The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

All Genres #196News #25

Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of ‘The West Wing,’ Lawrence O’Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. Join him every weeknight.

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  • cynchronized
    Minority Rule
    I watch your show everyday. Countless times I’ve heard you ask: Why do Republicans lie for Trump? Why don’t they speak the truth about the 2020 election and Jan 6? Why did they allow their party to be hijacked by Trump? Why are Republicans risking our country becoming an autocracy and the possibility that this might be the last meaningful election we have? Minority rule. That is and has been the overriding mission for Republicans. Those Republicans who surprise and disappoint you with their recent behavior towards Trump’s MAGA party are likely embarrassed about the way in which they are getting the minority rule they so covet. That should tell you just how badly they want to impose their unpopular policies on the rest of us. I am 72 years old and have been observing the Republican Party for a very long time. For decades Republicans have been doing everything they could think of to achieve and perpetuate control of our country. They know they do not represent the interests of the majority of Americans. That leaves them only with the option of doing everything possible to achieve minority rule. They have been doing that by curtailing the voting rights of the majority and promoting false populist issues like immigration and abortion. I implore you to start using the term “minority rule” instead of authoritarianism or autocracy. Authoritarianism and autocracy are vague terms to the majority of voters. I hate to say it but it is going over the heads of MAGA voters and voters who do not appear to understand the stakes of this election, such as young voters. MAGA voters believe they want Trump to have the power to do the things they want the government to do (or not do). It seems not to occur to them that, if elected, Trump could then do none of the things they want and many things they don’t want. Please talk more about that. Please lead Democrats to talk about Trump and Republicans in that manner. Don’t rely on voters to read books about how awful autocracy is. And, most importantly, don’t expect Republicans in power to be swayed by those ideas. In all likelihood, they believe they can achieve minority rule without all-out authoritarianism. They are whistling past the graveyard of democracy. Minority rule is an easy concept to communicate and to understand and it has the added bonus of encompassing all Republicans and the Supreme Court, not just the presidency.
  • Constitution modernizer
    Great interview. I wish there was a way to contact Lawrence because I would like to send him a copy of A MORE PERFECT DEMOCRACY: MODERNIZING THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. I think he would find a lot of ideas in it he would agree with should be implimented.
  • JeReynAZ
    Anthony Fauci: We love you
    We love you too Lawrence.
  • midwestBlue
    Thank you Lawrence for honoring Dr. Fauci. I hate trump for many things and I really hate him and his cult of maggots he directs like the wicked witch of the west directed her flying monkeys to attack. trump does the same to and through his cult maggots. trump tries to and in some cases succeeds in destroying good people and their families by creating mental, physical & security stress, anguish & fear. trump should get no less than a firing squad for what he has done.
  • ABN0455
    What a joke !!
  • Debbie in AZ
    Where are all this week’s episodes?
    Please post the episodes so I won’t miss a word from Lawrence.
  • More Skin in the Game
    Lawrence O’Donnell
    The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell is without doubt the best show of it’s nature I have ever watched. Lawrence is pithy, sardonic, eloquent, and impossible to turn off. He drills down on the essential facts of a story in brilliant fashion such that I absolutely know he speaks the truth. The wonderful thing about him is he is not afraid to tell it exactly as it is and include with that delivery his personal opinion on the subject or person upon which he is reporting. I will watch him for as long as he will continue to flood my living room with his wise appraisal of this crazy world in which we live. Thank you Lawrence! You’re welcome in my home for dinner any time.
  • B02@
    The debates
    Lawrence please pile it on between now and the debate. You and your team are uniquely qualified to irritate his massive ego. It would be terrific to hear him going off on you on national television while trying to debate Biden on domestic policies.
  • allideas
    Do not take revenge but leave room for God’s wrath
    It’s important for us as Christians to remember that while it's natural to feel hurt or wronged, we are called to respond with love and forgiveness. As Romans 12:19 advises, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord.
  • Che Block
    Poor closeted gay Sam
    Alito married to a stupid boorish woman
  • Burdyblue
    What is Haley thinking?
    She has ZERO between her ears.
  • Suzanne / Gypsy at heart 💕
    Spot on with explaining in detail the corruption
    Thank you !
  • gordoe72
    What was the difference in timing between the payoff of Stormy Daniels and the reopening of the investigation of Hillary Clinton?
  • Marie Tellez
    We love when you expose Trump , well done
    Lawrence, great program 🙏🏼💙🌊🇺🇸
  • JLC5270
    The best
    There is no show greater than Lawrence’s show. His knowledge, his delivery and his guests make it the one show I never miss.
