Just B with Bethenny Frankel


If you can’t handle the truth you can’t handle this podcast. Just B with Bethenny Frankel is the best of your favorite self-made mogul – shrewd career smarts, a razor sharp sense of humor and a deep insight of how business and people work. Intermingling her own stories with conversations with thought leaders and cultural all-stars, Just B with Bethenny Frankel is a must for anyone looking for one on one time with Bethenny. From unapologetic takes on food, investing, relationships, fame, parenting and beyond, tune in every week and Just B!

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  • wide stance 2022
    I’m engrossed
    I don’t have kids. I will never have kids but listening to Bethany talk about parenting is as interesting as watching any smart person navigate tricky situations w creativity and success. One look at that kid and u know she’s being raised right. How odd that a parenting chronically can be so thrilling. But it is thrilling and oddly comforting.
  • labyke
    Are you wealthy?
    You keep saying it every chance you get. I am too. Wealth whispers. You shout. Get some class 🙄
  • Thommy Dan
    Great Pod 😊
    I’ve seen so many content creators w/Bravo podcasts (who probably profit off of promoting the network’s shows 🙄) claim that Bethenny shouldn’t be the one to facilitate the Reality Reckoning movement because she was apart of HWs and played the game/was apart of the problem. Personally, I feel that her being apart of those shows actually gives her 1000x more credibility on the subject as she knows the ins and outs of the industry more than anyone !!! You can argue that she’s self serving in how she’s going about it, I won’t disagree exactly, but SHE AIN’T WRONG ON ANY OF IT !! I’ll never get why people are acting like Andy’s been vindicated at all. Why are Bravo fans so intense in their defense of him, none of you people even know this guy 🤦‍♂️.
  • Shellme14
    Narcissism at its finest.
    I tuned in to hear the Chanel story yet had to suffer through 12 solid min of self centered bragging that she looks so good for not working out - which then somehow turned to her making love to herself about having house on the beach and how amazing she is considering she also has all these other homes. By the time she got to the Chanel story (which was 1/8 of the podcast), I couldn’t tolerate another minute of the self obsessed, entitled diatribe. I can’t imagine how people can tolerate her in real life. Whoa. Btw ppl aren’t mad you’re successful. They’re disgusted by your obsessive narcissism.
  • VirRho
    I can’t
    Too many ads!
  • Aggy999
    I do like Bethany, however…
    You need to let your guests speak. I could not get through the Abby Lee episode because you were interrupting her so much! It also made me experience second hand cringe when you were being so rude and judgy towards her. This isn’t investigative journalism Bethany- it’s a celebrity interview!
  • vvvvvvvv!!!
    Just B
    Wow, Bethany wow thank you from the people that follow you. Thank you for opening up and letting go of your past. May your mom rest in peace🙏🏼 You are an amazing person and amazing mom I know it’s crazy because I don’t know you personally, I’ve been a follower since day one of New York housewives followed you then and will always follow …after hearing your podcast and how you opened up and we’re so vulnerable …be at peace u deserve that may God continue to bless you and your daughter always!💛
  • Bobbiekane
    Not vain??
    I think B has definitely lost her mind!!! After her horrible video where she looked like she had cheek implants, she posts multiple videos saying she doesn’t care about looks, she’s not vain, caring about looks bad example for kids, inside more important than material things blah blah…. If she doesn’t care why has she posted 3 videos so far??? Also who’s the 1 posting the designers she’s wearing that day- modeling her Hermes, Chanel, Rolex etc please listen sometime to what u say vs what u do & even u will realize what a total hypocrite u are these days….
  • Paige Collins 💕
    Bethanny is the best as always!! She is the best there ever was!! She is so relatable, funny and I’m glad she never left us! 💕💙💙💕
  • Outlook96
    Abby Lee Miller
    Loved the Abby Miller podcast. I would love to hear more on what she has to say. Maybe get her back on for a two parter?
  • Samz64521
    Girl No
    Don’t give this guy the mic. Yikes.
