Up and Vanished


Host Payne Lindsey heads to the edge of the arctic circle to investigate a mysterious disappearance from Nome, Alaska. Up and Vanished investigates mysterious cold case disappearances with each new season of the hit true crime franchise. Season 1: The case of missing South Georgia teacher, Tara Grinstead, led to two arrests. Season 2: The disappearance of Kristal Reisinger, a young mother who disappeared from a remote Colorado mountain town. Season 3: The North West Montana disappearance of Ashley Loring HeavyRunner, an indigenous woman who went missing from the Blackfeet Nation Indian Reservation. Season 4: The case of missing Alaska Native, Florence Okpealuk.

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Recent Reviews
  • elanenhannah
    Been circling back for the end of S4! Canā€™t wait
  • DanLynnB
    Love this show! I keep getting alerts that there have been new episodes added, but when I get here, I can't find anything new. What am I missing?
  • SkO Girl
    More please!
    These stories need to be told. Knowledge is power. When will we get the next season? Stay safe out there.
  • Stormagheddon
    Need the rest of the season
    We need the rest of the season. It was supposed to start back in June and I have been checking every week since the beginning of June and nothing so far.
  • eycastsz
    Love this podcast
    When is the rest of it being released, I thought it was June?
  • lmb laura beane
    Favorite Podcast
    just commenting for an update on when the next episodes will be released
  • saljohar
    Season 4
    Where is the rest of the season? Wasnā€™t it supposed to start again in June?
  • MightyKMD
    Has the second half started yet?
    I thought this was to be continued in June. I keep checking and there are no new episodes and no updates.
  • Tbizzyee
    Excellent until it wasnā€™t.
    Loved it. Binged it. Viewed the story telling as groundbreaking new journalism. But then the trial coverage started and I stopped listening. I realize Payne canā€™t cover everything but to keep viewers and a thread of continuity, he shouldā€™ve at least commentated more.
  • 75jen75
    Background noise made me turn it off
    This is the type of podcast I enjoy but couldnā€™t get past the background noise. Music trail ins are fine as long as it doesnā€™t overpower the voices.
  • Coolreeny
    Payne Lindsey is so fine
  • Momslowlylearningapps
    Itā€™s sad how dumb Brooke is.
    Does she know what she has said makes people hate her & Bo even more? She doesnā€™t even make sense. No one cares about any of the stupid irrelevant points she tried to make. She and Bo didnā€™t deserve to ponder for a single day what to do. She slips at several points in her episode, revealing that she knew for longer than she admits. I hope the victimā€™s family didnā€™t listen to this rambling, selfish, unconvincing nonsense. Great podcast.
  • Fbrrw
    Love what yā€™all do!
    Payne and the crew at Up and Vanished are godsends! I love how carefully they walk through these stories with the best interest of the victims at mind. The real time investigation keeps me on my seat and also is a brilliant idea for the understaffing of our law enforcement in some areas. In ways we all help by listening to, because youā€™re able to give us a platform to help . Such a brilliant way to get these stories out and keep them in the media! All the way from NY keep up the amazing work. Love you guys!!
  • LRP_29
    Love! Late But Omg!!
    This series is amazing! I started with Season 4, and now Iā€™m listening to 1. Omg!! This show is awesome!
  • Renee Belle 110
    Up and vanished
    I have listened since season 1. Payne Lyndsey is an amazing host and his feelings really come thru in all the episodes. Not many hosts go as far and wide as Payne. Way to go !!
  • bird nerd 98
    Poor Journalism
    I donā€™t normally write reviews but I feel compelled to after listening to all of season 3. It was an interesting story but I donā€™t think this podcast shed any new light on the case. Journalism requires looking at data, following paper trails, doing actual investigation and digging for the facts. The host spent most of the season letting the suspects run their mouths and say whatever they wanted, and not actually trying to find real evidence. So it is no surprise that at the end of the podcast payne admitted he has no idea what actually happened and there is no resolution. It seems unfair to the victimā€™s family who put their trust in him. Just my two cents.
