The Bloody Disgusting Podcast


Are you prepared to immerse yourself in the world of horror each week? Tune in to's official weekly podcast! A podcast where host Zena Dixon and guests give a take on their favorite things in horror. If you need to know the horror highlights: weekly themes, trending topics, and upcoming horror movie/series releases, join us and listen for free!

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Recent Reviews
  • Fulcccciii
    Wish they knew history
    Wish they knew more about older horror movies. I wanted to like this pod but they stay stupid stuff because they apparently only know about movies from the last 20 years or something
  • Krytomovies77
    Get into the horror hot seat!
    This has quickly become my favorite horror podcast to listen to. It’s informative on all things horror and bloody entertaining! Zena is truly a queen of horror! If you’re a newbie to the horror scene or a veteran, this podcast has something for everyone.
    Zena is great
    Im so glad she is still hosting
  • Chazzzzz74
    Good Except for the Reviews
    The three hosts have great chemistry and banter about horror. Where the pod really falls is with the reviews. The staff rarely gives harsh or critical reviews even to horror films that are widely panned. I’ve switched to other shows for honest reviews.
  • listenup1969
    Snap, Crackle & Pop
    Love to catch up with these cats and stay up on what’s happening in the horror neighborhood
  • Fnuti1991
    Great team with great content
    Best horror team ever! Love the dynamic and creativity of the podcast. Great for horror fans!
  • David Meier Smith
    Just… NO!
    I was excited for another cutler film podcast I made it like 5 minutes into it. Whoever “Zena” is , listening to her is like the proverbial nails on a chalkboard. Ease up on the energy drinks, girl.
  • Amy1893***
    Excellent horror podcast
    I’m so glad I found this podcast. The hosts are all really personable and knowledgeable about horror. Probably my favorite thing about it is the what we watched and where we watched it breakdown, so you know what streaming service to go to.
  • mouthcatt
    The girls on this show are great! Knowledgeable and always giving good recs to watch. But WHY is this dude Jon on this show?? He makes it borderline UNBEARABLE. Knows nothing, watches nothing and has to ask for "homework" because god for big he watch something good on his own. Don’t get me started on him complaining about stuff being "readers". He’s a man child and these poor girls constantly have to hold his hand. PLEASE get someone else to match the passion that Z and Meagan have. He really brings the show down and it’s too bad.
  • Robert Prudhomme
    Great podcast
    I enjoy this podcast so much. The hosts are always delightful to listen to. They bring such a positive energy to the horror community that I can’t recommend them enough. It’s such a fun time listening to!
  • KingChandler
    One of the best.
    Informative, funny and great on air chemistry.
  • jonFrias
    Turn up volume
    Great listening, but please turn up your nobs for the working class. Please get that right.
  • vecnavp
    The Dark Trio!
    They have great chemistry and unique perspectives on horror that compliment each other.
  • ShanSprout
    Love this podcast
    They have been put into my regular rotation. Love the concept and how diverse they are. Older movies and newer and some to check out when they get released. They shout out to what they watched and what they watched on. Highly recommend for any horror fan. 🤘
  • Sleepeyone
    Swiss Army Knife of Horror
    News, movie recommendations, and three great hosts! This pod has everything for the horror fan
  • MarcPodcastFanatic
    Two friends host an informative, entertaining, and inviting podcast
    I discovered this podcast at random and find myself burning through its episodes. The hosts create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in which they play off each other comfortably while covering one movie per episode. The familiar segments, such as recapping what they’re watching, give me new ideas and enjoyment. The episodes are well-researched, full of humor and wit, and reflect a devotion to horror movies. Great podcast!
  • emsimes
    My new favorite pod!
    I just discovered this podcast today and I’m already a few episodes in. It’s fun to hear from other people who love horror movies just as much as I do. 🖤🧡
  • Mattyjigs
    A good ol’ time
    Three likable people talking about horror movies... what’s not to like? Keep up the great job!
  • KennedyNoelle95
    Love it!
    I love this show!!! Their recommendations are awesome: some hidden gems, some well known movies, and some excitement for upcoming releases. My ONLY small criticism is the sound. Jon is always really quiet, Meagan is always loud, and Zena is right in the middle. I can’t listen to it in my car because I’m turning it up and down constantly. That’s all! Maybe the sound needs to be messed with?? But overall, this podcast is awesome! A group of horror lovers with fun banter!
