The Tucker Carlson Show

The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.

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Recent Reviews
  • Grecian Delight
    Vincent Everett Ellison
    One or the greatest conversations I have ever heard. An absolute must listen!
  • lyricbrenda
    Truth. Haven’t we all been waiting?
    It is incredibly refreshing to hear someone speak so openly, honestly and fearlessly. Maybe that’s why Tucker Carlson is so easy to love. He’s intelligent and humble—so much so, that even when I don’t see everything just as he sees it, I enjoy hearing his opinion on the many things I seldom get the chance to contemplate for any length of time. I am thrilled to know there’s another “Voice of Reason” who truly believes in America and that he seems to be willingly speaking the truth. Thank you for your courage, Tucker.
  • Gym Mommy
    Steve Sailer - so interesting
    I loved listening to the interview with Steve Sailer. Great listening.
  • OhhMissBeliever
    Tell me more
    I can’t get enough of Tucker’s interviews. The format and relaxed flavor is everything. My favorite so far is the one w/ Chris Cuomo and I didn’t like him before this interview. You guys are a match and the rapport was amazing. I could see you guys hanging out and being great friends. My new favorite is with Thomas Massie is a gem of a man . Protect him at cost. Massie for VP. Trump/Massie!!! I loved with the comedian Tim Dillon except for his weird comments on Disney adults. Tucker has found his place and I’m loving it
  • Texas girly on vacation
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Incredible interviews and insight that you will not hear anywhere else! God Bless you Tucker!
  • james23784737
    Good long form interviews
    I don’t agree with or believe everything either Tucker Carlson or some of his guests say, but I still get food for thought from these long-form discussions. Shout out to Glenn Greenwald.
  • Derek Gates 11
    Proud Anti Communist
  • Bdog22332590
    Tucker Carlson is legendary
    After Fox News fired him, I stopped watching Fox News. I am so glad Tucker has made a podcast; I always thought he should have one, even when he was at Fox. While the podcast isn't quite as good as the television format, it is still an excellent show. Tucker has insights and takes on issues that you won't get anywhere else. Keep fighting the good fight Tucker!
  • PcaCoach
    Straight shooting greatness
    The podcast with Naomi Wolf is great and that’s just a place to start! Jeff Sachs & Vince Ellison are eye opening
  • Candy Queen😘
    Bad shady entertainment
  • Matt in Casper
    Not a Fox News fan but…
    Anyone giving Pastor Doug Wilson a platform or interview is worth a 5 star review. Always seek The Truth!
  • eNF0Rc3R_d3m0N
    You should check out Kap Chatfield he’s a Christian man/pastor who uses media to spread the word of God. He says he’s using a weapon of the Devil against him. 🙏
  • sweetnessfan34
    Michael Knauss
    Dr. Nehls book is causing my Hippocampal neurogenesis to explode 🤯 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂😂 Thank you for all that you do to bear witness to the Truth 😎 I know another Guy who came to this earth to do the same thing
  • 5Farmer7
    Your beater then all the rest
  • Plf14
    Thank God there are a handful of people left like Tucker who are not imbedded propagandist for the elite global cabal of tyrants. Take back the West. Fight.
  • Second Variety
    Birds of a Feather…
    Bannon lies by omission for not telling listeners that while his king was in office, Trump allowed Bannon to appropriate the contributions we gave to the Build the Wall foundation. Old toady Bannon has committed fraud, money laundering and a slew of other crimes yet was pardoned by the former president—so were other Trump butt-kissers—before he faced any prison time. Tucker admires and welcomes Bannon as they share the same grifting, lying, pro-fascist, lack of a conscience, power greedy kind of immorality that does no good for Republicans or for our country.
  • DMLaRock
    El Salvador
    I just listened to the recent episode featuring the President of El Salvador in conversation with Tucker. My son had a referred me to the episode. All I can say following the podcast is that this seemed incredibly refreshing. It reminded me of the hope I still have for America.
  • eashuk2
    Love the podcast!
    I am really enjoyed this podcast. I love Tucker’s honest take on topics.
  • gman0661
    Best in the business
    Tuckers interview with mr Ellison was amazing. The 3 hours flew bye. Learned so much from the interview, this is why tucker is the best.
  • 0unhappy7654
    Great show
    Great job Tucker Another Great Show as Always
  • Mbbkmb
    This podcast has altered many thoughts I have had over my last 68 years. Many things that I thought were inviolate have changed. Growing up in the post World War II era and living through the 60s and 70s I thought the US were always the good guys. Maybe that’s not true anymore. January 6 a set up? The civil rights act responsible for destroying the African-American family?, etc.. always thought-provoking, certainly not the end all, and be all of information, but certainly ideas you that I don’t hear in the mainstream.
  • Carson12Taylor
    Keep it up Mr.Tucker Carlson you are a great podcaster and seems to me you always try to find the truth no matter what it is. Thank you#1stProtectour1stAmendmant
  • Cakes205
    Excellent interviews
    Anyone who says this isn’t a great listen is probably trapped by party politics. Notice how most reviews say he’s not telling the truth while never actually telling you what he has gotten wrong.
  • Fruitwrapllc
    I feel good
    He mentioned James brown and I’m laughing and decided hey some James brown would really hit the spot. I’ll finish the interview later. Great podcast
  • Chauntry
    I was emotionally moved by Vince Ellison
    What an amazing conversation. I shared this with everyone I know.
