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RBstearnsI’ve Learned So Much!Informative and honest. Thank you for doing this work!
Monarchs and MeadowsWe need this podcastGreat podcast with a lot of information. I would love more hair loss episodes especially focusing on a new epidemic in women before menopause called FFA.
Laura88935Love thisLove this podcast. I would love to hear an episode about women who can’t do HRT. I’m supposed to take tamoxifen and don’t want to but I have er and pr + dcis The fear is real, but so are meno. symptoms since I got off HRT. some women who are told they can’t do it have no idea how good it is. I miss my HRT…. Now what to I do. :(
Liza182Always great…butWould love to hear a pod on women who can’t adjust to the hrt. What do we do? I have tried so many different doses but depression and anxiety flare up. I cant find much on that.
lornas timeThe BEST!!!Thank you Kelly for all you do for all woman!!!!! You’re show has helped is countless ways!
AM25*Life changing!Great information! I have learned so much from this podcast. A must listen to for all. So many interesting topics! I’m addicted and have shared it with family, friends and coworkers. Life changing!
It’s a HellYeah for me100%This podcast is phenomenal! I adore Dr Casperson’s approach and as a hormone provider myself, respect and appreciate her voice on the topic so so SO much! This podcast is a HellYeah for me!!
BB000qUghWanted to learn, but could not take the male bashing.
Ready to be at party4 years BehindI just found Dr Casperson and I am on a 289 episode binge. She is amazing in answering all the questions and problems we women have.
Jodie former CanadianAll generations!I love your podcast, now that the narrative is out there and us Gen X’ers are becoming more informed about hormones and longevity, how do we continue to educate the younger generations and make it better for our children!! Thank you for continuing the conversation 💪❤️
Leigh-LewThank youI share this podcast with patients all the time. A great resource! I revised this review bc I just heard Kelly saying she is one of 9 experts in sex med in the country. I’d say the member list of ISSWSH would beg to differ. There is a big issue on social medicine recently where providers like to know some secret thing especially in area of menopause. Sorry Kelly it’s not rocket science, you are not a unicorn bc you have a podcast. People who are seeking support for women’s sexual health and menopause do not need to travel to see you. They can simply check the ISSWSH and websites to find providerswow Addendum. Changed review bc dr C has inexplicably decided to support and promote a physician that has lost her British menopause society certification and is currently under investigation for overmedicating women with MHT instead of choosing to believe the patients who have been harmed and physicians who’ve lodged complications against these prescribing practices. Finally dr c has been all over SM saying estrogen doesn’t cause cancer. This is blatantly false. I am shocked and sadden that she has chosen this path. This is not advocating for women. There are many ways to safely take MHT and she is ignoring those in favor of clicks apparently.
SpicybrainAhhhhmazingI just learned about Dr Casperson on Reddit and she does not disappoint. I love how she answers question. One of my Pet peeves is when experts say everyone is different go see your specialist. Ughh not everyone has access. Thank you thank you Dr casperson for understanding that giving us a answer and ideas for further research can help in the meantime bc it’s so depressing that in this day and age I’m the first gen to even know what perimenopause is!!!!
Amybeth1126So glad to find this podcast!I'm so grateful that Kelly Casperson is being so vocal about menopause in podcast and book- I listened to chapter 1 of the book today and grateful is pretty much all I feel, for validating what we experience, without being minimized or talked down to , or ignored completely. BROKEN was definitely how I felt the last few years, and I'm glad for some explanation and encouragement from Kelly. I hope these get shared wide, so nobody else suffers and loses like I did.
jencrogreMuch needed PLAIN TALK!Common sense advice that no one shared when we were younger! May todays women (and men) understand more about women’s bodies, health, menopause and sexuality so it’s better for all of us!
Lucy M.PLove this podcast!I’m so glad I found this podcast. Each episode is packed with information and wisdom in a way that you can digest easily and apply to your life. Definitely give it a listen~
AnetteHBSThe BEST Podcast Ever!Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I love your podcast! I have learned sooo much. Every woman should be listening to your show.
