Shawn Ryan Show


The "Shawn Ryan Show" is hosted by Shawn Ryan, former U.S. Navy SEAL, CIA Contractor, and Founder of Vigilance Elite. We tell REAL stories about REAL people from all walks of life. We discuss the ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and struggles, the good and bad in a respectful but candid way with our guest. We're better than entertainment, we're the REAL thing. Please enjoy the show.

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Recent Reviews
  • 4951747qpgfffeiopsmy
    The amount of great guests it astonishing
    The variety and quality of almost every guest especially within the last few months in is great.
  • walker and sometimes runner
    A Masterpiece of Patriotism and Valor
    **Podcast Review: The Shawn Ryan Show** The Shawn Ryan Show is nothing short of a masterpiece. As someone who holds a deep appreciation for our country, a steadfast faith, and immense respect for our warriors, this podcast resonates profoundly with me. Shawn Ryan, a former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor, brings a unique and authentic perspective that is both humbling and inspiring. From the moment you press play, it's clear that Shawn Ryan is dedicated to honoring the stories of America's most remarkable warriors. The level of detail and care that goes into each episode is evident, showcasing a deep respect for the guests and their incredible journeys. Listening to their experiences not only increases my admiration for these brave individuals but also amplifies my love and pride for our country. The interviews are compelling, often emotional, and always thought-provoking. Shawn has a remarkable talent for drawing out stories that aren't just about the battlefield but also about the human spirit, resilience, and the values that these warriors embody. His genuine interest and empathy make the conversations deeply personal and relatable. One of the most remarkable aspects of the podcast is how it seamlessly intertwines themes of faith, patriotism, and brotherhood. It's a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who serve and the importance of holding onto the values that define us as a nation. Each episode leaves me with a renewed sense of gratitude and a stronger connection to my faith and my country. The production quality is top-notch, and the storytelling is engaging, making it easy to become fully immersed in each episode. Whether you're a military enthusiast or simply someone like me who appreciates powerful, real-life stories, The Shawn Ryan Show is a must-listen. The Shawn Ryan Show is an extraordinary podcast that does nothing but increase my joy for my country, strengthen my faith, and deepen my love and respect for the warriors who protect our freedoms. It's a testament to the bravery, sacrifice, and unyielding spirit of those who serve, and it stands as a beacon of patriotism and inspiration.
  • Megan639
    Was disappointed in Shawn for letting Tucker Carlson promote 9/11 conspiracy theories unchallenged. I respect Shawn and generally love the show but he has a huge platform and an obligation to try and present factual information. At least go back in the editing process and add an addendum correcting the misinformation. The old theory that a BBC news channel reported on the 9/11 attacks 20 minutes before they actually occurred has been thoroughly debunked and there is no evidence of any such report having occurred. I’m disappointed in Tucker for believing that without doing any research but I’m even more disappointed in Shawn for just nodding along and doing the exact same thing. This is how society becomes dumber over time. Everyone just hears a story and runs with it as fact. How many thousands of listeners will now do the same because of this podcast? Please have a care.
  • chainslinger31
    Great Show !!
    Great Show - Informative - God Bless !! Thank You for Your Service !!
  • jonsey81
    My new favorite podcast! I believe I started listening this year and now always look forward to the next episode. Shawn thank you for your hard work, your heart and your mission to change the world for good. Update, 6/26/24 Just listened to the Reaper. Wow! 2 humble hero’s, Shawn you and your guests keep hitting these shows out of the park
  • Dentguypdr
    Top show hands down!
    I’m a lifelong listener after episode one! Funny how I can get bored watching a short on IG if it’s more than 15 seconds. But I can listen to hours upon hours of SRS! Keep up the amazing work brother!!!
  • Steinbeck4509
    SRS is awesome
    Love the show. Great guests and topics. Enjoy hearing about things that actually matter. Only reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is the Moink ads. There is no ractopamine used in US swine since 2020. I hate deceptive marketing claims.
