

The CodeNewbie podcast was born from CodeNewbie, an organization which fosters a supportive, international community of people learning to code. Each season, host Saron Yitbarek delivers stories and interviews from people of diverse backgrounds and expertise about their coding journeys, as well as beginner friendly discussions about the tech you should know about.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tank741466
    Great to listen to
    I love how the host gets good information from professionals to help newbies, she ask the same questions I would ask I love it.
  • Erik Gross
    Fantastic resource if you’re trying to break into tech
    Saron has a great way of getting people to tell their stories. Sometimes the stories are inspirational; sometimes they are super practical - but they are always valuable.
  • memarovich
    Love, Love, Love this coding podcast!
    Saron Yitbarek presents a very professional & welcoming podcast for total newbies such as myself. Her closing questions for her fascinating guests yield gold and presents an overall insightful interview. I’m addicted! Kudos and thank you for your work, Saron!
  • lnxgrrl
    Saron knows tech
    I tracked Saron down after listening to the “Command Line Heroes” podcast. I enjoy “Code Newbies” even though I’m an old lady of tech I found value hearing younger women’s experiences.
  • Eddy Munsta
    Listen up
    Very valuable hour I’ve spent while attending a boot camp and studying for six months. Listen up, another feather for your cap.
  • guest 490
    Love this S22E9 episode.
    So interesting and loaded with a lot of good advice.
  • RiverMontoya
    Mmm mmm mmmm mmmmmm
    I love the podcast.. mmmm… but the mmms are driving me nuts lol…. Mmmmm
  • BMcAteerAuD
    Great topics, not entirely for newbies or everyone
    Honest review: Pros: Great topics from different tech careers and different prospectives Cons: Fake, insincere sounding host; the guests often have (advanced) degrees/years of experience/ jobs which code newbies will never be able to obtain (at least not for a while); too many ads
  • Spottedgurl
    Easy listening
    My first download was the episode with Leon Noel #100Devs. He’s been instructing me since Jan 2022 and he’s a phenomenal teacher. This podcast has great topics and content for developers.
  • Av8r Gamez
    Started my coding journey 5 years ago but…
    I’ve been coding off and on since 2016 but was not getting anywhere. Kept giving up because I wasn’t learning what I needed to learn to grow. Because of this podcast and some good videos I’m finally starting to make really good progress. Like many new developers I thought I had to know everything and kept comparing myself to giants . Now I just compare myself to where I was yesterday. It feels good to hear so many different peoples journeys that I can personally relate to and to know everybody has their struggles
  • Lauren1850
    Best “dip your toe in” coding podcast
    I’ve tried out quite a few coding podcasts, as a newbie. Most of them were either way over my head or not pinpointed enough on the topics interested in knowing more about. Each episode on CodeNewbie focuses on one topic, sticks to the point, and actually speaks the language of a newbie.
  • drewsky831
    Get started
    Helped me a lot, and now I code daily
  • theninjaofthemountain
    Interviewer is awesome
  • BennySchnoz
    This Danny Thompson interview was awful
    Guy said nothing. Just gave a bunch of motivational quotes and buzz words and talked about himself.
  • Notahetero
    Great content, but NOT for newbies.
    I don’t know 3/4 of what they’re talking about.
  • BigHomieCloser
    Great interviews
    Great interviews with a mix of knowledge levels
  • HR1223
    Really Good Interviews!
    Great show, great insights, great host. Amazing questions / format to get the most with in the time frame. I’m a newbie to coding. I’m learning Java. insightful interviews. Amazing ! Just Amazing ! Great host.👍🏻 One feedback can you please add just small descriptions to the link that you add in description of the podcast instead of just links. Just a one liner what it is used or what is it about.
  • Richie0315
    Very good interviews
    Hearing this kind of podcast helps keep motivated to continue learning coding. Keep it going!!!!
  • Dr. Tuitupou
    Super spammy interviews
    Same complaint as many of the negative reviewers: Pros: good guests, good content Cons: too many ads mid-interview (too many, period) that distract from otherwise good content; there have been other interviews (from different guests) that have been sprinkled in the middle of interviews
  • Connie Ts
    Good content but cut the ads and phony vibe
    Pro’s: interesting content, quality guests, good questions Con’s: massive amounts of ads, phony laughs and condescending tone of host
  • Sunkist:-)
    Love it!
    Fell in love with the very first episode I heard! Really motivated me to learn how to code!
  • Snarkystag
    Interesting subjects but bland presentation
    This podcast covers a lot of really interesting topics and features a lot of really knowledgeable guests, but the hostess is pretty dry and uninteresting. She seems to go off of prepared questions in a formulaic way, which results in her coming across as lacking in personality.
  • B.N.Murphy
    Representation is everything!
