Hard Fork


“Hard Fork” is a show about the future that’s already here. Each week, journalists Kevin Roose and Casey Newton explore and make sense of the latest in the rapidly changing world of tech.

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Recent Reviews
  • mindymaxine12468
    Great show
    The only technology-focused show that I follow. These guys are really well-informed and track the most important stories in AI and technology. I love their humour and enjoy their interviews. While I may not be a huge fan of their parent company (NYTimes), these guys are essential listening if you want to know what’s going on with technology and its relationship to economy and culture.
  • kevlo8
    Good content/tough political focus
    I enjoyed the show for most of the content provided. Some great guests and subjects to cover. I know the industry is heavily politicized like anything today but the slant started taking a more front a center part of the show.
  • Mars Apollo Euclid
    Love the chemistry and intelligence of this dynamic duo. I don’t have any social media and only got a smartphone at 36 - you don’t have be adept in technology vocab or concepts to follow along (learn) and laugh out loud. It’s OKAY that they share political leanings as they focus on topics that shape our world. The manner in which they feel a certain way is sensible and well articulated. I learn a lot just by listening to the discourse. Love how witty Kasey is. Love how well of an interviewer Kevin is. Thank you for bringing color to my boring weekday!
  • google maps is the worst
    Really good, but…
    This pod is really good. Definitely worth your time. I think it’s clever and interesting, and also entertaining. My only critique is that the two hosts, and one in particular are very strongly biased in their political views, and their views of the world. But they don’t seem to realize it or have any self-awareness of their own biases.
  • won't send with one star
    Funny and informative
    So glad I found this podcast. I learn something new each episode.
  • 1No nickname is available8
    Great content but too much giggling and condescension
    Updated June 2024 Wow, didn’t know I had already posted a review of the show – amazing how it’s a different day but the similar comments. I’ve gotten used to the giggling and the middle school jokes. Trying to turn everything into a ha ha. Now it’s just sort of like a gnat buzzing. I really enjoy the podcast overall. The content is usually excellent. I hardly ever rate something, And I never vote one star, ever. BUT… sadly I’m leaving my original one star rating as is. The big thing that made me return to update this was the hatred they display toward Elon Musk. It is really not a good look. I don’t know why you feel like you need to make up your listeners minds about Elon Musk for them. It’s OK that you guys hate him, I have no problem with that. But at least try to be fair in your reporting? It really doesn’t matter what you think about Elon‘s pay package does it? The shareholders think it was fair, (they think that twice actually by a super majority to boot, twice actually) and they think it was unfair for a judge to nullify the shareholders decision. Funny I didn’t hear any comments about the stockholder who brought the suit owning only 9 shares of stock or the $5B plus (yes B as in billion) payment the lawyers for that stockholder are asking for. But I guess you don’t really hate those sorts of injustices? The way you frame it is just unbelievable – everybody knows that Kimbell Musk is on the board of Tesla??? Stockholders know that Kimbell Musk is on the board of directors because they vote for the directors 😮 Is that a surprise to you guys? Where have you been? And do you know so little about business structures that you don’t know that and try to make something out of Elon Musk’s brother being on the board? It’s as if you don’t have a grasp of the corporate world or the actual world for that matter, if you think people didn’t know that. I always find it curious that people who produce nothing are always the biggest critics of people who create earth shattering items. If you guys actually made something (as opposed to critiquing what others create) it might not come off as so whiny and ridiculous. I’m telling you it is not a good look at all. Honestly, I had to turn the podcast off when you started talking about Elon Musk’s alleged romantic relationships. If I was interested in that kind of stuff I would go to the Washington Post (hope I named the right one since I don’t really know the names of any cheap tabloids) or some other cheap tabloid. You think this is tech news? I think the New York Times is putting too much editorial pressure on this podcast. It’s turning into the drivel that is so ubiquitous in mainstream media. Such a shame, I had such hopes for this podcast in spite of the dopey banter. This was the original review: I really want to like this show. They select great topics but some coverage is just high school puns and lots off laughing at each others jokes. Guys a little bit of that goes a very long way. I think I could overlook most of that but these guys are such haters. I wanted to hear their review of the Cyber truck, but it was really a litany of how terrible Elon Musk is. I want to hear about technology not the host’s personal petty jealousies and issues. The section of the Cyber truck really said more about the two presenters than Elon Musk. I suppose it is a New York Times publication. Such a shame, because I think they could really provide some decent information, but it gets so lost in the laughing, bad plays on words… You get the idea.
