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Pod StewartI love the hosts!These 2 have a great chemistry and they’re also very funny. 5 stars
cabirianightsInfectious joy of horrorThe hosts take such joy in horror movies, even finding moments to love in otherwise not well-regarded films. They have their particular favorite sub-genres, but embrace all things creepy—monsters, haunted houses, found footage, zombies, aliens, demon-possessions, slashers, you name it. They also offer a mix of themed series and interviews with filmmakers.
princessnubzlovely10/10 banter between them and great content.
horrorplayer92Great pod other then…When you said predators aren’t smart i was like, if there not smart then how do they have better tech, and better battle iq, like they are really intelligent, that specific predator, known as the feral predator, was is a little more animal then the others, he’s really careless as well, and he ignored naru because of the predator code( not gonna get into that right now lol) other then that really good pod love it good job (btw xnemorphs are cake for predators)
HuntingSeasonEssentials listenEssential listening for ever horror fan!
Used RomanceFunny and Spooky!!I am so glad I discover this show! I love listening to them discuss horror new and old. Plus it’s always a good laugh!
PalomaBlanca00Too much to watch!!I still like the podcast, but I find it kinda cringe that Kim is suddenly referring to herself as Kimmie. When you give yourself a nickname it’s sorta yuck. Old Review: You guys are making me want to watch and re-watch too many movies! I’m gonna have to quit my job so I can watch horror movies full time.
jgar79Fantastic podcast with fantastic hosts!You probably won’t find more entertaining and enthusiastic hosts than Kimberly and Jonathan, who have unmatched energy when it comes to passionately discussing horror!
Buddy_Lee85Question?!I’ve been searching for a quality horror movie podcast and this one checks off on all the boxes. I will be going through the impressive library over the next few months and I’m very much looking forgot it. Like most people in my wave length, I very much enjoy Horror, Sci-fi and Fantasy, especially when the genres are combined which got me thinking. I can list quite a few sci-fi horror movies, but I can’t think of very many fantasy horror movies, if any. Here’s my question, why are there not more fantasy horror movies around? It seems like a perfect setting for a writer where anything is possible. I would very much want to see Lord of the Rings monster on the loose terrorizing a town or the shire.
Linda C OrinesLove it!I love horror movies and I discovered this podcast quite by accident but I’m so happy I did! I love the banter between the hosts and find my self laughing out loud while listening which has earned me some weird looks from coworkers but I don’t care! Not only do I enjoy listening for the hosts, but this podcast has also helped me rediscover my favorite horror films and has reinvigorated my love of the genre.
Jchris0831The absolute best!Cannot recommend this podcast enough. The banter between Kim and Jon is hysterical, and the passion and humor that goes into every episode is just fantastic. My wife and I love to check out new episodes together, if you’re looking to kick back and remember why horror movies/the community is the best, this is the podcast for you!!!!
HorrorMC138Such a fun listen!This show has always been such a fun listen! Even when I fall out of listening to podcasts for awhile I always come back to this one!
AJC479Love itGreat show for horror fans
MisterHellJNot greatJust two more out of touch D bags who use their small platform to preach their political beliefs alongside horror reviews, atop their soapbox of mediocrity. Blah, meh, best way to describe this dreck.
probably leaving siteGreat showSuch a fun show to listen to. Hosts always seem to be having good time in their enjoyment of the genre
Buford the pugScary Good!Listening to this Scary Good Podcast for few years now. This year , I decided to join a few of my fav podcasts, , and yours is included. Love being part of this exceptional group of people who enjoy all things , Halloween, and scary ! I truly enjoy your shows, you are both so fun!!! My little brown , Shih-tzu, Madison Penelope, enjoys your show too. LOL Stay spooky guys. Thank you for keeping me company. Downtown Julie. , and Madison Penelope. Wuff Wuff
Darkgoddess718Horror fan? This is where you need to beThis is the first podcast I took a chance on and I’m thrilled that I did. I like the chemistry of the hosts. They are very animated in the discussions. The movies of topic have been my favorites growing up. Definitely a must show for horror fans
AdamBB840Always a fun showJon and Kim can always put out a great episode, they always keep things entertaining and lighthearted
nebraska welderLove itLove the banter. Great listening while I work.
TLaFavorFavorite horror podcastEven though I listen to their episodes later I really love this podcast and their social media presence they’re so engaged and really involved in everything horror.
Wndy_My Thursday morning ritualI look forward to getting ready for work every Thursday to see what is discussed. I love every episode and it’s so fun having this duo talk about movies!!!
It’sonlyme321Podcast for the love of horror.It scary how interesting this podcast is. I get chills down my spine when an episode overs one of my favorite horror films or turns me onto a new one. I love to listen with my feet covered so no monsters get them.
FlemingemHorror Fun!Happy to have discovered this podcast and that the most recent episode is for one of my favorite movies. Excited to catch-up and keep following!
joeysgrimKiller stuffYou two have such a depth and breadth of horror knowledge and tastes…it’s intimidating but awesome!
