The Daily

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This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m. Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at

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Recent Reviews
  • Grazie2025
    Ignoring attacks on Trans rights
    It’s really disappointing that the Daily is doing episodes on things like ChatGPT and sex and has completely ignored the attacks on trans rights and the LGBT community at large
  • Tothineownself
    One of the best produced podcasts
    Typically I don’t see liberal or conservative bias- in this piece that plays like an award winning documentary. But stop, please stop with the Trump bashing. The Zelenskyy signing reporting wasn’t reporting at all- so ridiculously biased it was hard to hear the truth that Trump was 100% correct.
  • Mac an tSionnaigh
    Michael Barbaro
    Find a better Host
  • Acolumbianus
    Pandering to Trump
    “The Fallout from Zelensky and Trump’s Oval Office Meltdown” An awkward title, to be sure, and inaccurate: Vance actively participated. Why not just call the episode “The Fallout from the Oval Office Meltdown?” Oh yeah, you gotta share the blame. Two-side it. Disgusting.
  • 45andFab!!
    Brutally attacked?
    What meeting were you watching? How about blatantly disrespected by the head of the county you’ve supported with enough money to house and feed and provide mental health care for every homeless person in this county! I wanted to hear an unbiased recap- I listen to you almost daily- but not anymore. Don’t call yourself journalists- call a spade a spade. From the top of the hour, admit” I disagree with the President of the great country we live in and will do everything I can in this next hour to twist the truth that the President of the US was being clear, direct and very smart—and kind to even consider continuing to help a county that cannot and will not help our country and the people who are in need here.
  • blk_beard
    Family therapy
    Trump and JD Vance need to work on their own issues .
  • AK123:)
    Stop the music!
    So much dramatic musics cheapens the legitimacy of the fine journalism you are attempting to present. You sincerely don’t need it. Please stop!
  • j00000ls
    Plz lower commercial volumes
    Commercials’ volume fixin to burst my eardrum gd cman
  • GoGreen930
    Michael B ego check please
    Please, check your ego, it’s not about you. Your most recent display, asking a very accomplished reporter to “wait” until you address her to say hello, was not funny. Please, we want to hear the information, not your attempts at control. Let your talented guests speak.
  • baseballballet
    Governor Maura Healey
    Great interview. Tough direct questions answered honestly and intelligently by Governor Healey. Hope many many folks listen.
  • Saunaseura
    I expect more from NYT
    On the bank failure in Kansas story the speaker is dragging and croaking his voice This is called vocal fry and is extremely hard to listen to despite this young man’s intelligence and expression Please be a leader and train your NYT reporters how tp speak In a healthy and listenable way.
  • Bunny Cub
    Loo Loo
    How can someone who’s a journalist be so stupid??? A governor is worried Trump will end up with a third term uhhh YEAH! Why wouldn’t he? Are these NYTimes reporters IN THE WORLD???? Wake up We are in autocracy dum dums!
  • azpalmer
    Interesting content
    I don’t listen to every episode, instead I pick and choose based on the topic. But I like the content and style of the show a lot.
  • Jimk2583
    Must listen for conservatives
    I love listening to the Daily, albeit mostly opinion, not journalism, it could easily be NPR. It’s about your truth, you know, to correct the record. Tuning in is like being a fly on the wall with Screwtape instructing Wormwood how to deceive the Patient. The cultural Marxism is insidious. To call it hubris is pathetically obvious, but it’s that clever low key matter of factness that makes Babaro, Tavernise and their guests so easy to listen to and catch you off guard to the overarching NY Times subversion. This gospel for emotional and uninformed individuals is also a must listen for well grounded folks, if you can stay with it, to help equip with a popular source of progressive notions, absent wisdom, manifest in beliefs that mankind is in control. Just beware, the temptation to believe the deceiver, he is smooth. You’ll laugh you’ll cry, it’s better than Cats. Five stars for entertainment if you enjoy torture like a horror flick and half a star for truth. Please keep it coming as listening the insecure and misguided struggle to understand humane nature, politics, or whatever, gives confidence that we’re finally on the right track to make America great.
