
Fiction #61Drama #25

Do not fear the dark, fear what darkness brings...
Arkham Private Investigator Arthur Lester wakes up with no memory of who he is or what has happened, only a nameless, eerie voice guiding him through the darkness.
Blind, terrified, and confused, his journey will lead him towards a series of mysteries in the hopes of understanding the truth of what has transpired.
As cosmic horrors seep into the world around, Arthur must ask himself whether this entity truly seeks to help him, or are its intentions more…
Malevolent is produced, written, edited, performed, scored & created by Harlan Guthrie.
This podcast contains mature themes, explicit language, bodily horror, violence, otherworldly terror and death. Listener discretion is advised. Full transcripts of every episode are available here.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tj6643
    Fantastic show!
    Great story and production. My favorite podcast. I always look forward to new episodes. I hope it goes on forever!
  • Mermaid_Face
    Terrifyingly Addicting
    This. Is. Absolutely. Incredible. Seriously, floored that this was produced by one person. You would never guess it. It is exciting and horrifying, and you do really come to love the characters. Both Arthur’s & John’s character development is intriguing and believable. Just makes you want to know them more. Guthrie is next level with this Podcast. I honestly cannot find anything that even remotely compares, and it is frustrating because I need a million more. Thank you for creating this, and for adding new episodes! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
  • Hoodiecladknight
    I am in love with this story
    I cannot express how much I adore this story. It’s so well written, both a thrilling horror story of the cosmic horror variety, but also a love story. I only just finished season one but- it’s a love story and I refuse to be told otherwise. A very Intense Love Story, but it rules. Also for an audio medium, the monster designs are so cool. This whole thing is so inspiring I can’t articulate it all I am really grateful for all the work put into this story
  • Kowmonkey
    Definitely listen
    Great show, awesome job with 1 person doing all the voices
  • jksamps
    This is a fantastic podcast!!!! The detail of the story, the narration, the sounds of the monsters and the locations they travel too, I could go on. Thank you so much!!
  • phukapplesheit
    So Romantic!
    A horrific and touching adventure/ love story between a jaded, cynical private investigator, and an ex terrible god of chaos, complete with romantic piano music. Very fun, and getting through the pillow talk takes a bit of patience.
  • giakelly
    Can we add more stars
  • Moonkistforlife
    Podcast for the storyteller
    This is the perfect podcast for anyone who loves a good story. The horror is fantastic but what really grips me is the depth and earnestness of the narrative. Flawed protagonists, the terror of the unknown, and forces beyond comprehension- who doesn’t love that?
  • CMSharpe
    Above and beyond
    Great story, awesome acting, great sound, good score. Excels in the character and plot development. Only (minor) issues are this: episodes are at least a month apart (but boy, is the wait worth it!) and for being blind, he adapts well right from the start. But other than that, it’s totally worth listening to.
  • (Walter55)
    One Great Podcast
    UPDATE: 5/24, DONT LET THIS AWESOME PODCAST DIE AWAY, PLEASE RETURN WITH MORE EPISODES, PLEASE!!! This is one of the finest horror podcasts bar none. Interesting premise and exciting content from beginning to end. Voice acting and storytelling is superbly executed with amazing performances from the cast of voice actors! Well done!
  • I’m still Evo Terra
    Destined to be a classic of fiction podcasting
    This show couldn't be made in any other format other than a fiction podcast. The entire premise is dependent of the medium. And the soundscaping is as deliberate and well done as anything. Exquisite.
  • zkadc
    phenomenal podcast !!!
    Malevolent is by far my favorite podcast of all time! The storyline, the writing, the characters and their growth have all enthralled me tightly. An ominous, gripping tale that nevertheless will make you see the beauty of hope, love and the human spirit. I’ve gotten more than one person similarly hooked just by raving about it. I can’t recommend it enough!!!
  • Mayday 111
    SUCH an incredible podcast!
    I love Malevolent! This story and its characters has completely enraptured me. It both horrifies and delights me.
  • Jfjbsk
    Love this so far
    I love the story so far and the back and forth between Arthur and the entity is fun, but Arthur’s poor decision making and nonsensical thoughts are infuriating. Wish he would get taken over already 😂
  • Drawermcdrawsome
    Arthur’s Doing His Best, He’s Just a Mess
    (And who isn’t, really.) The story is dark and compelling, the characters are interesting and multifaceted, and I could go on about any of those but honestly the acting alone is far beyond the price of admission. Oh? Wait, apparently this is free. So it’s actually a STEAL. This podcast is like crime you won’t get in trouble for, unless you’re listening at work and your boss is a jerk. Heed the content warnings, turn off the lights, and enjoy.
  • DyneSil
    A masterwork of storytelling and character acting all done by a single person.