  • timmyflash
    Host is the king of the humble brag
    Host apparently loves himself a lot and likes to make himself the center of the podcast. I think he is doing a very worthwhile story but amazingly makes the podcast all about himself and can deliver a humble brag with the best of him. Can stretch an hour worth of content to about five with relative ease
    Please do better with audio quality
    I understand that the audio used in the episodes are the real convos the host is having but I recently attempted to relisten to season 2 while on a trip to Crestone and after the 3rd or 4th episode I shut it off due to how terrible the quality of phones calls were. I would turn the volume up so high to try to understand what they were saying and still missed a ton of it. Then the blaringly loud ads come on and literally scare you. You had someone reading off the police report, why not use a voice actor to reenact their side of the phone call. Also the weird noise then the random voice saying a name was unnecessary. Again just get a voice actor or have the host read it off. I canā€™t understand how i even got through listening to that season in the first place
  • Nick Krollā€™s butthole
    Season 2..
    Everyone is apparently psychic and nobody knows what happened? lol this season is kinda cringe. Druggy abandons her family, gets high in the woods and goes missing. Iā€™m also psychic by the way.
  • missjrgg
    Uhhhhhmmm - am I the only one confused as to where the rest of season 4 is?
  • Leslietrainor
    Knock knock, anybody home?
    What happened to the rest of season 4?? Payne update please! Not right to have this long of a gap without explanation.
  • Meggles315
    Iā€™m probably too late for Grandmaā€™s Cowboy Cookie contest butā€¦
    Man would I love to try them! She is the cutest granny Iā€™ve ever heard. What a treasure! In regards to the podcast, itā€™s friggen amazing!! Payne puts his absolute heart and soul into this. Itā€™s not just another true crime podcast, where the characters can sometimes seem like the cast of a movie. He really has a way of presenting them as actual people. It truly feels as though they could be your sister, your mother, your brother. His passion for these cases is contagious and I really just canā€™t wait to see how far he goes. Heā€™s not your average journalist and I mean that in the best way possible. Keep up the good work, Payne and crew! And thanks for sharing it and for keeping these stories alive for both the victims and their families.
  • 0004tmc
    80% of the podcasts is ADVERTISEMENTS!!!
    Had the potential to be a compelling podcast but nearly the entire show is ads. It distracts and disrupts the flow. It makes the show confusing and choppy.
  • mrccgn
    Simply not good
    There is just too much non sequiturs. I loose interest because the content rarely has any true implications for the rest of the material.
  • Wildcat ______
    This review pains me.
    Season 1 was the best true crime podcast ever. Downhill since. Iā€™m 4 episodes into season 4, and Iā€™m bailing. Very little happens to advance the story. Payne used to be forgiving of police saying they often in small towns donā€™t have resources. This season devolves into , ā€œThe police are not only incompetent, but theyā€™re racists.ā€ (The evidence of that racism was a single bad actor several decades who was successfully apprehended and prosecuted by those ā€œracistā€ peers.) Early in episode 1, the facts of the mystery are introduced.through 4 episodes, zero progress, lots of repetition. Iā€™m out.
  • susarada
    Iā€™m hoping that S4 has more coming. I truly enjoy the detailed storytelling
    Overall great show, although one would like longer episodes and less advertising. I do subscribe. Most interesting is location, geography, details of the lives of the missing persons and how the families are coping and still fighting to find out what happened. It paints a better picture of what the local culture might be and why this case is unsolved.
  • 05763298674380
    Less behind the scenes and more investigation updates please
    I realize you say this is a live investigation, but where are the updates on the story. You went from keeping us hanging when Oregon John answered your call. You never got back to that. Then you talked about Joseph and how heā€™s missing. Then you talked about the law enforcement and how inept they are. however, theyā€™ve been no updates on the actual investigation of her disappearance and Oregon Jon. Is this season ove? I have enjoyed several seasons of your podcasts but this one seems to be moving if itā€™s slow and maybe the season started too early without enough content to continue? Hope we get an update soon! Thank you.