  • Sena1680
    Wouldn’t miss an episode.
  • coneofart
    Please stop using language like “surprising, or shocking” when regarding the current “administration”. You, the media, knew what was going to happen if they came into power. It isn’t shocking or surprising. It’s sad, appalling, and egregious.
  • Bryan86723
    How to downplay terrorism
    I have been a listener of The Daily for years. I have finally had enough of the downplaying of the plight of the Israelis and Jews. Every time the daily does a story on Isreal and Gaza, anything to do with Israel or Jews gets downplayed and diminished. I don’t understand why it is so hard to show sympathy for us jews. I’m done.
  • jidogrl
    This rating may go up with future episodes. But this weeks ChatGPT love story is something that I wish I could unhear. Absolutely disgusting and nauseating.
  • loomasauris
    Do better guys !
    Trump 2 and the daily is talking about human/ AI love affairs ! smh
  • iowawildrose
    I wouldn’t miss an episode any more than I’d skip my morning coffee, just unthinkable. Love the variety and the guests are top notch.
  • Slider1947
    Perverted Propaganda
    Misattributes facts from today to history either due to poor research or pushing a preordained conclusion. 2 things can be true at once and correlation does not prove causation. Focus on the news, focus on the fact and let/trust your listeners to work out the rest for ourselves. We are not as ignorant as you think. Bless your heart NYT.
  • Mollygilligan
    Ignore the MAGA trolls - great podcast with quality, fact-based reporting.
  • Windy13007
    Exporting Americas Immigration Problem
    Mind blowing report. I was surprised your reporting left out what was in the exchange for Panama. Clearly, in my mind (knowing how the art of the steal works in Trump world), Panama is compensated for taking North Americas unwanted immigrants and US citizens are unaware of the “deal”- at tax payers expense and a huge humanitarian crisis. I’m at a loss for words. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  • Olneaa54
    An essential part of my day
    I love all the hosts and I love feeling up to date on all the news, especially during crazy times like these. Love the format of the show, the music, everything!
  • CodyPatFielding
    Politically biased
    Unfortunately there is a lack of substance and an obvious lean to the left with no real attempt to understand the issues.
  • Higherstandard25
    Biased Reporting
    Been listening regularly past 1-2 years; Regularly defended what i thought was balanced reporting. Unfortunately I can no longer say that. Disappointing…
  • Ryan11111111111111111111111111
    David Marchese is ruining brand
    David Marchese is not ready for The Interview. He’s alienated his guests and his reliance on self-effacement and relating topics to his personal story make The Interview unlistenable. I‘d be surprised if NYT continues to land interesting subjects if David Marchese is allowed to fail so spectacularly on the job, never improving, learning nothing.
  • JimmyGio.
    Totally fake lies… this is not journalism or news at all. One sided complete falsehood.. wow
    Ed yong
    Listening to this interview with Ed yong is so amazing. It’s so refreshing
  • zenyatta65
    Pretty solid
    Good guests and topics but the host constantly goes “hmmm” even at the most obvious remarks which is distracting. Unfortunately these reviews have been swarmed by MAGA trolls
    Trump trump trump
    Is there anything else you can talk about besides trump? So over it.
  • Hopeful🦋
    Lefties loosing it🙄
  • 3mgal
    Great listen!
    They do a great job of reporting the truth, especially in our current situation of misinformation. Appreciate honest and relevant reporting.
  • EvenMorePerfect
    NYT is trash, leftist garbage. Keep going, keep pushing people out the door. I believe Apples ratings like I believe ANYTHING on CNN. It all comes from an INSANE, ignorant, narcissistic, no common sense point of view. NYT in NO WAY has the credibility they once had, not even close.
