and shooting the sht together! And I absolutely love some of the Would You Rather questions you get asked! The weirder the better!!!! Xo
revrobbiebYou've hit your sweet spot!Been listening on and off over the last couple of years and have always enjoyed Justin's laid back, conversational interviewing style. He really hit his sweet spot with the Anderson Cooper episode. Justin has evolved into an intelligent, compassionate, funny, warm, and mature host/interviewer who asks researched, substantive questions and listens with compassionate curiosity. He held his own with one of the world's most famous interviewers! Congratulations!
jozcheeto2022Nice podvastI’ve enjoyed your career Justin, and I’ve heard you on other podcasts and you seem like just a good person. You and your brother have entertaining banter ( he equally seems like a cool guy). One thing, Christian should join in on the actual interviews you do! He has great insight. Best of luck…
saving me money 238573Love itLove this show so much.
Dunny DebLovelyWhat a lovely podcast. It’s like watching a wholesome movie from the 90’s because of how much the brother care about each other. Yet it’s not wholesome at all. It’s like a PG movie with dogs that don’t die and a next door neighbor that overshares, but in a really good way. Hard to describe, but I like it a lot. And I laugh out loud fart too often when listening.
bbbb34323ughliterally, the worst
PedroDexterInterruptionsYou were not a teenager in2005 when the late laye show started, mate! Thanks for having Craig over.
Tonib517Bobby BonesThe only reason I listened to Justin’s podcast was because he was interviewing Bobby Bones. Justin and his sidekick making fun of Bobby and his wife I found incredibly insulting! Bobby is the most gracious, generous and genuine man and for him to be denigrated by these two was disappointing at the least! I won’t be following this podcast. I was hoping I had discovered another great podcast to listen to, guess not!
manderelli89When you need a break from true crime…I love this podcast when I need a little nightlight after listening to my gritty true crime podcasts. This is a great show in between the regular, darker podcasts. The dynamic between two hosts and siblings, Justin and Christian, is comforting, hilarious, and candid. Each regular episode includes an interesting interview of a guest by Justin Long. I’ve always enjoyed the films Justin is in which is what lured me in the thick of the pandemic. It’s always fascinating to find out how down-to-Earth many famous people are and often what it took for them to get to where they are. Justin has is such a quirky and hilarious interviewer. It is never a dull moment. I always enjoy the lightening round of Q&As. Toilet paper over or under, that is the question. I do love the addition of the Life is Shorter mini episodes that tend to be just as light and fun that is a great dialogue with Christian. If you need something light-hearted, give this pod a listen. I recommend starting with the Lee Berger interview as it’s the episode that inspired this review!
Hazy AffinityLife is short, so listen to this pod now!I love podcasts of many sorts. I have kind of a long list of favorites - but this is by far my #1. Listening to the pod is like getting cozy with a mug filled with a London Fog (insert your favorite warm drink), wrapped in your coziest blanket fresh from the dryer, reading a favorite book while the sound of rain drops and a cracking fire are your background music. Meaning it’s a comfy listen that will leave you feeling content and you will smile while listening to every episode (and many will make you laugh-out-loud), it will also invite you to reflect on many things from the silly, to simple joys to life’s bigger questions. The conversations are natural - not forced, rushed or dictated by an agenda. Sometimes there’s awkward moments, adolescent humor, deep dives into philosophical thought, existential questions, religion, and the formative life experiences of the guests and hosts. I’ve been obsessed with movies my whole life and a lover of pop culture so hearing stories and these in-depth conversations with film and tv stars as well as other artists and notable individuals feels like a rare treat. While I LOVE the interviews the discussion between Christian and Justin afterwards are what I find myself looking forward to most. Partially because Christian says so many things that I was also thinking, but their chemistry and banter is so fun and there are so many laugh-out-loud moments. You don’t even have to know who Justin Long is to listen to this and love it. The content leads with kindness and positivity while not shying away from serious discussion matter. Unlike this review, life is short so do yourself a favor and give this pod a listen! 💜
Lo from FloHey Justin, do your research!Listened to Bobby Bones episode. Justin obviously did not prepare for this episode or do his research on Bobby Bones at all. Then after the interview was over him, and the sidekick poked fun of Bobby Bones and his wife. You can tell he had never listened to his show, or even googled him for that matter! Sorry, Justin this was a real letdown.