  • also fed up!
    Great podcastā€¦
    Love Season 1 and start of season 2 but the commercials and plugs and promos and whatever else they might be called are far more excessive than any other podcast Iā€™ve listened to. Itā€™s really hard to follow the storyline of each episode with all the interruptions and sometimes not knowing right away if itā€™s the show or a promo. Iā€™m hoping this will get better going into Season 3. I canā€™t believe that a new host took over for the trial. There was no explanation or transition just a new host starting w episode 27. Payne was the podcast and this change left me feeling like I was listening to a whole different podcast. In addition, just my opinion, but the voice of the new host is annoying with her drama approach, vocal fry and dry mouth. Season 2: the interviews with the guys (who are mentioned throughout) are hard to understand cuz of audio quality and go on for way too long. The length donā€™t add value, IMO.
  • amyhoop
    You lost me on this, Payne
    Though not a tenderfoot subscriber, I do pay for my podcast listening via Apple. Iā€™ve always enjoyed Payne Lindsey and believed he cared about the victims in his stories he was reporting on. However, with this season and the release of half of the episodes about this important topic of missing indigenous women, and then the bin switch to require another subscription to listen to listen to the second half of the season, it just felt weird. Had the pod been upfront about the new subscription requirements? Maybe I would have considered subscribing to hear the season, but the way that show went about it, made it feel a little greasy and said I found myself reading up on Florence and her case online.
  • Msisbf
    Too little content
    Season 4 seems to take 12 minutes of content and stretch it into a 60 minute episode. Long breaks, personal commentary, many commercials, and repeating information already covered.
  • ticrhcsgnvdr
    Too many pauses and music
    Great story but all the long pauses and music are overly dramatic.
  • Inpursuitofglam
    Are we being gaslight?
    I understand from your business point of view the reason you do much bait and switch on your platform. But isnt this getting a bit patronizing with the number of bonus episodes that are released every time you do a podcast. What are we on bonus# 87,342? For people that pay for the extras? Why are we doing this?
  • IrishMike136
    Losing me!!!!
    The long breaks between shows are really starting to make me lose interest.
  • Alaws30
    Binge Listened to all 4 Seasons
    I love how Payne goes all-in! He and the staff of Up and Vanished go about investigative reporting in such a respectful way. Iā€™m hooked!
  • windycitymr
    Sometimes painful to listen to
    Itā€™s a decent podcast but tbh Payne L comes off as extremly self righteous. Deep down there is some good content but youā€™ll roll your eyes through each episode because Payne likes to toot his own horn and spends way to much time pandering. The first case was solved and it went to his head.
  • unhandmyhoagie
    I love Maurice!
    Heā€™s an excellent team member ā€¦ I enjoy the formula of this show. I like that there is an uncovering of clues, possible capture of criminals, and an energy to not let anyone forget. Extra šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ for the indigenous spotlight- we need more of this.
  • MimiWat39
    Just started listening to this podcast 2 weeks ago so just now on end of season 1. Iā€™m a podcast snob. I have only listened to Dateline NBC for true crime because I love their tv show and I love their platform but I have completed every one of theirs and went on search for something new and happened upon this one and I LOVE IT!!! I am hooked man. I think Payne you need to call yourself an investigative journalist as your very good at this. I love how you report facts and you have experts as commentators to discuss. Phillip Holloway is my fave guest! That man so knowledgeable! If I ever need a lawyer, God forbid, I want him! Heā€™s incredible. Iā€™m from Alabama so these peoples voices are like listening to everyone in my small hometown. I grew up in. ā€œMayberryā€ town. Very small. Your grandma sounded like mine makes me wanna cry when I hear her voice she sounds so much like my granny who I miss. I could sit and talk to her all day! Keep up great work man! Your doing fabulous job!