  • Coastal Johnny
    Mr. Tucker and Mr. Steve,
    Thank you from American families who wish to pass the America we grew up in to our children and children’s children. God’s Blessings and prayers to each of you and your efforts.
  • MkeY234Z62
    A good show
    Steve Bannon Episode: Apple is cutting the podcast audio episode short. So is the Apple TuneIn radio app. I could only hear the end of the interview on your website. The first amendment is all we got. Never let them take it away.
  • Sjeckers
    Hate Tucker
  • CredibleReviews
    What happened to this guy?
    Sometimes Tucker does not seem to be telling the full truth, omissions, exaggerations, stuff out of context, super conspiratorial- so as a listener its vital to check and verify what he says. Is he doing it on purpose? I have no idea. Tucker was indispensable back in 2018- 2020, not quite sure what happened to that guy, something definitely changed for the worse.
  • katsqui
    Important perspectives
    Thank you Tucker for all of the intelligent interviews and insights to all topics!
  • Briancecilrnnnnn
    Thank you Tucker!
    Thank you for giving us another great podcast to listen to your thoughts and other peoples thoughts. Keep fighting for free speech, so many people are with you!
  • ATCJimbob
    Fantastic interviewer provocative and engaging
    Always interesting and entertaining Tucker Carlson has guests that expand my knowledge and their is always an unexpected surprise that exhibits his ability to focus in on the world behind the headlines.
  • Toby The Golden Bear
    He’s a real guy
    I loved the episode with Rep. Tom Massie. He is just a regular guy. Thank you for a great honest interview.
  • lollipop 🐓
    “Facts” without context, are opinions
    Very entertaining, but that’s about it. While I respect the Guests’ and Carlson’s right to voice their views and opinions, they need to differentiate between those opinions and actual facts that are backed up by research. One example of this is when during the discussion on the verdict of the Trump trial, they claimed that this is only happening because Trump is a Republican, and that if it happened to Obama, democrats would have the same reaction as them. (The opinion that the entire US Judicial System is rigged) This claim completely ignores the fact that in order to even have a trial for Obama, or any other citizen of the US, there would have to be a case brought against them. It’s pretty simple, if there was a legal avenue of attack at Obama, the GOP would have taken it a long time ago. Since Obama had never had a case brought against him, (besides the citizenship thing which was debunked) he could have never had to have faced the same consequences that Trump has to. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, NOT TRUMP… NOT OBAMA
  • Shar/Jer
    Rep Massy interview
    Loved the interview!
  • z-man1414
    Tucker the 🐐
  • MoonPieFangs
    Worse than church.
  • jessica fig
    I hope history is kind to Tucker. He, along with Elon Musk, are single handedly saving our democracy. 🇺🇸
  • Healthybasket
    Thank you for Thomas Massie. Thought at first, why listen, but you’re tucker so…. Awesome guy! Btw, electrician of 30 years and I feel like a loser now! Tighten up the red wings, buy three books and APPLY! You are the best.
  • 2 SOS
    Tucker, I have to admit I watched you on Fox News occasionally but was never a fan of Fox News. Your podcast has captured my attention and you are by far, one of my favorite podcasters! Your honesty and quest for the truth is refreshing in these days of lies and deception. Please keep the faith and your unending search for the truth! May God Bless you and your family!
  • C . Whalen
    Sooooo refreshing! Thank you Tucker
  • NBPTeagle
    An informative - and chilling - interview! Thank you, Tucker.
  • Fury Annetoinette
    Sociopathic Grifter in a bow tie.
    Tucker Carlson is a trust fund baby grifter who has slithered through life without an original thought. His purpose is to generate wealth and notoriety at the expense of American stupidity. If you think he cares or believes in what he says, dating all the way back to the Iraq war, you are satisfying the brief. Do yourself a favor and find your smoke screened fireside chats elsewhere
  • Battlebirch
    You Can’t Handle the Truth!
    This IS the mainstream media. The old is dead.
  • llama360
    Tucker = actual professional journalist
    Brilliance on display, educational & entertaining as well. Don’t believe the “1 star” bots and leftist haters. Tucker is a renaissance man for America. With true talent, curiosity and courage.
  • DivergentBird
    I prefer debates
    I prefer debates but glad there’s a space for centrists
  • Rvnrvinecivn
    So happy there’s finally a podcast
    Tucker is fearless, and I love that he talks to anyone and everyone. He lays it out there, and whether you agree or not with everything said he’s having conversations about the topics we need to stop ignoring! He was just a guest on the SRS show another phenomenal podcast. We need more of this, and any 1 star reviews have to be just bots or morons. Love it keep it up. Thx🙏
  • DanieB1982
    The Legend
    Tucker is trusted. I always knew that but I didn’t watch him a lot because of Fox News burnout by the time his show came on. My dad kept the tv on Fox News. When I found out Tucker had his own show watched his interview with Dennis Quaid , and then I saw him on the Shawn Ryan show- I love Shawn Ryan Show immensely. I just listened to Tuckers interview with Aaron Rodger’s , and it gave me a new perspective of AR, and I think this is one of the most important podcasts out there.
  • martacatb
    What a Snowflake
    Tuckers annoying voice and faux outrage is grinding. He’s the biggest snowflake in the mainstream media.
  • jjjjjjjsbdbehdjdu
    Tuck is the man keep it up keep beating down these libtards.
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