Shrink For The Shy Guy


Everyone has some level of fear in social situations. For you it might be meeting someone new, networking, dating, sales conversations, presenting, public speaking, or business meetings.

In order to get to the next level in your life, create better relationships, find love, earn more money, or advance in your career, you must overcome fear, social anxiety, and self-doubt. In order to be outstanding, you must have confidence.

That's where Dr. Aziz comes in. After struggling with shyness and social anxiety for 9 years, he decided to take life into his own hands and master confidence. A decade later, he is the world's leading expert on social anxiety and social confidence. He received a doctorate in clinical psychology from Stanford and Palo Alto Universities and now works as a confidence and success coach with people from all over the world.

This show contains the profound and immediately life-changing information he teaches high-paying clients every day. Learn from the best about how to overcome social fear, gain confidence in dating, public speaking, sales presentations, business meetings, and all of life.

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Recent Reviews
  • wandahhh
    Thank you Dr Aziz
    Thank you so much. And I appreciate all the Simpsons references/obvious anecdotes of 80s babies!
  • Kevin1234567890434
    Life changing
    I’ve been listening to him for years, he truly has changed how I think about myself. I can’t recommend him enough
  • romanpo26
    Hands doen five star review
    Aziz is simply the best at generating and sharing ideas about increasing confidence, self-worth, authenticity, courage, and living in your values. An inspiring family man who shares his wisdom and experience to increase people's wellbeing. Huge thanks Aziz, you are awesome!
  • goodenheart
    Love it
    Love Dr. Aziz’s combination of intellect, sense of humor, and relatability. He has so much info that is spot on. He would be a great speaker for schools.
  • PIckyMax
    A Singular Show
    Best personality, best voice, and some of the most helpful knowledge of all the postcasts I’ve heard since I started listening to podcasts a few years ago. I love the Action steps at the end of each episode. That sets him apart from other self-improvement podcasters.
  • davidjeffries
    Lifelong Anxiety Sufferer — Listening to this podcast has helped so much!
    I love Dr. Aziz. His talks really resonate with me. He is definitely an expert on the topic of social anxiety.
  • Vahdyx
    Not as valuable as I hoped
    The podcast was a bit too self-promotional for my taste. I felt like the host was more interested in selling his university than actually helping people or promoting his book or upcoming seminars. I get it, they’re optional and he has to make a living but just didn’t enjoy it and found it distracting.
  • Purplequeen15
    Definitely recommend!
    Love listening to his podcast! Most helpful one I have found in conquering social anxiety.
  • pkio845677
    Great Podcast
    Very Helpful and informative. I absolutely love the insight and the knowledge.
  • :) elisa
    Highly recommend
    What an earnest host with a generous and clinically sound offering! I recommend his podcast to many of my anxious clients & have told many a fellow clinicians about this podcast so they can share it with their clients. Thank you Dr. Aziz for your generosity of knowledge, of time, and of self.
  • Sportsenthusiast35
    This podcast is awesome!! I’m so glad I recently found it through another podcast—Healthier Together w/ Liz Moody, which is another awesome podcast!! Definitely check that out too if you haven’t already. Let me preface this by saying I know I still have a long way to go on my confidence-building journey. Dr. Aziz makes a topic like confidence, which is something I’ve struggled with for years, seem more manageable! You can clearly tell he embodies what he teaches. Almost everything he says that’s related to the topic I find myself saying, “That’s exactly me!! He’s reading my mind!!” One of my favorite key tips he’s mentioned both in his YouTube videos and on this podcast is the “bill of rights.” I’ve never thought of confidence in this way. Doc, thank you for putting your knowledge / expertise out there for people like myself. Please keep up the fantastic work!!
  • Cokeman187654
    Very helpful!!
    So happy I found this. Dr Aziz is fantastic. I wish I had learned this information sooner in my life! After taking my action steps I feel much better. So grateful for the podcast. Thanks Dr Aziz
  • Lexisev
    Great Podcast
    Love that his scientific & logical perspective enhances spiritual practices & beliefs.
