Two Ts In A Pod with Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge

TV & Film #18

Two "ex-housewives" Watching, Recapping, Armchair Quarterbacking, Breaking Down all the Breaking News. Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge team up to Tell All. Listen each week as they watch and rehash as only they can. Who knows housewives better than housewives?! Right?! Teddi and Tamra are Two Ts in a Pod. (Telling All).

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Recent Reviews
  • esccesne
    I never agree with you two on anything
  • wtf54345671
    Tamara is a saint.
    Whoever told you guys to sing should be fired. More cringe. Tamara is a saint for her patience with ted. The amount of ads are sooooo bad. With the amount we pay for streaming tv nobody wants to pay for ad free to listen to Ted and his REALLLLLYYY bad transitions. Cutting Tamara off during health convos to start a new topic is disappointing
  • kcmf
    Two Ts
    So many insignificant nobody’s running this podcast lately
  • brittany heaton
    The gnat needs to go
    Teddi is so annoying! I want to like this podcast bc I love Tamra but she is so thirsty to be back on HW and it spews through this podcast
  • priscillaaaaaaa33
    Tamra is annoying
    Love you Teddi, but Tamra you should go back and listen to your old recaps when you weren’t on the show. Everything you said you disliked about Housewives is everything you’re doing for example speaking about other people’s marriages. You’re trying to justify how you acted this season. Yeah you’re filming a show but you can still have feelings and morals. we get it’s a show but it’s also REALITY. & I’m starting to see you’re really a mean girl. & you contradict yourself so much!! You are nasty. You need to go rewatch your old season you’ve always been horrible
    Teddi!! Teddi! Teddi!
    Can you ever let Tamra finish her opinion ? She starts giving her feedback and you never ever FAIL to interrupt and say “ But also” 
 for the love of God please stop it! You come off like you’re always right. I root for you Teddi, 😂 there’s not many of us that root for you so chill when talking over Tam
 “ BUT ALSO” !
  • Braelynnharris7
    Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes the takes are very ignorant and that’s why I took off one star. I took off another star for Teddis baby voice she keeps using.
  • Cory Jayne
    This is MY OPINION!
    I love you guys. Please keep doing what you have been doing and give your honest opinions and insight! Teddi I love you! Tamra love you too!
  • ENMesa
    Mean Spirited
    Teddi Jo, no matter how many times you attempt to shade Vicky she is always the original OG housewife. Your 5second return to Housewives (especially a franchise that you weren’t on) didn’t do you any favors. Garcelle said it best, you’re a gnat 🩗 Tamra you are looking so rough! To think after all the facelifts, injections, fillers, etc You look terrible. That’s why you are a terrible person. You have to constantly bring up Gretchen and Kelly Dodd STOP being so obsessed with them. Focus on rehabilitating your OWN family!
  • H1298.24
    Easy listening
    Love listening to this as I go about my day. Love hearing Teddi and Tamara just shoot the breeze. Very entertaining
  • Em the viewer
    Love the Twot Seat
    I love that you ladies are doing these interviews with juicy questions. I love your recaps for housewives but I love that you are reaching out to people outside of Bravo. My only complaint is when Teddi does the Nair ad. I know she uses “For the Love” in every other sentence but when she starts the ad saying it I can’t stand it. Obviously it won’t change I just had to share.
  • wildandfunny
    Ed’s interview w Joe
    I cannot believe it they are actually really good at it. Hats off
  • Redfromindiana
    Teddi đŸ‘ŽđŸ»
    I usually don’t mind teddi, however the interview with the selling sunset lady made me uncomfortable. Teddi was so rude to her, terrible interview
 ended up turning it off early because of second hand embarrassment
  • CarrieNB1985
    LISTEN to your guest!
    Please, Teddy
stop interjecting after a question is asked. You always “guess” what they are going to say and say it before them or you talk over them mid sentence. It’s an interview
you ask, they answer. This “know-it-all” trait literally makes me not want to listen anymore.
  • Parent or not
    Tamera is mean
    TAMERA - Do you ever get tired of rubbing it in Teddy’s face that you are a housewife and she is not. That you get more invites and free product that she does? Cuz we do!!
  • Misanchezsp
    Really enjoying this podcast
    I do not understand all the hate that Teddy gets! I really enjoy her
she is fair and says what she wants and thinks. I issued to like her when she was on the show as well! Tamra is great too. Very easy and fun to listen. Great job!
  • Frankie 1210
    My bleeding ears
    Teddi and her horse face gotta go!! These two are complete dummies!! Ignorant, uneducated, and simply don’t bother to actually research and understand. Teddi is so miserable, it is seeping out of her pores. Tamrat has no brain whatsoever so has to go along with everything Teddi says or Teddi will get rid of her. NOBODY takes Teddi seriously, including reality TV and its stars. When smart people don’t want to be associated with Teddi and Tamrat, Teddi and Tamrat bash them. Real classy from two has-beens. Teddi won’t stop until every single person hates her and she will probably still go on to make us all miserable. There are sooooo many good podcasts out there with this same content - let’s all dump these dumpster fires posed as women.
  • Big Booty 1
. Much
    So it continues , now with OC. The insane amount of hypocrisy and double standards these two have is at the point of it being unbearable
 Tamra is almost as bad as Teddi now . It’s just an awful way to be . They seem to think it’s funny apparently and just because they say they know they are hypocritical that it makes it ok 
. Not quite ladies 
 awful people I’m done 

