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Flaming BrushGreat showLove the insights and opinions these guys bring. (And Ross’s profanity and Bryce’s anxious reactions to each bad word.) But, it looks like it’s been a while since the last show. Is this podcast still going? There ought to be plenty to talk about right now! I know Ross has been busy, probably Bryce, too. One or the other would be fine if they can’t find time to get together.
Indiana OpenTwice disgraced journalist with zero evidenceAll hype, no proof. Just like all the claims against ASIS that were shown to be false. Don’t give this clown any attention. He makes broad claims dragged out for months and years but never produces any evidence outside of “whistleblowers” saying “trust me bro”. Grifter extraordinaire.
wolverine0081CredibilityGone! Wow you’ve really embarrassed yourself on newsnation.
Nate Bryce SSnowflakesWhat’s with all these left leaning snowflakes crying in the review section about politics in a UFO podcast? They say 1 thing positive about Trump and yall lose your minds. That goes to show how hypocritical yall are! Not so tolerant are we? Stop with fake reviews bc someone belief system doesn’t align with yours.
IfitsmellsbinitNeed to know you’re a Maga punditStopped listening for the political slant once already. Thought maybe I’d come back and see if you could resist the temptation to bring it in again and I see that you can’t. That’ll be the last time I listen to your podcast.
blade runGreat podcastLove the honesty in this podcast! Big fan
Zero G CartReally B?If i can quote you. “I think Biden sounds clear”. Wow. Im done. Peace out!!
mnhtrsInteresting some of the time…But I can’t keep getting strung along by Coulthart, and now that he’s taking shots at Biden and supporting the candidate who can’t even string a sentence together (and has no integrity whatsoever), I’m out.
goscgalStay away from politicsClearly the Australian speaker has some kind of thing for the convicted felon former president, (who has no clear policies about anything that doesn’t benefit his own interests).
surfinasheGood Podcast butBryce and Ross do a much better job acting as Journalists than todays Journalists on this subject. I think though they fail to realize that there is no accountability in D.C. anymore for two decades on real matters. The senate and house are doing what federal government does now when they want to kill inquiries and investigations on subjects they dont want to release the truth on. They use bureaucratic byzantine methods to slow walk any investigation till media can produce propaganda and investigators lose interest because of stone walling. Reality is that when there is no once being held accountable on any level in government for these actions there is no reason not to stonewall even when by law you can’t. Gillabrand and Schumer and AOC talk a good game but haven’t be followed up. At least Tim Bourchardt tells it like it is that people like Mike Johnson and many others on both sides are beholding to military and Intelligence administrative state to kill anything on this subject. There will be no more info coming out from active government sources because of no accountability among bad actors in government and our media being nothing more than propagandists now that run interference for this Administration and the Administrative state. Good show but Ross as a gun owner its very hard snd expensive to have access to automatic weapon. The guns you speak about are semi automatics. No Bryce there are not mass shootings everyday they are gang incidents classified as mass shootings. 87% of gun deaths are committed in gang activity and 70% of those weapons are illegally obtained. 86% of gang membership now is of non citizens. Go after gangs and ship off non citizens and your gun violence issue drops by 70%. Dont blame legal gun owners and dont spread bad info. Automatic weapons have been hard to obtain and you go through multiple Federal government checks and at least $15000 of fees to obtain one. Truth on all subjects are needed not unfounded hyperbole.
Gunslinger2007TRUMP 2024!!TRUMP 2024!!!
Objective_ListenerNeed to Know NOT updated weeklyI’ve never seen such a weak effort in supplying content to a podcast. Below the title it says “updated weekly”. That’s fraudulent. Once a month updates bordering on once every 2 months. Hopefully Apple Podcasts fixes that “updated weekly” lie.
KillahnolaFantastic show on UAPThese guys know people and drop hints on the UAP subject.
PDFhappensWhat’s happeningPlain and simple! Why is everyone letting the heat simmer?