  • TheTicIsTickedOff
    Hard listening to normies
    If you’re going to complain and put down the developers who work hard and are excited for an event that happens one time a year, you should rethink your life choices. Why are you allowed to go and enjoy a music concert but we’re not allowed to go and enjoy a Developer conference.
  • please talk better
    the high voice
    It makes me tighten my whole body in discomfort. I don't know which host has the high voice but I think there is hope for you- if you can relax it will lower your voice and folks who are aware of this and sensitive to a pinched voice can relax along with you as opposed to being impacted by your voice, which sounds like it is desperately trying to hold in a fart.
  • orikle
    I AM A KID
    Hello I am 10 years old and I love your podcast it is hilarious 😆
  • JB20152015
    Lame jokes and a *little* tech?
    The amount of lame joking is over the top. Some good tech content but I couldn’t stand the exaggerated, dull comedy routines.
  • Nintendobiggestfan
    No longer a tech podcast
    It’s degenerated to just another AI hype pod. It was a great podcast to get the pulse on leading tech generally, but this podcast interpreted leading tech to just mean AI now so it’s really boring.
  • Robert Cusella
    A Perfect Duo
    Kevin and Casey host a classic, hilarious, and super smart podcast on the tech world. I love this podcast with all my heart.
  • Jill Lloyd Flanagan
    I like it
    A good podcast to stay up to date on tech, I did stop listening for a bit when both hosts were in favor of a TikTok ban which i think is insane but I think overall it’s a good tech podcast with the fact that you have to take it with a grain of salt as it does come from the very centrist New York Times
  • jcd1969
    10 out of 10
    I’d listen to Kevin & Casey talk about anything! It just happens that their shows cover timely tech themes with clarity & insight. Love these guys.
  • Mme Blink
    Skip the small talk
    Skipping the small talk and opening chit chat would greatly improve this podcast.
  • j footprint
    mostly good content but
    Being in tech myself, I like the content of Hard Fork, BUT... Tone it down. I can’t believe that Roose and Newton over-emote in normal conversation, and they just spin up each other into a frenzy here. It gets annoying quickly. Maybe take a step away from gamer enthusiasm.
  • lgmiller77
    Love the concept, but hard to take serious
    I love the concept of this podcast and I’m looking for a place to keep up with the fast, ever changing world of technology. But the hosts make it really hard to take them seriously. The forced jokes they tell become distracting and cringey to listen to. In particular, the episode on OpenAI and Scarlet Johansson was painful; Casey’s ScarJo movie title jokes almost made me turn the podcast off. I really want to stick with this podcast. But please dial back the cheesiness. It’s distracting to the point of annoyance.
  • Irina Krivonos
    Great tech show
    I love how light Kevin and Casey are. It’s easy to understand the information with good storytelling and sense of humor. Absolutely the best show about the tech
  • Chrislan88
    It downgraded from good to bad
    Nowadays, it’s more about a conversation of two insecure losers mumbling
  • Finjimin
    Love it!
    Love this show, genuinely look forward to it as one of my weekend listens… I’ve been in tech/digital for 25 years and I find this a great balance of commentary, thought provoking points of view, interesting interviews and presented in a way that often makes me laugh along. Its great to listen to smart people who are not taking themselves or the subject matter too seriously whilst also asking some really good questions from their own industry viewpoint. Great work!
  • Patrick.J.W
    reliably informative and entertaining
    Well produced and informative. The hosts are smart and funny and have great rapport.
  • Joe_Rude
    Get smarter and have a great time
    I love the chemistry between Kevin and Casey. They’re really enjoyable to listen to and at the same time I’ll learning a lot about different areas of tech, so much so that I can have intelligent conversations with my “techie” friends. I would highly recommend this podcast!