  • gadoury62
    Nick Irving interview
    I've recently found this podcast and it's amazing Shawn. Very eye opening
  • Charliecash
    Wow !!! Look forward to each new show !!!
    Just a few months in as a listener but the show is like I am sitting around a fire pit talking to a bunch of buddies…Thank You for sharing the views I had thought was just me ….
  • &$'a
    Enough said
  • CPapineau
    Astounding Podcast
    The best podcast out there. Wish more people would give it a listen. Thank You Shawn.
  • AlpineIII
    From Appalachistan
    Shawn Ryan tells a story better than Walter Cronkite
  • Liddlelex99
    Favorite Podcast
    Fantastic interviews with amazing stories and far more information than you can find in main stream media. Thank you for your work.
  • Y3TI DG
    The Nick Irving interview was amazing. It was very true. His story is amazing and inspiring. Listened to the whole interview deep into the night. Truly inspirational and honest.
  • Sean B Nashville
    Keep it up and thank you
    I recently found this show and really appreciate it. Shawn has an interesting laid back style where he lets the guest speak as they would normally, only steering the interview when it’s necessary. He doesn’t make it about him unless he has a personal story or anecdote that tracks will with the topic they are on. From one Nashville podcaster to another, keep it up!
  • theguythatwantshismoneyback
    Amazing podcast
    SRS is the first podcast I ever listened to and I wish I would have started a long time ago.
  • JMC907
    Convinced me to get into therapy
    Listening to the others I realized that I had a lot of their symptoms and didn’t know thats what it was. Great interviews as well.
  • djgmaster
    great podcast
    one of the best podcasts keep them coming
  • m.rue
    Uncensored Truth
    Been listening from the beginning. Shawn brings forward a refreshing format not seen in the agenda driven media. Shawn’s guest cover a broad topic range and bring real life experience and insight to the listeners. We need more people like Shawn willing to cover topics censored and watered down by traditional media.
  • Jess-Elpis
    Thankful…so, so thankful, for the integrity behind each show. It is refreshing to hear real news, see real heroes and to pray for those who have endured and persevere.
  • OhGodItsJosh
  • xxxTheTroutMasterxxx
    Long Time Listener
    Just got a notification today on my phone about the nick Irving episode….All I can say is thanks and I’m pumped!! Nice work!!!!
  • Janwall00
    SRS is fantastic because Shawn invites incredible guests and lets them tell their stories - unlike so many hosts that talk 75% of the time. My son, a Sergeant in the Marine Corps, got his old retired Marine dad hooked.
  • RedneckEOD
    Excellent show!
    This has quickly became my favorite podcast. I’ve been going back through and listening to earlier episodes while I’m on the tractor. Very interesting guests and in depth conversations.
  • Cole Mardy
    Best podcast in the world
    Thank you Shawn for letting me soak up your interviews every Monday. I love the listening to the longer interviews in sections on my way to work as an Air Force Medic. Love the show, bring back the pictures of guests on the cover!
  • FeFife77
    Love listening
    I’m a single 45 yo woman and I’m not sure how I ended up here but I absolutely love listening. Started by clips on tik tok … the Tucker Carlson has been my favorite but I love listening to all the guests. Keep it up!
  • nycher
    Unique & captivating interview style
    Shawn is a very patient and thoughtful interviewer. He allows his guests to tell their stories in their own ways, and the stories they tell are riveting. This is one of the best podcasts available across all genres.
  • JAB7315
    Just awesome
    Awesome show dude
  • Ravennator
    Another great one
    You just keep bringing the stories as they are the best.
  • P1Day1
    Shawn Ryan’s The Show
    This is me of the best podcasts in the world!!! Thank you sir.
  • Beetee1313
    Simply the best
    Discovered The Shawn Ryan podcast last year and cannot stop listening. Shawn has a fantastic style of interviewing, he gives free space allowing the guests to take the listener on the adventure that is the guest speakers experiences. Many episodes are worth listening to several times to fully appreciate what is being said, revealing the lifestyle and mindset of warriors. Shawns variety of topics and various guest speakers keep it fresh and interesting.
