The ATP Project's Podcast


The ATP project takes a look under the skirt of the Science,media and hype and real breakthroughs surrounding the Health industry. Like Watson & Holmes, Steve and Nic search for the truth and provide it in a fun and irreverent way. It may shock you, excite you or even make you mad - but The ATP Project will entertain you.

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Recent Reviews
  • gigiikent
    My favorite podcast!
    Hello from New Hampshire in the U.S. — I have been a long time listener, I think from 2017 or 2018… anyway, I figured it’s time to rate & review as you guys certainly deserve it! You are my go-to fave pod and I am constantly talking about what I learn from you / recommend your pod to friends & fam. Would love a pod discussing Hyperhydrosis as I’ve struggled all my life with it. Thank you!!
  • shanphysio
    My Favorite
    By far the best health and nutrition podcast I’ve ever listened to. Not only are they all amazing practitioners, they have all gone through their own health journey which helps them relate to the effects of illness and where allopathic medicine falls short. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is struggling and can’t get answers, or any other nerds out there that love science and info on health.
  • RitaAdelina
    Wow just wow!!
    Love this podcast! The guys are super cool to listen to with the sexy accents and just really funny while being amazingly well read. Thanks for doing all the research!!
  • tabish808
    Testosterone Episode
    Love the Podcast, I learn so much every episode, Matt is an absolute genius! I really want to listen to the “Testosterone” Episode from March 18, 2015 but it does not play at all. Can you guys get that working? Keep up the great work!
  • nelly2alpha
    A funny and informative podcast love this show
  • Sastephanie
    Good discussion just way too long
    An interesting podcast with a wealth of knowledge but I don’t have the time nor desire to listen to these guys talk for 1.5-2 hours most of the time. It’s usually not productive the whole time anyways
  • im at the comedy club
    The Best Health Podcast for Active Everyday Person
    The best podcast for information to break down the large corporate healthcare paradigm. The information provided by the guys can be technical their first run through on the topic, but hang-on because they do a great job of wrapping up topics for the lay person (even simple enough for this seppo on the east coast of the US). I can 5 star stamp the Multifood, Cort RX, and Gutright. The combination has improved my sleep and helped me shed 3% of entire body weight within 3 weeks. A pill doesnt need to be processed by big pharma to be safe or effective!!
  • Lindsey-white
    A must hear!
    These guys are amazing! They have opened my eyes to a whole new world of medicine! Would love to hear a podcast on phentermine how it affects the body, what to do to fix the damage it has caused from prolong use. Would be a major help to me and informative to others! These guys are superheroes! Keep up the good work!
  • LindseyCohn
    Extremely informative
    Like alcohol to an alcoholic, these podcasts are addicting for those that love to nerd out like me. Thank you for this podcast!
  • Kelc_s
    Seriously the best podcast. I look forward to listening when I see a new episode available. The humor, the accents, and the camaraderie is unmatched!!!!
  • mountainman4700
    Top notch
    Great content, products really work. Entertaining as well. Steve-o is under appreciated.
  • Shel Fernandez
    Everyone needs ATP in their life
    Thanks for boosting my education every day! As a Paediatric Nutritionist, I have learned more listening to you three than I did in school. Thank you for giving your knowledge so freely - we are blessed!
  • Philygroove
    Informative and entertaining
    A bit technical so I need to listen to an episode more than once at times. Matt has refreshingly inappropriate humor at times. The website is helpful to reinforce the podcast info.
  • jenn neuron
    I’m absolutely obsessed with this podcast! So informative and packed with great practical material! And Matt Jeff and Steve are pretty entertaining as well!! Keep it up guys!! I love it all!! ❤️
  • _kelseybri_
    The best podcast!
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for awhile now and absolutely love it! Loads of valuable information for everyone. A hilarious dry humor, mixed with all things health and fitness. I was browsing for a fitness related podcast and just don’t enjoy many of the others personalities. Matt, Steve, and Jeff have great personalities and explain even the most complex processes in way anyone could understand. I love that the products aren’t pushed and other methods are mentioned. But I mean who wouldn’t want to use their amazing products anyways?! I had the pleasure of meeting Matt & Jeff in person at the Arnold’s this year and they’re just as great in person! Usually I find that people don’t hold true to your expectations, but they did!
  • OldManBall!
    Found It!
    I have been looking for this show for awhile. Stumbled upon it randomly and happy ever since. Love the humor and podcast content. I often replay episodes.
  • Beachbum mommy4
    Love you guys!!!