  • crisygal
    This podcast is in my top 5 to learn from. Kevin and Casey should be AI personality models I’d chat with them frequently! Hey is that a new idea for a business ? Celeb AI friends? Like those celeb calls where you hire a b-list personality to make a personal bday wishes video or phone call- your celeb AI is modeled after their personality and experience in a friendly conversation. See how inspiring Kevin and Casey are!? Anyway, these dudes are smart, fun, interesting, well connected (they know about the cool stuff and cool parties and interview the cool people) and they are just good humans. (Bonus!) When’s the BBQ? Please send me an invite. Love Hard Fork so much!
  • Rebecca1954
    Cord box?
    Love you guys! I’m a clinical social worker from a tech family… yet I just have to comment Kevin, us women of a certain age have a cord box too!! lol…👌🏻👍🏻
  • Shellandjj
    5 stars…AGAIN!
    Writing another review about STILL listening to Hard Fork. I thought the music episode was really creative and the compositions were beautiful. I just finished listening the episode highlighting how listeners use AI in their work and even though I’m retired, I got some great ideas. Like, I finally decided to download and play with ChatGPT to help me finish writing my dad’s memoir. He got 2/3 through his memoir before he passed away in Dec and I brought this idea the finish it for him from the back burner due to that episode. And anecdotes like the “cord box”!!! After I retired, I found 3 of my own cord boxes, which contained lots of forgotten cabling treasures!🤣Casey and Kevin keep me relevant and giggling and I really appreciate that. I always look forward to my weekly Hard Fork doses, thanks!
  • MistraHelpful
    Edging toward Click & Clack
    This show started strong, but is now settled in and moving toward Car Talk territory, with forced jokes and forced chuckles in response. Casey needs to stop trying so hard. He also needs to STOP YELLING. I mean, even right at the beginning, during the topic accouncements, so much yelling that the baby cries and the cat runs out of the room. He yells so hard that he knocked a star off my rating. Otherwise, a great show.
  • gronster
    Amusing, highly informative
    Love the tone of this show! Amusing but not snarky. Very informative, but not at all dry.
  • Nickt123
    Pretty good!
    This podcast fills a crucial role in communicating updates in the world of technology in a manner accessible to the public. I don’t agree with all of their takes, but they provide good info. Would definitely recommend!
  • Digitalmem
    The Elon Musk is evil, X is doomed…
    For the last year, about 60% of the tech coverage was interesting but the constant anti-anything Elon Musk coverage finally got too much. Funny thing about Caseys pronouncements that X was doomed a year ago and now all the underlying business numbers - I.e users, subscribers, engagement time - are all up. Current episode features a hit Job on why Tesla is now also doomed, just as it’s basically solved self driving and will likely have working humanoid robots in market in the next 24 months. Also funny that the first brain machine implanted in a paraplegic human, making them telekinetic was never covered on the show… I wonder why? I guess it’s hard to spin that story as horrible and evil therefore don’t touch it. I’m curious how all of these insightful predictions will be spun over the next couple of years as Tesla becomes the most valuable company in the world and X eats the New York Times for lunch.
  • alicevlaubach
    Non-Tech, Cool Mom Loves the Show
    I am not in the tech world but I love this show. I have 3 small children and want to be a cool Mom who is somewhat informed on tech and not asking them repeatedly about tech, like a Boomer. I do work in corporate immigration which affects a huge amount of tech workers. If you need some insights, let me know!
  • Gvantsa.K
    This show is hightlight of my week. Thank you! 🙏🔥
  • jencismai
    Always enjoyable on a Friday afternoon.
  • Mountains720
    Tickles and tech
    Not since Cheech and Chong … Great, smart, funny podcast.
  • CinciJJ
    Learn about tech (and laugh too!)
    These two have great chemistry. Have learned so much from this show.
  • northbanker
    Great show! Could you add time markers in summary?
    Been listening to the show since it was birthed. Keep up the good work guys! BUT may I make one request: in your summary, could you please add time markers to the segments of your show? I listen to a zillion podcasts, and that feature is invaluable, in order to listen to as many as I do, skipping over a few bits that are not of interest.
  • sam-1984
    Incredible podcast
    I’ve listened to every episode starting at the first one and love this podcast. Casey Newton is so funny!