  • pazamp4
    Everything you said in your social media rant is what you do 🙄 Get some self awareness
  • Varietyvlogs tv on yt
    Very confused on if I should like it or not
    Bethany is great on her own sometimes when she interviews people I feel bad for the other person because she’s always talking over them. I’d rather listen to her on her own anyway so she is better on our own in my opinion. Listening to her mothers abuse and Bethany’s childhood is heartbreaking, and gave me a lot of comfort because I can relate to her in many aspects. And when she said that her mom’s greatest addictions were food and alcohol, and then Bethany has made all of her money in those exact same industries? I literally gasped! Wow, Freud really could have a field day that. However, I don’t get the letting other people have an episode of your podcast like with this Julia Hart, who was accused of being a fraud changed her name, and also is pretty problematic right now and spreading a lot of misinformation. Read the room Bethanny it’s not a good look. Also, some episodes are kind of cringe to the point where I have to step back for a few days like the NeNe episode.
  • 2AliciaBV2
    Have to disagree about Taylor
    If you listen to her words of her song she is sneaking out talking to boys at a young age, and always drinking … she is not a good role Model for young girls …
  • jojo noe
    Sending condolences
    Your podcast was heartbreaking, I’m so sorry for your loss. God bless you and Bren
  • Mx. Mesa
    The Mother Episode
    It’s heartbreaking but so real and relatable to those of us with toxic parents. It was deeply felt, like a shot to the heart.
  • jessiebean1995
    Mothers passing
    Thank you for sharing❤️ I understand your pain. You help so much in SOO many ways! Its tough to feel so alone….maybe that chapter can be closed now❤️✌🏻✨
  • Laughing until my s
    Time for you to listen to and have on your show Dr Sherry from her wonderful podcast. You will know what I’m talking about when you listen to her. Your mother is a full blown narcissist. You’re old enough to know humans aren’t treated like this. This is not love. It’s a hard pill to swallow but it’s truth. The sooner you figure out this isn’t about you, the sooner you will get better. It’s hard to believe, but there are mothers out there that DO NOT love their children and never will. Just like there are mothers out there like you who is an incredible mother.
  • Pingry Honor Code
    Billy McFarland Deserves No Sympathy
    I went to high school with Billy and worked for his social network when he started it in college. He promised pay to me and “brand ambassadors” I recruited but he didn’t follow through. It taught me a valuable lesson about trust in business but don’t be fooled, he has been a scammer since day one and only admits to scamming during the four months of Fyre because he got caught red-handed on such a big scale. This person is dangerous and criminal to the core. Please stop giving him a platform!
  • GGBachelorFan
    Too many ads and so opinionated.
    On Instagram she is flaunting all her Chanel, Gucci, Rolexes, etc. and she does a 10 minute to 50 min podcast with triple the ads other podcast have to support her addiction to material wealth. She bashes Bravo that made her a household name and her ex-husband who has never spoken about. Her daughter can hear all this negative about her father. I’m sure it has had a negative effect on their relationship. She over indulgences her daughter which I’m sure also makes her daughter choose her over Dad. She is a mentally unhealthy person who needs to take a pause.
  • ESM619
    Thank you B
    I really appreciated the show about your mom. I’m sorry that you’ve gone through everything that you’ve gone through, but I think you’re going to help a lot of people. God bless you, Bethany.
  • diancab
    Real and Raw
    I am so sorry for your loss and all that you’ve been through. My mother just passed also, and it’s opened up so much for me. I too have kept the pained and vulnerable girl part of me under lock and key because it’s terrified me to expose myself, so I am “tough,” an over achiever, and a perfectionist. I never want to admit that I feel unloved and not worthy, but I’ve lived my life trying to prove I am those things on paper, because just being me feels not enough. It’s nearly broken me. You are not alone.
  • TSAR1234
    Love your podcast ! Love everything you do , I think it’s fun, entertaining and you seem to be a very authentic person and, I love that about you
  • workingmomwith2boys
    Wow, the podcast about the loss of your mother… I wanted to hug you though the phone. I’ve never felt such emotion listening to someone’s story before. Your daughter will see how hard you worked to break the cycle. You are doing amazing. Hugs and prayers to you and your soul for healing. ❤️
  • Kiki0278
    My new favorite podcast
    I have always been a fan of Bethenny. It’s so refreshing to listen to someone who says it straight! Just a few episodes and I’m hooked! I’m now going to binge every single episode!! I recommend you do the same!
