Timcast IRL


Timcast IRL features Tim Pool and guests discussing issues in culture, news, and politics.
Featuring Ian Crossland as co-host and Serge Dotcom as live producer.

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  • piclklypoo
    You need to apologize to Joe Biden. He has promised to flabble the gree schmeghoggin vops. That’s the only issue that matters.
  • McTag2
    You and this show are such a JOKE! Proof why tRump loves the uneducated. Keep wear your lil head warmer! Your 7th grade personality and mental state is definitely shining through 😆😆😆😆
  • Dj007 WRX
    Problem getting episodes to download or play
    It seems that for some reason the episodes won’t play on my podcasts in iTunes anymore. I don’t know what’s going on.
  • cadler11
    Biden won the past debates against Trump
    If I were you I would be e extremely worried about Trump’s cognitive decline. He is slurring words, dragging his right leg, saying the wrong names. The projection from the right when their candidate is the one actually demented, a criminal, had a higher deficit, lower stock market, higher crime, drilled less oil—and caused inflation with his handling of Covid—is blatantly obvious to the majority. Trump—like Desantis and Haley tried to tell you— has lost for the republicans in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Also, Biden won the other debates against Trump. 🤷‍♀️
  • Zara Teen
    Tim Pool headache
    You have a guest like Mike Benz there and the only thing I hear are Tim Pool’s rants. Unbelievable
  • p0pprypr
    Too Funny!
    We loved Friday’s show when Tim had to actually explain what a nitwit is to the nitwit co-host!!!
  • xgbjk
    Milk toast show that’s not worth listening to.
  • Kris the conservative
    Awesome show
    Congratulations on your interview with President Trump! Great job!
  • Lvsima
    Greatest President
    Loved your interview with President Trump
  • Battle Ship is Awesome
    Great Show
    I enjoy listing to Tim, Hannah and Phil, but Ian I could do without. Saying that, that is part of what makes the show as good as it is, since Tim has all kinds of view points on his show. But yes Ian over the last few weeks left me speechless. Ian is absolutely clueless.
  • Jannandavid
    Loved the Show at first …
    Loved the show at first, but like Ben Shapiro and others, it always comes back to SELLING themselves far more than providing their views and opinions about current events … they may think they are being subtle, they are not … I just don’t like salespeople… I understand the need for ads … and a mention at the end about becoming a member but they talk about it too much… respect their opinions and agree with them but ADS upon ADS plus Tim pushing membership is too much. I bought membership but it did not allow me to listen on my podcasts ad free, so I cancelled. Fix that and stop overselling yourselves - you do not need to - you have a great show.
  • BitaBea
    So good.
    I listen almost daily. I can agree, disagree, laugh, and get fired up. I love the regulars and all the guests. Give it a listen!
  • Climbtosafety
    Just another Israeli shill.
  • Robbie’s Reviews
    Shut it down
    Just shut it down! You don’t even want to do it. We will move on and find someone else to watch at night.
  • Joe Paol.,
    The new Rush ?
    Always a good take from Tim
  • stfuximshelli495
    Hannah is insufferable
    My job requires me to drive a lot so I am able to listen to every podcast every day, and I’m sorry, but Hannah is so annoying (I’m purposely not using her full name because she has to point it out every few episodes that she has a double first name…we get it, dude). Whenever I hear her in the introductions now, I just click off. She’s either saying the same ten things over and over, or making a stupid joke that people just sympathy laugh at, or interrupting someone to make a point that someone already made. I have literally yelled out loud in my car, ”Oh my god, shut the f up!”, while she was making a godawful point and have changed to something else to listen to. PLEASE have her on less and PLEASE don’t put her on the show y’all are making that’s like The View with an all female cast. I really look forward to that, but if she’s in it, it’ll be unlistenable for me. Also, in general, the religious rants/talking points get super tiresome. So many assumptions and judgments on people who aren’t subscribed to a religion, but some people talk as if they have absolute authority to be making these claims about nonreligious people.