    Saron is an absolutely amazing host! The guests are incredible, diverse, and inclusive of all. The huge focus on POC, LGBTQ, and women, makes this podcast a light in a very narrow industry. I had tried finding coding/programming podcasts a while back, but could only find male hosts interviewing male developers and it was just so homogeneous. I really couldn’t connect with any of them. Further, the broad range of backgrounds really pulls on so many of us to see that this direction is possible for anyone. I personally really enjoy hearing from single parents who started later in life. Thank you for all you do!
  • J. Barshop
    Invaluable content for developers...
    Saron and her amazing guests provide some incredibly actionable and compelling content, spotlighting absolute best tools and tactics to help you drastically improve as a developer. Whether you’re just getting started or the seasoned vet, highly recommend listening and subscribing to CodeNewbie if you want to sharpen your professional toolkit in a meaningful way! 🙌
  • Irvine, California
    Too many ads and constantly pushing Podcast
    The content is pretty good, and I think the value proposition is noble to help new devs. But the content keeps getting interrupted by TONS of ads and pushing a sister podcast. First I thought all the ads were consolidated at the beginning of the podcast, but no, there are ads throughout the whole podcast, interrupting the content. It got to a point where I was pretty frustrated and ended up unsubscribing. If you’re a new dev and want some good content, check out these other podcasts that aren’t trying to shove sponsor ads into your ears: - Syntax - Soft Skills Engineering - Front End Happy Hour - React Podcast - Software Engineering Radio - Full Stack Radio
  • The_Thing_in_the_North
    The Podcast I’ve Been Looking For!
    High production value, thoughtful interview/conversation, positive/optimistic POV, just what I need to motivate my career change and engage my brain in tech!
  • rebitzele
    Super interesting!
    I love CodeNewbie - I think that the interviews are interesting and in some cases, even inspiring. Also, the audio and editing is top-notch.
    good, with some bad parts
    The host does a pretty good job and the content is engaging with guests typically worth listening to. My issue with this podcast comes down the the pre recorded advertisements that she plays every episode and the absolutely awful intro music that instantly makes my day worse as soon as i hear it. Her advertisements are played once at the beginning and again towards the end of the podcast. My problem with these is that they are always the exact same recording that she just plugs in. Rather than having several to switch between or changing her words around to make listeners interested in what shes selling, as soon as i hear the ads start, I know that it is nothing new and therefore not listening to. I see this as lazy and not in the best interests of the people who are sponsoring her show. And the intro music is terribly obnoxious. Every episode I have listened to, Ive had to get ready with my finger on the fast forward button so that I dont get blasted in the ear with that noise immediately followed by the prerecorded sponsor adds that I also skip past. The content is good and the host/guests are good too, but so are the hosts and guests of a million other podcasts who have less obnoxious intro music and more thoughtful and interesting sponsor ads.
  • Laughing Dog
    Meh. I want to but I just can’t.
    Meh. The host is very fake sounding. Laughs like a robot. Changes subject quickly. Answers “yeah ok” and moves on no help between subjects. Has this weird overly calculated sultry uptick affect. Yikes. I have to assume someone told her it’s an ok radio voice at some point. I’m sure she’s a great person or whatever and I also assume she does know what she’s talking about so that’s why she’s doing this podcast, but I find her so jarring I just can’t. That said I’d be more interested if it was more helpful to the code newbie idea, new coders and learning to code... but it’s more about just interviewing people who made it. Ok cool or whatever but it isn’t something I am super interested in, in this format.
  • donnywarren
    Genuine and sincere
    Always interesting guests with a wide range of life and professional experiences. Super helpful to hear stories from so many backgrounds. Saron does a great job of leading the conversation without manipulating the guest’s story. Podcasts have a very comfortable feeling. The conversation doesn’t sound scripted. I’m just beginning my journey to become a developer and I’m very grateful I can listen to an episode whenever I’m feeling doubtful. Thanks!
  • GringitoDeAmerrrrrrica
    Annoying Host
    The host constantly adds to the podcast with “yeah”, “mmhmm”, “ok”, “wow”, and other distractions while her guests speak. I get it, she trying to show engagement with her guests, but it comes across insincere and fake. Then I heard her laugh.... her obviously phony laugh. Again, it is insincere and distracts from the reasonably interesting topics and content provided by her guests. I wanted to just listen to the guests speak, but I had to stop because I could get past the host; she’s too distracting and annoying.
  • ChronicleDecay1
    Too many commercials
    Great show, but, cut down on the commercials
  • mscheer314
    Wonderful show
    I love the enthusiasm is the host. The guests are great. The sound quality is spot on. This is just a wonderful show.
  • romefg
    10/10 podcast to stay motivated while learned to code
  • simplyjimriley
    Great podcastfor folks learning to code!
    I learn something new from each episode of this podcast. There is a variety content shared at a very consumable level.
  • prc919
    I just discovered this podcast two weeks ago and have listened to a dozen or so episodes. It’s inspiring to hear the stories of others on the same path I am on, to hear of their struggles and successes. Great podcast, great host!
  • joeyizcool1234
    Great for anyone starting out in the world of programming
  • Jewell S.
