Halloweenies: A Horror Franchise Podcast


Halloweenies® is a weekly horror franchise podcast. Each season, co-hosts Justin Gerber, Dan Caffrey, McKenzie Gerber, Rachel Reeves, and Michael Roffman slice and dice through one iconic series one movie at a time. In the past, they've covered Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Scream, The Evil Dead, and Chucky. This year? The Alien franchise. As always, there will be tricks, there will be treats, and, yes, there will be blood. Produced by Michael Roffman. Edited by Mae Shults. Music by The Most/Charlie Laurence and Billy Yost/The Kickback.

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Recent Reviews
  • CaptainChaz
    My favorite podcast
    I’ve listened to the Halloween, Ft13th, and Scream episodes multiple times. I adore the Gerber Bros, Michael… “Myers” Rothman, and the rest of the crew. I find the Halloween discussions uniquely comforting. Whether it’s “Myers” Rothman’s weird nerdy love for the series, the Justin Gerber jokes and wisecracks “get out nah!” The epic intro to the Zombie Halloween episode. Re-listening is like watching my favorite sitcom over and over. I check out at times, I disagree at times, but the characters keep me coming back. Well done.
  • Mike Lesko
    Just ok
    Stumbled upon these and the first few were ok. But for a show called Halloweenies, these guys don’t seem to like any of the Halloween movies. The more I listened, all that happens is more airing of grievances. I’ve heard other podcasts be critical of movies without being total jerks about it.
  • Kemnut81
    They know a lot about movie history but…
    It’s clear the hosts know a lot about movie history, which is something I find lacking in a lot of other horror movie podcasts. However, they also come across as joyless contrarians who can’t just enjoy a film. By all means, please dig into the behind-the-scenes history, but it’s not fun if they act like grouchy college professors who are bitter their book hasn’t made the best seller list and spend the majority of class ranting about someone more successful. Their dreary discussion of Halloween (2018) in particular just smacks of someone who wanted to work on the film and is full of sour grapes. Not to mention their views on the quality of a film is so narrow that I’m honestly surprised they like movies at all. Find a podcast with a little more joy because life is too short for this.
  • frodobatmanvader
    No else gives these kinds of movies this level of analysis and laughs, at the same time
    Long-time listener, and I just finished listening to the both episodes of their Alien Resurrection coverage, which ranks up there as maybe my first- or second-favorite coverage of any movie they’ve have done (their coverage of the first Evil Dead is the one to beat for me. Their love for that movie really shines through, and I think can turn anyone who’s not a fan into an appreciator, at the very least). This is simply because of how willing they are to give this oft-maligned movie the same level of attention as the prior, more beloved films. And that’s what makes this podcast, just like its sister podcasts The Loser’s Club and The Ladykillers, so freaking great: they’re not the type of movie/horror fans who are content to just regurgitate the exact same banal trivia points you could get from a movie’s wikipedia or IMDB trivia pages; like an Inception meme, “they have to go deeper.” I mean, there’s a lot of movies they cover that I’m a huge fan and think that I know a lot about, and they still have tendency to find something in their research that I didn’t know! And on top of all of that, their chemistry with each other is off the charts. You can tell they’re all old friends by the way they know how to jump on each other’s intentional (and impromptu) joke setups. It’s a total comfort listen for that reason.
  • dk9231
    Ran away, I love it.
    Love your podcast. If people don’t want to hear the rant, they can go somewhere else. The best part of your pod is you guys saying whatever you want. It feels genuine.
  • tommycostas
    New drinking game
    Love the pod. Try taking a shot every time the word “like” is used. You’ll be wasted 5 min in.
  • Mike V’s Reviews
    Vital to surviving my commute
    Basically, everything I said about the Loser’s Club podcast applies here, which makes sense because it’s typically the same group of people putting on both podcasts. The episodes are well researched, and the camaraderie amongst the hosts is genuine. I’ll keep listening as long as they keep making shows. - Mike
  • KenB in LA
    Constant tangents
    There seems to be an utter lack of these hosts to stick to a subject for more than a sentence or two without going off topic. It tries to be jokey but it’s unfocused and excruciating.
  • qtmissa
    Okay- so came across this show on a 'recommended' by what I'm listening to- saved a bunch of movies I love and found NOES 3 for first listen and after 10 minutes I'm hooked- hosts's voices are relaxing, humor is good, and background of film (which I assume continue over the span) is interesting..