BedlambettyGreat find!So happy to find a new horrorcast. I looked for a list of horror movies to watch and stumbled onto a whole new world of spooky folks like myself 🖤💜 you both have nice voices. Welcome to my drive to work 😄👌🏼
Shawn FilthWhat else could you ask for ?Love their dynamic together , and almost every move that they recommend I haven’t heard of before , I fall in love with. Need this podcast in my life forever
Yohei72Some film knowledge would be nice.Hosts are pleasant and enthusiastic, but I gave up on the 2nd episode I listened to (the Vincent Price double header) when they said House of Wax and White Christmas were colorized. They not only don't bother to confirm their facts, but they can't tell the difference between the beauty of old-school 3-strip color film and the ugliness of digital colorization. They should stick to their main mandate: newer junk like Friday the 13th sequels and Conjuring spinoffs (which don't interest me). EDIT: Ha. Totally forgot I’d tried this podcast previously and already reviewed it. Just gave up on the Jaws 2 episode halfway through at the third or fourth misnaming of the star as “Roy Schneider.” Come on. I can listen to people who know less about movies than I chatter about them any day.
KJSwensenA Film Podcast that WON’T make you feel dumbHats off to these ghouls for rating their films based on Fun and not Prestige. Horror is about shaking off convention and letting loose, so why be a snob about it? These two are funny, insightful, and despite their insistence, pretty darn knowledgeable. Overall a great source for horror themed enjoyment.
Simpleguy13FineShow is fine, others have commented on some stuff which isn’t great so I won’t. Check out Exploding Heads Podcast and Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies for better podcast options.
MetJackJGGood concept - poor executionHosts become unbearable to listen to- drop the fakeness and talk like real people and you’ll have a much better podcast
DrLoomis@Not for meTheir banter sounds like a cheesy FM morning radio show. If you find that type of content entertaining then I suppose you’ll like this.
s. enwrightSo much funThey are a great balance between fun and movie buff. If you aren’t someone who hasn’t seen everything or someone who is deep into the genre you can enjoy this show. Stay creepy!
CFCsupporterThese two are bulliesLike the title says, these two are bullies. A podcast who’s name was quite similar to this one launched and these two, along with with their minions, unleashed their hate and vitriol. Somehow these narcissists came to the realization that they were wrong and took to social media to “apologize.” It was void of any emotion and felt forced. Shame on these two for not only being spineless jellyfish but shame on them for maligning anyone who might have a different opinion. If you like your podcasts hosted by gatekeepers with a god complex, this is definitely for you. Trash podcast.
Welcome2primetimeNo research, no knowledge of horrorTerrible awful boring. They nitpick everything. They don’t like slow burn movie. They offer no insight into the films. Babies should not be doing podcasts about classic horror films
Monday!Not for meSorry!
CharliipresleyGARBAGEToo many good horror podcast and YouTube channels out there to waste time listening to these two.
Jelibean777Horror lover’s delightOne of my favorite podcasts!
Bpayne1959Great for horror loversFun and informative podcast!
regretthebrokenWonderful horror podcastI generally don’t enjoy podcasts but this one is the exception. The love of the genre is genuine from the hosts & their chemistry is wonderful. Conversations are always full of insight and interesting as well. I can’t recommend it enough!
ckhomesGreat for horror movie lovers!I love how much fun Jon and Kim seem to have doing the show! Plus there are so many movies we’ve added to our watchlist since following NOFS! Look forward to the show every week, had to get on patreon to get all the extra goodies!
Mac A.Just started listening and love itJust started listening as I’m following along with the #31DaysHorrorChallenge, and love it. Great show.
Shann S.AmazingOne of the best horror podcasts out there. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to actually subscribe.
Orivera06Horror Podcast!If you need a horror podcast this is it!!! Gotta love everything they talk about cause they leave no stone unturned.
ChtdvjdblffvjjTons of funMy favorite horror movie podcast !
RaeJae007RelatableI love horror, I listen to “Scream”, “Chilling Tales for Dark Nights”, “Full Body Chills”, and other horror podcasts. I find NOFS podcast relatable and I love the banter between Jon and Kim hilarious. The podcasts are freaking awesome they discuss the stuff I want to hear and limit what doesn’t pertain to the movie at the time ( like real life topics such as politics ….the stuff I want to avoid when I listen to a podcast which is meant to take me away from adulting). I like them so much I joined their discord and Patreon. Their extra content in Patreon , it is pretty awesome I mean where else can I listen to someone watch all of “Nightmare on Elm Street” 24-7 with no sleep with sound effects and sleep deprived content (it’s pretty funny, I don’t have the best vocabulary to give them justice on how good it is). Keep on being Spooky ! And totally Recommend!
Kenny TemecI love this show!I’ve listened to many horror podcasts. This show has a great combination of enthusiasm and knowledge of the genre without being too jokey or crass. The hosts seem like friends I’d have fun watching the movies with and they have a really good fun vibe. I especially liked the Overlook Festival episode. I have attended the Stanley Film Fest in Estes Park and went to the year at the Timberline that was covered. I’d like to attend the New Orleans location as well. Anyway, fun podcast!
_NannasSmartest Horror Pod I’ve FoundI do a lot of driving, so I listen to a lot of podcasts. NOFS is by far the most well put together and interesting horror podcast I’ve found; it’s smart, witty, and covers such a broad number of movies rather than getting stuck within a select few subgenres. I’m still binging it on my commutes since I found it somewhat recently, but it’s beyond worth your time to listen in!
LuinanduneEntertaining and InformativeThey're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're all together ooky, The NOFS Horror Podcast! I found this podcast about a year ago and have really enjoyed the content. I went back as far as the episodes go and am slowly listening to them all! Sometimes I can’t get around to watching a movie for whatever reason and this gives me a way to experience it. Recommend it to anyone if you’re looking for something that feels like friends discussing horror movies!
Gibbsy316Free show is trash nowUsed to listen to almost every episode seemed like these days the free episodes are movies that are not as interesting and they put all the episodes that are about movies you care about behind the paywall.
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