  • TaiChi4R
    I’d like the show more

    If it was Tamra and anyone else on the planet
  • Eteestoy
    Too negative
    Both give off incredibly negative and mean energy. I don’t like to be a part of such things. Stopped listening. Don’t be a rain cloud to someone else.
  • joes a midget
    Why the bias?
    It’s obvious you like Melissa and Margaret the best on RHONJ. Which is your choice. I don’t even like Teddy but at least she is fair. You need a non-housewife to recap it with her. You sound ridiculous Tamara. And your not an OG. Get over it
  • nenes lip
    Tamra biased
    Just sayin
  • Mrnglobrn
    Fail on the La La one.
    Wow Teddi. I was shocked at the butt kissing to La La. So many put downs of Ariana and you clearly have NOT watched the show’s previous seasons. La La thinks her ridiculous “thug” talk was her being real for all these years- go watch season after season where Ariana puts her entire heart and insecurities out there in public. We, the audience, related to that and valued her in the show. Many of us laughed AT La La and her ridiculous posturing while she revealed very little. I won’t listen to you guys again because of this.
  • sugard712
    Way to enable Lala and her skewed and entitled perspective. You didn’t do one thing to hold her accountable or even attempt to introduce a differing opinion other than hers. Disappointing and a total waste of my time. Unsubscribing.
  • Jills389
    Can’t believe I now love Teddi and Tamara
    I’ve been listening since the beginning and I now love both women. Great insights! Love hearing the behind the scene details.
  • MNis4lovers
    Great interview with Jesse Lally!
    Loved the interview Teddi did with Jesse from The Valley. Interesting questions, fun stories, and helped give us a glimpse into what’s happening in that over inflated head of his 😂
  • housewifewhore
    Check yourself
    Honestly, I love you guys but if I have to listen to commercials (which are annoying to begin with) for the love, please be convincing! You don’t sound like you truly believe in the products. It sounds like you’re just reading it. If you spend more time and remember why you believe in the product you’ll sound a lot more convincing.
  • brockali5
    Soooo many ads
    All the ads ruin the flow of the podcast. Content is great but too many ads.
  • Sixstring.
    Sounded like Tamra was on her phone the whole time while teddy read a bunch of headlines and Tamra said yeah uh huh
  • nope on the dog talk
    Jesse interview
    While I listen to the original podcast and usually love, this interview was so painful. Teddy barely let him answer a question without interrupting or insulting him. I can appreciate not being fake and maybe holding someone accountable but this was over the top.
  • AloAce
    Favorite Bravo podcast
    My number one must listen pod every week
  • Yherrall
    Watch from the beginning and really do some research before having this clown on. She kept throwing out there that this was her real life yet she isn’t friends with anyone off camera! I can’t believe she wasn’t called out on all the name-calling and insults she threw out there about a friend who was already depressed, and then trauma post scandal. Ariana was not bringing “diva” behavior to the workplace! She was being true and authentic! I also believed she agreed to film 3 months post scandal bc she needed the money, and that it was hard to move out of her home because her ex wrecked it! Can you earn enough money in 3 months to pick up and start over? She’s collecting as many paychecks to set her life up long term! Lala doesn’t have to understand Ariana’s situation! Just show some respect! Lala is the frustrating one, and she deserves every bit of hate! Let’s not forget, Lala lied for most of her TV career and kept her real life a secret! She also left and came back to collect a paycheck! Do better Teddy and Tamra!
  • Thommy Dan

