Give Them Lala


Every day is a new beginning for Lala Kent. Get to know the TV personality, entrepreneur, & mom, as she dives deep into relationships, sex, betrayal, mental health, business, and personal life. Lala's top priority is to make her listeners feel heard, inspired, and most importantly make them laugh. She's here to give them honesty. Give them motivation. To Give Them Lala.

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Recent Reviews
  • martidandy
    Now I see why she's friends with Heather! Fake & phony "I'm so real" persona but really just doing the most to stay relevant! WE SEE YOU!!!
  • aaaaawal
    would not recommend
  • MN Fan!
    Highlight of my Monday and Wednesday!!! I am a real estate agent and on the road most days and I loveeeeeee this Podcast!!!! Thank you for making my driving more enjoyable. Boooo to all the haters out there!!!!
  • icg97
    A Grandiose Journey, Not Quite Reality
    Listening to Lala is like embarking on a bizarre odyssey through the her inflated sense of self-importance. She presents every opinion as if it’s a universal truth, often overshadowing the content with her overwhelming confidence and exaggerated claims. It comes across as more self-congratulatory than insightful. It could be entertaining for some, but if you’re seeking grounded discussions, you might find Lala’s grandiosity more distracting than engaging.
  • Kaiya Brook
    a hard listen. would not recommend.
  • Jaidith
    Bullying and False Information
    I was hoping this podcast would get better but it’s getting worse. The topics are boring and unrelateable and the laughing drives me crazy.
  • Smalltam
    facts are not opinions
    Lala needs to understand her opinion is not a fact. Get off your high horse and realize others have a right to feel and think differently than her.
  • BookNerd324
    She’s Human and Growing
    I enjoy the podcast and have for two years, she’s on a reality tv show and is a human being. We watch to be entertained and while this past season there were moments of confusion for me in her actions, this is the platform for her to be herself. I don’t hear the negative in the podcast, just a woman who was burned during a period in her life where it was clear she was processing loss and grief and just needed a partner. Then a traumatic situation and then reliving it over and over. There was a documentary, there are survivors of her ex. This was not a silly-haha situation she went through. Some of yall act like the expectation for people on tv is perfection, let people live and grow. It’s giving a hate parade with these reviews though🤷‍♀️
  • granhan2015
    I’m starting to be disappointed
    I love the show, but it’s starting to be tired that Jess never watches any of the shows & no one knows the details (even the really obvious ones) of the pop culture they are “recapping”? I’m going to keep giving it a shot, but I’m losing interest😕
  • mrg1022
    Underprepared podcasting
    Lala sits behind a mic while her brother and assistant have no idea what shows she’s talking about because they don’t watch. They overly laugh at every sentence she speaks. Lala proceeds to cultural appropriate using a blaccent and weaponizing motherhood at the same time. This podcast is almost worse than Sandoval’s podcast I’m not kidding.
  • katep1986
    Easton is Hilarious
    Loveee Easton & hearing his opinions on things!!!! He’s so funny. Love you all, but he gets talked over too much 🫣
  • Aly Look Smith
    I’m out
    Been listening for years, but I can’t handle the childishness, lack of accountability, gaslighting, and being such a huge and obvious hypocrite any longer. You're only loyal to your bank account and it shows. Gross.
  • Scrappyashley
    Cannot support a delusional hypocrite.
  • kmkuiojgft
    My people! 🩷
    I feel like I’m chilling with my people, having casual talks when I’m listening. Absolutely love Give them Lala🩷
  • Tarrel Turn
    She’s boring
  • Frankie 1210
    White trash mistress - nothing more
    This clown is rabid and vile. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. Said she would NEVER join The Valley and trashed everyone on it, said she had nothing in common with anyone on it, and bashed the whole concept. Now, her desperate self is trying to get on The Valley, so she can ruin another show. Here’s an idea - stay home with your soon to be two kids and keep your flappy mouth shut. Nobody wants to hear from you!!
  • kristen bae
    She should stop
    She tried too hard and self-produced too much. She’s incredibly hypocritical and she is not emotionally intelligent. More like a child acting out.
  • MBK girl
    I give up. Can’t listen anymore. Unfollowing.
  • Keeeeeeeeksa
    Used to love it, now I hate it
    Used to listen to the Give Them Lala podcast religiously, I looked forward to it every week. Now I literally cannot get through two minutes without turning it off. I have officially unsubscribed because I can’t stand listening to how selfish Lala is… she has changed in the worst way and in her words “I’m la-tired” of listening to her. She’s not a girls girl, all she cares about is herself and it’s not a good look. I also get tired of hearing her say “are you joking” and “can I say something”… her podcast has become incredibly boring and irrelevant and I think it’s time to retire from the podcast world. Good luck to ya, but I think your Give Them Lala podcast is donezo, at least it should be.
  • Hellereerrrr
    Love the show but
    Honestly, love the show but tired of Jess never watching the shows you guys are playing to discuss. It’s giving unprepared.