Chuckles Big Belt BucklesThe BEST!These guys are blowing the top off the UAP disclosure! I bought Mr Coultarth’s book recently and just HAD to listen to this show. If you’re interested in the subject then you have to listen. I also listen to Weaponized with Knapp and Corbell, which is also a great podcast. Do yourself a favor and listen to these guys. Thanks for all your hard work and professionalism! You guys are great 👍
Isis of SophiaSo grateful for your work!If you weren’t doing what you do- this disclosure wouldn’t be happening. Great JOB! I look forward to anything you say. Thank you!!!
gokingsgoUnsung HeroesI want to express my appreciation to Bryce and Ross for their courageous and incredibly tantalizing coverage of UAP/UFOs, and particularly their role in introducing David Grusch to the world. While George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell were recognized in the Congressional Oversight Committee with special invitations, there are others like myself that recognize your importance and contribution to what I hope will be seen in a watershed moment in human history. Ross’ commentary on the state of US investigative journalism resonates with this reader/listener. Don’t give up the fight, and for God’s sake, get us some more content!
SereneGroveComment July 8 podcastFirst, I have really appreciated your podcast and I find that the information and what you both have indicated we might expect on the horizon to be generally accurate and I thank you both for that. I have a concern that has grown since David Grusch’s revelations. I have noticed an increase in the narrative, from a few GOP politicians and many of you pundits, that the GOP is more concerned/interested in the subject and getting to the bottom of it. I think it is unwise to push that perspective to the point where Americans come to believe that to be true, especially in the political environment the U.S. is currently experiencing. America cannot afford to allow Republicans to control our government, IMO, and this singular issue could have a serious effect on the outcome of our next election. Please consider that the GOP has made a strategic pre election calculation to appear to be “the party” to elect if we want to achieve “disclosure”. The appetite for disclosure is demonstrably increasing. While I agree that the Republicans are publicly pushing the issue, I would hate to see the media suggest that voting for Republicans will get us to “disclosure” and Democrats wouldn’t. Admittedly, I lean more to the progressive side and this issue concerns me. Thank you.
DavidBWriterArguably the most important UFO podcastPretty much anyone can do a UFO/paranormal podcast, and lately it seems like pretty much everyone is. That said, it is worth highlighting the precious few that truly have something valuable and up-to-date to offer, and Need to Know falls into that category. This is the closest you’ll get to a professional, non-sensationalistic, and mainstream journalistic approach to a subject of UAP. Bryce Zabel knows the history of the topic like few do, and Ross Coulthart has the sources to be able to get far beyond the headlines. The historical context and political/ cultural analysis is excellent, and this is a good way for those who are skeptical or ambivalent about the subject to dip a toe into what is likely to emerge as the most important story in the history of humanity. No need to start with episode one, just dive in, and Ross and Bryce will get you caught up.
storm daviesTo two smart fellasLove this show. I hope these two will be the first to report when the aliens land to tell us they are real because they are tired of waiting for the government to do it.
man who looks inside for cuesLove balanced talk that is just another left leaning narrativeThese men are great conduits for the ufo narrative to listen to informed sources. They arent spilling a false story thst the media wants and left owned companies are jamming down our throat. Keep it up men
ghqeriuTake the opportunity……when contemporaneous events ebb to catch us up on the content suppressed over 70-plus years. With so much suppressed or”disinterpreted,” as we have been expected to assume, ”investigative journalists“ shouldn’t be fasting. The suppressors and disinterpreters surely did not anticipate the technologies of today. Have you been distracted?
WeeecosmicMy Favorite UFO PodcastThis is my favorite one to listen to, it’s well balanced and up to date. I only wish there were more episodes! Thank you for being an consistent & smart source for UAP news
damdickBryce Zabel suckkkkksSorry Ross, you’re great but Bryce Zabel (clearly a fake, poorly made up name) is insufferable. Two thumbs way down 👎🏼
Tony QuintanillaExcellentGreat fact-based and journalistic discussion. Thoughts: maybe we are a threat to the non-human intelligence with our ecological disruption if in fact we share this world. If so, what do we do when an animal or other creature threatens us? We either eradicate them, or we contain them, or assimilate them. Can an animal understand us? How would we relate to a non-human intelligence and vice-versa?
