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Thadius swoopDaryl has a great take on topicsSome of the best history podcasts out there, behind the godfather Carlin of course
bwamfSympathy for the DevilTo what end?
Jasonz27A once great history podcast reduced to right wing revisionismThis used to be one of my favorite podcasts because I love history but over the years, Darryl has been injecting more and more of his own ideology into the story. It was tolerable for a while but now he has gone full David Irving with a series about the German POV which wouldn’t be a problem if Darryl wasn’t also tweeting Hitler memes.
Prairie Sage123We must understand to prevent a repeatI appreciate that you are tackling this ‘hands off’ topic. It’s always bothered me that in our historically Christian nation, the prevailing narrative has been to discard those same Christian teachings to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” when it comes to fully understanding this devastating time in our history. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that ‘they’ are the same forces that want us so divided at this very moment.
Myoung321Great, but….Great podcast.. would be nice if it was updated more than twice a year….lol
TheLizardPeopleHistory From all Sides!Leave your bias at the door or you’ll have a bad time.
John__WayneI’m ConfusedI thought we were going to explore the motivations and choices of the regular people of the Axis Powers. Everything in this first episode is just violent detail about how Germans were also treated poorly by the Allies - after the sides had already been engaged in total war. I’ve been a fan of this podcast, and Darryl’s ‘cancellation’ struck me as unfair. This podcast, however, was shallow, lazy, and concerning. You mean to tell me that Western media also used hyperbolic propaganda during the war? Revelatory. The Red Army behaved like animals during their march through Eastern Germany? Literally anyone with a mild interest in WWII knows this. I’ll keep listening, as Darryl has earned that much, and I reserve the right to change my mind after more pods come out. For now, though, I’m deeply disappointed.
CredibleReviewsYes, Germany was bad did you see what the Allies did? That’s it, so far, in a nutshell.Yes, I listened. The Allies committed atrocities too, that seems to be the premise here. And when presented, as he does, without context, the Allies appear as evil as the Germans. I guess that’s the point? Of course, it’s revisionist history, more akin to the far left moral relativism (we’re just as bad!) that one would hear in the bowels of any pro Hamas elite University. Statements of Goebbels and Hitler and other liars/propagandists are recited at face value too, no context. I don’t really get it, but I think for people who haven’t read much about WWII, this narrative might be comforting. A moral equivalence where Allies are just as evil as the Germans. Yes, Germany did bad things, but did you read the letter to a British newspaper by a British man demanding the annihilation of Germany!? Sure Germany started the war but did you hear about the Allies POW camps?! Those are all true but it’s still a bizarre reframing. And it also provides a neat framework for today’s conflicts. Yes, Hamas did bad things but did you see the bloodthirsty Israelis having wine on a hill in 2014 cheering on bombing of them?! Sure, Hamas killed some Israelis, but did you read what Bari Weiss or some irrelevant Minister said?! This type of thinking can be applied to any conflict and maybe that’s the point.
Nothankyouplease1987267Greatest show on the airwaves!Darryl does incredible work! The best history podcast out there!
KatrajinaWelcome backI'm very excited you are back to sharing content on here Darryl. No one talks about history the way you do. I love your perspective, writing and voice. This new WW2 series is going to be amazing. I recently finished The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and I'm nearing the end of The Gulag Archipelago (after a Dostoyevsky binge, thanks to you) I can't wait to hear what you will add to this deep, disturbing, incredible era in human history.
Steven MR ShankBracing..Historical accuracy in this retelling yet originally aggregated. In depth context. Appreciated.
DdanrrrSimply superbWhat an incredible podcast! The content is outstanding, and the presentation is absolutely top-notch.
Denton07!Phenomenal Story TellerDarryl’s recounting of the Israel Palestine conflict is phenomenal, love the Nietche vs Dostoevsky comparison episode. Looking forward to the WW2 one
Anj12357The best history podcast I’ve ever listened to.Daryl has produced a history podcast able to look at challenging subjects with empathy and clarity. He is also an extremely talented storyteller which makes his material totally captivating.
