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SLoomis78HmmmPsychopathy for pseudo intellectuals. Lock JP up.
AshmedeInsightfulBroad and deep. Jordan Peterson will relentlessly pursue the truth in the face of politically correct opposition at every turn. His guests are typically the thought leaders in their field, though not in the conventional main stream. Jordan will ask insightful questions, that even gives additional insight to his own guests. The only downside is that Jordan sometimes monopolizes the time himself, and also asks complex multi part questions.
ahsjdkdlnenekodkndndjdEpisode errorsDr. Peterson if you read this thank you for everything you have done. Still in 2025 we love you. Please never stop. The reason I am posting this is to inform you, if you’re not already aware of it, a lot of your episodes restart roughly 30 minutes into them. They don’t start over physically back at 0:00 but the episodes will randomly restart and you have to scrub forward to 60 minutes or so (it’s not always the same length into the episode) to find where I was. I don’t know if it’s just me but I just wanted you to be aware.
EquationGroupFr. Chad RippergerYou should interview exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger on the psychology of the demonic and the structure of communism. He is highly knowledgeable and academic—it would be an incredibly interesting conversation.
Inckfmjcd,dInterrupting The Guests.Tony Robbin’s episode was hard to listen to. Otherwise good.
dumpy durpNutrition facts: lays potato chipsTotal fat: 10g. 13% Saturated fat: 7g 7% Trans fat. 0% Total cholesterol: 0% Total carbs: 15g. 6%
Mikey Likes Podcasts5++ Stars Plus PlusDr Peterson is interesting and informative and is a true academic. Free from the intolerant status quo. He restores my faith in liberty and I understand those screaming fascist the loudest and the most are the fascists themselves.
EdeTMAn Intellectual Phenomenon?No. When he spoke on factual matters he can be interesting. When he starts speaking about his political opinions everything he states is questionable and typical partisanship.
Zoix33I am growing as a valuable and valued humanAs I take these topics and apply them into self-reflection, I am learning just how important (and small) I am as a child of God, whatever that means.
Teg S.Podcast GuestThink about interviewing Stephen Baldwin. He’s weird, but he means well and knows a lot about Hollywood.
T. ERJP —aligned perfectly to human evolutionI have not ever come across someone who is so perfectly aligned to how we all should be thinking and acting, enacting our future (mental) evolution. Jordan Peterson is someone every person should listen to and model after. Incredible person, incredible insight. It is no wonder people try and downgrade him because of their sheer jealousy in his ability of connecting the dots, insight, wisdom and forethought. Thank you Jordan Peterson for all that you do and ushering us into a new era of thought!
jdtadjHe needs to go back to honest journalism.His interview with Pierre was a great example of how his dislike for Trudeau takes away from honest reporting. He did not question Pierre about any of the issues where Pierre’s previous voting history is of concern. For instance, Pierre voted to criminalize parents who don’t want to transition their children but Peterson did not bring it up once. Any issue that was possibly contentious was left out of the entire discussion.
StarLord1996KIKAbsolutely necessaryI can’t even explain what Jordan’s lectures and podcast has done for me as a husband and father. If you want the best version you yourself listen in and pay attention.
chubby bakerJordan, I love you, but…You suffer that professorial malady that in trying to say everything you fill each sentence with 12 common slices and therefore say very little. It takes you 16 minutes just to get started in each of your topics. Get to the point. Subject predicate object works every time.
mario bro gamerAssume the person you are listening to knows something that you don’tMr Peterson, I love your books and lectures! You changed a lot of people’s lives. Just. Please. Stop. Interrupting. Listening to other people is a great skill. It’s your 9th rule. I feel bad for your guests, and they had information I couldn’t listen to. Other than that, I think it’s an amazing podcast.
john in 10 mileimpersonating your foundation by woke leftSomeone with a first name mikaila and your last name is on twitter claiming to have started a foundation in your name. She also called me "woke right". Maybe this is an impostor. Maybe an employee of your foundation is using your name as a mouthpiece for her liberal ranting. I'm unsubscribing because I don't need to provide time or attention to people who hate me.
DirtgrassbarnAmazing interview with Dallas JenkinsNew follower of the show, completely and thoroughly enjoying my time listening.
Jbake_therealtorLet your guest talkPlease let your guest talk without interrupting. Respectfully
Bdh0900I loved his earlier stuff.He uploaded lectures he gave to his students about the big five personality traits. It really helped me to learn more about myself which helped my relationships and find more meaningful employment. As much as I love how well he articulates himself and how easy he is to understand, he isn’t a very good interviewer. He tends to interrupt too often and take over the conversation. That is the only reason I won’t give him 5 stars. We need more people like him.
