Planet Money

by NPR
Business #4All Genres #91

Wanna see a trick? Give us any topic and we can tie it back to the economy. At Planet Money, we explore the forces that shape our lives and bring you along for the ride. Don't just understand the economy – understand the world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Anfilt
    Asking me to pay in apple podcasts to listen to a podcast that has changed from economics to politics. The show used to be so great. Good luck paying the bills as ratings and downloads fall.
  • x50net
    Planet Politics
    I was enjoying the show but lately it seems more focused on politics than anything else. Show has drifted away from my interests.
  • Livingfree993
    Love it
    Makes commutes bearable
    The reviews on here are absolutely incredible
    I’m reading through the reviews and I’m just kinda of sick and tired of people trying to fabricate an excuse to go after the shows hosts and topics choices, expressing their valid genuine concerns. Leave investing and financial services to the pros and stop taking so Everything personal. Sorry your local community doesn’t help minorities and then you wonder why they turn on you. Great shows guys keep up the great work and don’t let these bias fabricated trigger words mean anything. It’s not like they have anything of value to say.
  • JustRihanna
    Fav pod
    what more can i say?
  • RoundAboutInvest
    Keep Pushing Narratives Barely related to Sound Analysis and data-driven Fundamentals
    Go woke go broke
  • MK in SC
    A few tips from the reviews and my own observations
    I just started listening and reading transcripts of podcasts on my new phone. I have been a big fan of NPR for years and years. Slowly over the years NPR has expanded its offerings in an unbiased and very high quality of delivery. This has been good for the public as the amount of substantive and reliably truthful content has shrunken elsewhere. That said, in the last ten years or so, probably as the original staff have retired, NPR has tended to try too hard to sell itself to appeal to a different audience in ways that can be seen in the reviews. I think that the podcasts are an effort to meet this goal but it needs a little tending to improve delivery. The worst problem is one that a course in Speech would fix quickly. Enough with interrupting the flow of thought with multiple uses of “um” and “like” and brief diversions into another thought. Make it easier to follow your point by sticking to it to the end. Compare your audio to your transcripts please. You can easily see the confusion and frustrating mental struggle that results. NPR is a public radio that aims at lifting awareness and educating its audience. For goodness sakes, don’t fall into using poor English. Use proper grammar. Some of the public are learning to speak it and using you to do so. Many others just want to keep it up to scratch. Don’t disappoint them. Most of all, try to back away from diving headfirst into appearing to be politically biased, especially in apolitical topics. If you must to recap historical reality then do so coolly and without embellishment of personal bias. NPR is supported by personal funds for the public good. Balanced and factual information is needed to expand the audience. You are trying to persuade not indoctrinate. I, for one, am willing to hear views that run sideways with my beliefs and experiences, but not unless sprinkled with recognizably unvarnished facts. I enjoy NPR because of all its efforts and do support it as I can. It is the only radio that I listen to these days because of the student rhetoric, boring looping of thought, and careless lack of fact checking out in radio land. Podcasts are new. I am sorting through them NPR as a guide. Keep up the good work and sort through the reviews for their improvement. I will be listening!
  • mizzoutiger89
    Just listened to the DeepSeek episode as the host laughed his way through the recent market crash, laughed as a financial advisor had to explain this to his clients, etc. I’d so fire this host. Now, was that funny? The show has a weird tone to it in general that I’m just done with. This show just highlighted the bad side to the tipping point. hahaha
  • Noleazy
    Keep doing what you’re doing!
    I LOVE Planet Money! Keep it up!🤯🤯🤯❤️
  • google maps is the worst
    Don’t recommend
    No longer in my feed. The show is very biased. It’s not really about money or economics. It’s more about promoting liberal and leftist causes.
  • JT123@@
    Economics for those who reject basic economic principles
    Lacks all semblances of credibility. Socialist dribble as of 2025.
  • jay232466
    Smug liberal views, meh
    I used to love this show. Came back after 4 years and realized this is super liberal biased which doesn’t seam like a good strategy considering Trump won the popular vote… maybe I’ll be back in 4 more years to try again and see if they fix the bias (assuming they don’t get defunded).
  • lovely little kitten💕
    I love this podcast
    I’ve learned so much from this podcast. I love it❤️
  • Peter Albright
    For children
    Really weird to hear adults try to discuss adult topics but as kindergarten teachers.
  • hdhdhebhfhfufn
    You can learn so much I love it I love learning so if you like learning to then I suggest it for you
  • Latino MD/PhD
    Venezuela episode
    A LOT of episodes lean very left politically, which is expected from NPR but this episode was just horrifying how they almost made Maduro appear as “unlucky” (their words, not mine) and mentioned nothing about the horrible communist actions that have led to the country being this way. They also gave false stats (5% emigration is false, actual number is closer to 25%) and made it seem like Chavez loved the poor and it was his great heart that lead to the downfall of Venezuela.
