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mooch-was-hereMake it stopThis show was one of my favorite sources of bipartisan news for the last five years. I started noticing as of late there is no longer civil discussions, just the same rhetoric as the mainstream media and endless interrupting. Krystal single-handedly was the tipping point for me. She makes me want to rip my ears out and put them in a blender. At this point, she should just join the view. Sad to say goodbye. Hope we can get back to the good old-fashioned breaking points one day.
Kworkman5NegativityIts hilarious how negative our two liberal hosts can be. Its the chicken little syndrome every time one little cut in the federal work force happens. On and on with the doom forecasting, i may as well listen to msnbc or cnn. We never hear how this country is on an unsustainable path. How we are going to be insolvent in a few short years without drastic changes. I guess Krystal and Ryan aren’t worried, Bernie will save us. Im so disappointed in this program. I used to look forward to the left and right of center analysis and insights. Now there seems to be just doomsday predictions and TDS. I will be looking elsewhere for my news.
Cpatel05Saagar needs outThis guy is a disgrace. He isn’t even debating in good faith anymore. I would love if Ryan takes over.
vwirthmanKrystal has become hard to listen toKrystal ranting about Elon Musk every show is getting old. She talks over Saagar constantly. I’m looking for more balanced objective news, which this show used to be. I’m out.
ZeethurUSA!!Been a long time listener, started watching back when they were doing YouTube videos on the Hill. I still love the show but Saagar’s point of view these days reminds me of the Chris Rock movie when he ran for president against the guy that would say “GOD BLESS AMERICA AND NO PLACE ELSE!” Haha
loomasaurisLove Krystal and Ryan / not so much Saagar / EmilyCould definitely use more Kyle !! Krystal should quit and make Krystal, Kyle and friends a daily!
👳@onealmond.comWhat happened?Initially, I was excited to find a podcast that wasn’t just democrat or republican talking points and where I could actually listen to alternative counterpoints. Lately, however, the tone has changed I find myself yelling at Krystal to please STOP interrupting and talking over Saager and guests. Even though I often agree more with Krystal’s point of view, I find her almost impossible to listen to because of this. I have far more respect for Saager, who listens respectfully and lets Krystal make her points without beating us over the head with his point of view. I love listening to Ryan and Emily as well (or Ryan and anybody for that matter). I appreciate the mutual respect even with a difference of opinion. I would change my rating to a 5 ⭐️ if Krystal would be more inclined to listen and give her opinion once instead of “As I said, [repeat opinion].” She’s obviously very intelligent and passionate but her style is a detriment to the show.
matt10987654321Wish that Krystal would stop interrupting peopleThe show has changed. I listen now because I have been listening but Krystal dominates the show too much. She cuts off Saagar all the time when he’s speaking and it really takes away from the show. I find myself hating when she talks even if I want to agree with her because she comes off too arrogant and she doesn’t let the other side talk. I am now actively looking for what this show used to be, unfortunately.
ZzanenghiBreaking Points or Breaking Krystal?Krystal, needs to return to the MSM where her outlandish takes will be more accepted & appreciated. Saagar, Ryan & Emily are still doing solid, even keeled work. Also, can we tone down the show and segment titles? It’s increasingly following the MSNBC unhinged playbook.
eddiep25Cant AnymorePlain and simple this show is no longer balanced . Its become the Krystal ball show on how emotional and deranged she can become. Saagar she is dragging you down buddy. This show isnt what it used to be.
PatrickzumbaConservative garbageConservative garbage pretends to be balanced.
Logan MartinOnly good with both hostsI initially subscribed to this podcast to get a balanced news perspective. I’ve noticed lately it’s only been Krystal and other left leaning guests. While I respect their right to their opinions, I think they have presented flawed and short-sighted analysis. I want to hear one of two things when I’m consuming news: 1) just facts and let me draw my own conclusions OR 2) debate from two opposing viewpoints, and again - let me draw my own conclusions. I’d feel the same way if it was only Sagaar (maybe it has been hosted this way in the past and I missed it). At the end of the day, you two have an opportunity to bring transparent dialog to political discourse. And you’re missing the mark with one-sided episodes. At the very least, you should have a voice representing “both” sides in each episode. I’m unsubscribing here. I’ll keep following you both on insta I suppose, but at least there I know what side I’m getting.
