The Ben Shapiro Show

All Genres #26News #3

Tired of the lies? Tired of the spin? Are you ready to hear the hard-hitting truth in comprehensive, conservative, principled fashion? The Ben Shapiro Show brings you all the news you need to know in the most fast moving daily program in America. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch! Monday thru Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jamenme1221
    Love this show
    Was this podcast removed? I haven’t been able to listen to it all week. Thank God for Amazon Music!
  • yh ooo
    Well done!
    Haters be hating because they can’t handle the truth. Let’s go Brandon!
  • New York Democrat
    His discourse on Israel is too much
    I know Ben is Jewish but isn’t he American first? Or do we need to be questioning loyalties here??
  • Teg S.
    US Soil!
    Someone has got to get a handle on this Hamas issue before what happened to the Israelis on October 7th, happens on US soil!!! And, if it does, I’m suing the US Government! One of the roles of the government is to protect it’s citizens! Look at the “open border immigrant” crime rate. That’s our governmental protection at its finest! What a joke!!!
  • Josh Jty
    Fabulous show
    A wonderful show with insightful commentary.
  • breaktime
    The latest Sunday special
    I realize Ben Shapiro is a political commentary. I also realize Ben Shapiro has the gift of gab and as such, he talked way too much without letting his interview we speak more if I want to hear Ben tune into his podcast if I wanna hear from who he’s interviewing want to hear more of the interviewee not the interviewer. Come on Ben learn to be quiet
  • anonymous49803
    Excellent Show; TERRIBLE Ads This Week
    If “Producer Brandon” keeps butting in for ad reads I will stop listening. I understand experimenting with different ways to do ads. I find Ben’s reading tolerable and canned ads unpleasant, but I draw the line with the latest evolution this week with Producer Brandon interrupting multiple times a show. Just terrible. I’ve listened since 2015, and this is easily enough for me to give it up altogether.
  • bmklhkdnldg
    Oof man
    Oh brother this guy stinks!
  • AFR2331
    Right wing propaganda
    Twisting the truth to serve his own narrative. Gross.
  • Ducknugget5
    My Favorite podcast hands down
    Ben is single handedly my favorite conservative news outlet along with the other Daily Wire cast. And I’m 15 so that’s got to say something I guess 😂. I like Ben because I hate it when people tell me I’m wrong for something they know nothing about or have a different opinion (I don’t believe in supporting a terrorist group but I’ll just hang in there until the elections 😅),like the Israel War and it’s always bothered me. So thank you Ben for being a good voice and not a blue haired liberal.
  • hackasaurus
    blah blah blah
    .nasty little smurf
  • Cathie z
    Great show
    Todays Topic spot on and relevant to everyone. The left would rather burn it all to the ground than let the right assert any level of power or control. We all will suffer at the hands of a few
  • Johnliberty
    If you like ads, this show is for you.
    I understand needing to make money and all that, but this has gotten ridiculous. Probably 4 injected ads per episode that will play in the middle of a sentence sometimes and then at least 4 ads during the podcast read by Ben. Sometimes there is less than a minute between each ad. It has made me seriously consider not listening to this show anymore because of how bad it has gotten.
  • ObjectivismIsNotPhilosopy
    Ben Shapiro - LOL
  • Boattaxi
    Former daily listener
    I listened every day for years, however Ben lost me on a few major issues. “Get the vaccine idiots”… also no longer a current events political show but now a propaganda machine.
  • Jjjjjjjjghngs
    Really good
    I am a 14 year old boy who started listening to this with my dad. Mr. Ben opened my eyes to politics and now I want to know what is going on, he is a true at his word. I have really enjoyed this podcast because he explains what is going on and what is happening in the American politics. If I could listen to only one podcast this would be it. BUT THE ADS ARE PLAYED TO MUCH!
  • ocean_enchanted
    Informative yet amusing; a rare find
    I’m a 15 year old Catholic girl who, like everyone else in the younger generations especially, is caught in the whirlwind of distorted political views and information being thrown in my face with no context. Shapiro’s podcast, among other conservative DailyWire podcasts, are a SUPER helpful tool to help navigate through the issues we face today, all while getting a good laugh out of it 😂 (although frankly, the ads are really pushing it in terms of frequency)
  • Calvarez137
    Thank You!!
    Thank you for bringing us the facts! For clarification of the different aspects of pressing problems! And, for your interviews with various people! I loved today’s with Dan as well as previous interviews! Thank You!
  • rasmith61
    Best Podcast Out There
    I rely on Ben to give a truthful account of the events that shape our country & world—especially as a man of faith. I support the Daily Wire & appreciate all they’ve done to impact the culture through Ben & Jeremy’s leadership.
  • String jew
    Am Yisroel Chai 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
    Dear Mr. Shapiro, As a fellow Jew, I can say that I have immense respect for you. I am a 12-year-old boy who started to listen to your podcast with my father. I can look up to you, and am inspired by the message that you spread. You speak the truth. You stay true your unbiased opinion. Unlike many you don’t give in to propaganda and speak your opinion through a conservative standpoint, that’s relatable to a jew like me. Every night I have sleep issues. Your podcast helps me sleep through rough winter nights. I will that I become smarter every second of your show. I encourage all of you to support Ben by listening to his podcast. P.S I don't agree with all of Ben's takes but at least I can acknowledge the viewpoint of all of his takes.
  • Wardo Ky.Boy
    J. Peterson on personality
    Fantasticly interesting. Top episode. Had to rewind a few times on some points. It is fascinating research & makes total sense. Wardo, Jeff. Co., Ky.