  • GopherTitan
    Good content if you can get by the commercials and wasteful “try hard” gibberish. Maybe I’m just not the segment you’re going after
  • ERISA1
    Too Many Commercials
    10 minutes into the program, 5 commercials and no content in between.
  • Lindsay8354
    Get On With It
    I was excited to find a podcast about economics that was for those of us who aren’t experts in the area. The episode I chose was regarding tariffs to learn about the history of tariffs and the effects it had on the country and globe, but I couldn’t finish the podcast. I prefer direct and to the point without fluff and without the condescending tone. Do they talk slow, add unnecessary comments/fluff, and too many sound bites to make the episode longer? Listeners don’t want longer episodes (less is more). We want clear and concise episodes with an approachable tone.
  • Klittlel
    New fan
    Honestly never been one for podcasts. Planet Money is one of the few i like. This episode about land lottery in Germany is so intriguing. Awesome idea for a story, and love the hosts here.
  • Lefty Land
    Please stop with like
    Please stop using “like” so much
  • jenzahara
    So annoying
    So, why do NPR hosts pause after every 2-3 words, in weird places? It's driving me so crazy that I may have to stop listening. Planet Money is a known offender. Also, in this episode titled "There Will be Flood", in the first minute we have an incorrect use of the subjct of an adective clause, and the misuse of the word "decimated". It's unprofessional. NPR needs a better copy editor.
  • NchalapdnxvHa5718153
    Just make it all ads
    Almost 5 minutes of ads at the start of the episodes. It’s just title clickbait at this point. Just make the show, oops all ads, and call it a day.
  • AZ Asphalt
    George Soros Finance
    Political lopsided episode. I am so disappointed in this episode. Within the first few minutes the hosts launched a political grenade (left = democratic, right = anti-Semitic). The episode was strong enough to stand on its own without bringing name calling into mix. I listen to PM b/c it is apolitical- it’s about money/finance. Please keep it that way.
  • Jimny Longfellow Washington
    Used to be fact driven.
    Now it’s leaning heavily on progressive talking points. Especially on immigration issues.
  • George in Michigan
    Why a paywall?
    I love the app and the content, but it is frustrating that something publicly supported like NPR has content stuck behind a paywall. As much as I want to listen to what is labeled as “bonus content”, even though it is just another episode, I am not going to pay for yet another subscription…I feel like the wave of subscriptions required these days is like death by a thousand paper cuts.
  • GladiateGoat
    Excellent Pod
    Excellent Pod
  • CruzFan
    Veteran Loan Calamity
    This episode quickly and calmly stoked my outrage at the VA. I doubt that the VA would have resolved anything had it not been for excellent and persistent reporting. Thanks for making me aware of this issue that seems to have largely gone unnoticed during this election year.
  • nmoraleja
    Great Show- Behind the Paywall
    Hi- I hate to leave this review, but I’m not sure how else to have my voice heard. This is a great show, but on the Spotify app every single episode- with only a couple of exceptions- is blocked behind a paywall. I understand that some episodes are extras or bonuses, but the last episode that isn’t behind a paywall is from September 16th and it’s not even a planet money original, it’s from 99PI. I want y’all to get paid, don’t get me wrong, but every single episode? I’m assuming this is a glitch for now, but I’m incredibly sad to have to let such a great podcast go and listen to shows that aren’t all behind a paywall.
  • AudreyIB
    Cap and trade - provide more context on emissions stats
    You say WA contributes “only” 0.3% of emissions - but this is more than many countries in the world. Irresponsible to make this number seem negligible while the US is responsible for the majority of historical emissions and continues to be a top emitter.
  • Tkotoo
    How Venezuela Imploded
    It is extremely interesting facts of government and political functions of and for society and the benefits and welfare of others or all. And how it is sometimes taken for granted and so sensitive of an operation. I feel so fortunate and respect the obstacles and challenges our (American) politicians and what they face daily to keep things running smoothly for the citizens of this country. I often hear and view of news that seemingly regrettably report - sometimes - of an “Government Shutdown” , I’ll have to research, but it doesn’t sound like a place we want to EVER be, but lately it’s been close … actually too close for any comfort! And I DO have the understanding of how if there’s much income of certain royalties, if not properly maintained, can and will be catastrophic. Hopefully it won’t be long before they pull out of it, but judging from this report, it all starts with a determined and skilled leader including his advisors and cabinet! May Savior be with Venezuela! - s.jxn - ga
  • TheCrazyCrashout
    So good
    So good I listen whenever I can and I’ve literally listened to every episode
  • jm.ossola24
    Sometimes interesting, sometimes annoying
    For the most part, I find a lot of the content NPR puts out to be novel and interesting. I have really enjoyed various episodes on random topics like the justice department building an app for criminals to use. However there are also just too many episodes that display obvious bias against capitalism and conservatives. The amount of time they give to explain all anti capitalism arguments vs pro capitalism. Holding conservatives to liberal values. The more I hear lately the more disappointed I am at the lack of diversity of thought in their content. I’d love to see the political make up of their teams because I’m sure it would be laughable.