  • ElizaCost
    We must get real.
    Trump has never, in his long history of criming, been held accountable and never will be held accountable by our injustice system. Jails are only reserved for innocents and dissidents who happen to be from the working classes, and some criminals from the “lower” classes, but never any wealthy and powerful criminals. And America has 2 criminals running for president. One committing war crimes and genocide by starving a million people. Morally bankrupt. America is in steep decline. Elizabeth
  • flyover land
    Courtroom reporting
    5 Star reporting & insightful commentary from The courtroom…
  • Jen-Degtjarewsky
    On Target 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
    Lawrence’s analysis of Hope Hicks on the stand at Trump’s election interference trial in New York is why I listen. In all the coverage, only Lawrence did not bow to her appearance, her tears, or her mild manner. He nailed the situation and did it eloquently. Privilege, out-of-her-depth at the White House, selling out for access. His comparison between Hick’s and the Social Media pro for the prosecution on the stand the same day was on target. Thank you Lawrence for seeing things so clearly and reporting what others won’t or can’t. 🎯
  • C. K. A
    Lawrence O’Donnell. That best for showing us who Donald Trump is a very small man.
    A great podcast.
  • LaraGen
    take down of Hope Hicks, Lawrence. Brilliant.
  • debllstl
    Rachel & Lawrence are my favorites!
    Great podcast. Highly recommend. Thank you, Lawrence, for speaking truth in these dangerous times. Your take on Fani Willis’ letter to J Jordan, for example, was exactly what we need to hear. MAGA Republicans, like Jordan, do not deserve courtesy. We need to stand up to these verbally abusive, disrespectful, ignorant MAGA people in Congress. I, for one, appreciate that you are not tip toeing around the disgusting behavior that is going on in our country. Keep calling out Republicans’ lies. Keep calling out Trump’s criminality and his threats to our democracy. Keep reporting on President Biden’s hard work for our country. Keep calling out mainstream media for not reporting on the disturbing danger Trump presents. Keep reporting on our insanely MAGA-fied Supreme Court. Main stream media is not keeping citizens accurately informed. You are, Lawrence, and your voice and experience are greatly appreciated and crucial to our survival as a civilized society.
  • postamaradulcia
    Puerile and gloating
    It is sad to see how low Lawrence has fallen on MSNBC. He is no different than the overplayed Maddow now. Once worth watching for erudition and insight, he is now just like a childish, gloating redditor with a hot take. Unsubbed.
  • SRSC12
    Your vote lives after you!
    As a longtime fan of LO, I’ve come to expect an outstanding A Block monologue. There is NONE BETTER than his important 4/11/24 opening monologue: YOUR VOTE LIVES AFTER YOU!
  • W in Roa
    You can write a better guest intro
    Your intro of Lawrence Tribe, as compared with other guests, always leaves me feeling embarrassed for him. I immediately envision an elderly janitor, hunched over his broom, fingering the watch he was given for his 50 years of service. You seem particularly impressed with Tribe’s lengthy tenure as a professor at Harvard, ‘cause that’s the only thing you offer as his bona fides. There’s no mention of the 36 cases he argued before the Supreme Court, the major treatise he wrote on Constitutional Law, the famous and influential figures he taught and mentored. Namely, why you invite him to appear on your show - I’ll wager it’s not for his tenure on the Harvard faculty.
  • das1976
    Feedback on The Last Word
    I almost always watch “The Last Word” the following morning because we record every episode. I watch it with wife. We get most of our news from MSNBC shows. On Friday’s, the best guest host is Ali Velshi.
  • Enough with the updates!
    Report on Something Else
    Please talk about Biden's Dept of Education's lack of response to Florida's false teaching of slavery in the public schools. The top of every hour is Trump, Trump, Trump...and I'm sick of it. What is Secretary Miguel Cardona and President Biden doing? Maybe this is something VP Harris could tackle.
  • justpam
    Liar McDaniel
    Why would you even have her in your show and give her airtime to propagate more lies? I’m done with this show.
  • Adorable human
    Lawrence claams me down with facts and humor
    You do not wring your hands and wet the bed as some Democrats do. Keep it coming!
  • RudyElaine
    Never miss his show!