    Neither of these people (especially Tamra‌) deserve this platform. If you want to listen to a Bravo podcast that’s not bias and level headed this is NOT it
😬 All love đŸ˜‡đŸ™đŸ’«
  • DST -Ferris
    Not Good
    Not enjoyable
  • LaneCMat
    I enjoy this!
    I really enjoy this podcast. I giggle almost the entire time. You guys make a good duo. Both very opinionated but neither outtalks the other. Love hearing Emily on popping off! Those of my favorites! My only critique is from the Jesse from the Valley episode. I find him so interesting and think he is so intriguing to on and off the show. I felt like Teddy did not allow him to even answer the questions without cutting him off or going into a rabbit hole. It was disappointing especially bc I would really love to here about HIM!
  • kittyrodgers
    Love listening to Tamra Teddi Emily Jen and Jackie.
  • hbf952914
    Why are there so many randoms pods on the feed?
    Wayyyy to many Ads. Also - feed is clogged with other podcasts. I follow Two Ts. Not all these other podcasts for a reason.
  • The Sacchetti family
    Move on
    I’ve tried to listen to this a couple times. Too toxic for me.
  • dut1020
    Love the pod and love LaLa. She was great.
  • emcclean
    “Ooh you wanted to be a entrepreneur” make it stop
    Please stop playing this Rachel Zoe / Botox commercial it is so cringe! No offense to Rachel it’s just a horrible commercial to listen to! Love you Tamra and Teddi!
  • SgarK22
    Stop screaming.
    Tamra, Teddi and Alexis B. all screaming and interrupting each other. Listen to your own podcast and see how terrible it sounds. Your ratings are at 3.7.
  • Housewives fan 2023
    love it
    I just listened to the Eds podcast with Joe Gorga and I loved it! I love hearing from the househusbands.
  • Conniech1
    Love me the Eds
    You guys are slaying
  • Melllllllllllliiiiisssaaaaaaa
    Lala, time for a break.
    This episode is too current for Lala to still be harping on the same things she has issues with Ariana all season. She has literally answered them all. Open your ears girl, stop continuing to talk about this for clout, it’s embarrassing. Go enjoy your summer, get off socials, stop doing interviews, for the love of god, stop podcasting! You are just digging yourself a bigger hole and this isn’t entertaining. Tamra and Teddi forever on the wrong side of history. This pod is trash.
  • madysaywhaa
    I wish they’d pay attention to the shows
    They get so many recaps wrong. They don’t pay attention to even say what was actually said and say the wrong things.
  • Haysmom04
    Lala / Lauren from Utah Interview
    The interview with Lala was ridiculous & so hard to listen to. Her anger with Ariana comes from pure jealousy, that’s it. Hold her accountable for her own actions! You both were so agreeable to every single thing she said, & it was disgusting. The only reason she’s so close to her mom, brother, Jess & Scheana is because they’re all “yes” people & never tell her NO or that she’s wrong. That’s what is wrong with her & why she has NO other friends. With a friend like Lala who needs enemies. I can’t wait for this show to be cancelled. Ariana & Katy will do great, Lala 😳. Keep them off The Valley.
  • krinklekrinkle
    The WORST
    We have the two morons helming this disaster and finger gun- wanna get popped Lauren from Utah as a guest. Zero stars. LFU should learn what trauma bond actually means before she rants on and on about it. Seems she’s can’t get past talking incessantly about the vpr ladies who are running circles around her in all aspects of life. She’s a miserable hypocritical insecure jealous witch who’s not happy for anyone doing better than her. It must be mortifying for her that they haven’t spoken her name in months. We’d all love for her to take that break she promised. Horrible podcast and even worse guest
  • Anonymous 121275326
    The show is unlistenable because of Teddi. Not to mention most of the listeners of this podcast are die hard fans that have watched these shows from the beginning. I want to hear people’s opinions that know the full history instead of guessing wrong while recording a podcast.
  • Dandrasil
    Fallen Stars
    Having Lauren from Utah on their recent episode and the fact that Terri is a Nepo baby really just makes this awful listening. I really hope they stop making podcasts.
  • dianna nicole
    Let’s your guest speak.
    Teddy please take a Xanax or something before you interview people. You’re like a new puppy. Let your interviewee speak. I end up fast forwarding most of the show because you’ll talk over people & it’s unbearable.
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