    Like having a daily, informative chat with a peer or a mentor.
    Code Newbie (not only the podcast, but the entire community) is fantastic. As a (kind of) newbie, daily listening has helped me survey and acclimate to the overall tech landscape, introducing me to ideas and practices in tech that I previously had no concept of. Nary has there been an episode from which I didn’t learn something.
  • flavia_medici
    I love this podcast
    I think Saron is a great host, she can engage with the guest through the entire program. There are so much information out there about programming that sometimes feels overwhelming. Code newbie let’s me be updated about new technologies in a fun way. I listen to the podcast every day on my way to work.
  • great intro to current tech
    helping women get into coding! (and men)
    When it occured to me I should look into getting into tech, one of the best resources I've found is listening to podcasts like this one. The host is a self-taught programmer and she knows what questions to ask her guest. I find it very informative and it has helping me learn about all different aspects of the tech industry from programming to startups to websites. Thank you!!!
  • lovelejess
    great coding podcast even for non “code newbies!”
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for years now & it’s one of my favorites!! It’s such an easy listen and the topics are always relatable. Even though I’m technically not a “code newbie” I still learn so much from this podcast. I love the community and the safe space that it provides for everyone! I think it’s awesome that there’s a twitter chat, blog, and now a conference!! Keep up with the awesomeness!
  • Erica in Houston
    Best code-talk podcast!
    I found Code Newbie earlier this year and have been working my way through all of the episodes. The guests are always knowledgable and I've learned so much about the field and opportunities within it. Can't wait to attend the Code Newbie Conference in 2018!
  • Con Con92
    Fun and Engaging
    Fantastic guests, always fun and engaging. I always learn something from each episode-- highlight of my day when I listen to it.
  • SaeculaCrossing
    Insight, Encourgaing, and Exploratory
    With so many articles, speakers, and topics telling us that you need to code, sometimes it feels like you're up in arms in books, tutorials, and classes without any real sense of direction. The CodeNewbie podcast is a great answer to this. It's a series of insightful and inspiring podcasts from people across all levels of the software development industry. You'll learn about career development, CSS standards, accesibility, and so much more. It's a great way to learn about other's journeys on learning to code, but also to explore new and interesting toics in the world of software development.
  • Caitlin McCauley
    CodeNewbie is the best!!
    CodeNewbie motivates me to keep pushing and learning even when coding challenges seem insurmountable. There’s a great mix of practical knowledge and interesting stories so it’s both helpful and entertaining. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of my favorite parts about CodeNewbie… being new to coding, I’ve turned to the internet multiple times to look for accessible resources for whatever it is I was working on. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there, but I’ve noticed it’s largely published by men. Saron Yitbarek has created something that lets me see myself in something that I’ve largely felt on the outside of for a long time. CodeNewbie also brings on other guests who help break preconceived ideas of who belongs in coding and who doesn’t. Vaidehi Joshi (S1:EP3 – How to teach yourself computer science) came on and talked about teaching herself computer science, stating one of the reasons she did was to empower others who may not feel that they “belong” in the world of CS to get out there and start learning, leading by example. It’s great to feel that there’s a community of women out there paving the way for other women to jump into the coding world and I feel so lucky to have CodeNewbie available. Thank you Saron Yitbarek for your incredible podcast and the work you do!
  • Scervantes111
    Great Podcast
    This is a great podcast to listen to people who do this on there day to day bases and just listen about what they do. Really opens up your eyes on what is going on and keeps you motivated.
  • mr bad taste
    Informative and inspiring
    I don't live in a big city and hence lack opportunities for meetups/conferences/etc, so this podcasts has helped to fill in a lot of support I am otherwise missing. From inspiring stories about people who had to struggle before making it, to complaints and praise about developer tools and language features, this helps me get to know developers with similar stories and issues they deal with on this journey. It's not too technical while also not completely free of technical details, it was a great find in my early stages of pursuing a career in coding.
  • rriver4
    CodeNewbie is a Public Service
    I’ve been curious about becoming a developer for a couple of years now but have been talked out of pursuing it by the three people I know who have CS/IT degrees. I found out about CodeNewbie last month and haven’t stopped listening since. Saron’s podcast unlocked a world of resources and inclusive communities for me. I’m grateful for all the inspiring stories and learning tools she and her guests provide. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is interested in teaching themselves how to code. This podcast is a University: it’s packed with syllabi, teachers, case studies, and conversations with career changers, pioneers, industry leaders, and hiring managers. Thank you Saron, for being the Oprah of people who want to break out of pink collar jobs and into the tech industry.
  • amills80
    Inspiration and insight
    I’ve been listening for a while now. I love the variety in content. And it’s delivered well. Theme music has a little too much bump. But I still appreciate everything about this production. I suggest it when I can. Keep it up
  • Seattle_code_newbie
    Informative and fun podcast
    A informative, fun and motivating podcast for newbie developers. I have gotten a lot from my drive to work.
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