The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast


Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

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  • matchumoo
    I like Jordan Peterson. I like the way he talks, I enjoy listening to his voice, and I appreciate the effort he often puts in to playing devils advocate. Some of the things he talks about I have a strong understanding of, some things he helps me to understand better, and some just go completely over my head. I don’t always like his guests, but I’m happy there is a large variety. Honestly, though, the reason I’m taking off one star is because sometimes Jordan makes comments that are so off-the-wall that it takes some of the enjoyment away from the podcast. I know he is human, with human experiences and human thoughts, and he is obviously free to think and say whatever he wants; but this is my review and I can do whatever I want with my stars 🙃
  • buskilla
    Podcast love this man
    Dr. Jordan Peterson is my favorite podcast show. I read all these books looking forward to his fourth one. And saw him live once last May here in Los Angeles. He change my life and a better person I think God for him.
  • the blob of death
    Standing strong for what he knows is right.
    I have always loved this show, even more so when he joined the DW, and I hope he continues for a long, long time. P.S. It’s kinda funny how the only people who are giving the show one star are virtually all people who support a ceasefire in Gaza. 🤮
  • Kholybee
    I love Jordan Peterson
    I absolutely love his podcasts and he’s is obviously quite intelligent. Anyone who is a true fan, knows he recognizes that Palestine and Israel is an extremely complex topic in which both sides have committed atrocities. He knows. He works for Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro who are very one sided. This guy knows some of what Ben says and what he says is not what he actually thinks. He signed a contract. He will uphold that contract as an honorable and trustworthy person. He will not speak his thoughts that don’t align with Daily Wire. I understand and respect that.
  • minimal italiana
    Extremely edifying content!
    JP is truly such a wise individual! I find myself feeling so edified after consuming ANY of his content! Always worth the listen! This man has changed so many lives, including mine!
  • gpajake
    John Spencer
    This was great. Aside from a lot of other interesting info, a very informed, clear, concise explanation of the nuts and bolts of what is going on in Gaza. Best explanation I've heard since the beginning. MSM take note. My compliments Mr. Spencer. But unfortunately anyone as knowlegible and strightforward as yourself, well, there's no where for you in academia or politcs.
  • Ahoy.RAD
    Speaking of Roseanne Barr
    Listening to this episode, it occurred to me that it would be a hoot if Roseanne were Press Secretary for Trump!
  • Journal@100
    I kinda wanted to check this podcast it says in the description that this will change the way I think and I was like okay please elaborate me…I am listening and getting the vibe that these folks are just an average talkers. Next thing pops he mocking Hamas being victim. I mean who else doesn’t recognise Hamas as a terrorist group? Did he just implied that all Gazan are Hamas? Isn’t this outrageous and disgraceful insulting innocent victims who died in crossfire?! These people with such a musty thoughts are just a sickness to our community.
  • Aunt Emili
    Great episode!
    Loved your talk with Rosanne Barr! She is brilliant and one smart lady!
  • Lenore69
    Caters to white straight men with a sense of entitlement
    Jordan Peterson doesnt believe in lesbians? How can someone make a statement like that and then offer no explanation backing up his opinion. This guy is a pseudo intellectual who throws around unfounded claims and thinks his opinion is more important then it actually is.
  • hbar0401
    Alex O Conner
    This episode was fascinating, It was pleasant to hear intelligent conversation between two individuals without one or the other try to have a got you moment. I hope another conversation between Dr. Peterson and Mr. O Conner will be scheduled soon.
  • Pinarellomon
    I am amazed at the depth and breadth of content on various topics of substance that are covered. I would not have thought that I or very many others would be interested in these shows in this current age of shallow and short attention spans. Yet here I am listening to these shows and learning. Great host. Great guests. Great topics.