  • ttsquared77
    So great
    Extremely insightful deep dives on horror movies I love
  • jfrhrhr
    Best horror podcast ever
    Really good podcast
  • alode77
    Endless Pontificating
    Would really love to find a podcast where the hosts don’t find it necessary to throw in their progressive ideology as though it’s indisputable fact. The head guy in this pod is particularly obnoxious, not only politically but in his endless ramblings where he tries to prove how intelligent he is. I find it particularly ironic that they have the nerve to be condescending despite the fact that one of them has been accused of being a pervert/sexual predator. One suggestion - if you’re going to discuss the origins of a movie (referring here to the Invasion of the Body Snatchers episode), make sure one of you has read the source novel/material before mentioning it and assuming the details without actually having direct knowledge.
  • Hinkbert
    Appreciate the critical and analytical approach.
    I enjoy the willingness to give honest opinions without needing to go over the top. I really appreciated when Vanderbilt was brought in with his knowledge of music and its influence for certain movies. The episodes are well structured with amusing ramblings and tirades but the central subject is quickly returned to and the hosts and guests have great rapport.
  • vls1985
    Horror podcast becomes Disney shill
    These fortune and glory podcasts were gross. I get you have to keep the lights on, but how can you rail monthly on bad horror sequels and put episodes like this out?
  • Arndisney
    Boring…I mean really boring. These people just ramble on and on with no point. They spend half the show not addressing the actual subject. Don’t forget the VERY LIBERAL politics that get sprinkled in. AVOID
  • Darth_Irish
    Could be good, but…
    Have given this show a few chances, but always seems to get ruined by some borderline bigoted leftist political stances. Not that these proclivities are surprising in the realm of Podcasts, but there’s not enough here to make it tolerable.
  • kendra983
    Love these guys.
    Seriously enjoy and relate to their love of film. Their Manhunter episode warmed my heart because I truly thought I was maybe the only person who loved that film. Any of the podcasts from these guys are worth your time if you like films. They are well researched and truly enjoy talking about movies.
  • DrArthurFriend
    Love this pod!
    But Vanderbilt never worked at Sid’s Place. Someone should look into that.
  • TinfoilTed
    Cannot listen to the episodes with Mike V.
    Halloweenies need to re-record the episodes with Mike V. Guy is a predator of women and a vile creeper. Cannot stand to listen to him being gross and inappropriate.
  • jenn wa
    So many great podcasts for Horror listen to those not this
    Read up on the allegations against one of the former hosts of this podcast. Gross criminal and disgusting.
  • Kyle R Harris
    Best Horror Movie Podcast
    I’ve been listening to the Halloweenies now for about a year and the group quickly became my favorite Horror Movie podcast. I recently became a Patreon member and have been enjoying the member bonus material. Loved the franchise episodes each season including the current season of Child’s Play and past bonus episodes discussing The Monster Squad, Fright Night, and Near Dark to name a few. Just as great as The Losers Club! Thanks for the intelligent, thorough, and informative discussions and looking forward to future episodes and seasons!
  • BigRob8409
    Junk Monkey MIKE Vanderbilt
    I’ve really enjoyed this podcast more since MIKE was added! Keep up the great work! This was before Mike was removed. With him being cleared, I wish he could return.
  • Big A 316
    Great podcast but…
    I’ll start by saying I love the Halloweenies podcast. The guys are funny, informative, and passionate about the genre. Being from a similar age group too, I respect their passion for the genre and classics of “our era” deemed silly or dumb by the youth of today. However, 2023 has been a tough year. With a season on “Child’s Play,” you’re running out of steam. A side project on Indiana Jones took away valuable episodes of The Rental that should have been used on genre films. I hate that my Patreon dollars went during a season wasted on Indy. With “Aliens” apparently being the next season instead of “Saw”, “Texas Chain Saw Massacre”, or even the Romero Zombie series, they’re getting deeper away from the horror genre. That’s a misfire. Also, I miss Mike Vanderbilt. Unpopular opinion but I said it. I don’t know if he did the things he’s accused of - but in 2023, he’s guilty until proven innocent and then guilty in the court of public opinion forever after. Doesn’t change the fact he was funny, passionate about obscure films, and brought an energy sorely lacking since his removal.
  • Vigilante0514
    Great Podcast
    Great discussions on the great horror franchises and films as a whole. Great conversations and jokes. My only criticism is sometimes they get repetitive with spending time on almost every episode complaining about Marvel and Star Wars movies. Still great podcast can’t recommend the show enough.
  • Visuals_Black
    Downfall & Mike V…
    I really LOVED this podcast when I found it way back on Season One when they were covering Halloween, but in the last year it really has fell of from what it used to be. Episodes release less and less. I was a Patreon subscriber but I felt like they barely released new episodes considering the amount they were charging. I really enjoyed Dan & Justin’s commentary, but not with Mike V. This you could see coming from a mile away, but the fact that the other hosts always acted like a moral compass over the years is the worst part of all of this coming to light. Don’t subscribe, if you want to listen to old episodes enjoy, but I feel like it’s only a matter of time before this show is completely dead.