SowfPawScratches that Itch!I consume a lot of UFO/UAP info and media, and this is by far one of my favorite venues. Credible journalists speaking about, with a level head, what everyone else still seems to avoid like the plague. Thanks for filling that void, gents. Also, my personal urban dictionary is now thick with gems like “bobs up in the custard” and “wet lettuce”. Brilliant. I’ve finally caught up to the latest episode in mid Sep2022 and I’m disappointed I’ll have to wait weeks, not minutes, for my next fix. Love. This. Pod. Cast.
Big RickescoNeed to KnowGreat Pod Cast. Very guys are awesome. Keep it going!!
Morpheus03867The Gold StandardTo me, this program is the gold standard of this topic. Well thought out, intriguing info from two legends. No tin foil hat conspiracy theories here like some other programs. This is the real deal with solid guests. Thank you gentlemen !!
pohleeceNeed to Know PodcastThis is one of the few shows that discusses facts rather then ruminates on speculation. BTW, watch those palm fronds as they will hurt you severely. Glad you’re healing up.
joanequestInformed, Measured and ResearchedExcellent podcast for UAP information and breaking news. Make this your go to podcast for UAP along with Podcast UFO, That UFO Podcast, Somewhere in the Skies and Micah Hanks.
tb get heeded Cf ffffProbably the most solid podcast on the subject.They do a great job being actual journalist approaching a topic that’s finding a non-fringe footing. There is something to it.
ilikebikes2020👍🏼This show cuts through all the Ufology, right to facts and implications. Gold in the sea of UFO podcasts🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
BigHeaded BeardA refreshing example of “How To Talk About UFO/UAP’s”There are not enough of these kinds of conversations taking place in our society today. A once taboo subject, now being discussed openly and honestly by serious people. Serious questions with serious answers (when available). An open dialogue calling for accountability while seeking truths. What a wonderfully positive way to raise the collective consciousness regarding the subject. Bravo gentlemen, please keep up the good work and don’t let this turn into a once a quarter podcast. I will continue to check everyday for a new conversation. Respectfully; The Angry Goat
SKYLERYOUNGGreat Show!Keep it up guys! Really great show!
@09!7Great podcast!One of the most intelligent UFO/UAP podcasts on the air today!
Rch890089990A must listen.Keep up the great work, it's appreciated.
masavyLove This New PodcastWell thought out discussions on the facts and latest findings in UAP’s by credible journalist.
MJ DeedsExciting new entrant to UAP explorationCoulthart and Zabel are fact-based, thoughtful & insightful. Enjoy their discussions
LaPointebreakA must listen for everyone who seeks the truthI could listen to this podcast for hours and it seems like only minutes while anxious to listen even more. Their knowledge of UFO’s and UAP’s is addicting. If you want an answer to, “Are we alone?”, this is a fantastic start to follow.
Steffy1969My favorite podcastCould listen to your podcast all day! Please keep them coming. Can’t get enough. Thank you for all your hard work
CMACKKKKWhat we are all looking for!Zabe and Ross! What a refreshing podcast with fantastic repertoire and an honest and sincerely curious approach to the phenomenon. Sending this pod to all my friends because they simply NEED TO KNOW! Cheers fellas! Thanks for all you do. -Cullen
RudyCandfaleGreat overviewI really enjoyed this, and I can’t recommend it enough. Ross Coulthart is certainly a credible journalist and both hosts treat the issue respectfully, intelligently without flamboyance or hype.
PublicLand_HitMannBravo!Excellent show, Ross and Bryce! The UAP/UFO topic is about to get super hot with the main stream and we really need avenues like this for the new comers. Ross and Bryce tackle the hard questions, are in the know, have great sources, and show the receipts. Bravo, guys!
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