Michael MorrellLong time listener finally tuning outI’ve listened for prob 6 years or more. The podcast used to be interesting years ago when it was about psychological and personality topics. He had on interesting guests. I think he then decided that he wanted this to be his full time job bc he got in trouble at the university he worked at in Canada. He also had a bad addiction and he’s been VERY different since then. Since then, he’s saturated the show with political commentary and seems to now be attempting to attract hyper religious listeners. I can’t do it anymore. He’s so far out of his depth when discussing anything political. He’ll interrupt guests to interject points that don’t add to the conversation and show his lack of understanding. It’s clear he has a personal affinity for the Russians and their culture to the point where he thinks they won’t always do what they’ve always done and can be trusted. Invade their neighbors while crying that their neighbors were going to invade them. He has very little understanding of political topics but talks with such surety and authority that it just gets embarrassing to listen to. The religious listeners should listen to his discussion with Dawkins. He full out admits that he doesn’t believe the stories of the Bible are true in the literal sense. It’s all narrative. It’s a grift. A marketing scheme to drum up devoted listeners. The most recent episode with the creator of The Chosen, a bad tv show lol, Jordan asks if the creator is a prophet. He clearly doesn’t understand Christianity or that you can’t just spin the Bible to fit your worldview. I say this as a Christian. I can’t make it through more than one podcast a month or every two months bc the guests all sound the same and Jordan’s arguments all sound the same. He’s trying to be the Canadian Joe Rogan. Don’t waste your time. Go read his earlier books if you want to hear psychology content. PS - the ads randomly while listening…who decided that was the best way? It interrupts the flow of the discussion.
TeabaggindragonIt explains a lotJust think of the worst person you know and they’re probably a fan of this Kermit the frog impersonator.
iPreach 🎤The returnJordan Peterson things will only get worse even with trump in office. The prophecies of the Bible are all taking place. Give your life to God fully, there will be a rude awakening in the United States!! God is coming back! All you see happening around the world is prophecies. Get ready Jesus is coming!
Linden TGood conversationJordan Peterson is so full of curiosity backed by a wealth of knowledge. This podcast would be amazing if he could stop himself from interrupting his guests.
GaddCloneStop InterruptingHad to turn the Lee Jussim interview off. Jordan - take a breath. Stop talking occasionally. It seems like your inclination to consistently interrupt is getting worse throughout the years.
paVEme/ntBadSame lame stuff, just an intellectual version of bad conservative cr@p.
zackdaddy85God BlessMay God Bless brave & wise men like you.
HjhdujMolding CharacterI came across Dr JBP and I’ve been hooking ever since. As I’ve watched him over time, I find myself wanting to enhance/expand my character, my meaning, my path. I recommend him to anyone who wants to just think a bit deeper and just give life and perspective a different thought.
Mike_RobbieGreat but you talk too much versus the people you’re interviewingI have learned so much by listening to many of these interviews with fascinating and interesting people and the subject matter is always incredibly prescient for our times. The one thing that keeps me from giving this a five star rating is how the interviewees are consistently interrupted which takes away from their storytelling.
American42846I love your showI found out about Jordan from daily wire, and I have to see he has some of the most interesting ideas and conversations I’ve ever heard, I especially like his new series the gospels, and I also would really like to see a series where Jordan dissects Arthurian legends, thanks and you are the best Jordan!
Crusader57301Needs to talk less and moreI remember when I had first come across JP as he was just becoming a big name on the forefront of the current culture war. I really enjoyed some of the things he had to say and he appeared to be a genuine and humble man. But not it just seems he can’t get enough of hearing himself talk. He keeps interrupting the people he is supposed to be having a conversation with, even right in the middle of someone giving very personal story about a moment that completely changed there life, just to insert this supposed psychological wisdom. Was disgusting and disgraceful. Hope this or some other like criticism will get to him and help turn him around and perhaps give back some humility.
Maxlam81A Bolsonaro in the podcast, really?What has become of this podcast to invite the son of Jair Bolsonaro?
80'sVillagerDope FiendAll the dope you took had melted your brain and turned you into an Alt Right Hack! Sorry Charlie I don’t buy your hateful stupidity.
ty-sanGreat episode!I’m excited for the upcoming courses by Dr. Hicks. So much to learn and contemplate. I really like his dedication to neutrality, in that, he presents the sides of philosophy without bias and lays them at the feet of listeners for their inspection and application when warranted. Very much needed today. Thank you for your time and energies and your dedication to the passing on of understanding.