  • MsilverSports
    Hi Lala! I was just listening to your podcast and heard you concerned about Oceans cough. I went through this with myself and my son as a teen. Same thing, allergist, pediatrician, regular internists, ent and then gastro. With us it ended up being LPR, a form of acid reflux. Acid reflux can cause mucus and both dry/wet cough. Definitely look into this for your sweet girl. Please let me know if you have any questions, but wanted to tell you about this….so many doctors overlook this. 🥰
  • hh0529
    I’m so sad because I always loved Lala but I just cannot stand how self absorbed she’s become. She’s completely self centered in the worst way. I simply cannot listen anymore.
  • NappyDresser
    Is this a gag gift? Bless your pea pickin ❤️❤️
  • Parent or not
    Excuses Excuses Excuses
    Lala has an excuse for absolutely everything. Her fallbacks are I am a mother or growing a baby. Millions of women have children and Manage not to use their their children the way you do. For some reason you seem to think your the one and only single mother on the planet. Believe me when I say you are privileged compared to many many other women with children. You have two homes. There are women living on the streets and in cars. You also have family support. You also constantly bring up other other cast mates do it also to excuse your behavior. You are not a kind person and you are very hard to watch. Instead of saying, don’t watch then, please consider there are other cast mates that are worth watching. Quit stating you have changed and actually grow up and change.
  • ENMesa
    Lauren is 🗑️
    You are ridiculously tone deaf. You’ve earned your living being a mistress and a reality tv “star.” You are an unhinged bitter white woman
  • Glitched up
    Queen of projection
    She buys her positive podcast reviews just like she buys her Instagram followers
  • snorita1003
    So dumb
    Dumb and fake
  • sararu22
    Lost a fan
    I used to be a fan but it’s become unbearable to listen. I used to believe Lala was authentic which made her refreshing and relatable but it’s become clear that everything she does is for show and not genuine. I also can’t keep up with the narratives since she is constantly changing her stories and stances.
  • Karag28
    Newest episode
    Not gonna lie yall had me cracking up at work today! You guys were made for the podcast world! Love. You guys!
  • CDPK
    Not the same
    Need to revamp this Podcast…. Not the same. Tre Hugger…. Tre was not sincere in her apology to the Fudas, Aldo, do your research as to why Lina was kicked out!
  • gratefuljess13
    Did Ocean ever get the COVID-19 shot? Have you thought that maybe that could be causing her symptoms. 🤷‍♀️
  • fucter
    Please please let me provide you with good filtration in your home to help with your air quality! Air is very contaminated and causes these issies in your body! I am a manufacturer of a high efficiency filter for your a/c that can help!! Please let me help you
  • Nikomoon
    We don’t need you Lala you need us. Look at these obvious good Bot comments. Lol! Lala, her white boy with dreads brother, & cringy “yes” girl assistant are so delusional, annoying, and just plain stupid it’s pathetic. This podcast is not at all interesting, just mind numbing air headed conversations and Lala cannot get Ariana’s name out of her jealous mouth. And all bot reviews.. please. Keep sucking,
  • Michaela Hem
    Wanted to give it a second chance…
    I really wish all the best for lala and feel bad for what she’s struggled with and the amount of (mean) hate she’s getting. She certainly deserves backlash but the internet is cruel. I know some people want to say it’s not fair to hate on her podcast based on her season on VPR, but it’s hard not to as how she showed up there directly translates onto this podcast. I always liked lala and this pod because she came off as real, authentic, and funny but this season & year taught me it’s actually not authentic, mean, and bitter. Therefore, no longer making it enjoyable to listen to. I was hopeful after the season 11 Q&A I could give it a second chance, but it really felt like she was just doubling down on hot takes. I continue to find more hypocrisy with ever chance I give. It’s clearly not intentional but she comes off with this attitude that no one can ever understand her because we’re not on TV and that having a child puts her above people that experience trauma that don’t involve children. It’s super off putting. I’m interested by her definition of soft, because all around I’ve been finding her waaay more bitter this season & year.
  • mandibooth
    Yacht girl days
    Why don’t you talk about your yacht girl days? That would actually be something people would be interested in hearing about
  • $u77788grghyhhp8754311
    She’s literally the worst 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️
  • Mich9899
    Lost this fan
    Was a fan until the line was crossed with a Jesus joke gone bad. Why go there? No coming back from that for me.
  • Destiny Daniella
    Horrible podcast ever…
    Awful. She contradicts herself alot. She’s caught in so many lies. Can’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
  • Bbidd2
    Don’t know what’s happening anymore
    I used to listen to this podcast the day it came out, and now I let it sit in my “up next” folder until I have nothing left to listen to. I don’t know what’s happened to it.. Lala seems tired and like she doesn’t want to record half the time, Jess tells a lot of personal stories, that I’m sorry but listeners don’t really care to hear about. It’s also getting really uncomfortable listening to Lala and her brother talk about se..x. I saw today’s episode is labeled “stories about losing your virginity”’or something like that, and I think I may just be done entirely. I feel like she’s trying so hard to stay “sexy” and that’s fine (I mean she is!), but at some point it’s time to tune it down. I like when they talk about current events, but it’s also irritating that Lala says repeatedly that she only reads the headlines, and 9/10 Jess and her brother say the same. If producer John wasn’t there to step up and get the ball rolling on topics, I’m not sure what they would all do. I wanted to support you because I knew all the Ariana nuts would be coming after you, but it’s getting harder to do so.