Minera75Listen to This Podcast!Thank you, Dr. Casperson for going above and beyond to reach as many people as possible about this vital information. I’ve been extensively researching menopause the past two years after being misdiagnosed and I have found your podcast to be the most informative. I’ve sent this podcast to every woman I know. I am a more informed and communicative wife and a better mother by teaching my three daughters about all things female. We play “red light challenge” while driving where my daughters have to answer my female questions or name as many female parts as you can while the light is red. Not only are you impacting my marriage, my well-being, and health but the lives of future generations, so thank you!
readgal23AwesomeDr Casperson is an amazing leader in the menopause industry fighting for our womanliness!! . She brings useful interesting podcasts each week and I am grateful. Plus she is a fabulous person!!
little-k74I have told many of my friends about this podcast!Having just turned 50 I was curious about menopause having had a uterine ablation a few years ago (no regular periods). I remember listening to my first episode and someone mentioned irregular bleeding as one of the menopause symptoms. As I continued listening, in my mind I kept thinking “yes, yes, yes…” to many other symptoms. Thankfully my symptoms are not life altering at this point but if left untreated could be. I started HRT for prevention of symptoms of menopause and other diseases and conditions from aging. I love all the different topics Kelly discusses and all the women she is helping and empowering. Keep up the amazing work!
iPad beckyLook forward to each new episodeI can’t wait to receive the book! I am learning so much. I wish I lived in your area to see you as a provider.
Lana fbSo helpfulThis podcast has been so helpful in addressing my questions.
1972MotormouthHelping women navigate midlife 💪🏼I’ve learned so much from listening and I often send to my friends and my mom who is 77. We have a third of our lives left and there’s no reason to not have the support we need during menapause.
JustMe TracyEpisode 214 trigger warning!I have listened to only a few episodes and had been enjoying learning tips about sexuality as a woman who just entered menopause. Unfortunately, the “obituary” portion of episode 214 describes sexual abuse and was very upsetting to me. I felt like I was calmly half listening and then was jarred awake hearing about someone’s abuse. I think this should be noted at the beginning of the show and again before it is narrated.
MoobmoobThis show helps my doctors do their job!Thanks to this podcast I have known the right questions to ask my doctor , understood my symptoms and felt empowered to demand menopause care and prevention. I’m so thankful for Dr. Casperson!
Dancebabe6Worth Every MinuteI love feeling validate as a menopausal women. I feel empowered.
DTuscanoLancet Menopause Article RebuttalI really enjoyed this podcast as I do most of the material. However, I was very disappointed at the end where alcohol was brought up. I think you really missed the mark on that one by saying “it’s just not possible (to go zero alcohol) in our society”. Wow. You should know that it’s of course entirely possible. Maybe not easy, but yes, anyone can. I did and so have many of my friends. You gave the stats of how not drinking is better for overall health, less chance of breast cancer, less symptoms with menopause but then kind of…dismissed going zero. I think with your platform, it could really be encouraged.
SRoeLMTEnjoyingAs a middle aged woman who is experiencing many changes, I found this podcast very helpful. Finally we are talking about things that need to be talked about. Especially hormone therapy. I wanted to comment on a specific episode, but didn’t see that option. I started testosterone therapy to feel better…not to increase libido. I was lifting weights, doing CrossFit, and always felt sore. Always. Even with cutting back and recovery days. Testosterone has helped big time with this. I do injections once a week at home. It was tough finding a provider to work with me and prescribe T shots, but 100% worth it.
ffgshhChanged My LifeThis podcast has changed my life… I have had so many problems with my body throughout my life. It’s left a lot of emotional scarring. Most physicians made me feel like I’m the problem and at home my partner made me feel the same. This podcast woke me up and helped me realize I had real problems, I deserved more, and I was NOT broken. I had believed I was totally and completely broken and was told I was …. Between the guests and Dr. Kelly on *segs, anatomy, hormones, and more… the episodes have given me IMMENSE hope. The information they provide has kept me busy reading and listening to all the sources they offer. I only wish I could have heard this 15 years ago… my only complaint to date. Thank you so so so much Dr. C and guests!!!!!!
psv723Love love loveFinally a doctor speaking truth and sharing solutions for midlife women ! I share this podcast with all my friends. Kelly Casperson tells it like it is with a sincere authenticity. I’m a total fan girl!
WHYY fanlife changingI found Dr Casperson on Insta & just listened for the first time, jumping in on ep 250 Bio-psychosocial Medications. As the episode ended, I had chills & felt like I might cry. I felt so seen & have so much home from the information I learned here.
MaNurzLife Changing!!This podcast is changing lives!! I’m 58 and have been on HRT since I was 42, I am feeling my absolute best! It has inspired me so much as an RN that I’m going to graduate school to pursue NP in Women’s Health, with the hope to specialize in hormone therapy. You are the best Dr. Casperson!!!
utz15Life changingI was desperate and found your instagram by chance . Your work is LIFE CHANGING! I have shared with every woman I know. Thank you !
- is necessary. This is healing. This is so very helpful on so many levels. I hope she never stops speaking, learning, and sharing… changing lives….and saving lives…just through this podcast. Listen-you will have no regrets other than not having found this earlier.