  • AlyCapone
    Great podcast for horror lovers
    I started listening to halloweenies recently and I love it! Lots of the same group from losers’ club podcast and that’s why I decided to listen, great discussions and guest episodes and just so much to listen to. These guys are so awesome!!!
  • TheOneTrueTodd
    Tainted forever
    Won’t be listening to this pod anymore now that it has been revealed these guys platformed a very vile and sickening creep. Shameful.
  • PrincessBeth19
    Went downhill…
    Podcast went downhill once that creep Mike Vanderbilt became a regular. He made my skin crawl.
  • AshleyUnknown
    You platformed a creep!
    Will never listen again after learning that Mike Vanderbilt is a sex pest. Pod should end. You are tainted forever.
  • JakeVanks
    Outline and Edit
    If these guys could put together an outline and stick to it this show would be really great. Or, failing that, editing out every tangent. Or, if nothing else, editing out whenever somebody commented on the length of the episode. Otherwise, it’s a potentially strong show with a great hang out with horror fan vibes.
  • AngelasDong
    Pretty Decent Content
    Pretty good for the most part. Justin is a bit of a neck beard, but the group overall is pretty good.
  • Not for me123
    Host could be better
    Justin (the host) kills the momentum of almost every discussion because it doesn’t exactly follow what he has planned for the show. The show feels very clunky. Just let everyone speak and stop interrupting them bro. Other than that, its a good show with a lot of great insight.
  • TheRealSimonLee
    These guys are SO smart
    I started out on this podcast and the first couple of eps were okay. I liked the length of the episodes--Gourley and Rust really have perfected this model of super long podcasts talking about one horror movie--but I quickly saw lots of episodes Halloweenies released that I might be interested in were on the Patreon. I went ahead and subscribed, and the first one I listened to--the Prince of Darkness--made me think, "I've made a huge mistake." These guys complained about this movie in such ridiculous ways. For example, they wondered why PhD students were recruited to do this work. Well, the movie explicitly explains this--the Professor tells the students they are all essentially physicists who haven't passed their final exams. As someone who holds a PhD--this is true. We call this a doctoral candidate. They just don't have publicatoins and history, but they can analyze data--and they're actually ideally suited for what we in academia call a "lab." Maybe the Halloweenies haven't had these experiences, but it's like, come on, man. Some of this is not only common knowledge, the movie explicitly addresses it. One guy at one point said it would maybe be a better movie if it was more like House on Haunted Hill where all the researchers show up and don't know each other...when ten minutes earlier they talked about how Carpenter wanted to make a horror movie DOING SOMETHING NEW. Then I listened to some more episodes and figured out the problem. These guys don't like lots of stuff, and they think it's because they're smart and the movie is dumb. They also complain a lot about bad reviews, and they say people ought to do it in more kind ways, while they have lots of episodes that are so negative they aren't even close to following the rule they've setup for their critics. There is some interesting stuff here if you dig into the history of the podcast. I believe it started as a Halloween podcast (hence the name, see it's not hard to pay attention to boring stuff guys), and they were doing long discussions of each Halloween film leading up to the David Gordon Green Halloween 2018. Apparently it was clear from the first trailer reaction that these guys were really upset and angry about the new Halloween, and the actual episode was so bad, many people got online to talk about it! It's kind of fun to listen to if you look at it through this lens. If I were to sum up this group, they're the type who would say Halloween 2018 is the worst movie in the franchise, but then they go and say the Rob Zombie Halloweens (or Friday the 13th PART V) are pretty good. It's pretty hilarious, honestly. I'm starting to feel like I should give them 5 stars as this is a recommend--but it's not the usual type of recommend, so I will keep it 1 star to be clear: these guys are evidence that just because you have mics and can podcast doesn't mean you should use your mics to podcast. Either way, if you want longform podcasts about horror movies--go with Gourley and Rust. Those guys got it.
  • Dross1984
    It was good until…
    This was a good show until Mike V bullied his way into every episode with his loudmouth idiotic views. I get it dude, you want to have sex every woman in a movie you like.
  • tinothypiel
    Great horror history
    Perfect pod for everyone wanting to dive deeper on their favorite classic horror movies (more great stuff on their patreon, legit worth it!)
  • MTKruse13
    Love the show BUT
    They spend 5 minutes of every episode talking about things they claim to hate talking about. Marvel and Star Wars discussions get shoehorned into every episode just so they can rant about how that’s all anyone wants to talk about…still giving 5 stars because I’m not a dbag
  • Alexis.smock
    Better than The Irishman
    Halloweenies is better than The Irishman.
  • mdnicke2
    One of the best podcasts period.
    Funny, insightful, smart, and like sitting around with your amazing friends talking horror movies. Yeah, your friends are too liberal and half of them went to Florida State, but my goodness you can overlook that for the amazing content they produce. Highly recommended.
