The Bakersfield Three

When two friends go missing back-to-back, and in between their disappearances, a third friend is murdered, their mothers begin their own investigation. As the connections between the three cases are explored, the mothers navigate devastating twists and turns, including one revelation that shakes the community to its core.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  • jmdjackie
    A bit drawn out
    Probably could have been done in fewer episodes. I did find it difficult to sympathize with some of the people in this story. Very poor life choicesšŸ«¤
  • Kicinskib
    Binge worthy
    An absolutely non stop listening podcast. I was immediately pulled in to this story. It was so well done, with care and thoughtfulness. I have never even heard of this case nor any of the victims. I have been a true crime fan for years, so it really caught my attention when it was an event I HAVENā€™T heard yet. Thank you Olivia for putting this story out for everyone to hear. Please let the motherā€™s know my heart goes out to them and how courageous they are.
  • Smarie202000
    So good. Iā€™ve listened twice!
    Looking forward to hearing about this live at CrimeCon 2024!
  • meln28
    This was so thoughtful and well written. While it reported all the relevant information for you to come to your own conclusions it was so filled with feeling and heart that it will stick with me for a long time.
  • JDubGrub
    Stumbled across this podcast yesterday while searching for something binge worthyā€¦. After the first episode, I was OBSESSED!!! Olivia does an ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL job telling these stories! Iā€™m so sad Iā€™ve finished the last episode (15 in 24 hours even while working OT, thatā€™s how FANTASTIC it was!!). Thank you so much! I hope you continue to do podcasts, Olivia! I want MORE!
  • Chefchik8
    So the story is good. Whatā€™s not good is playing really horrible audio interviews from EVERYONE who ever lived in the city. I donā€™t know why so many podcasts play these awful old audiotapes. Stop it! And this particular show, interviews waaaayyyyyy too many people, multiple times. This just keeps dragging on and on. No one involved in this story was ever going to go on and be the next Elon or Jobs or Aristotle, no. Iā€™m not saying they deserved to be killed, but they arenā€™t exactly great victims. Nothing about this podcast is worth listening to for another minute.
  • nk1029
    Heartfelt and real.
    This podcast isnā€™t like any other. Olivia does a great job making you truly realize the humanity in all involved not just the victims. Shedding light on these stories being real people and this kind of addiction is so important and makes you truly understand the victims. I have cried several times and am only in episode five.
  • True crime pod super fan
    Excellent work
    This is one of the saddest stories Iā€™ve ever heard. Itā€™s also a beautiful story because out of this tragedy, the mothers developed a strong bond and friendship that will last for the rest of their lives. You can tell that they truly love each other. Excellent work on reporting the facts of this story.
  • rberg77
    Hooked from the start!
  • Broke_Mama
    You did a great job with this. I was hooked and I hope you do another case.
  • Itsalgood68
    The Bakersfield Three
    Great job! Had me captivated in all episodes! Great research and story telling.
  • Prada1692
    Olivia is a phenomenal researcher and reporter. I hope this is the first of many podcasts. She allowed all voices to be heard, sparing no questions to get much needed answers. Incredible investigating. Also, thank you for consistently uplifting the ā€œmomsā€ throughout the journey. I canā€™t imagine the pain they face each day.
  • MoonlitMantra
    Wild story but the pod was TOO LONG!
    This podcast would have been so much better if it was 8 episodes. I understand the moms were super involved but there was way too much of the same dialogue and exploring all of their thoughts, many of which weā€™ve already heard multiple times in one way or another. I also got very confused at times because the story was so long and drawn out so it was hard to keep track of all the characters because we took so many detours. This is a wild story with many twists so I do not regret listening to it but as for being a well constructed podcast, it could have been a lot tighter, shorter and put together a little differently.
  • Susanna 311
    Stellar show
    Loved the reporting on this podcast - very unbiased. Matt Queenā€™s narcissism and (to me) obvious guilt shone through all his lies. God bless those mothers and I hope one day they all have a resolution that feels satisfying. Highly recommend.
  • tkaeee
    Iā€™m only on episode 6 but felt inclined to write a review! This podcast is so well done and Oliviaā€™s talent is undeniable. Each episode is intriguing and never bogged down with unnecessary filler. I especially appreciate the individual episodes dedicated to each victim and felt the care put into them. Also side note, it was refreshing to have a podcast host that reminds us who each ā€œcharacterā€ is in these stories so we donā€™t lose track of who is who. I canā€™t wait to finish the season.