Plf14Seek The TruthI love history. I have tried to impart its critical importance to my children. What I didn’t realize is that so much of what I’ve been taught, and frankly idolized, is not the full story or even true. Thanks Daryl for being brave enough to say, “Wait a moment. There is much more to this story”. We will ALL be better off for it. From the Middle East today to WWII. It’s not about now hating the “other” side, it’s about understanding ALL sides and having human empathy for ALL. How many wars could we have avoided with that as our diplomatic policy? Stay informed. Push your leaders no matter where you live to have open and honest discussions with your rivals or enemies. You may find you have much in common and you can set boundaries (literal and psychological)that bring forth peace.
kameron68Great podcastI’ve listened to martyr made for a few years now. Several of his series have sparked interests in me to read and research into the topics further. He finds many first hand accounts that sometimes chill your bones. Just remember if you ask him how is day is going. Bring a chair. He is long winded but that’s why I’m a fan of his. In-depth and brings challenges to your typical way of thinking. It’s good to see every side not just the typical way of thinking. Thank you for doing these. They do matter and they do bring conversations that need to be had.
BigErGHe likes history but has trouble understanding it.This cats brain got melted, maybe information overload, he is well read but then concludes that Churchill was the primary villain of the 20th century. If fascism sounds like not such a bad idea and you think Tucker really has some interesting points, it’s for you.
Arrest FauciTelling It Like It IsI’ve seen and experienced lots of history in my lifetime. There is no doubt that the truth is always spun, hidden, “reimagined”, etc. and the future generations don’t get the truth. This podcast reveals the horrific truth about the “enemies of humanity”. I think we all know who they are. If you don’t, you must be one of those people wearing a mask while driving alone in your car. We must seek the truth and never stop!
NHCN777Israel PalestineIf you want the full story of the origins of this conflict listen to this podcast. The corporate media, bought off politicians, and the Israel lobby probably view this podcast as their biggest nightmare. That’s a compliment. The truth is so much more complex than their one sided talking points. Makes you imagine what you would do if you had a different identity. Especially relevant today with the Israeli deliberate mass murder of civilians. A+ well researched.
ZV ssvvIgnore the one star retardsHands-down, one of the best podcast out there, completely changed my view on the Israel, Palestine conflict. Every kid in school should be taught this stuff.
nbfazelPainstakingly researchedFear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem, especially Episode 6, should be required listening for every American.
ReadTeachPreachAll-Time FavoriteDarryl has had a significant influence on my perspective on the past. I am tremendously grateful for this outstanding show. The quality is consistently impressive and his courage in discussing hard topics and reaching unpopular conclusions from looking at the data is to be commended.
CitizenP13We've Learned a Lot About CooperCan't really support anyone who supports people who spout white replacement theory and general fascism. It's a shame, because I've been listening for years. But to see the company he's decided to keep, hear the things he says, and then to hear him speak with amused self-righteousness about the attention his support of seething racists has received is just gross. It's very disappointing. Luckily there are plenty of other podcasters who don't celebrate themselves for hanging out with white nationalists.
caligirl4rmlaIgnore the 1 star reviewsDarryl is so meticulous in his research and desire to tell an unbiased rendition of facts in an entertaining captivating way. I have truly enjoyed learning more about history listening to his various treatise length episodes. It’s quite obvious that the uninformed haters are out in force because in their mind he spoke blasphemy during his Tucker interview. I’d suggest they spend some time listening to his careful well researched episodes instead of making a snap judgement based on a sentence taken out of context spoken during a multi hour interview.
lfutgWarning: Avoid if you are afraid of having your beliefs challenged.I’m so grateful for a historian who does such a deep dive and does not seek the approval of the gatekeepers at the large publishers. Yes, you may be offended. So what? Make up your own mind.
Big Dev!!My new favorite PodcastDon’t listen to the cry babies and liberal women. Anyone can check into these things on their own and come to same conclusions. Excited to hear more.