  • running sal
    My sympathy
    I am very sorry you are feeling guilty. I also did not connect with my mother before she passed. Like you, I could not persevere past all the abuse to be the bigger person. Even when she had cancer I could not be there. My mother hated me probably because she hated herself. Don’t beat yourself up. You are a good mother. I always say maybe I will have a mother in another life. I also do walk. Thank you for sharing.
  • Cschedin
    Please do a series about relationship with your mother from childhood. It may be cathartic. Strained relationships are often the most difficult to grieve.
  • lindyfly
    Thank you
    Bethany’s ability to share something so heartbreaking and real is so inspiring. Losing your mom is a gut punch that is felt the rest of your life on some level. I pray that she comes through this with feeling at peace and that she gives herself grace. My heart goes out to her and her daughter at this time.
  • TashanieMcK
    It keeps getting better!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for awhile now and this transition from nonsensical talk about the real housewives to Bethany revealing her self to us, is awesome. I am loving this direction. You are strong beautiful, intelligent and confident. Hearing your life experiences helps me so much as I grow into being more confident as a woman in my early thirties. I love her honesty and how confident she is with herself. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽
  • ceeceeGV
    You are obviously not lazy
    But those interviews w Rachel Leviss are lazy. How can you comment without having watched the season? Journalism 101 would require some homework. I had to turn it off bc it was making me sick. Extremely manipulative interview technique: ie reading what the betrayed cast members said to her. Bethanny - why don’t you make a list of the horrible things (might be a long one) you’ve said to your fellow cast mates over the years? Please do and read that out loud. Reality tv def rewards bad behavior and poor character both of which Rachel has in spades. I’m surprised you hooked your yoke to her. You are just another cog in the celebrity machine exploiting a weak & vulnerable person.
  • Elan S K
    Can a human being be your spirit animal lol?
    Let me just preface this review by saying that as it stands today, I loath Reality television. It’s poison, especially for women. I hate all that Bravo is and has become, and I’m pretty confident that every single person on VPR is a legitimate sociopath... however, I can admit that I am OG Real Housewives watcher. Orange County and NY were the OGs and everyone knows it, and frankly, the only women worth watching if you ask me. Episode one of RHNY I was drawn to Bethany away I was drawn to Bethenny. Our backgrounds are similar, we both had insane mothers (and fathers), her humor is spot on (sarcasm is king), and basically everything she says I’m thinking, so maybe I’m biased but in my mind Bethenny is and was literally the only good thing about reality tv. She just has IT. She’s real. People appreciate real - especially right now. In any case, I’m late to her podcast but per usual she doesn’t disappoint. Smart, witty, hilarious and honest. So….Go Bethenny, mention it all, your podcast is freakin gold.
  • Serena - HR
    Delululuuu with Bethenny Frankel
    Bethenny interviews Rachel with leading questions to drive her own agenda and also shame/vilify Ariana.To make assumptions, dismiss the pain that comes from cheating, betrayal, and loss of friendships, question why Ariana (and not Tom) should move out, and drive this narrative that this was all fabricated is delusional, gaslighting, and victim-shaming. You’re blaming Bravo when the cheating occurred outside filming. You’re criticizing others for capitalizing on this moment, yet you’re doing the exact same. Push your energy elsewhere. Bethenny’s interview with Rachel was 100% lazy. She has a habit of projecting and pushing her conspiracies. Both Bethenny & Rachel are the Trump of reality tv. Her responses are narcissistic and dismissive: “Only I knows what’s going on. Everyone else is a liar. Anyone else who doesn’t agree doesn’t know anything. They’re all 99.9% wrong. I gave Rachel a platform. I *coined* ‘reality reckoning’. I’m the one. Me. Me. Me. I’m a millionaire. #1.” Yuck Bethenny.
  • listener of great things
    very self centered
    she’s very self centered, don’t think there was one episode where she didn’t say I or Me a thousand times. She might be on the spectrum as I can tell she relates almost everything her guests say back to herself in some way or another. It’s giving spectrum/low social skills. To improve I suggest she take a internal look at herself, what she says, how she says it- self reflection can be a beautiful thing but it might not work for her because she might be too far gone. Some people are just like that
  • vanicosenza
    Love Bethenny!