  • nine kay
    So good
    Thanks very informative
  • laurligirl
    Thank you!!!
    Have only listened to a few episodes and this has been so helpful already! He fully understands the experience of social anxiety and provides real skills to work on that don’t make me feel overwhelmed. I have a long way to go but these help a bunch. I save some of my favorites and relisten to them when I am panicky or anxious and it works every time.
  • Renzo Fortini
    Amazing poscast
    Ive read 50+ books and this the best for confidence and being yourself
  • scsabrinaa
    Thank you!!
    First time listening and I find the information SO VALUABLE!! I now understand and see more why I have been overly nice in the past and feel courage to be authentic and myself, no matter the circumstance or group setting. Will keep listening!! Thanks doc!!!
  • drizbriz
    Great information
    There is useful information in the podcast, his books and his YouTube channel!
  • KateSings
    For Shy Girls Too!
    Girl with social anxiety here who just discovered the podcast. Loving the content, encouragement and action steps. My favorite episode so far is the one about having preferences!
  • Rana Aburuman
    So relatable and life changing advice!
    I love Dr. Aziz! I've been watching his motivational videos on YouTube for so long. I read his book Not Nice, and I loved it. I'm thrilled that I found his podcast. His content is very helpful and gives me a boost encouragement. Thank you, Dr. Aziz 😊❤️
  • vox.mollis
    Useless Content
    This guy has VERY accurately described the feelings at the root of social anxiety, e.g. the feeling of being unworthy, boring, unlovable, etc. But what he fails to understand is that these feelings are ACCURATE representations of reality and borne out of repeated lived experiences. Some of us really are just fundamentally unlovable, so his prescription of simply ignoring reality and exposing yourself to further rejection is absurd. Some of us really are hopeless social pariahs. These so-called “limiting beliefs” don’t just fall out of the sky. We’re not making them up. Advising us to just ignore reality is the worst thing you could possibly do. Terrible podcast. One star.
  • 14 ask-outs later
    High Quality, Practical Information
    This is life changing stuff if applied. I am working on applying it. I have asked out 14 girls thanks to you. Majority lead to dates, now I am currently in the phase of how to deal with getting rejected after the first date. I have no doubt about my capacity to ask a girl out now and am not paralyzed by that fear (although it still exists), but I have now developed massive doubts that a girl that has a desirable character and is slightly hot will enjoy being with me lol. So, trying to work on snapping back post-rejection. I have developed the tendency to operate as though all women are evil until proven innocent… Anything on this would be nice lol. Thanks Dr Aziz!
  • Rich Video
    Really helpful!
    I’ve gained some many helpful tools from this show. Anyone can grow from this material!
  • Angely.O
    This show is such a great tool.
    I have been dealing with anxiety my whole life and starting therapy a year ago and have been listening to this show. So motivating and refreshing to hear from Dr. Aziz, especially because this is something he personally struggled with. An amazing supplement to the help I’m already getting. Thank you so much for the time and effort put into this podcast!
  • Shell13245
    This guy is awesome!
    I discovered this podcast about a week ago and im loving it! This guy gets straight to the point, doesn’t waste my time with advertisements, keeps his episodes within 20 minutes which is perfect for my commute to work every day, and most importantly I swear everything be say is put gold. I hate surface level stuff and he gets down to the deep stuff right away every time. Thank you Dr. Aziz for helping me!
  • Bbcja
    Great podcast
    This podcast is entertaining and very helpful
  • YoviHM
    Good but the language…
    I enjoy it and has good stuff but I feel I can’t listen with my kids around bc of the language. Same with not being able to send to some of my church friends… it’s good content without the use of the language, please consider this in future episodes.
  • Dee84xo
    Female listener
    I’m 38 years old and Dr. Aziz has helped this socially awkward and anxious woman so much over the past few years. I can relate to most of his episodes even though this is “for the shy guy.”