AlanRRustThanks for listeningJustin constantly interrupts his guests. It distracts their stories. Sometimes he even puts words in their mouths. I heard one guest tell Justin that they needed to get back to finish their story.
ManoloMarcoThe Minor ProblemAs a long time fan (no pun intended) the allegations against you really concern me. Have you released a statement?
raeastReallyI don’t care if you have to PEE!!!!!!!
NICMAC81Podcast by PervLiterally seeks out underage girls with his rich celeb friends GROSS
cjs_95Alleged predator Justin Long!Shame on you.
AOJ18Just the banter please :)I LOVE this podcast, I love life shorter tho much more than the interviews. Christian and Justin have great brotherly chemistry and it’s fun and relaxing to listen while I do chores or drive.
HculvPraise for the Long BrothersI’m late to the game in listening to podcasts, but when I saw that Justin had a podcast, I knew I wanted to listen. I have been a fan of Justin Long for a long time. I have always enjoyed the comedy style he adds to movies I’ve seen him in and also enjoy his horror movie roles. So, I’ve always thought he was a funny guy. With that being said, I’m elated that the listeners get to experience the lesser known Long brother Christian, who is also hilarious! The two of them together at the beginning and end of each episode is something I thoroughly enjoy and I’m glad we get to hear from Christian. I could probably be entertained just listening to the two of them reminisce for hours, therefore this added part of the podcast is gold. I appreciate Justin’s interviews with all of the different stars he brings in, since it is through these types of interviews you can really see a celebrity’s personality. Justin is incredibly humble which is admirable. I JUST love this podcast and will continue to be a faithful listener.
cmdmno, no, no, no, no…booooooring and pretentious…justin thinks the only person we’re interested in is him and he’s not interesting…not even a tiny bit…
meggiecouchLOVE LOVE LOVE minus Chewing/slurpingI have SO MUCH love and adoration for this podcast! I SO wish I could listen to every episode, but my misophonia won’t allow it, due to the chewing noises and loud slurping noises. Other than that, love love love LOVE! Each time an episode drops I say, “Hello, hello again!”
Maggie Middleshelf WillsieMy favorite podcastLife is short with Justin Long is my favorite podcast. The brotherhood and hilarious stories, the quick wit and astute yet funny observations… the KILL ME In a good way
3321Little__Button1233Listen more. Please!!!I had to stop listening to the Sarah Chalke interview. Justin kept asking her a question, answering it himself, and going off on a tangent during his own answering of her question. It was a shame. She was great. Please listen more and stop yammering! Hate to be negative and truly hope you take this as constructive criticism to get better. I don’t want to stop listening but it’s definitely gone down on my list to only listening when I have run out of my faves.
SmbjmdHave to let the guests talk!I wanted a new podcast and this one seemed like a good one. The guests looked interesting. Started with Dianna Agron episode and 10 mins in i had to turn it off. So much talking over the guest. The art of listening goes a long way.
Davey HooliganLosing FaithI’ve been a shorty since day 1, but the guests lately have been so boring !! I’m also writing this review immediately after the latest Shorter episode - had to turn it off after Christian started praising King Charles 👑👎 love & brutally honesty, Davey Hooligan from the Bronx
AdobostonLife is better shorter!I really enjoy listening to people with close relationships just talk and share about their lives, therefore so enjoy the Life is Shorter episodes
charlotte AmerlingLove ❤️I really enjoyed your interview with the love of your life Kate!! Congratulations to the both of you!! Wishing you nothing but the best ✨❤️
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