    This girl cracks me up - and I love watching her successes. ❤️
  • rwalhoj
    Just listened to the secret to my success podcast and it was so inspiring. Of all the entrepreneurs Bethenny’s 20 minutes was was clearly the best, pure rapid gold nugget firings. She is always so present and so in the moment you get wrapped up in it with her, whatever she talks about you are in her world! She is so quick thinking, present, funny, intelligent and has a wealth of insight. She is also just a woman, a mom and a girlfriend/fiancé….relatable and down to earth. I want to be her friend! Great podcast!
  • anotherpotmom
    Just stop. Please.
    Who is listening to this? It’s gotten weird.
  • zainbow
    Carrot Top
    Really enjoyed the carrot top interview!
  • Hltnhdmama
    Thanks for sharing your story .
    I get why you were embarrassed to share. I live in an upscale California suburb and I can no longer go for my walks because of the characters that roam our streets. If I complain will I be labeled a “Karen”
  • Saardie22
    Please stop eating
    While recording your podcast, please! Bethany, you’re awesome please stop it’s awful to hear the background noise the morning the whispering Yanni, the making of the coffee the beeping you chewing it’s awful. Please stop. you are seriously on point with everything that you say . I do not agree with your reality reckoning and I am so happy that you have changed and become more positive. It’s so much fun you’ve always been my favorite housewife but I know you’re no longer a housewife. I love you I want to support you forever, but it gets to a point where a cringe. The team I work with we all cringe and we so look forward to hearing and listening to your podcast in the morning. We hope you can understand and take this as constructive criticism.
    I love the episodes with Bethany and her daughter Brynn. So real! Love this show!
  • dys615
    Love it
    This podcast is a staple for me. I love that is updated throughout the week. 🩷
  • Dale18wed
    Bryn and B
    Just listened to this episode. What an amazing young woman Peanut is! She has such great energy and so sweet. She is a LOVE. You did good B!
  • solomonsebastian
    Princess Catherine story is extraordinary & thx for covering this story . Months if serious recovery & William looks sad all the time. Camilla has left fur a few months of vacation when King Charles is getting treatment for cancer. Catherine’s mother & pippa vidued Catherine . The mother stepped away from the company she had. Catherine’s mother & father are at it Catherine daily at their Royal home with the children. What appt did Princess Catherine have when ste was seen in the car duty William who was going to a funeral & Catherine was said to have a personal appt ?? I don’t think it’s her marriage. It us reported that Princess Catherine has confirmed ste has an eating disorder!!
  • Kooltobekind
    Wow, Bethenny wow
    I was really getting into your podcast, but these last two where you are literally, but licking everyone in Hollywood and praising Howard Stern is mind blowing to me. These people are the scum of the Earth, they’re predators they pray on young children and stand for everything your reality reckoning is supposedly against!! I find this to be so hypocritical.
  • kt from den den
    Ads Galore
    8 min podcast with 5 minutes of ads. This blows my mind. Mind you these ads are jarring- like worse than the yelling at you commercials you hear on the radio.
  • anoelanim
    Doesn’t know Her guests even after being on her show THREE times?
    I am not a fan of Bethany in general but I decided to give her podcast a chance because I saw Renee from Mobwives was on. Two seconds in Bethany claims she has never met Renee and Renee says she was on her show THREE times. Bethany continues to act like she has no clue and Renee says “Yeah, I have a picture of you with my book at the time, we made meatballs one episode and I was on with the entire cast of Mobwives”… still nothing.. Bethany claims she thought it was “another show she watched”… WOW! Bethany is such trash and very unprofessional… if you did any research on the people that take the time OUT of their schedule to chat with you, you would have known you have met your podcast guest 3 times and in person! Wow! Garbage host, garbage podcast.
  • ashergreninja
    I absolutely love how real and honest Bethenny is! I recently discovered this podcast and have been listening to past episodes. I can’t wait to hear more!
  • LucyDog29
    royal blow job
    what a ridiculous commentary on the royal family. "the people's queen". are you on the payrolll for the firm? your unhinged attacks on meghan, taylor swift, etc are pathological. you would unalive to have such power. you are scary. taylor should do what she wants. stop projecting your insecurities and controlling compulsions onto other people.
  • hbf952914
    Why does this monster have a platform?
    One of the most narcissistic vile humans I’ve seen on my television.
  • Irregular_lee
    An ads podcast
    I know all podcasts have ads, but this one is nearly impossible to listen to. A 9 minute “episode” with 5 minutes of ads? Could be a really good podcast but it’s brief and overrun with marketing.
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