  • Grey26
    Used to be Better
    Gonna be honest, I used to love this podcast! The first couple of season were doing really fun character work and I really felt like it was going somewhere. And then the dreamlands arc hit and suddenly I felt like we were treading water. But I kept going, because I still liked the characters a lot. But they started just rehashing the same drama and Arthur became more and more unlikeable as his motivations began to make less and less sense, until I finally just quit listening. If you want to enjoy this show, stop after the dreamlands arc. Honestly, stop halfway through the dreamlands arc. This show meant a lot to me for a long time but I'm forced to assume that the character and theme work that I enjoyed was potentially all accidental, because it hasn't been present in the show in a long time. Save yourself the trouble.
  • NovaCove-island
    Do not recommend
    This show had great potential, but really jumped the shark in season 3. Arthur starts out as a compelling flawed character, but as he gets worse the narrative only seems to excuse him more. I love a corruption arc, but the tone of the show wants me to think Arthur is still a hero no matter how uncaring he is to everyone around him. I wish the show properly explored the themes it sets up instead of jumping from one situation to the next with no lasting consequences.
  • darkthur
    best story i have ever listened to
    this podcast is THE most interesting, detailed, and well thought out story i have come across. it was SO easy to dive right into and it is even easier to re-listen to over and over, i swear i notice something new every single time. harlan guithre has written this story SO well that i feel as though i am on this adventure side-by-side with john and arthur from the get-go, and it is exhilarating to say the least. you think you know where its going to go, and i promise that you do not! these characters and their arcs are so expertly written that i simply fell in love with this story before the first episode even ended. i have NEVER experienced that before. i love that while this is certainly a horror story, it is also a very human one. i couldn't help but become deeply invested in the growth that each of the main characters experience individually through the trials and tribulations this story takes them through, but in the growth in their relationship as well. i have yet to come across a piece of media that i love as much as i love malevolent and meets the bar set by harlan, no one is doing it like him! i have recommended this show to so many of my friends and it has been SO well-received, for very good reason. if you give this story a try, i promise that you won't regret it! i know i certainly don't :) harlan, if you see this, please know that i, and many others, are in awe of you. to think that this entire PRODUCTION is really a one-man show is something that i still have a hard time comprehending given the incredibly high quality of its execution. i thought for so long that this was the work of an entire cast and crew, and to think that it is all you is astounding. thank you for sharing your creation with us, it is such a privilege to experience your innate talent and skill. i hope that you become a household name for all horror fans. you deserve that.
  • ConcernedAmon
    Horror, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy(!)
    Big spooks and big bads. Definitely recommend to anyone who likes caves and listening to one man struggle, and succeed!, in doing several different British accents.
  • wil (john does biggest fan)
    john doe
    i love john doe so much i have a shrine to him in my room and pray to it every night
  • saturn king
    men fighting and eldritch horror
    obsessed with this spooky podcast, i tell people i'm listening to my "men yelling at each other" horror podcast whenever asked about it. they really are always fighting and i feel like a third, slightly less intense, voice intruding on their heartfelt moments.
  • Auden H. W.
    An Amazing Podcast
    I have thoroughly enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to, and the dynamic between the two main characters is truly excellent. Never manages to fall into tired tropes or overplayed plot points, it feels completely natural, like two people who are genuine and real. Kudos to the creator for being able to bring them to life so completely. LOVE THIS SHOW! LISTEN NOW!
  • Just Another Brian
    I listened to one…then immediately listened to 20 more
    This show will get its hooks in you QUICK! Fantastic show and incredibly well produced. I’ve been binging it over the past week am in AWE of Harlan and the fact that this entire show is made by a single person. Listen now. You won’t regret it!
  • Darrowsamis
    Arthur and John: bromancing through the trauma
    This is hands down one of the best podcast out there! So engaging, such amazing use of Lovecraft mythos, and the classical music is just *chefs kiss*. And all made possible by one talented artist! What do you have to lose?! TRY MALEVOLENT TODAY OR ELSE 🤪
  • G. Syler
    Worth a Listen
    Seen this pop up in recommends after listening to Magnus Archives. Decides to give it a listen on a whim. I binged all of the first two seasons in a month. And after getting her into it, my girlfriend and I now have a tradition of making dinner and listening to new episodes together whenever a new one drops.
  • Lightgremlin
    The Horrors are Emotionally Devastating but in a Good Way
    I think I cry more often than not while listening to this podcast and I love it so much! 10/10 have inflicted this emotional devastation on others
  • audrieeeeee
    i like john
    but also arthur <3
  • John pate14
    Uh wut
    Good story big scary
  • Qazpl2
    I like John
    This podcast has some good moments, but I am tired of Arthur, he is an a-hole!!!!
  • Gregnantlimbuscompany
    lol, blind guy.