    Just stumbled on this podcast and couldn’t be happier
  • ginmar426
    Good Show
    I enjoy this show, but Ian and Hannah Claire tend to dominate and interrupt Tim and the guests constantly. It is extremely annoying as a listener. This isn’t the Ian and Hannah Claire Show. I’m sure they are nice people. I know if I were a guest on the show, and especially if I had to take 2 days out of my week to travel there and back home, and I didn’t ever get to speak I wouldn’t be on the show again.
  • showbiz2
    Right Direction
    I like Tim and his regulars. I try not to miss a broadcast. I do disagree with some of his views, but I’m good with that. He’s moving this new generation in the right direction. I’m a 70 yr old grandmother of 6 and i have my grandchildren watching too. Keep it up Tim !
  • Jpankratz
    Best political commentary.
    You will not find a better political show anywhere. I’m personally a libertarian so have many disagreements with Tim and some guests but it still couldn’t be better and entertaining.
  • Crazybagman
    if you dont want to use your brain for real things or true important things its great. 1488 right guys?
  • GaBelleListener
    Get Rid of Ian
    Tim is insightful and is mostly intellectually honest and consistent. Ian is unlistenable. He spouts his views without doing research or based on only tidbits he’s heard. It’s a huge distraction and degrades the momentum of the show. More often than not, he spouts an unfounded opinion and the show has to stop to refute him. I won’t listen when he’s on, and I’ll be smarter for it.
  • Podcaster53!
    Good insight
    Good conversation and insight. I like the diverse opinions and the forum to fully discuss an idea - in a world where we have to cram opinions into 140 characters, it’s nice to hear a fully formed thought. I would give this five stars but I dread the commercials - they come in mid sentence, and sometimes I forget the first part of the sentence when the ad is over and they come back to the discussion.
  • RJ263
    Love the show
    I love the show and almost all of reoccurring guests. However, I can no longer listen to episodes when Hannah Claire is a part of them. Interrupting others when they are speaking and always having an anecdotal comment push me over.
  • ReviveAmerica
    The few groups that know the truth of the country
    I’ve been listening to this for quite a few months now, and I’ve been enlightened so much by their debates and conversations. Tim is good at looking at sources and uncovering secrets. Great show!
  • 3124235
    Curt mills
    Typical Coward. Wants fewer Abortions. But Can’t Say Abortion IS MURDER!!! ABORTION IS MURDER ABORTION IS MURDER ABORTION IS MURDER I’ll say it! Good Job Holding his feet to the fire!! But he might be one of the “what if you didn’t have breakfast yesterday “. And he responds “but I ate breakfast.”
  • stealers scams cheats
    You give me hope !!!
    I’m a little older and very grateful to have found the next generation of educated, interested young Americans who want the best for our country. With all of the crazy news in the world today and raising teens this gives me hope that there are still passionate generations to come ! Inspiring!!!
  • octopus-beta
    Pedantic is an understatement.
    Strike 1 & 2: Guest brings up Israel, indicating that they’re pulling the strings of the U.S. Tim immediately becomes overtly defensive, accusing the guest of being obsessed with Israel. The conversation unraveled, as Tim and his female counterpart began to speak over the guest simultaneously, then changing the focus from Israel to something else. The guest tried to finish his point, and Tim began again to make it known that there will be no dissent or criticism of Israel. “…Find out who you’re not allowed to criticize.” Strike 3: Tim thinks that he knows everything. He very clearly grew up as a very spoiled kid. He has some decent opinions and sometimes interesting guest, but the show has become unbearable. Tim is just one of those guys that’s good in small doses. Enjoy your toys, Timmy. Best of luck finding genuine people in your life… and something tells me that you wouldn’t appreciate them anyway.
  • Aaronelove-
    News un-fuct.
  • I want the podcast back!
    Podcast stopped working?
    Love this show, listen to it all the time while walking around my college campus! Except that the Apple podcast version has stopped working the last few weeks? It always says the episodes (particularly the most recent ones) are unavailable. Is this some sort of shadowban? I miss the TimCast discussions, and would love to have the podcast consistently available again!