    Political Propoganda
    In the past, this was about the only show I could listen to on NPR. It stayed out of politics, which the rest of NPR has been a challenge. Sad that our tax dollars go so heavily to this. The latest episode on “Veep-onomics” was about as blatant of a Harris/Walz campaign ad as I’ve heard.
  • PodSnoozer
    I’ve listened to PM for years. Love NPR. The content is superb, but the delivery is nauseating. Can’t go on like this. Sorry, it’s probably me. I have never left a podcast review before.
  • beingbeing
    Ignores Root Causes, Hardly Informative
    I wanted to listen to this podcast to learn why things happen. Instead, I heard biased reporting that does not acknowledge many root causes. On the episode pertaining to US housing crisis: the episode totally ignores many aspects to the housing crisis. In this episode, the journalism flattens the issue (resistance to new apartment housing developments) into Boomers and Gen X folks resisting anything “new.” The reporters actually just insult the neighbors’ yard signage and do not cover their perspective at all. It Totally bypasses issues pertaining to landlords (profit-oriented individuals parading as “mom and pops” as well as large companies) who are overcharging for rent, not taking care of their units, and contributing to gentrification and housing insecurity in other ways as well. The episode also totally bypasses the reality of many new developments touting their units as being low income and affordable, but turns out the majority are hardly accessible in price. The podcast indulges in the idea that more-more-more will solve our housing crisis, when in reality it is so much more complex. I learned nothing listening to this podcast — absolute waste of time. Disappointed in this production.
  • ncDino
    Most podcasts require a subscription to hear … PM seems to have lost their way, famous last action before losing your fan base 😕
  • Doctor strange G
    Interesting content but some episodes have very poor audio, makes it hard to listen
    Interesting content but some episodes have very poor audio, makes it hard to listen
  • SFwatcher
    Planet Money!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts. A LOT. Planet Money is simply the best. It’s never boring. There’s never filler. I always am sad when the episode is over. I just can’t say enough good things about Planet Money. I always learn so much. I love those guys and gals.
  • 8584278
    My favourite podcast
  • J$7
    Much better than Freakanomics
    Planet money is consistently great. My favorite podcast. Much better than Freakanomics. But too many annoying ads. The podcast might be great, but I’m tired of hearing the same advertisements for other the same other NRP podcasts 10x a day Stop it. This is my voice and I won’t change it for anyone!! This is my voice and I won’t change it for anyone!! This is my voice and I won’t change it for anyone!! This is my voice and I won’t change it for anyone!!
  • bjones3618
    Not too shabby with room to improve
    Solid show, for the most part. Sometimes biased: see Google episode, sponsored by…Google. That is becoming a problem across NPR. For misophones, some episodes can be tough. Several reporters would do well to sit back a touch from the mic. What, I presume, they see as enunciating each letter, sounds like someone licking the microphone.
  • HPRI
    A must listen
    Always on the top of my playlist. Anyone in business or just interested in economics will find this podcast interesting.
  • AmiFidel
    Jeff Guo
    I love this podcast. I have been listening to it for years. I have a suggestion, though. Please make an investment in offering Jeff Guo some lessons with a speech therapist. His staccato speech is very unpleasant to hear. He puts abrupt pauses between words, which makes his speech jerky and unfit for a podcast of such a quality. Sorry to appear to be negative, but my intention is to improve the podcast quality if you give him the gift of fixing his severe speech impediment. Thanks.
  • local_lives347
    I‘m sorry, but I just listened to the newest release that was a look at the positive/negative view of Google search results. I can‘t find that particular episode currently, so take my review with a grain of salt. Christ, that was as bias as can be. The only other voice than the hosts was a representative of Alphabet. They spoke about about how everything in their results appeared to be above board. I don‘t feel like there‘s more to comment until there‘s more to engage with; I hope it is just an internet issue on my part.
  • prion_lover
    Insightful economics podcast
    I have listened to Planet Money for years, even while I lived abroad in Taiwan. The crew help us understand the nuances of various economic situations. I have enjoyed the different topics ranging from the historical to the modern, and although I am a computational biochemist by training, I have gained a greater appreciation for this subject area.
  • BillfromSanFran
    I can’t believe Planet Money serves Chevron ads
    Decent content, but in 2024 serving Chevron ads is like serving ads for Joe Camel. I’m done.
  • ucsfmt
    Ok but…
    Like the info but just way too many interruptions be it a plug for the channel or a commercial.
  • giga chad ukraine
    Death by ads
    Not worth even trying to listen. Constant ads, unbearable.
  • CollegeStudentListener
    Typical NPR show
    This show is fantastic. I really love the content. it’s such a disappointment when shows like this become woke. I don’t think the show has ever criticized Joe Biden. Maybe for once they can conclude that a problem is a result of Joe Biden‘s economic policy instead of random chance. despite this, I think the hosts of this podcast are great. Please just leave out your bias and tell us the facts.
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