Boston CrockettUncovering TRUTHThank you for all of your hard work to deep dive into our history to deliver the facts! I really enjoy this podcast and how you present the information. you always try to be fair in your perspective. Please ignore the haters that have been brainwashed by propaganda and can’t open their mind to things that don’t align with the story they have been fed all of their lives. Keep putting in the work for the rest of us that don’t like to🤣 the truth is important🇺🇸
Linkster78759Fear and Loathing in New JerusalemI just finished this podcast series, and it’s one of the best I’ve ever heard. Like many people, I wasn’t all that familiar with the machinations surrounding the formation of Israel. Daryl Cooper provides a very even handed description of the events leading to the formation of Israel from both the Jewish and Arab perspective. On more than one occasion, I wept at the sheer barbarity of human race. I think many people’s understanding of a pogrom comes from Fiddler on the Roof. I know mine did. I don’t think most people understand the horror that Jews were forced to endure for centuries as residents of other countries. Most people just think about The Holocaust, but that was just a culmination of centuries of persecution and pogroms. As Daryl says, “What would YOU do?” Now that I have a better understanding of the situation in in Israel, I’m also not sure what the solution is. The Arabs have a right to their land and homes. The Jews have a right to their own country where they’re not persecuted for simply being Jewish. History is more often than not simply a tale of power and conquest. On more than one occasion, I thought about how America was founded on the former lands of Native Americans. America had the strength to take the entire territory of the United States by force, so we did. Israel had the power to take what they considered their rightful homeland by force, so they did. We are not giving the land back to the Native Americans anymore than Israel is giving back their land to the Arabs. What would you do?
macaroundthefurYou can’t get enough of this podcastBest podcast I believe I’ve listened to and I’m only about 8 episodes in. Subscribed after the 6th. I cannot stop listening. It’s also the only podcast that has made me happy to pull out a notepad and pens and really take time to take in the information. Always keeping an open mind grounded in facts is what this world needs.
3boysssmomDelivery is perfect!I love the way he delivers the history as a simple conversation. So many interesting facts. Is there somewhere we can see the info on the music from the podcast? Episode 1 Fear and Loathing…. Had an great song played at the end. Would love to know the artist.
QueenReba63Unique and remarkable telling of humanity’s past!Never have I been so intrigued by history that is not very relevant to me personally. Darryl’s research and objectivity is quite impressive, and his narration style addictive. The facts he shares are exactly what people need to know so they can avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
UnatomerSuperbMr. Cooper has an excellent grasp of facts. He shares his opinion at times but only in such a way as to help you learn how to think and develop your own opinions. Do not be offended at his use of the word “myth.” He has a different definition of “myth” than you normally hear and it is equally valid. He does not mean in any way that the myth never actually happened. His chief gift is his ability to put his listeners in the shoes of the people in the story. He adds greatly to any historical analysis by making it personal to you and forcing you to come to grips with how you might respond in the same situation. I am an addict.
RookShruggedFree audio books?This is awesome. I love going in depth in these topics and coverage of history from different perspectives. It’s like receiving high quality audio books for free.
Pastor Ian in IronwoodExcellent podcast.Started listening from the beginning after his interview with Tucker Carlson. I am slow to add new podcasts to my stream because I like to give them attention and focused listening. I am on the second episode of the Jerusalem pods and absolutely love the information. I have mentioned for years Americans just have no frame of reference in the Middle East because they think it started in 1979, without realizing how narrow and limited that perspective is. Cooper is doing a great job of showing how WWI and WWII and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the effort by Europeans to create colonies and subservient States where no states had not existed was a horrible policy. We live today with the results of these efforts to draw new lines and appoint ruling lords over people who never had a State or freedom and then injecting Zionism and European Jews right smack into the middle of the recipe making the whole hing ripe for disaster.
Boston EmigrantHis Bible knowledge is lacking…He’s fast and loose from the very beginning and will never have my trust in any review of primary sources as a consequence. When he refers to the Old Testament story of Exodus as mythology rather than history I found him to be particularly lacking. Don’t waste your time.