  • Cheriecare
    Definite free speech zone
    Haven’t conversation with a bunch of your friends hearing different point of views. You agree with some may not. But they all have a seated the table. That’s how you know it’s honest.
  • Sandy Sucks228844667790
    Its enlightening to listen to to this last show! I can’t believe that there are still people around who think like your one guest Ian, he is highly confused and a full blown communist. I pray the day never comes when he has to actually take care of himself. I’m 62 years old and worked for my self for 40 years, I employed and mentored more than 50 people.
  • Big Al1988
    Tone down the adds
    Wanted to get back into this podcast made it about 11 minutes in and there were at least 3/4 ads. I ended up turning it off. Love the content otherwise!
  • dpdunning
    Love the show
    It’s real
  • PFH
    Great show
    Very informative. Thanks
  • Wingman2023
    I listened to your podcast with Michael Tracey for about 40 minutes… couldn’t take it any longer. He is either working an agenda or is uninformed ( I don’t believe he is uninformed), the end of my tolerance was his looney take that the funding bill was a gift and a great deal for republicans because it “fixed” the border. Thanks for allowing all views , just couldn’t deal with Michael
  • Powhatan Fan
    Read A Midwestern Doctor Substack about heart transplants and people on receiving end being aware of the donor! You are NOT JUST YOUR BRAIN!
  • nathancookk
    Great show
    Love the show! I will say, the US recruiting foreign citizens into the US armed forces in return for citizenship is nothing new. They have been doing it for years.
  • joey1751
    show is too stressful on Tim Pool
    All the travel expenses for his guests and all he has to put up with his too much for him.And by the way, did you know he makes $1 million from his other YouTube videos?He really really likes himself… He’ll tell you all about it No thanks
  • MomentousLeap
    Video on J6 Pipe Bomb
    Hey Tim… the ridiculously goofy media crew is talking about Trumps golf blisters on the same day new video drops on the J6 Pipe Bomber. Why ya’ll talking about that silly stuff? See reporting from Steve Baker, Darren Beattie, Tucker…
  • 0possum94
    Best news/talk show
    Love what Tim Pool has built. Love the honest and open conversation and different guests he brings on. I almost don’t miss an episode. I listen everyday the next day while I’m working.
    Is Qortal the answer?
    Amazing podcast, and love your efforts to create a parallel economy. Please look into Qortal.org, it is the one and only answer for an online off-road to the current system.
  • Julcolello
    Love it! How I get my News
    I listen to the podcast daily! The show is well done and easy to listen to ! Thank you for all you do!
  • iamneenee
    I am a conservative woman. I started listening to Tim pool during Trumps first term. Ever since then I’ve noticed Tim progressively getting more sexist and full of himself. His panel are simps for him when they’re actually much smarter than him which is weak. He’s a Joe Rogan wannabe. He constantly interrupts guests to interject his own self righteous opinions. If you’re looking for a one sided opinion this is the podcast for you. His voice is like the Temu version of Ben Shapiro. I actually like Shapiro though. Listening to this podcast is insufferable. I’d give negative stars if I could. Don’t listen if you have an evolved mind.
  • bbbruce0
    Marianne Williamson
    It was all I could do not to stop listening - several times! She is vaingloriously ignorant.
  • MrScrubby7
    Mary Williamson
    Thanks for the show, but she is uniform and wrong on so much.
  • BugoutBunny
    I love this episode. I feel as if all of you are forgetting the other side of
    I love this episode. I feel as if all of you are forgetting the other side of reality. Which is that we will also be battling foreign/enemy on our soil. I’d like to hear how you all think that will go. Do our left and right come together to defeat our common enemy? Or…. Okay, your turn.
  • Amb3629
    Why did Tim bring Ian & Luke to TPUSA
    Their narcissism ruined Tucker & Seamus’ time.
  • kellibomb
    Together Again
    Love the show! This new jam is a perfect blend of nostalgia and positive vibes! Thanks!!!
  • Nels4790
    Ian has to go
    Ian is a moron and needs to go. Let the adults talk and keep the kids where they belong.
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