  • Mellyjo55
    Used to love
    I used to look forward to this podcast every week. Simply, it’s not a fun listen anymore. It’s so harsh and I tried to get on board, but everyone has been through stuff in life. This pod seems to give me the impression that Lala, for the most part, only sees things through one lens. Jessica seems like a lovely person - whether it’s the case or not, the perception is very brown nosey.
  • crimeo
    It’s my own fault, but I fell for Layla’s act. She talks out of both sides of her mouth and hasn’t changed a bit… still a self-serving person with a set of rules for others that she doesn’t apply to herself. Nothing she says on this podcast can be trusted to be true.Giving us Lala is no treat.she is the worst! Hope she doesn’t return to Bravo in any incarnation I have seen enough of her!
  • egb413
    Lala is a queen!
    Love this pod! I love Lala’s dynamic with Easton and Jess! Loving the mini episodes! The hosts have hilarious takes, keep it super real and are authentically themselves. It’s sad to see all the trolls leaving nasty reviews! Seriously get a life! Lala is right when she said her fans are normal and don’t stoop down to troll level and fight with strangers or make dramatic declarations on instagram. It’s embarrassing people care so much to come hate on her podcast reviews. Like just agree to disagree and listen to something you enjoy. Sending so much love to this pod! Thanks for keeping us all entertained 💗
  • FormerCrusher99484620
    Train Wreck
    While I first thought Lala was unapologetically truthful and found it interesting to get her unfiltered point of view, the more I listened the more I realized that while she’s definitely unapologetic and unfiltered, her point of view is so self absorbed and delusional that it has hit new heights of cringe. She tries to re-write history and paint herself as more then she is. Even more cringy is her blaccent and her talking about se-cks with her brother. It’s time to abandon the sinking ship and find better podcasts for that morning commute.
  • venus777virgo
    Can’t even listen to her voice anymore
    Lala you were one of my favs. Your downfall towards being so disliked needs to be studied in universities.
  • DST -Ferris
    Please Stop
    Please stop trying to be so gangster, you are doing a modern day “black face”. You and your brother dread need to stop! What you are doing is so disrespectful
  • Benson Stan
    VPR aside
    I will start by saying your entire season 11 was horrible and I think you need to reflect on how and why you are getting this backlash but that aside. After scandoval settled your podcast was truly exposed for what it is which is bad. If you aren’t providing a VPR spoiler or talking about another bravo show, your pod say is literally trash. I say that b/c when you attempt to talk about other subjects like the news you and your cohosts who for the most part blindly agree with you don’t even inform yourself on the subject you are speaking on. This bad for many reasons. One it leads to misinformation and 2 there is no real substance to the conversation. I think you confuse reality tv with the art of podcasting. You LaLa are not that interesting on a day to day. So you have to actually do the work it takes to create content that serves 3 listeners. Simply telling me what you think is a hilarious story about the most mundane thing of your day is not worthy content. Also you should encourage your cohosts to say their actual opinions any time they do you swat them down and I can feel them course correcting to appease you. This is your podcast clearly and you can emotionally or narcissistically dump on the audience if you want we don’t have to listen, but if you want to sustain your business maybe go against your own advice and I can’t even believe I’m saying this but take a page out of Scheana’s book and live in the comment section. I’ve read a lot of these comments and sure some are digs but if you really go through it you will start to see consistent and helpful critiques. You need to stop pretending to be this big boss and start actually putting in the work. I will quickly switch back to VPR, you say Ariana has given nothing but that is you simply projecting because Lauren we have never seen you completely since you’ve been on VPR. You’ve hidden or done every major thing off camera even being sober. Sure you talk about being sober but we never saw the journey on how you actually got to that point. You have given us explosive catch phrases sure but you haven’t given us substance. Until you do that I don’t think there is any change you will ever grow pass being some chick on a reality show that is about to run its course. Respectfully
  • aymaureen
    Talking about someone’s relationship with their dead father is low
    I loved this podcast until she made a comment saying “I don’t know if Ariana was as close to her father as I was mine” YOU DO NOT QUESTION PEOPLE’S RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEIR PARENTS. It is not your place. It’s especially disgusting as her father is dead. I used to love Lala. I used to love this podcast. But you deserve to be dragged for this. That is a vile thing to say.
  • dobetterjensaviano
  • Lp foxey 1
    Not sure what happened
    Lala used to be snarky but fun. Now she’s just negative, mean and insulting. Bring back the old Lala. Can’t listen to her voice or her silly sidekicks anymore. Real friends would tell her the truth.
  • Lala554
    I feel bad about all the hate y’all are getting :(
    Lala you have been my faveeee since day 1 But I do admit I wasn’t loving you on this recent season. BUT! I feel rlly bad about all the hateful comments i see.. she’s a human with feelings so I wanted to throw some kindness your guys way :)
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