MissyMeauxLove your podcast!Thank you so much for all that you to educate us all! Knowledge is power!!
kid with a passion for drawingDr. Kelly is changing lives!Thank you Dr. Kelly for your presence on Instagram and for this podcast! Thank you for telling women that we don't need to suffer. The latest episode with Katey had me in tears. I could relate to all of it!!! The prolapse discussion hit me in the gut. To not know what's happening with our bodies is terrifying. Thank you Katey for being so open. I finally took control at 53 and while I fired my last doctor (gave me HRT but I had to fight for testosterone and she refused to discuss progesterone) I'm feeling so much better! That being said I can't help but feel such a loss of the last 10 years, years of depression, anxiety, RAGE, and drinking because of it. So many things could have been different. But I can't look back... I'm sober almost 5 years and getting the hormone help I need. Now I'm screaming from the rooftop about HRT because women need to know about this stuff much, much earlier. Thank you Dr. Kelly, for being an advocate for us!
PheediepDr Casperson Is A National Treasure!Every time she says “You are not broken”, I want to cry because for too long I’ve been feeling like a big mess. Wish I had found her sooner.
KatzcloseupOne of the very few talking about BHRTWe women were done a big mis-service with the inaccurate WHI1 so I’m late to the party at 71, trying to get some benefits from BHRT and found my regular docs are bought into the misinfo and not re-educated in the truth that, frankly, is their job to know. This pod cast has been most helpful in understanding how to navigate a broken medical system (you are not broken, but chances are your GYN is ;)
newpodcastuserSo thrilled to find this👏👏👏🔥
Miami teacherGreat podcastI started listening to you for a few weeks now. I love how informative it is. Thanks for the awesome information 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
B K smsWanna bet?I liked your cast but I still feel like I am alone and will continue to be a part from and broken for good.
Alison AriansWonderful information!Thank you for this information! I’m 52 and my new amazing doctor suggested I listen to the podcasts about HRT (so helpful!!) and I’m branching out and listening to lots of other episodes. Thank you!!!!
LaurieMavesArtYour show is life changingAt 52 not one doctor told me any of this information. I got a new doctor this year and she is mid thirties and she is the FIRST DOCTOR EVER - to suggest HRT to help me out with so many physical and mental health issues. I keep studying HRT and finding docs like you, podcasts like this - I came to you via Cynthia Thurlow - keep rocking it!
ChechiStewLife changing information for menopausal womenI am SO happy I discovered Dr Kelly Casperson and her amazing podcast. I have been listening and sharing her podcast with every woman I know over the age of 45. I have also been frustrated that this information isn’t more widely available sooner. I have a good friend who is a family dr and in menopause and even she didn’t have this information!!! Please listen to every episode and learn how to help yourself and your friends
flkdsjfdslfjdslLadies~ this is for us!Dr. Kelly Casperson’s podcast is a beautiful mix of scientifically backed medical information delivered in an easy to digest, fun, authentic way. It feels like talking with your close friend who happens to know all about the issues that us ladies going through peri & post menopause are dealing with. I also feel well informed and ready to have discussions with my doctor. I continually share this podcast and her book with friends and on FB, because we need to know about our own bodies in order to stay healthy and live our best lives. Thank you, Kelly ❤️
Informed and thankfulIncredibleI am driving around and listening to these podcasts everywhere I go! I am astounded by all that I am learning and understanding. I think I’ve told about 20 friends, both men and women. Every healthcare provider I know has been reached out to and given any info I have about Dr. Casperson. I am meeting with my OB/GYN Tuesday. Set up an appt. To have a discussion with him. Thank you so much for caring, Dr. Casperson. You are sassy and cute and so smart!
Insta-leafamEngaging!I absolutely enjoy every episode! Lots of great information! I especially enjoyed this last episode with the journal updates. I love the relaxed, conversational tone like we could be sitting at the doctor’s lounge. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
Kathye76Must know information!I’m so happy I found this podcast. It gave me the tools to take charge of my 47 year old health care. If I would have just listened to my primary care provider I would still be miserable. Kelly taught me how to advocate for myself and find a provider to help.
SDCelMy favorite PodcastSunday nights are my favorite because that’s when it drops! I’m so thankful to have found this podcast right when I needed it! Thank you for all you do to keep us aware of the latest research and for teaching us how to advocate for ourselves.
DebbbbbbbssGreat evidence based information!As a fellow women’s health provider, I already know most of what Kelly says, but it is nice to have it reinforced and hear it in a different way. I frequently refer my friends and patients to her book and social media to supplement their knowledge. Keep up the great work!
Berriesncreamy17I learn so much from this podcastI’m a medical professional in women’s health and I learn so much listening to this podcast! I love it. Thank you so much for your expertise and passion and keep up the great work! We need you!!!
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