  • nbfazel
    Jordan Peterson has disappointed us
    I’ve been listening to Jordan Peterson and reading him for a very long time. I have a list of Jordan Peterson sayings which are hyperlinked to his YouTube videos. I think he has impacted my life. I always sensed a low-grade hostility to Islam and the Middle East, but tried to focus on the positive. But something changed a couple of years ago after he emerged from an illness that nearly took his life. He joined the Daily Wire, run by Ben Shapiro. Then invited Netanyahu, for whom the ICC is issuing an arrest warrant, on his show. On top of everything else, he now supports genocide of Palestinians by opposing a ceasefire and making fun of the pro-peace student protesters. How can I take anything he says on the podcast seriously anymore? He has lost credibility.
  • PinZin
    Mixed Opinion
    Clearly an intellectual and when he is interviewing other intellectuals he dominates the conversation and does most of the talking. However when he interview the Arab man who helped Mossad he was a good listener and asked helpful questions. Episodes seem longer than needed and I frequently tap out after ½ to ⅔ of the show.
  • Candice52811
    Mosab Hassan yousef interview
    This was a very compelling and heart wrenching interview that everyone needs to hear before casting opinion and judgement.
  • scwjesuswept
    Let your guests talk
    I listened to the episodes with the couple that lost their daughter cause they wouldn’t affirm her being a boy and the one about Canada with Josh and Nick. Jordan needs to shut up and let your guests talk
  • Poetic Linguist
    A Man of God
    If you want to hear a man who uses his brain, talks like he knows anything he says at any moment is an addition to his character, and who is a true Christian Man in every sense of the phrase, then this is perfect for you. Thank you, Mr. Peterson, and God bless you and your family!
  • Bexbean49
    Pretentious pretender
    No truly smart person would call themselves an “intellectual phenomenon.” A truly wise man knows all that is left for him to learn. If you feel confused listening, that’s because the host is a poor communicator. Sometimes intentionally, to manipulate you. Don’t tell yourself listening to this means you are smart, because if you think that, the smart people in your life are already on to you.
  • 1937F0rd
    Victor Hansen
    Can you have a conversation with him
  • Samtual
    Conversations my generation needs to hear.
    Most conversations are worth while on Jordan’s podcast.
  • lazurwolf
    Good for a laugh but Jordan is such a joke.
  • AI talk
    Study in Contrasts
    I am seized with this monumental moment in time and place that has cast JP and RB into this kind of exchange. This can truly be counted as one of the positive outcomes of Online Media. Learning something new with each listen, while not always agreeing with everything. I am so so pleased to have heard that RB was listening to Bishop Baron. I make no judgement between all three of these very different men but am only remarking how wonderful it is that they are all open to exchanging ideas with each other. I really feel that strong sense of hope. Hope that we are all God’s children and at least potentially, should we accept it, will be united with the whole truth in the end. These are the men who will bring more people into that decision.
  • FlyOverStateLLC
    Top podcast!!!
    Always interesting and a great source of fresh inspiration
  • Lorily67
    Mosab Hassan Yousef interview is powerful
    Watching the US protect and evangelize a terrorist regime is horrifying but clearly many just don’t understand the geopolitics and cultural landmine we are walking into. Every pro-Palestine college student should have a listen.
  • Rachel F. (Idaho)
    GREAT discussions and information
    I always enjoy listening to the discussions on this podcast, but I especially enjoyed the episode with Mosab Hassan Yousef. His story and position on the situation happening in Israel is something ALL Americans should hear. It’s such a shame that so many are blocking his voice from being heard. Keep up the great work you’re doing.
  • Iamseansdad
    Utter Trash
    If you want to hear a narcissistic Kermit the Frog wax paranoid about everything that scares him, have a listen!
  • Stephen Tyler Austin
    Biggest moron we have
  • LC baja
    Thank you
    Dr. Peterson's voice as it narrated 12 Rules for Life ushered me out of a season of brain injury and into graduate school to become a mental health clinician. I practice EMDR clinically now. Still hungry for more knowledge of Psychology and God, I returned to academia for a PhD program. As motivation for studying I recently returned to the podcast to find content like this, exactly in line with my PhD. I appreciate the introduction to this articulate, fun Bishop. Thank you Dr. Peterson for withstanding all the ideology of fashionable idiocy that hangs over our time, to guide me home. We likely will never meet but you have touched my life and the life of all my clients in unimaginable ways.
