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LovedingdonglongtimeShow rocks dude!This show is consistently sweet. I am not Matt McCusker - I swear.
DaveIsNotHereThe Young BullLazy Bone Gillis… Seems Shane’s just not into it, ever since he went Hollywood…
shocktrooper316AwesomeFirst of all, this is the funniest podcast I have ever listened to. The way they make even sucky things in the world funny makes it seem not as bad. Second, if you are easily offended, this is not for you. Overall, I would recommend.
foulyssesIf you’re a 12 year old you’ll love this showGot as far as the talk about punching and kicking dogs. No lower form of humor than animal abuse. Incredibly unfunny podcast.
sporpsguyMatt vs shaneMatt>shane
justin NesquikThis podcast has taken a toll on my mental stabilityI work a 40 hour a week factory/farm/welding job in small town Wyoming. I don’t talk to anyone all day and only listen to Matt and Shane. This podcast has infected the way I talk and think for the worst. In conclusion this is the greatest podcast in history and I can’t stop listening to it.
Lrod1995SuggestionCan’t wait till Shane goes solo, he carries this show
This podcast is five starsGardini = artist r wordUnbearable to listen to. Don’t yall already do enough?
ConcededbrakeSolo Matt eps are an instant skipTired of hearing about RFK jr , this dude hangs out with pedophiles all the time
Quality > Quantity5 starPrize picks is so gay. I’ll give you a real product to advertise..
Some.dude.1776BeautifulWe need more SWIM! He’s the goat
TeddyBrooseveltPack is Back!!When all the Dawgs are podcasting together this is unequivocally the best pod ever. Belly laughing at the Spider Web!
stevepeggShane is the goatThese two knuckleheads might be the funniest dudes on this planet
PennyWileyFrom the Gurls.#1 Podcast. Let’s go boys!
AR EthanDruskiDruski on the pod is hilarious, by far one of my favorite guests pared with the guys🤣
Bobby_DonMore Steve GerbenThis is the best podcast. There nothing better than Matt and Shane with Steve. We need more of those!
A Violent FemmeI’m just here……for the OnlyFans dad bods.
Steven king1455My new faveAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ShanepGillisMatt MccuckerMatt is my spirit animal
JaOCcobGet the Paytch you dawgzBest podcast out there everything else is nothingness
Worship Drummer 432SickThese are two of the most relatable people in comedy. Having lived in Austin hearing them make fun off the place is amazing. Along with how tight things like the Roman Empire were, Jesus being a sick person, and Trump being a G this is for you. May God bless you and all who see this fam stay tight 🤙🏻
#1 dawggThe shaman will riseMatt is the reason I stay subscribed, he’s dope and if you’re complaining you’re a band wagon and came to D ride shane bc he’s popular and you’re a dork.
Matt rules Shane drulez!Matt is not mid and the show is better without Shane! 😤😤Everyone needs to stop saying mean things about Matt! He’s the back bone of this show and inspires me through seasonal depression as I see him carrying the show on his back while Shane is out partying with men!
The Ghost of PrinceWhere’s Shane?Decent at best with just one of them. I stopped listening and am waiting until they are on together.
maqpakJust change the name alreadyCall it Matt’s stupid podcast
Jordan 585For the brosThis pod feels like your hanging out with your buddies you’ve known your whole life.
Jonezy of AlaskaThe shaman!You the man Matt! Enjoying the random guests
Rolling my eyes . . .Imagine paying for thisShane should have worked out a different situation here, I know he’s busy but come on???
CEYIVThank You MattMatt’s been holding it down while Shane is busy with tires. Came to this pod for Shane, stayed for Matt.
Your mom's ex husbandY’all hating on The ShamanMatt is just as interesting and funny as Shane, I listen whether or not Shane is there. You people are blasphemers, we do not speak ill of The Shaman.
Back Shots BillyMatt’s MidHorrendous without Shane, Matt has the most lukewarm takes, talks for 10 minutes without saying anything. Podcast has suffered from success, no real comedy or pushing the envelope with takes anymore.
dixhebsozbcdThe show changedThe show was better when Shane Gillis was on the show
kingh308Bring Shane backIt’s just the Matt podcast at this point
JoeltrammellUsed to be goodBeen a fan for years but like all comedy podcasts, when the hosts get too busy/ famous, the quality tends to drop. Shane never comes on anymore and it’s pretty much Joe Rogan now. Matt just does boring interviews. Lemon party is still a great podcast tho. Go check them out. Before they get famous
Anita HanjaabiDid Shane Die?How many times will I tune in to a guest I don’t want to listen to.
ZayRodrigoBest comedy podcastMatt has great chemistry with comedians. Best chemistry is with Shane. But if you’ll have guests on and no Shane it’s best to stick with other comedians, Matt seems to pull the funniest stories out of like minds. Keep it up Matt, but you do need Shane back.
Max’s gay thoughtsMatt needs his own podcastIf it’s only going to be Matt without the boys and Shane it he should release it on his own under a different name. This has to be the third week in a row I’ve started the pod just to wait to listen for someone other than Matt plus guest to talk before hitting “mark as played” then moving on. Matt’s nice but I’m not interested in his interviews. If that’s what it’s gunna be just release it by itself and save the secret podcast for when you have everyone. -rant over
sneak_a_meekMatt’s Secret PodcastThe chemistry between Matt & Shane made this funny. It’s not funny anymore with just Matt. Sorry , it’s the truth. Lamar is the most unfunny person, the irony of if doesn’t even work. Canceled my patreon.
Jacksonville bickeringBank epsPro tip… if you’re gonna miss bank episodes for the future. Also don’t have Novak on.
Your dad, UM.Is this the new normal?I love Matt but this show isn’t the same when it’s just him with guest. Getting Shane on once every 3 weeks just isn’t it… if this is the new norm… I might have to just tap out and watch old YouTube clips of the show when it was great.
Rmk483Love disMe luv it podcast
SuseakiMatt or Shane is lame nowI love both you guys, love your stand up, still like the guests and everything on here. But not having both of you is lame. If it was like once in a while I get it. Even half the time yall are blowing up. But it’s like 10% of the time yall are together. You should send this podcast off with a few good episodes with yall together and then start your own individual ones. Then when you guys can have each other on it’ll be like a good ole days episode before all the fame.
Eliene ulichWHERE IS SHANEI can’t keep quiet anymore. This is the greatest podcast on Apple Music, I have quit literally listened to every episode since they have released the show. I understand Shane is busy but this is getting absurd with the solo Matt episodes. If this podcasts keeps rolling these solo Matt episodes you should just change the names to “Matt’s secret podcast”.
morning2x4Something’s missing latelyMatt and Shane is Secret Podcast. But I still love ya Matt
ItsChazzgoodA crystal girl and an anthropomorphic beer pong table created a show that’s buzzfeed for burn outs as they cover topics nobody is asking for. 5 stars
Scottyc2618Great PodcastOnly when Shane is on. Sorry Matt.
tarzan378Sick castSick cast
fetta chini alfreadoMATT AND SHANEbeen listening for a good 2 years now and i love the podcast, they don’t take themselves seriously and they’re consistently funny. love it
mark1384Yo!Can we get your cousin Danny on an episode Shane he needs to be the star he deserves to be the man the myth the legend I'll bring the grilled cheeses
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