  • jeffdoesdallas
    I’m sorry, but stay on subject and get to the point
    I shouldn’t have to listen to multiple episodes to hear y’all discuss one movie. You go all over the place and never stay on topic. I’ve tried several times to get into, and like this podcast but just can’t. Fix your format
  • Welcome2primetime
    Pay to play group think
    Most of the good episodes are Patreon only. And all these guys have the same opinion. They may as well be clones. They need every horror film to follow the same formula. When a film breaks their rules, they complain. It’s like listening to annoying children. Don’t bother with these morons. It’s just the same old boring banter. Avoid this crap
  • Blue chambray Shirt
    Love these folks
    A sophisticated and structured conversation from true experts in the horror genre. The hosts seem like old pals and you get a feeling of warmth and friendship when listening. I could listen to Mike Rothman read the phone book.
  • gdnxigwbwoxgggekwgzh
    Hard to follow
    I enjoy there opinions and knowledge of the movies but it’s very scattered. Currently listening to C.P 2. And there’s clips everywhere for other movies as well. Like why am i listening to Glenda when CP2 pre dates Glenda by decades
  • 2aguyalso
    Best horror movie podcast
    I learned about Halloweenies from another poscast and am glad i did. I have listened to their take on Halloween 2018 and went back to their first podcast.....covering the original Halloween. For me, it is refreshing that they don't swear with every other sentence.... they are articulate and intelligent in their discussions and very entertaining..... you have to be when you are spending close to 4 hours discussing one movie. If you like horror movie discussions this is definitely a podcast to follow. Keep up the good work....
  • ThreeDogHouse
    Good podcast or whatever
    I’ve been listening since the beginning and I’m one of those weirdos who listens to episodes over and over again. I kept meaning to leave you a five-star review, but I’m just so goddam lazy. However, when I heard Mike compare Rob Zombie dialogue to Julie Bowen I’m Happy Gilmore, I realized I’d found kindred spirits on a deeper, more profound and possibly more sexually intense level than I’d previously realized.
  • JB Townsend
    Rude host.
    In one episode one of the hosts rudely interrupted the other hosts and explained how the “turn order” for speaking needed to go. “Otherwise we will be here all night.” It killed a great discussion. He needs to be booted off the show.
  • qpexv
    For the Love of the Game
    I happened across the Halloween 4 episode on a random Sunday afternoon while lying on my oldest son’s bedroom floor as I was scrolling through Twitter and I have tuned in ever since. These guys are the genuine article. They would be having these conversations in any setting at any age. For that, we should all be grateful they have decided to record and put it out there for us to enjoy. They have gotten me through many situations that would have otherwise not been nearly as pleasant, including multiple week long stays in the hospital this summer with my mother as she battled her third bout with cancer in 25 years. She’s in remission and doing great now. If any of these guys find themselves in a less than ideal time in their lives, I hope they can take comfort in knowing how much it has meant that they continue to keep us engaged, entertained, and certainly informed. Thanks.
  • Pansexual_Pancake8
    Rambling problem
    Honestly , I was looking forward to listening to this podcast. I started one of their recent Halloween episodes and I thought it was going to be great. But then 50 min in they haven’t even started talking about the movie. I fast forward multiple time and each time they were taking about something different not even the movie. I haven’t listened to any other episodes but if each one is like that then I’m not interested.
  • @JCinLA
    Like hanging out with a group of friends
    In a parallel universe I live in Chicago and am a member of the Halloweenies. Love this podcast so much. Such a wonderful thing to find a group of people who love something as much as you do. I’m a supporter on Patreon—support these guys so they can keep making more riveting episodes!
  • siebricjw
    Solid horror movie pod that could be better
    I enjoy most of the conversations even though sometimes they drag on. However, the lead host Justin needs to spit his point out sooner and not ramble in circles for 2 mins or attempt a dad joke that no one reacts to. Just stick to the script and please get rid of all the audio transition segments.
  • I Love Halloween Ends
    The Best Horror Podcast Out There
    Five stars isn’t enough for this podcast. To call it comprehensive and thoroughly researched would be reductive of the sheer amounts of dedication, time, effort, and passion that are clearly funneled into each and every episode. I’ve followed the pod for four years now, watching and listening along with Justin, Mac, Mike(s), and Dan, simultaneously embellishing my own love for a genre that has completely defined my relationship with pop culture. During the pandemic, their coverage of the Friday the 13th franchise brought a sense of comfort and familiarity to me in a time when I felt completely alone. It’s really hard to put into words what this podcast means to me. Look no further in your search for a horror-related pod. This is it; the buck stops here. It doesn’t get any better than the Halloweenies. Guys, if you read this, thanks.
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