Part Of The Problem

News #169

Dave Smith expounds upon current events, our government, foreign policy, and all things Libertarian. He is part of the new generation of pundits. He'll educate you and open your eyes to the possibility of a truly free nation. The newest 15 episodes are always free, but if you want access to all the archives, watch live, chat live, access to the forums, and get the show a week before it comes out everywhere else - you can subscribe now at and use the code POTP to save 15% on the entire network.

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  • Jelly111613
    Part of the Problem
    Love the pod and Dave and Rob! Maybe it’s my gynocentric worldview but this Andrew Wilson, what a con job. His arguments do not appear to be in good faith, listening to him I am reminded why some women embrace late wave feminism and prefer to marry the government. I can only assume this is audience capture for him but it’s the same victim mentality that is harmful for women. Get off the internet and find a nice girl at church or anywhere outside, try to get married young, build your life together, the good ones get snapped up early (example: me). Andrew appears to enjoy picking on women who’ve made bad choices a little too much, don’t be hard on them ho’s! If he is a Christian he can leave the judgement to God and go and make disciples, not pander to incels for monetary gain. I can’t stop myself (hormones), he is part of the problem. Thank you Dave for all you do!
  • Twiggy1101
    Dave just talks about himself. Never really has original ideas or thoughts besides commenting on other peoples opinions without offering a solution. Very libertarian of him do that.
    podcast intellectual
    Cynics of the world unite!
  • Dvdcdnicknametaken
    Like, like, like
    Not a bad show, but can the guy stop talking exactly as an annoying valley girl does for one sentence? Also as a libertarian minded person, I’m starting to see many “libertarians “ on these shows are just as hypocritical and completely contradict themselves time after time. That goes for especially Horton and yes even the god Ron Paul, yah I said it. Tom Woods is the only guy I really consistently listen to anymore.
  • seeker11177
    I love you guys but…
    The episode that dropped today (5-28-24) is almost two weeks removed from the news cycle in which it belongs. What the heck y’all? I was impatiently waiting a week for an episode and I fully expected one on the Libertarian Convention ie., Donald Trump’s speech, how awesome Vivek was, how RFK pandered to the audience and didn’t mention how he’s a member of the climate cult and is just one more socialist who intends to start “wellness farms” with taxpayer dollars, not to mention the disgusting candidates the idiot caucus members chose. Will I have to wait two more weeks for y’all’s take on this stuff? And I think we need to start a new Pary since the Libertarian Party is now just a carbon copy of the Democrat Party. Maybe you could start a Locals community and just do the episodes live? You don’t have to take questions and comments from the chat if you don’t want. It would just be nice to hear your take on stuff while it’s happening not two weeks later.
  • jk1212
    The right ideas, punching below their weight.
    I love this podcast. Love Robbie and Dave. Theyre pretty much right about everything, and this is generally the most reliable news analysis you can find. What continues to bum me out about the emerging ron paul, libertarian, mises, etc movement is how they still manage to get bogged down in the philosophical debates. while these are interesting, maybe we can let the mises institute and others have that lane? Dave’s platform is too important to waste it on this. If we all agree that this empire must be stopped, why not just focus on that? This show has the potential to be an even bigger influence than it already is, but its time to graduate. The world needs you now.
  • J D Mays
    Best analysis out there
    Dave and rob do great breaking things down day in and day out
  • Skuta71
    So—I’d classify myself as an Independent Voter with conservative tendencies. I consume a few podcasts for political analysis and news. This one is by far my favorite. The biggest reason is, in my opinion, Dave has a balance in the political spectrum. He calls out what he deans nonsense regardless of which political party is toting, and that includes the parties outside of the two heavy-hitters. As of the time of this podcast, I think he’s really solid.
  • Dr. Bucephalus
    Jewish Israel Hater
    Self described comic, libertarian and truth teller. In fact, a self deluded sophist of the highest order. Unless you’re a like minded, bubble dwelling Kool-Aid drinker, his self-righteous preachiness is truly insufferable. The RFK episode is the only one worth listening to. I was converted. RFK has my vote!
  • Jimmy C420
    Millennials and Zoomers are so stupid
    Whenever I’m feeling down about my situation I listen to this show and feel better about the decisions I made.
  • Swingchat
    Great show.
    I like it that he’s very honest.
  • tommyoctane
    The best perspective on politics!
    Love the show boys! My only complaint is that the shows don’t come out immediately. There’s always a lag. I wish each episode was right on top of the current situation. Great pod though!
  • Anobserver 33
    Not a great interviewer
    This guy is horrible at interviewing. He interrupts way too much and will never let his guests speak.