  • brendagodf
    Incredibly practical and helpful
    Every episode is packed with the right blend of insights for self-discovery and practical advice to make change. Currently making my way through the archives, listening to at least 1 ep every morning and I already notice my stories starting to change.
  • Lazybeasteznublet
    Dude has the training and first hand experience with as.
  • Soulguy4
    The real deal
    I found Dr. Aziz after struggling with social anxiety for 15 years and sometimes that was crippling social anxiety. It has been a relief to finally find something I can trust and relate to. The way he describes the issue is very down to earth and thorough. A life saver! Just be sure to be willing to make the changes and open your ears to learning and know your worth it and you’re on the right track! Check out all his resources on the website, YouTube, and books. My work is not complete yet but after a couple months of work I’m feeling the relief and am grateful for this pioneer in the field of social anxiety, interpersonal relationships, communication, self esteem, dating, career and overall confidence. God bless!
  • Dancer4 everr1999
    You have to Listen!
    I’ve dealt with social anxiety from narcissistic abuse & have always people pleased! After listening to only 2 episodes, I got the courage to ask for, and received a 15% raise at my company. I also faced my fears of getting a hair cut, stating my true opinion with dating and friends, and told my toxic friend how I truly felt after she did something hurtful
  • kwill90116
    Dr Aziz - the Real Deal
    Dr Aziz is amazing - it seems to me that he has found his true calling in life and has the courage to go after it. His podcasts are insightful, actionable, and relatable. Keep up the great work Dr Aziz and thanks for all you do!
    Luv this!
    Dr.Aziz gives REAL world advice. He talks and gives advice from real struggles. Sometimes people give advice that just makes you feel better but won’t do anything, but Dr.Aziz tell us advice, strategies, that actually help!! LOVE YOU DOC AZIZ! God used u to help me sm! If anyone ever needs to boost their confidence imma bring them to you. 😁 For anyone struggling, I want to tell you what has also helped me- God. God answers prayers, and One way He answers my prayer was letting me find dr Aziz account. If you struggling I want to let you know that God love you, God cares for you and Pray to Him to help you. God has saved me from myself. I sin, we all sin, so. Is doing bad things. God is Holy and cannot be near sin, right? Right. So God was like I want my children to stay w me tho. So to do that He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins A VERY PAINFUL DEATH! For us, so we could be saved. How can you be saved? If you believe in God, you’ll be saved. Bible verse: ““For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬) But not only believing, you have to have actions to. If you can’t tell people “hey I’m a christian” can people know from your actions that your Christians? Bible verse: “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” ‭‭James‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬ So, ask God to change your heart, because we can’t live to this world’s standard anymore as a Christian, we live to God’s. Read your Bible to know God. And pray to God. You pray by simply, Talking to Him. But w respect tho, as He is the almighty King! PS I KLOVE THE FACT THST HE GOES IN GREAT DETAIL AND UNDERSTANDS FROM EXPERIENCE
  • kevinlyfather33
    Incredibly Helpful
    I’ve struggled with social anxiety my whole life, causing me to be stuck and stagnant in my dating, career and overall social life. This year I’ve started facing my demons and it has been the most difficult year of my life. This podcast has been a HUGE help in keeping it all in perspective and keeping me from retreating into old patterns. Aziz clearly knows the struggles and gives great, very detailed, real world advice. I can’t recommend this podcast enough.
  • RonT96
    Dr Aziz is a hero
    The fact that this show is free is really amazing. Dr. Aziz gives excellent insight, and I always come away from an episode with a good mood and a fresh perspective on my own mental health. This show has definitely helped a lot in my struggles with anxiety and depression, and I am beyond grateful for people like Dr. Aziz who put out such high quality content for people in need.