  • LeoFlash
    Not Bad
    My only complaint was that sometimes an episode would jump back and forth in the timeline and not specify it was doing so, so I had to take a couple of seconds to reorient myself to where we were in the story. Otherwise, good coverage of a local saga. (Yes, I live in Bako.)
  • LizzyWill
    I loved this podcast series! Absolutely captivating. I was so engaged from episode 1 and binged this series.
  • Iukhkckhg
    Terribly Tragic Story
    Your story telling captivated me. Although this is a terribly tragic story I was completely hooked from the 1st episode. I could not stop listening. I needed to know what happened. I went through many emotions when listening including tears and feelings of overwhelming sadness My heart breaks for all the families. However, the bond between the mothers is truly inspiring. I will never forget these mothers and their relentless fight to get the answers they deserveā€¦.even when those answers were terribly tragic and devastating.
  • EvaB4
    Really great series!
    Iā€™ve listened to hundreds of true crime series podcasts and this was a great series! Interesting story and very well done! Itā€™s a unique story told from a unique angle, definitely stands out among all the others. Iā€™m so glad this story was told for the moms! I hope they get more answers.
  • Eartha2024
    Thorough reporting & narration, way too much platform for the killer
    This is a compelling mystery. Olivia is good to listen to. I love the episodes centering the moms. I find the idea that anyone is listening to the killer, putting any credence into his claims, confusing. I hope he is in captivity for life. My critique is that giving this bad actor so much platform is a mistake. I donā€™t find intrigue with personality disordered predators, and frankly listening to his defensive unapologetic ramblings doesnā€™t add to the story.
  • MrsAdams2007
    Got real boring, real fast
    I didnā€™t feel like there was much to hook us into caring about the people involved unfortunately and then so many details I lost track and interest. I hope the families have peace.
  • Burdpoop
    Very well done
    Well done, Olivia! I binged this entire podcast in 2 work days. Please do more podcasts! And please do update episodes on the BK3.
  • CCD3700
    OK but not great
    I struggled to really follow this story because there is so much filler and repeated information. I also feel like the story jumps around a lot so itā€™s hard to keep all the details straight.
  • Lotide917
    Need more!!
    I love, love, love this podcast. Olivia, please continue to make more podcasts! You are such a talented writer and reporter. I love how you delicately convey truth and fact and showcased the families raw emotions without exploiting those feelings. There was so much time and thought put into your writing and I was hooked from episode 1! This is your calling! šŸ˜Š
  • Vitamin_me
    It was okay
    I enjoyed this podcast. However, it could have been half the number of episodes. I disliked the amount of repeat information that kept getting re-discussed.
  • Big pun 5eva
    Main character syndrome
    Host makes story too much about herself
  • Verno1gam
    New sim card does not shut down phone
    I loved this podcast! At the end I was super bummed that the SIM card information is incorrect leaving me with more questions. My phone was acting up and I requested a new card and put it in one of the 5 phones on my account. All the phones in my account have SIM cards registered to me but connected to whatever phone itā€™s in when activated it does NOT SHUT down any of my other lines.
  • bogey machine
    Too long
    Just give us the case. Way too much time spent on the enabling mothers. Especially Baileeā€™s mother (Jane). She has completely lost her grip on reality and while it is sad, I certainly donā€™t think your listeners deserved to be bombarded with her bumbling delusions over and over again throughout the series.
  • duhdeedeeduh
    Excellent Journalism
    Told well and keeps you wanting more. The way the mothers came together and their stories were super powerful. Horrible circumstances but great journalism.
  • ShaunClicquot
    Agggh! Droned on way too long with irrelevant details and convolutions ā€¦ my main take away from the entire thing was that Queen is a lying sociopath and psycho bumbling idiot who should rot in prison, or better yet be killed there. #goodriddance
  • Melmonius
    While I appreciate the journalism behind the story, the delivery wasnā€™t great. Lots of filler, repeated information, and wild speculation. The absolute worst part of this was Baileeā€™s whiny, enabling mother who did more talking than the journalist about nothing. I feel for Baileeā€™s sister. This was a waste of my time, but I have no one to blame but myself since I listened through to the end.
  • jace_uhn
    Emotional and captivating
    These brave women tell an amazing story that was so beautiful and heart warming. I have loved a lot of podcast, but this is the best! All my love to you all!
  • mkflores
    Great job
    Well done. Thank for humanizing the story. So tragic how drugs and violence led those people into an area they just couldnā€™t see past. My hearts goes out to their amazing mothers.