  • fame521
    A Call for Broader Focus
    I’m growing weary of the relentless focus on the political turmoil surrounding President Trump. We’re well aware of the gravity of the situation, but there are other critical events unfolding that also deserve attention. Many of us could use a break from the constant saturation—it’s time for a broader, more balanced discourse.
  • projectgirl
    I am with Disappointed in DC
    Read the review below from Disappointed in DC. This reviewer hit the nail on the head. David Remnick interviewed NY Times owner, Sulzberger Jr. well over a year ago and took him to the mat on his soft ball approach and normalization of Trump. Sulzberger weaseled his way out of answering the questions. The Times reporting has been disgusting and complicit with the coup that is happening in plain sight. I’m including Michael Barbaro and The Daily Podcast team in all of this. They have been impotent in their reporting. Shame on The New York Times and all the major outlets who are rolling over.
  • sherwoodmv
    Follow the money
    This was once my go to morning podcast when it was closer to actual journalism now it’s an extremely biased editorial and is a great example of why people no longer trust main stream media. All you have to do is follow the money to see why
  • Cgideotkgdwe
    The trump show
    I used to love the daily but it feels like every episode has become about Trump. Would love more variety again then only Trump
  • sy415
    Great Podcast
    Excellent podcast. Informative and interesting.
  • St louis Sara
    Now the Trump podcast
    Used to listen to this in the car every morning with my kids because there was a great mix of news. It is nothing but Trump these days. I don’t disagree with the reporting - but I miss the variety. Now listening to other news podcasts each morning.
  • BritCreel
    Fantastic journalism.
    More important than ever. However, I am not giving it a five star review because the recent advertising for NetSuite is just really weird, disconcerting energy.
  • MyTummyHurtsAndImMadAtTheGovt
    Why is someone “narrating” and interview. Let your subject speak! Highly biased and not news.
  • Gfriedman623
    The Daily Tr*mp
    Can you report on one thing other than Tr*mp? There are other stories fit to print.
  • Aki89##
    While I feel very bad for the federal workers losing their jobs and having their lives turned over, that in no way outweighs the tremendous debt that our country is in and the burden that each of us carries because of that. This is clear and obvious manipulation to steer us away from the truth. Shame on you NYT.
  • Make heck
    Just the tip!
    You reports on a new tip law that one of my servers just latched onto and used to exploit my business. We used to havetip pools and had a really great team atmosphere and now we splintered and I’m having to pay over $100,000 to employees that make $70-$90 per hour. I appreciate your efforts, but in this case I get screwed..
  • applejacks36
    So Tone Deaf!
    Hearing entitled Leftist Govt. Workers cry over losing their worthless jobs, not something I’m interested in. Stop being so partisan! This is why the Left lost the election! Report the news fairly, or continue to lose! This is a hack news organization!
  • cmcorbo
    Enough with Trump!
    I’ve been a loyal listener for years, but have been very turned off by the constant President Trump coverage. I understand he’s the President, but there is nothing else going on in the world that you feel the need to create a podcast about him It is going to be a long 4 years. I’ve followed the Journal instead for daily news.
  • QueerBlackWoman
    Democracy Now! Is Better
    It's not just The Daily, but the entire tone adapted by the NYT that continually normalizes this rise of American Facsim. It is unfortunate and an opportunity lost to be honest about the violence of this administration and the growing populist movement in the US. Currently, the NTY is stuck in a centrist and facist tolerante repetition. DemocracyNow! objectively has better reporting. So, if you need more honest reporting—look there.
  • jodywat
    I’m bored
    Been listening to this for years! Lately it’s all just political agenda stuff. I get they have a responsibility to report news, but is there anything else newsworthy that isn’t dramatized politics? Also that guy botched the Denzel interview, he wasn’t very good at reading the room. Was a train wreck that kept getting worse. I felt it was a disservice to how amazing the interview should have been.
  • Buden5
    Why 24/7 trump
    Can we please talk about something other than trump occasionally?
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