  • m0vielover1980
    More please
    Love the podcast, it has really opened my eyes and made me think. But we need more! 2-3 shows a week is not enough. Hope you guys are ok, no shows for 6 days. Hope you are on vacation.
  • TheGreg0307
    Dave and Rob - PLEASE put out episodes everyday! Your perspectives, comedy, and discussions are needed to inject more reality into this crazy world. Appreciate everything you guys do!
  • jnelli27
    Great common sense show
    Many of us feel like the world is going crazy until we hear people like you who are voicing common sense ideas without obvious corporate two party bias. Thank you!
  • KellylovesTKD
    I understand…
    But I wish you were on the ballot this year:(
  • RoutineDrop
    4.7 out of 5 from a pool of 4,000 reviews and Apple decides to highlight the 1 star review dopes that can’t understand basic logic 🤪
  • Lysander44
    Clear explanations of libertarian/anarchist views
    I look forward to each new episode. I generally agree with what he has r to say bit love hearing it explained in such a clear concise entertaining way.
  • Micah Danger
    Good for keeping in touch with libertarianism
    Dave wins every argument, according to him. Obstinate, obtuse, midwit. I listen to most episodes. It helps round out your understanding of the field.
  • Eradicator5000
    If you want arrogantly delivered half truths supporting a pseudo libertarian point of view this is your podcast.
  • Skeptical Lib
    True idiot.
    I’m a libertarian, and I’m ashamed to have this moron in the group. Jesus.
  • John520
    Zionist traitors to America and the cause of freedom.
  • MuthaFcuak
    Sub par
    Subpar and intellectually. Lacking insight. Essentially making random noises.
  • 333710
    12/23 migration crisis
    For further discussion. What’s the solution? Why aren’t the laws in place unforced?
  • thicks51
    Sharp, smart libertarian commentary
    Strong opinions delivered in a sharp, “I’m right” style of commentary. Dave is clearly smart and well-read but do your own research. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and lacks the ability to admit it. There is a difference between smart and wise which Dave needs to learn. He would be more effective if he showed more curiosity and humility.
  • mike4200
    Self Hating Jew
    You are seriously providing aid and comfort to people who want you to die. Everyone in Palestine would happily kill your children or at least cheer others on while they kill them. You know that this is true. Hamas is just another word for Palestinians. You should really do some self reflection and maybe talk to some of your relatives.
  • gulagdharma
    Dave (in his mind) is somehow never wrong
    Like a previous review said: Dave is ok, in moderation. Interesting takes are occasionally presented. However, I can’t think of a single time Dave admitted he was wrong or acknowledged the nuance needed to navigate the world. Very black/white bro-libertarian worldview.
  • Quite Trippy
    Love it
    Dave & Robbie are awesome
  • not blind
    Dave thinks Hamas are the good guys
    Man, how far this show has fallen. You ever have a friend who starts hanging out with a borderline psychopath and a terrible influence, and you see it start to ruin them as a person? That’s the story of Dave Smith and Scott Horton. Dave was once a reasonable, rational, moral person and now finds himself praising Osama Bin Laden’s prose and running cover for Hamas after they raped, beheaded, executed, and kidnapped hundreds of Jews. Dave and Scott seems to think the Israeli Jews are a uniquely evil empire for having the gall to live in their ancestral homeland and for defending themselves from being exterminated. They both drone on and on and on about how Israel is an “apartheid state,” despite the fact that Israel has millions of Arab Muslims living in the country who have special carve outs in Israel’s founding documents that I’ve them special rights, and despite the fact that they literally have an Arab Muslim party in their parliament. Yet I’ve never once heard Dave or Scott accuse any Islamic nation of being an apartheid state. Jews are physically incapable of living in almost any Islamic country in the world lest they be slaughtered, and yet Dave and Scott cannot stop screeching about how terrible Israel is to Arab Muslims. Part of it, I’m sure, is that Dave wants to be the subversive radical. Part of it is that he wants so badly to ensure that he isn’t seen as biased due to his Jewish heritage, that goes too far in the opposite direction. But mostly I think it’s Scott Horton’s influence and his leftist hatred of Israel that he masks as anti-war sentiment and libertarianism. But in the end, Dave and Scott really are in lock step with the NeoMarxists at least on this issue. It’s a sad thing to see someone fall so hard from grace that they think it’s warmongering to defend yourself or to try to bring to justice the people who just raped and slaughtered hundreds of your sons, daughters, wives, and mothers, but that really is where Dave is at these days.
  • Mokeyt3/35
    I’m done
    I’ve listen to this podcast for the last 3+4 years. But it’s now becoming so apparent that Dave is against America and against its allies. This last episode with his branch against Israel has put the nail in the coffin for me. Good luck buddy.