  • JDubbs2
    Real time investigations- Worth the wait!
    Love this podcast! Everyone who is complaining about the breaks obviously doesnā€™t listen. New episodes in June! Itā€™s a real time investigation and I love knowing you are digging in to help these victims! Thank you Payne!
  • luvbenharper
    Are we getting new episodes?
    The long breaks are losing me
  • Shrey Sinha
    Love it, but pricing model needs to change.
    Been a fan since day 1. Love the fact youā€™re from ATL as Iā€™m a huge Falcons fan. I paid for my first ever podcast subscription on Tenderfoot LY accidentally while listening to High Strange. I paid for the annual subscription. TL;DR some really great content, but pricing does not resonate. Pros: Thereā€™s definitely great content on Tenderfoot. The work and effort put into production and editing are what shines for this brand. The storylines are captivating and Payne does a great job investigating various angles. High Strange did inorganically pivot me to Weaponizedā€¦ way before Payne interviewed Jeremy! So from the bottom of my heart and ears(?) thank you šŸ™šŸ½ Cons: The ~$40-$50 for annual sub is/was not worth the content that was delivered by Tenderfoot. Some of the shows are home runs the other investments are bets that I hate to say I do not want to contribute towards. This even dissuades me from paying the monthly because Iā€™m not sure if the funds would be used to further develop shows (additional seasons) I like, or these other bets. Feedback: My want would be if there could be a pricing model per show, and/or even what some EV OEMs do where you can pre-pay for next season of a specific show. So say $0.99 or $1.99 for the new season of Up and Vanished. And/or pre-payment of $0.50 for season 2 of High Strange with $0.49-$1.49 when released.
  • Badazz Rocky
    Good story but inconsistent updates
    Love the content itself but really unfortunate that this long breaks are taking place with no communication. No benefit to being a Tenderfoot + member.
  • Sidd69
    Losing Interest
    Seasons 1 and 2 were amazing. These long breaks, with behind the scenes episodes are exhausting. Impossible to keep interest. Would be nice to get updates about when real episodes will come out. I understand things happen and interrupt the flow, but would be nice to know what to expect.
  • Ashley needs an
    Whatā€™s with the long breaks?
    You are doing a disservice to your loyal listeners. Especially with no explanation and in the middle of a season. May unsubscribe if continues.
  • Dreamy1780
    Keeps me interested
    Love this podcast! Super interesting information and really enjoy listening to all the stories
  • J-joto
    Where are the new episodes?!
    Itā€™s clear that you are losing fans and listeners due to extremely long breaks between episodes. An update would be helpful
  • LuShort
    Catching up
    Making my way through all the seasons and enjoying it so far! Great job!šŸ˜Š
  • the destroyer1
    When is there going to be a new episode I donā€™t care about all the behind the scenes nonsense
  • s ravine
    I had to stop listening
    The background music was so annoying. Iā€™m sure it was there to elicit emotion but the narration and interviews should have done that on their own. The music was so distracting. I did enjoy season one quite a bit and Iā€™m glad to see focus on indigenous missing people, but I just couldnā€™t get through this series.
  • tripp.rogers.pmp
    Enough with the long breaks!
    Love your show but I lose interest due to the long breaks within the series.
  • Rowechicky
    Payne has a great voice for podcasting. I got hooked with season 1, Season 2 had me hungry for more. Wanted to find her so badly. Internet searched her, couldnā€™t get enough. Season 3, I then binged in 2 days over a weekend and was on the edge of my seat. Season 4 Part 1 got me OBSESSED! I love how down to earth Payne is. I love how he says (out loud) all the things/questions I want to shout out. Feel like Iā€™m always on the same page as his line of thinking. This stuff is way better than Netflix!! I just think youā€™re getting better and better with each season and youā€™re my current favorite murder/missing/crime podcast! Congrats on what your team has accomplished so far! Canā€™t wait for June!
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