    I just love the manner in which Lawrence gives us the political scoop every evening!! I watch his news show on television and later listen to his show again, on his podcast ❣️ Thank you , Lawrence, for your creative and informative presentation☀️
  • Regineyw
    Please keep doing what you are doing
    As no one else in the media is talking about trump ‘s age and cognitive declines. The media is focusing more on Biden’ age than Trump’s! Why not the media expose more of this “ Trump neurological smoking gun, 99% chance of dementia | Dr. John Gartner”
  • Listener53
    Love your show Lawrence!
    You have a warm and calming voice, which I especially enjoy at the end of all of these crazy news days! Your previous experience is valuable in your assessments of senate and house actions. I never miss the show by choice.
  • mackapl
    Would not ever, miss your show and, “Biden’s worst day….” is one of the Best!! It needs repeating often and I worry this is not done by many, often enough. Thank you, for always being the voice of reason and tying history along for the ride….. though bumpy.
  • Cozy222
    A Never Miss Podcast
    Lawrence O’Donnell and his guests manage to sew together the issues and to cut through the b.s. of the current state of our insane politics in a concise, in-depth, and comprehensive manner far superior to the vast majority of broadcasting hosts. One warning, this podcast is not for dummies.
  • waioka
    Biden Worst Day INDEED Surpasses any Trump Day in action
    GREAT Headline!
  • phunny girl
    If trump gets forever immunity, then so would Bush, Clinton, and Obama, right?
  • KimWinship
    Presidents don’t have full Immunity - Biden is Next!
    Great show- looking forward to the criminal prosecution of President Biden for what will undoubtedly come out all the money he has accumulated thru his family and foreign dealings!
  • KathyDunwoody
    Thank you
    Thank you for doing this podcast, I work a ton of hours and your podcast keeps me up to date on current affairs!
  • old school .........
    One of the best
  • CGN 72
    January 30th show
    Congratulations on a great interview with David Blight & Neal Katyal. You presented a wonderful summary of the brief. David Blight was clear & scholarly as always. I always learn from Neal Katyal This the reason I am a regular viewer/listener. While I am a schooled historian I am acquiring a faux law degree from Katyal & Weissman et al CGN Jenkintown Pa
  • e-cooling
    Does anyone work a 5day week?
    N Wallace absent Hayes works 3 days/week Lawrence 4 days/week Highness madcow 1 day/week Jen P is dreadful with constant interruptions PLEASE give Steve Kornaki a prime time spot instead of having Ali V etc repeating the same rubbish hours long
  • Old and informed
    Slow down, please!
    Ali Velshi’s too-fast, pressured speech is very annoying. The news is hard enough to hear these days without having one’s blood pressure rise because of his presentation and questioning of guests. 01/12/24 I am really mad that the podcast concluding minutes of Rakove, Foner, Weissman were not included in their entirety. What’s up with that?
  • Loganfool
    I love the rapport you and Alex have at the beginning of each show. It’s obvious that you have genuine respect for women.
  • SniffelBug
    Thanks for telling it like it is Lawrence! My husband and I love your show.
  • The UK USA listeners
    Lawrence is the voice of reason!
    I Iisten to him in the UK. Lawrence is great. Give us pure up to date 100% Lawrence !! And to add to this: Since I can’t travel back to the USA due to work, it is comforting to listen to Lawrence as he is the voice of hope that maybe people will be encouraged to end the insanity and vote us out of the Trump madness. from US citizen working in Europe.
  • horsetalk53
    Lawrence O’Donnell
    Lawrence is my favorite newscaster and with his Walter Cronkitesk style he brings sense to the daily politcal mess we are in.
  • Woodburnlefty
    Great Job Lawrence
    When Rachel checked out I moved to Lawrence. I now enjoy him and his guests immensely and listen every night. Keep up the great work Lawrence!!
  • Ugly Chugley
    Speak out about MSNBC sidelining Muslim hosts
    Lawrence, you and other hosts MUST protect your 3 colleagues—Mehdi, Ayman and Ali from this outrageous and bigoted decision by MSNBC. Their voices, always wise, are more needed than ever.
  • Biggixyz
    Rupert Rupert
    Masterful storytelling! Thank you Lawrence! “Look daddy! Every time a defamation suit is filed, a racist loses his job!”
  • Kwkr
    Your voice
    You are the calm voice for truth. Learn so much! Loved the partial reading of Fanni letter. What would be awesome with that voice would be to read the entire letter for the “eye trouble”fans. Agree she had just the RIGHT tone. Nothing aggressive about the truth. Keep bringing us that truth
  • SpannaGattinara
    Capehart a non-starter
    I love Lawrence and his show, but- man, this Capehart dude is just awful. Serious case of fumblemouth there….
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