  • BigG'n
    Still a liberal, just not a, “liberal,” and I LOVE this show. The reality is there are conservatives which believe in tradition and conservation and liberals which believe in liberty and individualism. The two are NOT mutually exclusive. As an actual liberal I have no moral choice, but to support the current iteration of the Libertarian party (post Mises Caucus).
  • Dogs are the best! Agree?
    For sure my favorite podcast for political news. Dave really breaks down news simply while being entertaining.
  • MikeStanek1
    Dave is ok in moderation
    I really only started listening to this show a few weeks ago. I like Dave when he is on Rogan’s show, but the more I listen to his own podcast I’m not so sure. He’s kind of a strange guy and the more he talks the more strange he seems. I think he’s smart but he also seems so locked into his libertarian views that he can’t see things any differently. And that’s weird. He also gets overly arrogant sometimes. I was trying to listen to his show consistently but I’ve given up now. Not enough time in my days to add his show to my rotation.
  • JeffTraveler
    Not particularly informative
    A representation of right of center boiler plate libertarian podcasts. A lot of Straw Manning and sloganeering with the occasional moments of clarity, usually by the co-host, that is then quickly moved past and back to whatever superficial view that they were on. These guys never make arguments supporting their views and they certify don’t present the views of the “right” or “left” in any earnest or honest way. Its like clay pigeons they shoot down. Whenever their policies meet reality they melt upon immediate contact and Dave Smith in particular is almost incapable of taking in new information that doesn’t fit into a Mises Institute slogan POV.
  • Blaising
    Fox news parrots
    With both feet firmly planted astride the line, these guys pontificate about “big” media, healthcare, government, etc, etc, on and on. Way too much Fox News paranoia.
  • Great Show, Great Hosts
    Common Sense Reporting
    Dave and Rob do a great job covering headlines in a way that makes sense and doesn’t compromise. I look forward to the new episodes every week!
  • vTrek88
    Continue the conversation
    Dave is amazing at articulating the problems of today. He discusses how the growth of governance in an objective way is harmful.
  • kev_marty
    Scott Horton and Ryan Dawson….
  • Josh1:9
    The best!!!
    Simply the best!…better than all of the rest!!!
  • SPKsimbaaa
    It’s a cult
    Dave Smith is my Kratom Dealer
  • JAHyslop
    Common sense, reason and perspective while living through what sometimes feels like the counter enlightenment. Keep it up.
  • True Crime at its finest.
    If you don’t
    Like this guy, you voted for Biden. Guaranteed. Anyone else would know this dude is an encyclopedia of knowledge and it’s all 100% honest. So, to the people who gave negative comments, crawl back into your MSNBC led bubble of lies.
  • jattzl
    Delusional Sam Harris
    I wish it would make a difference but I had to accept long ago (when I canceled all subscriptions with Sam H) that his is the worse case of Trump Delusion Syndrome and vaccine/Covid mass formation psychosis I’ve witnessed. He is so mentally ill it is disturbing.
  • groovy squirrel
    New generation of pundits?
    Nah. Another example of how any bonehead can host a podcast. Root canals are more entertaining.
  • Jesusislord647084!
    This podcast is Solid
    Dave smith one of the smartest and honest people in political news space.
  • Jpankratz
    PBD wasn’t sure.
    Not gonna lie, all I did every week was wait for a new episode of Part of the Problem or Liberty Lockdown. Just listened to your episode on the Patrick Bet David podcast and it was phenomenal. Thank god I don’t have to wait for you two Jews every week for content I like, now I have another show. All jokes you are still the best Dave Smith Five Stars
  • Wiseguy513
    Let Rob speak more
    Love the show, I always listen to each episode as they are available. Great take on current events and agree with most standpoints. One thing I do not like about this show is Dave’s need to talk over Rob. He already talks for 85% of the podcast but then rudely interrupts Rob when he’s making a great point from his view. Also, stop smoking your vape into the microphone for christs sake
  • spitshined
    would be 5 stars but….
    I’ve been listening for a few years. Great spot to get some news if you’re trying to get away from the corporate nonsense on the cable networks. That being said…I cannot stand hearing Dave constantly sucking on his vape and exhaling. It’s absolutely irritating. He may as well eat a bowl of soup and slurp it up or clip his toenails during recording. Sounds we don’t need to hear in any environment. Just put the dang vape down for an hour. Are you that addicted to you robot cigarette? … - Peace -
  • shootthemoonmom
    Dave Smith is based.
    Favorite show. It’s good to see how Dave is coming to Christ very slowly. I hope Rob can continue to eat good sandwiches.
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