  • Boilingrug
    Jorden Peterson psychoanalysis
    Wanna hear 2 manly men go down on each other? This is the episode for you!
  • Zachary W '93
    So tired of the Israeli Wire
    Can we go back to talking about America?
  • J1BJKD
    Ad breaks
    5 ad breaks in 28 minutes is excessive.
  • Rylesssss
    Not Listening to Israel Episodes
    It’s not happening. Sorry!
  • Janeswt
    Pastor MacArthur
    Ben….. thank you for having Pastor MacArthur on your program.
  • legocat3000
    Facts n logic
    Ben Sharpio destroys the left with fakts and logik
  • Factsdontcareaboutyourideology
    Just conservative spin
    I used to like this podcast, but now it feels like it is produced by a person who never went to college. It’s just a matter of time before he starts talking about chem trails, how the earth is flat, and the dangers of modern medicine. This should be in the entertainment section, not actual news. If they actually produced kid’s shows I would tell my kids to stay away from this just like woke Disney.
  • Mouths full of laughtet
    Episode 1978
    "And some of us, myself included, bought the lie because we were being told that by ______ (fill in the blank with many authoritarian figures and institutions)." Thank you, for finally using your platform to state your own humanity, fallibility, and arrogant bias so clearly. Not sure if you hadn't been a father of young children in California you would have seen this and shifted to rectify in layers, as quickly and so clearly. Parenthood changes us, as it should, as our Creator intended. Carry-on. Thank you
  • Perma Link
    Lawyers Defend Trump
    It’s time to put your law degree to work. Why are not all the podcast lawyers defending Trump on his next trial?
  • Bobby Mayes
    LISTEN to podcasts
    Don’t watch and listen in some other venue. Just listen via Apple Podcasts. Shapiro, Bongino, Joe Pags, Chris Plante and Charlie Kirk. If you are looking for guests as a show’s main focus, War Room with Steve Bannon is THE BEST PODCAST
  • andydrums89
    This guy is smart. No, really.
    That's what I love about Ben Shapiro. His ability to use common sense, logic, knowledge, wisdom and wit in his social political commentary makes this show my favorite.
  • ||Refused||
    Another dog barking lies.
  • Loganw2024
    Ben is the bomb!
    Ben Shapiro is so intelligent, and all of his episodes are very well thought out and well put. All the people leaving bad reviews are probably blm supporters, and pro-genocide…
  • 221155phl
    This guy is a bit of a coward and pushing a foreign agenda
    Let’s just acknowledge this guy for who he is. A foreign extremist. I used to enjoy his podcasts but recently I realized what a tyrant this guy is. I was probably being brainwashed and didn’t even realize it. Americans need to stay away from extremist foreign media company’s — this guy IS that. Find similar views elsewhere from a real AMERICAN media source!
  • TrumpObama
    Good show!
    Great show, just the reviews are full of woke Karens
  • D.H. Vac USA
    Awesome Well Informed Podcast!
    Love Ben Schapiro! Best Podcast! He is amazing!
  • Shwolfe
    Difficult to vote for a felon
    You mentioned this would barely move the needle in the election. I for one was voting for Trump. Now, a twice impeached, adjudicated rapist, and election interfering felon, makes it very difficult to continue supporting Trump. As much as the GOP supports Israel, I wish they had a candidate I could get behind like Nicky Haley.
  • MrChips85
    Reality-Based Podcast
    Amazing show, truly uses logic to decipher current events. I love how he is prepared, ready, and able to make a logical statement for or against whatever he is discussing. This show is unlike much of the media, in which every opinion or desire is taken as fact, which does not line up with all of reality.
  • whenisayyou for scratch
    Ben is awesome!!!!
    Anyone who says anything bad about what ben says about Israel means you support terrorism and support another 9/11. Ben gets it’s right.
  • person #48201
    BEN MUST BE YOUR VP! BEN FOR VP! BEN FOR VP!! I’m begging you please
  • karlitaDuarte
    Zionist propaganda
    Zionist propaganda
  • qhabsodk
    Great show. Love the way Ben breaks down topics. However, the adds make this show almost unbearable to watch. If anything needs to be changed, it’s the add structure. Great show.
  • sjxifndhdosjdifefndj
    Bro u so good at what u do ngl I feel like u should have some interviews with Candace Owens tho it make a lot of ppl see what’s goin on between u and her. But yea u like the best of the best bro. Thxs
  • Thanks for the ideas
    Relevant and mind blowing
    He has opened my eyes on so many issues. I can’t say enough about how insightful he is on local, federal and world topics that matter to me as an American.
  • jrmeelep13
    Great show!
    Fantastic guest!
  • bennett_Dinosaur
    Articulates things so well
    Can’t wait for the crude Bircham ads and betting ads to be done. Disorienting to hear them right before talks of morals and values
  • P.TwoBears
    I really wanted to like this show
    But he comes off as just grandstanding to get attention, and being devils advocate on things that seems stupid
  • Polka Walker
    Being a golf pro doesn’t place you above the law.
    I admire Ben Shapiro. I agree with him on most issues. Yet, today he took the side of a golf pro in Louisville, Kentucky who decided he didn’t need to stop at a fatal accident and obey the police. That was disappointing. It was also disappointing that you felt it was necessary to comment before all the facts were in. All that golf pro had to do was obey the police, get out of this car, and explain to them why he needed to get by. He was not above the law and should be held accountable. Your criticism of the police officer was unnecessary.
  • 🛫 🇮🇱 🛬
    Too many ads
    I understand that Ben gets a lot of income from ads but it feel like there’s one every 5 minutes. Dial it back a little, Ben.
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