  • count upula
    Bloody excellent
    The best podcast for everything horror with not one but 3 awesome hosts. Stimulating discussion of movies, games , books and more pertaining to the horror genre ranging from the past present and near future. This podcast drops on Wednesday in my haunted woods and I look forward to it every week. Great reference for films you haven’t checked out yet and the groups recommendations have been spot on. Check them out.
  • Gingersnap1013
    Favorite Horror Podcast
    Thank you for making a fun and informative podcast about my favorite movie genre. I’m discovering new movies and look forward to this podcast every week. Thanks for being so awesome!
  • Kenyata D.
    A Must for Horror Fans
    A great podcast that shares many movies I’ve haven’t heard of. I usually walk away with a movie or 2 that I’m excited to check out. This is a keeper!
  • CA Dreaming 4U
    Good and Scary
    Simply love this podcastt. East to listen to and sometimes it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck!
  • euclids5th
    Wish I had not discovered this!
    I wish that I hadn’t given this podcast the time of the day— because there are only two episodes and I don’t get hooked by anything quite so fast. So I really wish I had put off listening to this podcast, because if I had been stubborn and silly I could have discovered it when there was a huge discography of episodes. As selfish as it sounds, and I’ve been a fan of creepy (and from listening to creepy then led to NoSleep), it is ridiculously difficult to practice patience when something so out of the blue jumps into my life that I just can’t get enough of. This podcast has filled a hole in my life with discussion of horror I seldom encounter in my days. I hope the podcast takes off and has many many more discussions! Also, Jon. Please give hill house a good sit and watch. Listening to the chat, I experienced every bit that was mentioned by each individual, from the slow first episode or so and the feeling like it was just slightly too long, and then switched gears completely after watching the first one or two, and before I knew it the season was done and I was soo excited for even a morsel more. I honestly got excited for you when I heard you hadn’t gotten that far into it. P.s.. I discovered the nightmare on film podcast due to trying to fill the void while waiting for the third episode. After skimming through their recordings I went for a 2018 episode which discussed the remakes of Freddy and Friday the 13th. I won’t lie, I felt a tad bit pathetic listening to an adjacent podcast discussing two remakes I don’t necessarily dislike but I am a huge Freddy fan and so I take what I can get. I was not that woo’d by the episode buuut I’m hoping that’s just me being a pain in the butt and will explore further to fill the void while I await this podcasts releasing of episodes!
  • AubreeVoss28
    Just yes.
    This one is awesome. Huge horror nerd and also isolated as hell so this just gives me a good horror fix I’ve been searching for
  • Mitch Pileggi
    Uhh more like Bloody Brilliant
    To quote Ghostbusters, this pod has the tools AND the talent. I love this pod!
  • MegatronDaishi
    Funny and informative!
    Really love the interactions with the hosts, and the insights to current news and releases in horror.
  • PalomaBlanca00
    I like the fact that you don’t go overboard with your personal feelings about each movie. I’m a huge horror movie fan and I’ve already got a few movies to add to my list that I haven’t seen before. I would like to see in the show notes the titles of each movie that was reviewed that episode. Makes it more convenient to be able to add movies to a watchlist instead of having to “rewind” back to try to find where you say the title.
  • Bvon33
    I checked late last night (Tuesday night) to see if a new episode had landed because I was so anxious to hear this podcast again. I like how it’s organized by what the hosts are currently watching, recommendations and then a bit of news on the latest in the world of horror. Insightful commentary and interesting perspectives on new and older films. Thank you!
  • TravisWin
    So much fun, humor, and horror packed into an hour! My watchlist will be getting out of control listening to the hosts chat about the best genre. It's like a hangout morning show, but for horror.
  • Trace Thurman
    Like a Best Friend Hang
    This podcast is a great audio version of the horror website Bloody-Disgusting. You know when you get together with your movie-loving friends after a long week and you all discuss the best (and worst) films you watched all week? That’s what this podcast is, and it’s a blast. Oh, and add in the best/most important horror news for that week and you’ve got a recipe for success!
  • catlvr1959
    Love it!
    Just listened to the first episode. Absolutely love it! Makes me want to jump in on the conversation! BTW, Jon, I don't normally binge watch shows. HOWEVER, I binged The Haunting of Hill House in one weekend! Get to it! It's awesome! Keep up the good work, Jon, Zena, and Meagan!! Can't wait for the next one. How about a review of "Host" on Shudder?
  • jemm13
    Give us more!!
    Please bless us with more like this podcast!! I really enjoyed it!!
  • Berduskian
    I can dig it
    Fun show to listen to, great information too! Thanks y’all!
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