D. S. ShepherdThey podcast for revenue stream vice public awareness.More ads than info. Gateway podcast to gain subscriptions makes them no different than the rest. Won’t be getting my time in the future.
burnerETGone downhillI used to love this show. I’ve listened daily since the first time they went on Joe Rogan. Always loved the equal discussion back and forth…even if I didnt agree with everything Krystal said or believed, she always had a rational way of articulating it and advocating for it. Fast forward to today…she has full blown TDS. Everything is a constitutional crisis…the hysteria and emotion in her voice in tone and non stop. Makes it almost unbearable to tune in anymore.
Scottdean222Krystal attitudeEver since trump has won, Krystal’s is becoming increasingly whiney and almost unbearable listen to. Her bias really is showing when I am just looking for unbiased journalism. It’s one thing to have an opinion but she is not willing to even consider anything trump is doing is actually good for the country.
Cba33Done for nowUsed to be a great show, but as everyone else is pointing out Krystal has become unbearable. Replace her with Ryan and I’ll come back.
OwlWhisperer888Krystal Take a BreathKrystal, could you please STOP INTERRUPTING SAAGAR??? He listens so respectfully to you natter on and on and then when he starts to state his opposing view, you immediately interrupt and just repeat ad infinitum what you already said, steamrolling over his turn to talk. LET OTHER PEOPLE TALK. Repeating yourself over and over isn’t convincing anyone … because smart, informed people can indeed 100% disagree with you. Shocked? 🙄 GROW UP, KRYSTAL. I need to take another break from this show because of Krystal’s rudeness and misplaced superiority. Saagar, you have the patience of a saint — esp since you’re 1000 times more intelligent, educated, and analytical. <sigh>
Cornelius PumperdinkleAs Unbiased as PossibleI will try to keep this in middle. For those coming from the left you will most likely dislike Saagar because you see him arguing against pro left points & what is seen as the “far left agenda” If you’re coming from the right you will not be able to stick through multiple episodes trying to get all the way past Krystal’s points. She is consistently not able to give props to a side or actually admit she is wrong in a an argument. Recently she had her point directly corrected by Saagar and continued to argue her point based on the hypothetical. This is a prime example of what general people do not appreciate in society. One person not being able to actually remain unbiased and the other being seen as a shrive because he does not follow the same script. I’d appreciate it if you could try to give us facts as facts instead of facts with opinions of hypothetical agendas and schemes. We live in a real world with a finite amount of time and the more that is wasted winding people up just to vote a specific way is beyond insulting to the legacy of our grandparents and great grandparents. It’s time to listen to the words people say and not put your own emotions into them and it’s time for us to actually have real conversations to solve these issues instead of doing the Washington dance. I wish you all the best
cdavison23I used to come here for balanceI used to come here for balance, and I enjoyed the back-and-forth, how informative it can be, but now it’s way more emotion and speculation on how things look or might be, more opinion then facts. I’m happy with opinions, I just liked it more when everyone was more fact based, explaining the scenarios and the news more and sounded more reasonable. One recent episode even seemed to mention how ridiculous things are when two officials said the same thing. I re-listened and it was swept up in the opinions and they never even said what it was. I felt like this happened a few times before, thought it was just me and how fast they go, but now I think it’s more often. If I want to listen to people who think Trump’s just playing and crazy then there’s plenty of other passionate people on the news. I liked the more factual debate and rebuttal that was respectful before. Maybe after a break and the crazy dies down, it will go back to that.
sydcarZ06Big changeI used to love this show. If you are looking for a true independent news source, I’ll save you time, it isn’t this one. They have been corrupted. Listening to Krystal nowadays is a honestly painful experience. She may as well be back at MSNBC. In fact, watch MSNBC OR, become a premium member of my channel where I will mislead you for only 9.00 a month.
Brookwood AndyAgree with ‘What Happened’ reviewHistorically big fan of the show, will continue to watch, but there was a time I would have given this a 5 star rating. I love hearing points of view I don’t agree with, and healthy debate. But Krystal is getting extremist in a way that is hard to relate to now. If she cannot acknowledge the merits of a political party she disagrees with, it’s a slippery slope into self righteousness! Still though, big fan of the concept, as well as Ryan Emily and Saagar !