  • Papa Nerdy
    Not very interesting. A platform for people who wish they could be relevant. The author and her presentation style are fine, but the other voices and personalities were just not interesting enough. Just uninteresting, bland melodrama.
  • frustrated crime junkie
    Good story BUT
    I never heard of this story, I was intrigued. I want to hear more but I just canā€™t. I donā€™t like the way itā€™s being told. I donā€™t like the music, Iā€™m not at Disneyland and I feel like itā€™s too much for such a sad story. Even the tone of the voice is too happy. I donā€™t want monotone voices but it sounds too happy. Iā€™m gonna have to pass
  • Jonathan Espinoza
    Good, butā€¦
    Note: Everyone experiences podcasts differently. We listen in different settings and we listen for different reasons. Ok. So I feel like this should not be classified as a true crime. Honestly, itā€™s just one giant McGuffin. I felt like time was stollen from me. BUT It was such an excellent piece when it spoke to the nuance of conspiracy theories and theorists. I feel like this should have been the central focus rather than the ā€œcrimeā€. Would have turned this from a good podcast into an extraordinary podcast. Obvious work went into this and it was produced extremely well. The story had an excellent flow and I found that I was still intrigued after feeling betrayed.
  • s-jamcan
    The Bakersfield Three
    This story is wonderfully told.
  • John Fellow84
    Too much build up for nothing
    On the first episodes you have a sense that these stories will lead to reveal a big mafia or something, but they more you listen the smaller the story gets. Turns out everything is pretty simple and couldā€™ve been told in an hour or too. Felt like Iā€™ve spent all my time waiting for a bombastic reveal that never happened.
  • CornPoker
    Couldnā€™t get through the second episode.
    Too many unnecessary details and fluff. Music was semi cheerful and upbeat for a true crime podcast.
  • JOSE412163
    Loved it
    I loved the way she told the story. Thereā€™s everything to the story very movie like hard to believe it really happened
  • SamWach
    Good Storyā€¦bad podcast
    This could of been condensed into a lot less episodes. There was a lot of filler information or information withheld about the 3. The length of the episodes were to short.
  • dollycat21
    Get to the point, Olivia
    This could have been 5-6 episodes. Way too much detail and attempt to weave a story. We donā€™t need to know about what color shirt people were wearing at the trial, or how the reporter actedā€¦ sooooooo long. Kept waiting for the bombshell. The only redeeming quality is Olivia does seem very kind and invested in helping the victims families.
  • MamaAKW
    A crime story, with a deep dive into the real people affected
    Loved this podcast! As a major crime podcast junkie this was a great deep dive into one story sharing so many details. I loved that you heard the evidence, direct quotes, and details. But what was unique is also seeing the real and raw emotions of the grief the 3 moms went through. Incredible story telling.
  • TaiTai Baby
    Too Long
    I hated the way this story was edited. Olivia inserted herself too much in the story, thereā€™s too many details that we didnā€™t need(ex: town hall meeting clip or the half a dozen newsroom scenes), & 15 episodes was at least 10 too many to explain what happened. Itā€™s not worth the listen, just Google the story. I hope James and Baileyā€™s families get their answers, and I pray for peace and comfort for all the families and friends.
  • gmpe28
    Very thorough in reporting, and explained very well, but definitely a podcast that you needed to pay attention to , bc of all the twists and turns. I loved it , but am so so sad about what these mothers have and continue to endure.
  • eg portland
    Drugs dragged these people down
    If anyone has doubts about drugs turning normal people, with pretty good lives, into people who will do anything to maintain their addiction, listen to this. These 3 well loved and privileged victims fell hard into substance use and ended up with scummy lifestyles. The narrator does a great job in being judgement free and showing how addiction drives this sad story. Queen is a predator and a liar. Heā€™s right where he should be.
  • AMF05262022
    Such a sad but inspiring story- these mothers have done so much for their children, each other and their community.
  • lilhuggy
    Incredible story, well written by a beautiful host!
  • krnlmbch
    Top Notch
    I listen to ALL true crime podcasts, and have to say this one is at the top of my list. The moms are amazing, courageous women and have used their grief in many incredible ways. The production is top notch and the host made listening so easy. A real professional! I wish there were answers to everything and feel terrible about the unanswered questions. I hope "Di" is doing well and gets "closure". Excellent Podcast
  • 1trucrimefan
    Couldnā€™t stop listening.
    Olivia did an incredible job on this podcast. She made it very easy to follow along and explain who was who with interviews. Iā€™m sad this podcast is over. It sounds like law enforcement may not be done with this case. Which could mean more episodes? Either way. 100/100 recommend!!
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