  • J. Todd H.
    Talk less
    Peterson sets up a question for 10 minute then the quest answers with a sentence or two. Rinse. Repeat. That’s the show. The guest doesn’t need to be there.
  • Nostacey
    Free speech conversation with Dr Pardy and Konstatin
    Wow what a great conversation and discussion on what it means to have “free speech” and the importance legislation has eliminating our liberty based on speech control.
  • Cyndi-Lou-Who
    Dr. Patrick Moore Ep 439, informative, entertaining but…
    Dr. Moore's narrative on climate change was enlightening, providing a deeper understanding of the Earth's developmental epochs. I agree and enjoy the phrase "a tempest in a teapot," which perfectly captures the exaggerated nature of the situation. I fully support the use of plastic in the medical field with no reservations. This game is a total game-changer. Among the topics that I have some disagreement with, the normalization of plastic used in the food and beverage industry stands out, as it perpetuates harmful waste.  The plastic enclosures, in certain instances, can foster the growth of bacteria, and the chemicals present in the food may or may not pose a threat to our well-being.  It's all about the dosage - too much can turn anything into a poison. It is commonly understood that plastic waste breaks down into countless small particles. In recent studies they have discovered traces of plastic particles in both human and animal body tissue. The impact of plastic material on human health is still uncertain and requires further research.  It's difficult for me to comprehend Dr. Moore’s assertion that masses of plastic, varying from the size of pallets to nanoparticles, possess only positive attributes with no negative consequences. In "Flotsametrics", Curtis Ebbesmeyer provides an engaging and informative study of ocean trash.  This is trash in the ocean he could see. Although a micro or nanoplastic may not be visible to the naked eye, it is a stretch to argue that plastic flotsam does not exist simply because of poor results from an online photo search. I spent a significant portion of my career researching and developing semiconductors. The human eye cannot perceive the intricate details of an integrated circuit or its material composition. Even an integrated circuit’s manufacturing cycle incorporates materials that are invisible, yet they are there and have an impact. The danger lies in the fact that these undetectable materials can be deadly to humans, especially if they go unnoticed. I wonder if the same holds true for the particles that are so tiny; they appear to be nonexistent. Cheers, Cyndi Recker - The Cleaner Planet Playbook
  • John Door Smithinstein
    It’s just MSM now. Gotta unfollow.
  • laurentree
    Always informative and thought provoking.
    I always learn something by listening to these podcasts. The very first thing that drew me to Dr. Peterson was and is his respects and knowledge of Carl Jung. When I first discovered Carl Jung, I was just blown away but the intricacy and details and thought that went into his study of the human personality. I couldn’t put his books down and still read and re read them over and over, his insight is profound and paved the way to a deeper understanding of things which Jordan Peterson refers to all the time! Secondly, Dr. Peterson’s YouTube videos, when they first came out, where labeled and geared towards young men and when I listed to these videos, (as I draw when listening, using my active imagination) I agreed that what he was saying is and should be geared towards young men to take responsibility and do what is right for yourself, family and community! (Not that women don’t need his message) but what he is saying is needed and not a simple way out and putting the fate of yourself in your hands. You have a responsibility and take that responsibility seriously. Now I am an avid listen to your podcasts and your past lectures as I find them absolutely intriguing and I am thankful that someone took on processing and dispersing the knowledge that you have gained from many observations, readings, teachings and interactions. I have read your books as well and the personal parts that you have gone through the past few years and it is mind blowing in itself. You also are very humble to the fact that you are still learning. The whole twitter debacle, when you had on your podcast conflicting guests who you asked what are your thoughts to my behavior? Most people wouldn’t do that! You are passionate about what you believe and it comes out in most of your messages as it is your truth and what you believe and you have given quite a bit of thought into many things. I honor this as I grew up in a very amazing family but also very religious. That being said, the truth according to my family had one answer, to me, I don’t agree with their tunnel vision but I respect it. All in all, I am thankful for Dr. Jordon Peterson and I remember one episode where a women who didn’t know you but was on Ayahuasca and in her vision said that you were here to teach the world! I agree! So keep on keeping on, in a world that is not for you when you stand true to your beliefs and you have had many trials along the way but keep on! Mahalo from Maui!