    Love these 3 guys! Matt, Steve and Jeff! Listening over here from the East Coast USA. I find these podcasts truly AMAZING. The informative, science backed and unbiased delivery of nutritional and health info along with the wit and humor makes these podcasts a win-win-win! They are life changing! I look forward to each and every episode to help me move close and closer to optimal health and well-being. Thank you guys!!
  • HonorTheGods
    Excellent product! Using modern science to bridge the gap with ancient medicine and nutrition. Highly recommended.
  • MS65!
    I always learn something ~ sometimes it gets a little technical but I love it! Love your humor!
  • Rich Goesinya
    Makes me laugh out loud
    Not only is the information good but these guys have a wicked sense of humor, feels like I'm just hanging out talking with my friends (if my friends had brains)
  • Corryn Kivett
    I use ATP Science as my encyclopedia for health and wellness. Each episode is PACKED with so much information! I am usually writing down notes or laughing at the conversation between Matt and Jeff; these two are an awesome team. The podcast is so informative and entertaining, the team is AMAZING, the products WORK, and these guys are revolutionizing the health and wellness industry. I’m in the US, but I’m thinking a trip to Australia needs to happen just so I can meet these guys face to face. Keep up the hard work, it is much appreciated!!
  • kzupan
    My favorite health podcast, seriously.
    I absolutely love the ATP Science podcast! My partner and I listen to them while we work and hang out, which later brings on long chats about what we should implement into our lives after! It's the only podcast that has had information about Cystic Fibrosis (my partner has it) as well as PCOS (my curse!) And I love how they go into the science of it all and the "why" behind certain ingredients and how they can hurt or help you based off your info. It's hard to find quality information that isn't just bro-science in the health and wellness industry that is also easy to understand and process (and holistic as well!!) We are in the US but we would seriously consider moving to Australia so we could get their products faster after learning about them in the podcast 😍 Anyways, if your looking to enhance your life and outlook give these guys a listen! It's like a fun group discussion with some science, laughs, and amazing advice!
  • Fragileritzy
    Matt and Jeff are the best!
    I stumbled upon the ATP Science podcast when they were just starting out and I'm so glad I did. I've now listened to each episode at least 3 times because the education and information they provide is outstanding, and they (Matt and Jeff) are entertaining to listen to - I just can't get enough! They explain complicated topics in a way that is easy to understand and give you applicable tips to apply in your life to notice a difference. Not only that, but for a supplement company they truly care about their customers and never push their products, which is refreshing, even though I believe that nearly everyone could benefit from taking at least one (more like 5) products in their arsenal. For anyone looking to improve their health, performance or physique - this podcast is a winner!
  • BalabanMB
    Amazing podcast. Great info. Subscribe!
    Hello guys. I'm a new listener of the podcast. I downloaded a lot of episodes and I love all of them. I wanted to ask a question but didn't know how. So I'm contacting here. I used to be 162 kg 5 years ago and currently weigh at 95 kg, age 28, male, 1.86 m height. Probably around 16-18% body fat. I believe I have some excess skin issues. Is there something I can do to help my skin elasticity? My diet is on point, exercise 5 days/week. Any help is appreciated. Currently live in USA. I'm Turkish so if you have problems with my name, it's totally understandable :)
  • Personal torturer
    Last word: rad.
    Finding ATP Science and Matt & Jeff (and Elsa) has been life-changing. I am a nutrition therapist, and a food psychology coach, as well as a personal trainer and pro SUP Athlete. After listening to every single one of ATP’s podcasts, (over and over) I am so refreshed to hear TRUTH being put out there about fat loss, hormones, and going to root of the problem rather than supplements and info about treating symptoms. I love Matt and Jeff’s info on real food, behaviors such as improving sleep, as well as their vast knowledge about herbs and how they effect hormonal pathways. After dissecting each podcast, and taking all their knowledge to heart, I have built my own stack of T432+, Alpha Venus, CortRX, as well as Block E3, and Subcut and have never felt better in my whole life. Nutrition was spot on, and my exercise was spot on, but my adrenals had been ravaged from an eating disorder in my teens and I had not yet seen the changes in my liver. Until…that is, I started these products and took Matt’s advice thoroughly as my own. My liver is finally healing and I am seeing the effects of leaning out more easily, improved sleep and digestion, calmer moods, and more power than ever in my workouts. Thank you so much to Jeff, Matt, Elsa and the whole crew behind the products at ATP Science. It’s truly a company I will recommend to all my clients and believe in for life. My only complaint: it’s not available in the USA, so I guess I need to move to Australia!
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