L ChristinePseudo HistorianI am a conservative Christian woman and love history; and I don’t have an aversion to critically exploring long-held or accepted narratives. However, there is nothing intellectual or critical in Cooper’s revaluation of Winston Churchill’s place in history. It’s just laughable and juvenile to be frank. He sounds like a 14 year old teen—“yeah man Churchill was actually the villain of WW2, cool huh!”
devil zillaPages per minute?How fast can homie read? How are there enough hours in the day? The only thing offensive about the Cucker incident is that he went on that mendacious moron’s show in the first place. Talk to Chris Hedges.
Marcus-BobbyOne of the most important voicesThank you, your insights and intellectual prowess shine a light onto the past and illuminates where we are now
MAR1SKAnother one ☝️Just another subscriber coming from the Tucker interview who was very impressed with the research and articulation of Mr Darryl cooper. Just don’t sell out my friend keep up the good work!
Rab2.0Totally worth the time to learn about Darryl. *The antisemitism is thick* (edit-Opinion revised)*Though the podcaster continues to pretend it’s unbiased but by the 6the episode of Fear and Loathing, the “great Zionist conspiracy” is stamped.* Came back to edit my rating and comment. That is how I felt before I watched the Tucker Carlson interview. Since that interview I see you in a new light and disavow my previous rating and comment. Though I don’t agree with everything you say, I think you are approaching all of these subjects from an objective pov and are honestly trying to look at all perspectives. Keep it up. Love the long form podcasts.
nlphilThank youThank you for not being afraid to tell the truth. I appreciate your research and dedication to the topics you cover. Hopefully there are more people to be less afraid and speak out. I’m sorry they are coming for you. It’s a shame we live in a world that groups of people and sympathizers of those people are so disillusioned that it they take to gnashing of teeth and calls to be cancelled. Your work is valued.
Ralph DiggensJones Town series is TerribleI was quite a ways in and still no mention of the Layton family and CIA involvement. This guy is a Shill for a think tank or two.
Christina R, PAStarted Listening to the MM Podcast after watching interview with Tucker CarlsonI am about half way through the 3rd part of “Fear
PatrickHenry2KYou only get flack when you are over the target.Obviously, I am another person who came across this podcast through Tucker and was absolutely blown away by how well-researched and—more importantly—honest it is about history that I find incredibly refreshing. Didn’t hesitate to subscribe and to be honest this is the only podcast I have ever subscribed to…. I do hope Darryl will dig into the so-called Civil War and help better articulate the results of that historical event on the fabric of American society that let up to WWI, WWII and the change in American jurisprudence which plagues us to this very day. In conclusion, if you read this Darryl, I have a study of books concerning the formation of the USA and Civil War era reads that will certainly pique your interest. Thank you and cheers 🍻
YourmomgoestouniHere because of the NYTThanks NYT for showing me my new favorite podcast!
ChefjasBest podcast on netI just finished the multi part series on Zionism and the Israeli Palestinian issue. Covers history from 1900 to 1948. 29 hours. And was absolutely captivated throughout. Not only is Darryl’s research meticulous, he presents it in a way that is interesting and entertaining. That’s hard to do. Kudos brother.
Third HorsemanHost not a historianThe host shows his inability to grasp complex historical concepts and facts. Cherry picks aspects of history that promote his worldview. They have no academic experience or background. Dates, figures, and conclusions are ignored and fabricated in order to come up with propaganda supported by the “host”.
MmhmmSanta0732Actually deep and well balancedIncredibly balanced and deep dives into complex historical topics. He just says the truth and lets the chips fall where they may. You may not like what he says, but he’s not lying.
PistheManRational Thought and DiscussionI’m here through the recommendation from Dave Smith, I’m starting from the beginning and I’m loving the Fear and Loathing Series. People are fake aggravated over the Tucker interview and focused on the sound bite but disregard the nuance of history, the mouth breathers are reacting with a religious fervor over their nationalistic mythology. I blame the school system, regardless, keep up the great work.
JamieLG80Highly recommendI’ve learned so much about history that I’ve never learned while I was in school or in the media. This podcast is very informative and well put together. I encourage everyone to check it out!
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