  • MDTof De
    Yes, love the podcast - Casey and Kevin make what is generally dry tech info accessible while not insulting their audience. It’s also fun.
  • Devil Dinosaur
    Feels like sitting around with friends on a Friday afternoon.
    I just started listening and don’t even know the host’s name but their delivery is so infectious I look forward to listening to them at the end of the week. They remind me of my college days and just exploring the outer edges of tech with classmates.
  • KriDisco
    Love this podcast
    This podcast brings me so much joy! I do not work in the tech space, but Kevin & Casey’s rapport, their humor and insights have made Hard Fork one of my new favorites.
  • ASP18218483
    I live for the opening of the show. So amazingly funny and catchy. I look forward to it each week and the show only gets better from there. Great job guys, keep doing the awesome reporting and informing.
  • E5trella333
    Ah the blissful ignorance of parenting young children
    I’m giving a 5 star bc 99% of the time, these guys provide an incredibly thoughtful and balanced approach to covering tech issues, and generally admit to any blind-spots and biases. BUT… regarding the kids and social media conversation. You guys. C’mon. And I get it- when my daughter was 3 (and an angel), I too gave myself a premature high-five about how amazing I was as a parent, and how great she would be at 15. And now here we are… literally every argument and conflict ties back to that little rectangle that’s surgically attached to her hand. And we don’t even allow social media. It has highjacked her brain, it is literally rewiring our kids. To suggest we can “teach them to use it responsibly” when (1) the companies don’t give us the tools to control exposure (2) we can’t even figure out a responsible way to use as adults is so incredibly obtuse. Do you REALLY think all of us parents have just totally given up on parenting? Bc that is the only way mental health, attention, social issues could be such a huge issue, if tech (/social media) isn’t at least a part of it, controlling for all other variables, as the biggest thing to change around how kids socialize vs even 10 years ago. Yet we (working moms) spend more time parenting these days on avg than stay at home Moms in the 70’s. Everyone is a perfect parent until they become one. Or in this case, become the parent of a teen. I’d love to see you revisit this issue with actual parents of teens.
  • No, and I mean it
    Great music, and excellent content too.
    The music on this show is the best. Great all-around podcast!
  • Requestfromlistener
    To Casey Newton
    Casey, we get it. You’re gay. Please stop mentioning your sexuality in the podcast. It seems that your personal life isn’t of interest to the audience.
  • Timo1234625638
    Okay but skews anti-tech/techno pessimist
    Decent coverage about currently events in tech, but tends to have a strong anti-tech bias. I wish they’d do a better job not letter their personal politics skews their coverage or even just cover tech in a way that focuses on the positive aspects and possible futures.
  • WBSupreme
    My Favorite Tech Podcast
    I can’t remember how I found this but I’m so glad I did. This is the main podcast I look forward to each week. I really enjoy the hosts’ discussions and perspectives; appreciating their sense of humor and critical thinking on the week’s happenings in tech. In addition, I feel like this is one of the shows that tends to present tougher questions and discussion while remaining respectful with guests. Great job!
  • Nicholas_Alexander
    tiktok ban
    critiquing china for banning american social media companies and then encouraging america to do the same is a weird stance to take. I guess as long as meta, google and apple keep inviting you guys to their demos you’re okay with them stealing our data.
  • Recovering Tech Bro
    Great Work
    I’m to busy to write reviews, but I just have to. This is THE best podcast since the days when Radiolab was king. I look forward to this every week. Thank you all.
  • ThisIsTheTruth
    The content is generally good. The presentation is tiring — the hosts joke around but are rarely actually funny, they’re always yelling, and and you get the sense they speed up the recording and close up silent breaks, which just makes it all more frenetic. Beyond the hosts, the entire production feels like a game show more than anything else. Just, like, calm down already.
  • jakebutcher
    Only podcast I download
    Having an old phone leads to interesting download behavior: I stopped automatically downloading podcasts months ago. The only exception to this is Hard Fork. It’s the one podcast which we listen to every week. Its a fun and informative listen.
  • gybuse
    I just love this show!
    That’s all I gotta say! + I love your music and 1 more thing…with all that’s going on we need a little fun! Thanks Casey and Kevin
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