Valentina H.R.Thank you! Great conversation 🤓💗🙏✝️This is one of the most beautiful, insightful and wise conversations I have ever heard in my life. JordanPeterson and Greg Laurie nailed it! I consider myself very intelectual 🧐 and very Christian, so it was and absolute treat for my ears 🥰🙏💗✝️💫 Please to both of you continue the great work and I am already in the Daily Wire as well.
daasliGoodbye, Jordan PetersonThis is branded, unoriginal conservative culture war commentary that lacks the unique qualities Peterson once possessed. If you remember the Peterson who demonstrated integrity and critical capacity in his thinking — the scholar of mythology, psychology, and comparative religion, with ethical standards and a genuinely curious mind — you will find yourself at a loss here. He has become intellectually unrecognizable and deeply resentful. It seems he lacked the emotional resilience to maintain his integrity through the cultural trials he faced and has now succumbed to a conservative niche that exploits his emotional instability. This niche offers him community and an audience but at the expense of what once made him so fascinating and insightful. It’s a shame. If this is the version of Peterson you’re celebrating, it’s likely you’re new to him and unaware of who he was before — appreciating only the way he now mirrors the toxic echo chamber he has joined. To me, this is a man deeply in pain, who has become the very villain he once encouraged us to recognize and distance ourselves from. He has become everything he once warned against, and I cannot support his descent.
ChaosqueuedUnfit for polite societyThis “man” suffers from a severe case of Dunning-Kruger. “He” falsely believes that “his” own expertise allows “him” to weigh in on fields well beyond “himself”.
spunky 2019WordEvery word by this man is power based. Heard two interviews. Awhile ago “wee hours” couldn’t go to sleep. Sleep. Well I didn’t know where “Doc” was but I sat with him and her I was in the room I understood them both. The “emotions” sharing was way above And I loved them both Father comfort them They need us to KNOW Thank you ALL Workers who assist Putting the picture to us through sound is A thankless job Thank you all
CaliNate101WeirdSeems like he’s emotionally unbalanced
Head RhinoMy Life Is Better For ListeningKeep being a lighthouse. “Writing is the greatest form of thinking” - JP
north star joyLove it, but…I love JP perspective. However, JP- keep it un bias, less partisan, keep questioning to keep the legitimacy of your “honest broker” perspective. Unless you just need to be square in the R camp and that’s all you are after.
Can openerrrrrOG PetersonI will always give props and think fondly of the original episodes of the Jordan Peterson podcast up through the initial biblical lectures. I found them incredibly enlightening. I would say if you go back and listen to those you will pretty much get the best of what Jordan Peterson has to offer. If you see any guests or subjects that you are interested in then check it out but I agree with a previous review to say that Jordan Peterson is a victim of audience capture. His right wing turn as well, just for me I find incredibly boring. I mean, do you really even have to listen to an episode with Vivek or Matt Walsh to not know exactly what’s going to be said? I wonder do right wingers backs hurt from constantly patting themselves on it all the time?
Miner on the moonUsed to love JPDr. Peterson’s earlier work was so thoughtful; he seems to have become angry and reactive in recent years and his discourse on the podcast has become unhinged and untethered to reality. Maybe a result of his echo chamber after leaving university work. Really disappointing.
MlincaLost All CredibilityI read a couple of his books and liked them, so I started listening to his podcast. Unfortunately, as time progresses, his ego is apparently inflating and his integrity is degrading. To hear him reach for reasons to praise Trump was painful. The concept of Truth that he used to praise is gone. Trump is conscientious because he’s an early riser and can tell a joke? Let’s just ignore the whole trying to overturn the election. The numerous times he has not paid people what he owes must be a sign of Trump’s conscientiousness, right? Oh, and the fact that he lies, constantly. And the whole sexual assault thing. At least he’s a bully so other countries will still be afraid of the USA? I remember in Jordan’s book when he was against bullies. It was so painful to hear Peterson become another person who throws away their integrity and any sense of character to pander to trump. For me, this was the last straw. It’s time to unfollow.
pastaeater16Jordan talks too much?I really appreciate your insights, Jordan and I recognize that this is your show. However, the point of having a guest on is to allow them plenty of time to talk about their unique views. Yes, your commentary is essential and expected. But the balance should be in the guests favor.
Throckmorton79So insecureDoesn’t know what being a man is
lover of those with integrityA better worldIf Celina could be cloned a thousand times and spread throughout governments of the world… how could the world not be in better shape! Lead on Celina!
maudie805I have a question sir!Thank for your hard work in creating this interesting and informative podcast. I have so much respect for your brain. Your knowledge. I’m a Bible student and I love listening to you talk about scriptural applications to science. For decades I’ve wondered about one thing, but I have been unable to find the answer. If you read this please consider including the correlation between the Neanderthal dna some of us have, and how I can understand it from a biblical perspective. I think you must be the only person who could work this out. I believe the Bible to be scientifically accurate. I thought perhaps it might be the banished children of Cain, since they would have a contained selection of dna. But I’m at a loss. And if anyone can tell me the answer, I believe it is you. With much respect, M.Dobbins
Km444Episode 492I didn’t like the scripted style of this episode.
Karl’s-SonCelina on 10/28/24She’s highly educated and that is tremendous and to be respected. But here with Jordan her voice is quivering, shaky and she sounds a bit hysterical. Jordan let her go on and on too long.
S.BustamanteI agree with Thebeach77Excellent and entertaining analysis of the X-Men and Woman
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