CairheadSaagar gone off the edgeCan Saagar please stop trying to tell democrats how WE feel?!? I can appreciate hearing things I don’t agree with or believe in, but Saagar is living in a different world and almost unlistenable at this point. Stay in your lane, let Krystal speak for democrats.
Fly-over guyJust watch MSNBC or CNN for free.Nothing new here. Krystal loudly spews far-left talking points like it’s the truth, and Saagers job is to be the token Republican who gets steam-rolled by the overbearing leftist. It’s just another dime-a-dozen, far-left propaganda show you can find anywhere in the legacy news for free. It’s not new. It’s not worth your time. It’s definitely not worth extra money.
preschoolmom303KrystalI used to love this show but ever since Trump was elected she is just talking over and interrupting saagar. I even agree with her but her argument style comes across as nagging and is getting hard to listen to
JanieLynn842No More PollsThank you Saagar for saying you are tired of the polls…. regular people have known for some time that they mean nothing and are borderline psyops. I still have major issues with this podcast and usually don’t finish a whole show mainly because of Krystal. I wish I could find something interesting and non partisan but have yet to do so.
gadoury62WhAt is happening ?I'm losing hope! Krystal just likes to hear her own voice. Dear God Saagar, stop letting her interrupt you constantly. You're not as rude as she is but it's obnoxious the way she doesn't let you speak
kfixbwhdisaGreat showAwesome
stoltzbtThe Downhill SlideI’ve been a listener since day one, but having a harder time staying tuned lately…. I used to really look forward to this show! Krystal has become unbearable the way she constantly bashes Saagar and the almost incessant shrieking and wailing about every topic. It seems no matter the issue she ends up hi-jacking the conversation and forcing her delusional opinions to the forefront, everyone else and their more rational ideologies be dammed. I came here to listen to both sides not lefty hysteria on every issue. Sadly there is just less and less balance as time goes on. Fortunately Ryan and Emily do a much better job of keeping the discourse so I’m not gone yet. Stand your ground Saagar!
nnnnnsneSaager is not good for the show/Israeli journalist. 2/2025How old is Saager? He does sound like a 14 year old. Very limited knowledge and thinking and he seems a authoritarian worshiper Saager logic is inhumane and crazy. He talk fast to cover over his a narrow mind and cruel person, and his ideas are almost fascistic . Krystal is great and very logical and a good human being. Israeli journalist This Israeli journalist thinks people are stupid or he is stupid. Does he not know of divid and conquer. They like Lebanon situation so they can divid and conquer the region. And this guy had the gall to talk about religion when he lives in a religious ethnostate with his government is talking about building the temple to bring their messiah. What an idiot or a propagandist
DakotamooreWhat happened?Saagar is great dispute the fact I hardly agree with him, but he at least lays out a solid argument for his side. Krystal, I don’t know whose side she thinks she’s ‘speaking for’ but she’s become so nonsensical. The arguments are just silly, I usually am a defender FOR you, but now I can’t even understand where you come up with these scenarios or views. I’m not going anywhere, but like, come back to us Krystal! Keep it up Saagar!
cfin26Going downhillThis show used to have a good back and forth on topics. Saagar is open for other opinions whereas Krystal wants nothing to do with anything but hers. She’s constantly over talking opposing viewpoints and spouts her opinion as fact. Used to listen everyday but find myself turning off the show because of it.
DisGusted123104Unhinged MSM Talking PointsKrystal, these past few weeks, has made Breaking Points into Parrot Points, parroting old thoughtless tropes and names like “dictator” (and misquoting Trump as the MSM does “he’s going to be a dictator from day one”.. .. ..) It’s sad because she used to be interesting but anytime she comes to bat against Sagaar, it’s clear who has read headlines and MSM and who has read books and history (even on basic facts). And like a wounded animal, she drags the “debates” on for more than half of the show, becoming more and more unhinged… She used to be interesting and engaging. Sad.
Brizzzzy111Wish Trans Issues Got CoveredI’ve been watching the show since Rising and am so excited for this concept. It’s of course hard and frustrating at times when hosts passionately talk about perspectives I don’t agree with, but I believe in listening to dissenting opinions. However, the one thing I find most disappointing is the lack of coverage around the ways trans rights have been undermined consistently over the last few years and even further in the new administration- directly impacting people’s lives. There are so many people educated on these issues that could be brought on to speak to it, but BP has consistently just put it into the box of cultural opinions, despite the very real, material and at times dangerous impacts it’s caused.
