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letitsnowmanmega wokeDon’t care about pronouns, dei, or any other woke garbage. Identify politics has made the software engineering field objectively worse.
sklornToo many commercialsJust about a commercial every 2 minutes makes this unlistenable
Elephant_CvntTerribleI wouldn’t bother - Its an advertisement interrupted ever 90 seconds for an advertisement break.
Hustler74LoopingLooping through database with Linu XLL PO
Asher MancinelliWayy too many adsSome fun content but the ads are unbearable. Hard to enjoy the content, which itself is often interesting.
Conjunto VacioRIP Jeff MPoor guy
IDontNeedAGodDamnNicknameAds shouldn’t interrupt sentencesAds literally cut into the middle of the speaker’s sentences. Sometimes the topics are interesting, but this makes the show unlistenable. RIP Jeff. :(
A-concerned-listenerThere’s good content between ads!!Long time listener who used to love this show, but now it’s a giant ad read (which I get you gotta make money) but the value is gone. 75% ads and 25% content makes it almost unlistenable. RIP Jeff.
Nick8090908Hit or missPoor Jeff, look what they did to your baby.
Real Person 22Stop Interrupting IntervieweesA self proclaimed interrupter, the lady host makes this painful to listen to. Incredibly rude and makes it hard to follow along.
not-nullLong Form EvangelismThe guests are often very focused on evangelizing their own software. The attempts to broaden the conversation or get into deeper trade-off discussion that don’t immediately cast the guest’s software in a sales centric light don’t succeed frequently enough to keep this podcast from occasionally feeling like long form evangelism with ads
thatengineeringguy14Best daily podcast for SW Engineers available!Such a wide variety of content that is full of value and actionable insights for software engineers at every stage of their career!
whatevermattDo you like sales webinars?If you like webinars, you'll love these thinly veiled ad podcasts (which of course are interrupted multiple times by other ads).
obacker19Relevant, insightful and actionable! 👏Whether you’re well established as someone innovating in the software engineering world, or just getting started on your journey - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Jeff does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of successfully navigating an ever changing software landscape - from leaders who’ve actually walked the path. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
FireShield95Apology acceptedIt's a great and informative podcast. Hope Jeff stays in good health now.
djdjjfjfkfkfjffjXN Trm
memoryGameFanGreat show, even better musicSometimes I get an interesting technical podcast, sometimes I get a a hilarious and fully unexpected jam. I see this as an absolute win!
hortisimoThe mental health stuff is sadBut I’ll be damned if he’s not putting out some bangers To the other reviewers complaining: Jeff is obviously suffering a mental health crisis. How that isn’t obvious is crazy in of itself
TomJerry24Great Show but what’s up with the insane episodes?Love the show.. However, lately it’s like I’m rolling the dice on each episode hoping for something not out of left field.
mauj xhWhat happened :(It used to be amazing … terrible shift to cursing, ranting and attacking others. Thank you for the good times
Sumeet KhushalaniUsed to be greatNot sure whats gone on recently - but the short outbursts at facebook and useless rants are filling up more space than the meaningful stuff. It needs to go back to its simple technical roots! Jeff, maybe you can create another channel/podcast to vent your anger keep the content here simply focused on software engineering? Else you risk losing all the great work and all the subscribers that ardently listen to your podcast
TeraInfernoGreat podcastThis is a great podcast. I knocked off one star for the random short podcasts that started appearing in the feed. Please remove them. Otherwise, an amazing podcast
StephenHernMisinformationThis used to be a great, informative podcast about software engineering. The podcast has now become filled with bizarre rants, weird rap songs and the host has been publishing anti-vax screeds on his blog which can be easily debunked with just basic research/common sense. It’s all quite sad because I know the pandemic has been hard on everyone, but the burdens have been particularly heavy on those with history of mental illness. Unfortunately my sympathy for the host can’t extend to supporting advice to forgo basic preventative health measures for a disease still killing thousands of people every week in the United States.
C-OleyYou lost a subscriberThe latest episode lost me as a subscriber. I want a professional podcast, not what was just posted with a 5 minute song cussing about Zuckerberg.
GrfxGuruWas a big fan until it went off the railsI’m not here to say what’s right or wrong, or comment on the very public brand destruction taking place with this podcast. I hope that it finds its way back on track at some point, but for now I have to unsubscribe. So sad all the problems taking place with the people and podcast caught in the middle of it.
ylmonkeyJeff went insaneI used to follow this podcast daily. However since earlier this year Jeff seems to have gone insane. His content is about his personal grudges rather than software. Although I am sorry to see a nice podcaster downgrade himself this way, I have to unsubscribe this podcast from now on.
yepartWas a great showI had a long timeout of podcasts in general and wanted to return listening them and I was mostly excited about this podcast but I was very surprised by the recent content that has been released. It seems this podcast became a bully machine about Facebook. The latest episodes it feels like all about saying f words and guy going crazy or maybe influenced by someone.