  • PepeSilvia101
    Get off the Daily Wire
    Pre-Daily Wire Peterson is life changing, but ever since he got on the Daily Wire his guests seem like they have been chosen for him, instead of selected by JBP for intellectual pursuit.
  • Jolyn-ski
    You say the things that need to be said. Love your boldness and unflinching tenacity to see beyond the norm and flesh it out. God made you the way you are for a great purpose! Keep it up. Especially love the spiritual topics.
  • Tryin' Bryan
    A fundamentally good man
    It truly is disappointing. There was not more of a true primary on the Democratic side this go around. It’s pretty clear to me that Mr. Phillips is a fundamentally good and genuine man with more than just some common sense which is probably precisely why the monolith/party did not want to give him a platform. Anyone with genuine views is a threat to an organization that is trying to eliminate competition, which seems to be their primary objective, this was a thoughtful conversation
  • CamillusNY
    Please stop talking so much
    I would really like to hear what your guests have to say. Please stop talking so much. You don’t always need to act like you are the smartest guy in the room.
  • Amdyfyn
    I lived in China 2016-21
    Your guest is wrong about a worldwide vaccine. China never used the Western vaccine. They developed their own thereafter.
  • adelaferrell
    Good content. A little rambling at times. I would have liked to hear more of Voss (Ep. 425).
  • Blackbear_fan101
    Thanks your podcasts really helped!
    My family struggles with adhd and depression and this podcasts helped us understand ourselves and eachother. Its a real life changer! Thanks!
  • Inzanesensation
    Used to like you a lot. More and more podcasts have gone downhill and you come across as a narcissist in many episodes.
  • Curiousagain22
    i once described you as as close to a hero as i will get to having
    and that hasn’t changed completely. Your recent Bishop Barron episode is an example of why I fell in love
  • Asciguy
    More true than true?
    Jordan is a useless, hateful idiot. Why do people think you’re so smart when you are completely delusional? He is a pseudo intellectual narcissist
  • AshStorm13
    It is good but
    It is good and makes you think about different topics and ideas but the host talks more than the guests and sometimes over them! Also he takes really long to get to the point...
  • dutchpig
    Episode 376
    You and Douglas Murray were fantastic.
  • Snickelfritts
    Love JBP
    Been listening to Jordan since before he became well known and I’ve learned a great deal from him. Would recommend to any person who wants to take an honest look within themselves.
  • mpenzilitious
    Absolutely brilliant and courageous to take on Government officials and trying to make sense of our life. The control and greed that is within our society is really sad. Keep educating us and inspiring.
  • SenseiCrow123
    This is Truth!!
    Listening to the podcast about bad therapy and weak parenting, I do feel like I have been wronged very fiercely between ages sixteen and twenty. I feel like I was being used like a white lab rat for Rexulti, which gave me a very bad addiction to p**n and gambling, and I do think I can come to the conclusion that Rexulti in no uncertain terms is a DEMON!! I did eventually get weened off of Rexulti, and even if it makes me a bad Christian, I may never forgive the doctor that gave me that DEMON. Thanks from the US!!
  • Jubilee Vineyard
    There is strength in numbers
    Samantha Stephenson‘s podcast “Brave New World” has presented arguments and information about the transgender crisis occurring in our society. Perhaps you could enter view her on your podcast. Dave H. First Sergeant, Retired US Army
  • jonnylubenko
    Gone downhill fast
    As soon as the daily wire started running this show it's gone drastically downhill. Ads nonstop, paywalls, and it seems like Jordan is forced to ask political questions crafted to support the daily wire's biases. Much better podcasts back in the day when it wasn't so politically driven.
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