  • Alii Kealoha
    Amazing story
    This is one of the best ones I’ve listened to. I can’t wait for more.
  • Nanodelrio
    You won’t regret this
    This is one of the best audio drama i have ever heard this will forever be in my top five for as long as i live, and that is not an exaggeration.
  • ssChilds
    this podcast is my roman empire
    The pure CRAFT that we are listening to is such a privilege I literally can’t stop listening and I can’t wait for more of season 5
  • ✨Topiary✨
    Reference this podcast daily
    I heard about this podcast in an add while listening to tma, so I switched tracks and turned on the first episode. Long story short, I didn’t finish tma for another 6 months because this podcast consumed me. Excellent work, truly!
  • PurpleSocksInTheDark
    This podcast is so good it's painful. I love it so much.
  • Kwolthuis
    BEST PODCAST EVER!!!!!!!!!
    I’ve listened to this podcast at least 6 times already.. that’s enough said to tell you how good this podcast is!
  • Shawn_TheWriter
    I was hooked from the first episode. The writing, the voice acting, the storytelling, the drama, are all part of what makes this podcast great. Harlan Guthrie has crafted a masterpiece of horror, and intrigue.
  • Heavenly Bibi
    A creative endeavor of cosmic horror
    I began Malevolent in 2023 during a binge of getting into other horror podcasts. It made me read the King In Yellow and annotate it, it made me create fanart, and it made me cry during certain moments with how much it resonated with me. Harlan Guthrie is a wonderful, creative, passionate, and all in all the most ambitious person to have made this astounding and terrifying podcast. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, and he makes me insane when I try to predict what will happen next. Please give Malevolent a listen, it will be so worth it.
  • maplekatieee
    this podcast makes my brain explode (in a good way)
    I wasn't sure what I was getting into starting this podcast, but it blew me away and quickly become one of my favorites I've listened to! The voice acting and sound design are amazing and pull you right into the scene. The characters feel so real and complex, and you really feel for them when they succeed or fail at something. I loved seasons 3 and 4, and am planning to do a re-listen now that I'm caught up. So looking forward to how the story continues! Oh, and Arthur and John is my beloved little blorbos, I love them and their relationship so much!!
  • ssnipes
    🤯🤯🤯🤯 MIND. BLOWN.
    Ok so the writing is unmatched. The story is intricate, smart…no sharks jumped. Harland’s VOICES are top tier. The soundscaping is so good, I listen with earphones and I legit jumped MANY times as I felt I was there observing. This is a MASTERCLASS in narrative storytelling not just horror podcasting.
  • beardednurse13
    This show came out of no where for me!! I cannot get enough! Absolutely amazing show!! It’s a ride ride, the dynamics of Arthur and John are intense at times and fun at others. I would highly recommend this show!!
  • XevTheDreamReaper
    This is best audio drama podcast I’ve ever listened too!
  • shelfonfigg
    Really good.
    Best I’ve ever listened to. Just gonna start season two a little later.
  • Whovianimeniac
    Amazing and devastating
    No podcast has ever made me as emotional as this one. If you like character-driven podcasts with a lot of emotion, I highly recommend this one. I started this series less than a week before writing this review, and in that time I have caught up and become devastated that there isn’t more. The wait is agonizing but worth it. However. Parts of this podcast are very fast-paced, and the first few episodes are a bit rocky. This series has a very quick learning curve. I recommend listening to at least 3 episodes before solidifying how you feel about it. I wish you luck. Try not to listen in public too much, those sad scenes come out of absolutely nowhere! ❤️
  • Krista528
    I’m binging on it .. stopped listening to all other podcasts!!! So entertaining if you are horror sci-fi fan
  • Ehasp
    By far the best podcast. The storyline the characters. Can't wait for the next episode. Highly recommend
  • invertebrate_time
    I was hooked on this podcast from the very first episode, the two main characters are so strongly developed and the world building is incredible!! I’m so impressed, there’s never a dull moment- definitely one of my absolute favorite podcasts!! I can’t wait to re-listen to it all again!
  • Hurrricane irene
    Easily the best story I have ever heard
    This podcast hits every single chord. Horror, comedy, love but in a non romantic way making it more symbolic, action, adventure, drama, suspense. It is able to tell the story without actual narration and uses just dialogue and tremendous sound effects. Every episode leaves me wanting more and none disappoint. The voice acting is top notch and has more emotion than any other podcast Ive listened too, and thats coming from someone whos an avid Magnus Archives and Welcome to Nightvale fan. If you dont listen to this or bail after a few episodes you are doing yourself a huge disservice. All in all, contrary to other long running podcasts, this one only gets better and continues to expand in world-building.
  • Mallon3
    The story all around is outstanding but to avoid spoilers for readers of reviews I will keep it brief. Part 40- 22:50 is arguably the funniest line in this entire show. Thank you.
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