  • hshdbkwbsow
    Misogynist ads
    Ads are only slightly toxic
  • random person 6
    I am a few episodes in and I have already made a lot of progress. I am infinitely grateful to Dr. Aziz for making this podcast and sharing it for free
  • ali halawa
    I wish dr aziz is know all over the world
    I think Aziz is very underrated in-terms of helping people overcome their all mental issues, not just shyness and social anxiety; wish you nothing but the best Aziz, and I would love to tell everyone, that with the help from Azizi, I really transformed my life in every aspect to the better.
  • ananymous5332
    Very helpful
    Very helpful podcast for introverted / shy people! Great books and podcasts
  • Kwp333
    Dr. Aziz is Amazing!
    Dr. Aziz is a compassionate, loving, and humorous guy. He shares his own stories of dealing with shyness that makes you feel more connected to him. I’ve been listening to Dr. Aziz for the past four years and have made a ton of progress with my shyness. I couldn’t recommend this podcast more!
  • PeaGsoontobePearG
    So good
    I feel like this class has helped so much already and I think my next step is to take the masters program, this podcast inspired me to stand up for myself and I have never really done that before! I read one of Dr. Aziz books and I think the next step I want to take is to join the masters program. The only constructive criticism I would have(only because you asked😉 is that I wish there wasn’t any ‘adult’ language used. My daughter is sooooo shy and I really wanted her to hear all of the awesome things Dr. Aziz has to offer but when I was playing it in the car she asked me to turn it off because of language. I would love it if she could learn too
  • Nanobiel
    The to-go advices about self’s nature!
    Dr. Aziz can seriously change your life to the best... He is amazing!
  • throdatassinacircle69
    So happy I found this podcast!
    I don’t even consider myself near the bottom of the totem pole of lacking confidence, but most everything that is shared by Dr. Aziz speaks to the way I feel. The perspective change he creates by inspiring us to recognize and challenge that inner critic that we ALL have is incredible! He is truly helping me by keeping me in the fight against negative self-talk!
  • LZ890123
    I first encountered Dr Aziz with the audiobook for “Not Nice”, which I found exceptionally helpful in a world full of rehashed self help books. His approach is practical, unique, and most importantly- he is believable. You can tell he is genuine and that he has clearly gone through these struggles and come out better and more whole. More so, as a male POC, I don’t always find a lot of people who can speak to my lived experience in this field and I find Dr. Aziz to be someone I can identify with who also gives me hope. Keep up the great work!
  • Iiuiuhyyh
    If you have social anxiety, this is a good one to listen to. He does promote his program, but it’s not really a hard sell. He doesn’t waste your time either. He really gets down to the meat of the problem pretty quick and gives some solid concrete advice. His pay for programs are probably pretty good, but I’m just not there yet. I’ve been following through with his assignments and it does lessen anxiety. Just hearing this guy, who you can tell knows exactly what you’re going through, is really beneficial.
  • KelHens
    One of the most helpful yet entertaining podcasts
    Wish they taught this stuff in grade school! The content and topics of this podcast are almost always applicable to my life real time. It’s amazing when I fire up my podcast app, and see the most recent topic and it typically applies to a situation or feeling I’ve had that very week. Dr. Aziz is incredibly entertaining, helpful, and helps make the content easily digestible. Love listening, and truly appreciate his work.
  • Graabruh
    Great podcast for self improvement
    Followed Aziz on YouTube for awhile but never knew he had a podcast. Kind of glad I found it late, now I have so much content to go back and listen to.
  • Nikhil Konduru
    My favorite podcast
    I use these podcasts to get unstuck, be inspired, laugh and feel powerful in my own skin. Aziz has become my biggest mentor and I often use his philosophies on life because i resonate so much with them and him. Especially during quarantine, this has been what I look forward to most - listening to this podcast. Thank you for doing this Aziz and for being so vulnerable, it’s brought so much hope and wisdom to my life.
  • Darrell Avans
    Profanity unnecessary
    I am unable to share this podcasts with friends and family due to offensive language. It is unnecessary and detracts from the quality of this podcast
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