No Need For HippiesWell, byeThis show has turned into a sad and hollow mess. Krystal’s hateful rhetoric has ruined it. Goodbye.
Duckpond8201Used to be better - TDSKrystal has become unbearable. Her constant whining and bad takes have made me drop my subscription. I hope Saagar is able to find something better.
YzpoultryLove it untilThe Krystal and Saagar show is great but when it’s Krystal and Ryan it’s unbearable because it’s nonsense stroked with more nonsense she is plenty on a normal day but when it’s left love fest I’m out
Listeningin13Not balanced or honestKrystal especially is dishonest and speaks her opinion as though it is fact even when she is wrong. Off putting and annoying.
RosabelleMMI reluctantly had to stop listeningI found out about the show 3 weeks ago and was devouring the excellent content. I love the balanced perspective and the respectful disagreement between the hosts. Over the last week, I find myself getting anxious because of the level of alarm about Trump. I agree with the moral concerns about Trump, but the volume knob is a little high and the hope is low. What grabbed my attention, initially, was the hope and the lack of alarm.
USAID**Funding?Starting to wonder where they get all of their funding from.
evikvedcjnLosing touchStarted off as a independent and less biased, news source, has become another platform for expressing Personal ideology and explanations, and instead of exposing and distributing truth and news.
Azul2342SadI was a $ contributor. But after hearing Grim whine about treasury payments and not the theft and corruption. This is MSNBC talking point. Today my money stops. Complete propaganda
Jonah R HHelps Me LearnI truly am grateful for this program. Everyone over at breaking points provides not a watered down supposedly unbiased centrist view of the world, but rather honestly provides multiple dueling admittedly bias positions on the issues at hand. It’s the only news I can find where every episode they say I disagree with you. And while I disagree with some of their positions consistently, I am always more informed because of their efforts for truth and a better American life. Much Love for Breaking Points, would love if they expanded into the arts…
💕brenerOff balanceIt’s tough to see Saager slide into an MAGA enthusiast. It’s a bit hard to listen to him try and alpha his way through a debate.
bama!!!!The Krystal whining showIve been listening since they left Rising. But the past year its become the Krystal whines and complains and has stupid analysis show. She constantly interrupts and over-talks everyone including guest. Its clear the Saagar is the more informed host but he lets her walk all over him and insult him. She has become insufferable and a pain to listen too. I used to appreciate her analysis but I just cant listen to this woman anymore. I unfollowed but I will still download Emily and Ryans show because they are a better pairing and report the news. Krystal should just go off on her own and do an opinion show instead of pretending like she has interest in reporting the news.
hydrotineAcceptableSaagar used to have a centrist mindset I respected and even shared a lot of the time but he’s become a bit of a fascist bootlicker lately.
Big dawg BernardKrystal 👎Long time listener and have appreciated the balanced and differing views of both hosts -it’s made for good discourse. But Krystal has become too shrill and unlistenable. She’s become more left establishment, less nuanced, and the show has lost the spark it’s once had.
Michelle_SheadGone Down HillI started listening to them a while ago, but now Krystal cannot tolerate when Sager does not agree with her. She literally cannot have a discussion without talking over people and not allowing them to share their whole perspective. Literally demeans Saager if he doesn’t believe the same thing as her. They used to be pretty non-partisan, but now Krystal cannot hide the fact that she believes the main street narratives and is basically on the left and cannot tolerate any other viewpoints.
RoutineDropIn a class of its ownThis is the best podcast and news show in the world. Saagar is an amazing anchor. Listening to Krystal complain about how logic isn't fair reminds me of my ex.
C_Topher_JWhat’s going on?Krystal has become insufferable. I listen to the show so I can hear and analyze different opinions but the constant bickering, interrupting and speaking over….Saager can at least agree to disagree but you can audibly hear Krystal huffing. I can watch Piers if I want the arguing.
isauceyWhat happened to this show?It seems like Krystal and Saagar can’t get along any more and the “debates” they have are now more like arguments between a couple going through a bad divorce. Both of them are just horribly cynical and disingenuous about the opposing side of the argument. I first started listening because it seemed to me like they were both willing to steel man each other’s argument and gave people the benefit of the doubt but ever since about 7 or 8 months ago they’ve bothered been negative and insufferable.
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