Hello-World1I amHello-World1
neb636Use to be a great podcastUse to be great but the host is too focused on Mark Zuckerberg now
Cmaher92Terrible interviewerI was genuinely interested by the guest but the interviewer continually interrupted the guest over and over. He also had the worst take on the environmental aspects of Bitcoin. You SHOULD care because if it uses as much energy as an average American household on a single transaction then the technology is flawed. Instead of listening to argument he starts talking about Coca Cola and some horrible whataboutism argument. This guy just wants to hear himself talk.
chalcidflyNot sure what happenedUsed to be a pretty good show, it’s worth listening to most of the episodes because they have good guests and topics. The latest episode “Mark Suckerberg” on the other hand is just… an unhinged, vulgar, expletive-filled rant about why he hates Facebook? Seems he is mad because his post got taken down? I’m not really sure what’s going on here.
Fuhrer_MasaiHost can give some background contextSometimes the host cuts guests off and goes off on complete tangents and uses jargon words that may not be familiar to the audience. This is not very inclusive. He can instead pause and give some context and let the speakers complete their sentences.
BrettW199Heading downhillUsed to be good technical show. Quality of the guests declining. I guess nothing more to cover. Used to be much more technical, now just hype about startups or the host’s “businesses”.
womplyschmoopBlatant React misinformationWhat happened to this show. That episode about a React vulnerability is blatantly false, and makes me question the technical acumen of the host.
malfoxleyGreat show!Jeff, host of the Software Engineering Daily podcast, highlights all aspects of software, tech and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
lakers___Too many commercialThe discussions sounds very interesting but way too many “commercial breaks”
Seth ChicagoGives a lot of airtime to crypto nonsensrDeFi? Decentralized nonsense? Maybe stop inflating the ongoing crypto bubble.
BrianFe89Used to be goodNow it’s just endless cryptocurrency scams.
JenniferhliBroad coverage of the industry and cutting edge technologiesJeff covers a broad range of the industry and cutting edge technologies that are very interesting and engaging. They expanded my horizon so much in the technology world and you can tell from his questions how much preparation he does to make the show good. Well done!!
SpeakeasysNever ending knowledgeI love this podcast. I get so much knowledge and benefit from learning from new technologies. If I want to know about new tech that could solve a problem at work I search here first. Thank you for this awesome podcast!
bayareareaderGreat podcastSince each user can only write one review, I am updating my previous review. I continue to be a daily listener of this high quality podcast. The lineup of guests on the show are excellent. The breadth and depth of the content are very valuable for people in the software industry and tech in general. I wish Jeff continue success and produce high quality interviews that listeners appreciate. ——- I was delighted to have found this software engineering podcast and have become a regular listener. I found the topics very interesting, relevant to current trends. The guests are very knowledgeable and, very importantly for an audio program, very well spoken. This makes it pleasing to listen to especially when discussing challenging and complex technical problems and system designs. Jeff usually asks the right questions and getting into right level of complexity that’s suitable on audio. This is definitely a great podcast for software professionals to stay current and expand knowledge base. Thanks for the great program.
enceladusdataEntertaining and informative!This podcast is a show I look forward to hearing on my daily commute. There are lots of diverse discussions that span many areas in tech. From software to data this show has it all!
cck197Very helpfulI value continued education and I want to stay sharp but don't want to make more time to sit at a computer and read. Therefore, this podcast enables me to learn about software and move! Great stuff. This is also one of the first podcasts I've heard where the ads don't feel like ads.
Rob ColburnFantastic Range of ContentWide range of topics from cloud, server-less, crypto currency to web assembly and front end.
Lepetitp2012Enjoyable guests, thorough coverageI enjoy the majority of episodes. Most guests offer extremely valuable insights about their areas of expertise. The diversity of guests and extremely relevant topics are a plus. The few qualms I have with the show are the hosts desire to have his views of the topics heard above the knowledge of the guests and the desire he has for the guest to agree with his thoughts.
SaumiRaJeff is the best !This is the BEST podcast for software developers, sales , start ups and so many others !
dkaush4Developers wet dream.The clarity and the flow of the podcast is stellar. In addition to the obvious goldmine like content this podcast has. Great work guys.
CweldfwchLove this Software PodcastThis is a great software engineering podcast. Jeff has a methodical way of interviewing that hits high and low level. The dialogue is interesting and is satisfyingly technical. By listening, I’ve been inspired and learned a lot!
dkamp14Great podcastCovers a wide range of topics and well done production
Mithun ManoharGreat podcastThanks for being integral part of my daily routine. Appreciate it much !
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