  • Punishers mc original
    Vigilante Elite
    I found Shawn show about a year ago and I freakin love it. I have not missed an episode and look forward to the show dropping every Monday. It’s nice to hear the truth and Shawn you’ve found your calling I’m a huge fan forever my friend.
  • Gavriel1
    This is my favorite podcast. Many topics that are ignored by the mainstream programmers are covered here giving a person a better understanding of what is actually going on.
  • Crazy_h
    He digs deep and keeps the person he is interviewing on track which makes it very intriguing. Only started watching him a couple of months ago but have watched about 15 interviews. Hooked!
  • RAW/113
    Discovered this channel on YouTube trying to figure out a rifle build and stumbled upon some of these interviews! I’ve been hooked since, great content! Salute to you brother 👍🏽🫡
  • Billygoat 1776
    The next best podcast everyone should be listening to
    I have 8–10 podcasts that I keep in my rotation. To be perfectly honest, when this podcast first came out, I thought it would just be another former Navy SEAL I would listen to occasionally when I was in the mood for that type of podcast. But I was I wrong. Very wrong. This podcast brings the heat. Very deep and interesting conversations on point for everything going on in our Country today. This guy brings on amazing guests and invites conversation and insight like Joe Rogan and some of my other favorites. I don’t miss an episode. Well done Sir. You’re the next rising star in the podcast industry for anyone that wants to know what’s really going on in America.
  • 86D86
    The format is fantastic! The Tucker Carlson episode is great! Thank you and keep it up folks and I’ll keep listening.
  • The Constant Believer
    Thank you.
    Thank you.
  • Tractorguy21
    Going sober, Tucker Carlson episode
    New listener, but have seen Shawn’s clips on TikTok. This episode hit home and is helping me change my life as far as drinking goes. All episodes have a good message if you listen and take it in. Thank you Shawn and the crew to put this show out!!!
  • Fr3ak5h0w
    Most Informative Show Available
    you need to reach out to Trump and make him listen to this three-part interview. One suggestion, Sarah Adams = Secretary of State under the Trump administration
  • Sean.Tuttle
    New Listener
    Late to the party but loving this podcast! Saw an instagram post from episode 100, gave it a listen and the Shawn Ryan show is all I’ve downloaded since. Shawn asks great questions to create authentic and purposeful conversations with his wide range of guests. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
  • dforeman80
    Awesome podcast
    Love the podcast and way he interviews!
  • GetchaPull
    Best Podcast by far!
  • D.L.Turino
    Episodes # 115 & 117
    Great work. It’s always nice to listen to Tucker and his ideology. With marriage and life and the pursuit of happiness in general. RFK- what an amazing human. I will be voting for him 100%. Because he has a target on him proves that he’s flipping over the rocks and asking the questions. Enjoyed these episodes specifically. I will be a regular listener. THANKS!
  • Big Tom from the City
    Shawn, your personal story is inspiring and the work you are doing is sensational. Keep up the amazing work!
  • Elitesrule
    Love this
  • SPnow
    I just have one word - fantastic!
  • timthetoolman323
    I appreciate the content and the honesty. Keep up the good work!
  • Bob in Michigan
    Document ing History
    Well Shawn Ryan certainly can track down and interview some fantastic people, who have fantastic thoughts, believes and experiences. Not all military interviews, but definitely some great interviews. One of the best podcast out there, I love that he is documenting history, from those that are making history. Love hearing the good, bad, and the ugly. Love America. Keep up the great work Shawn Ryan (& Team). Looking forward to your next interview.
  • mickprice13
    I have listened to and enjoyed the Shawn Ryan Show for about a year. His show has become one of my favorites. I particularly enjoy the wide range of guests and topics discussed. On a recent road trip from Pennsylvania to San Antonio Texas and back I listened to the Shawn Ryan Show. Caught up on current episodes and Re listened to some past favorites.
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