Alex Wagner Tonight

News #42

Alex Wagner brings an enormous breadth of reporting experience to her new show, where she’ll cover news of the day, politics, and the cultural trends shaping our country and ourselves, leaving viewers with a better understanding of what’s happening in the world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jcgditfkfy
    Good luck to all of the teams in this week’s
    Let the world see you again soon I promise to give up and come to the door to get your money I love your smile so I don’t forget you and
  • KellyRenee2017
    Rachel Maddow ad
    The 6 - 7 minute preview for new pod season across all msn pod properties is overwhelming. You had me at new season
  • sfncar
    Alex doesn’t seem to understand
    Wow! Alex all wound up about the Perry and Jackson appointments to HPSCI — says it’s a problem for the rule of law … ?what? A problem for the intelligence community for sure — but her screaming about rule of law is inexplicable to me. Sounds like she’s thinking about the Judiciary committee … maybe she needs a refresher course?
  • Foggy N. Ocean
    F-ing Comey????
  • RECurley
    “Anarchist types with no ideology”
    Your guest is ignorant, but this sort of messaging says quite a bit about his own ideology. It is unfortunate that as an interviewer, Alex Wagner does not even question such rubbish.
  • classical_antiquity
    Shopify ads horrible
    Please get rid of the Shopify ads. The voice actor has a ghastly voice. Just horrible. I wouldn’t buy anything from anyone who uses Shopify because of that hideous voice.
  • Cenzano
    Can’t do it anymore.
    I’ve been listening to this poor excuse for a show since Rachel went to once a week. I can’t do it anymore. After the SOTU, I listened to this side’s take and then listened to some more center shows, and the difference is like listening to Fox and then a real news network. Maybe it’s lack of charisma coupled with the inability to find her own footing, but Alex is nothing I’m going to waste anymore of my time on.
  • B02@
    We all know that SCOTUS is going to prevent any trial for Trump before the election. Stop wasting our time. Start talking about the greatest president we have had since FDR. Do reporting on the myriad of bills he has passed to improve our lives. Report on the things he still wants to do for our good and the horrible things Trump will do if he is elected. Talk about getting dems elected down the ticket. Do some good.
  • east somerville villain
    You don’t deserve my time
    I support the civilians of Gaza but to interview a political person advocating a ‘permanent cease fire’ without even asking about the hostages release is to show a bias that repulses me and should repulse Americans of all perspectives.
  • Loganfool
    Background noise
    I really like this podcast, but it often has background noise. The latest sounds like somebody’s doing dishes in the background and it’s so distracting. I can’t understand what’s going on.
  • Darren in LA
    Not much of a news show anymore
    95% of this show is now following all the Trump ongoings. This is no longer a general news program. And I’ve stopped following it.
  • OaklandReal
    Resist the Trump Tractor Beam, Alex!
    I appreciate this show and listen regularly, but recently noticed that the subject matter is devolving into hand-wringing freakouts over the ex-president's shenanigans. Please resist the popular liberal urge to let your content become narrow and pessimistic, Alex! There is so much more in the country & world which could be well-observed by your good analysis.
  • Maw45
    We love your show!!!
    I never thought to write a review until today. My husband has MSNBC on all day and I just can’t take a constant rehash by different commenters hour after hour. Yet, I will NOT miss your show. Your warmth, your intelligence, your way of presenting the news is refreshing. Thank you for an excellent hour of daily news.
  • Roe1987
    Great job, Alex!
    I’m a longtime Democrat and fan of the MSNBC lineup. Still, as a 37 year-old, we’ll-informed, queer Millennial I discover this to be the only show I pay attention to anymore. I discovered Alex on The Circus and quickly went back to read her work at The Atlantic. I was bummed she left The Circus, but thrilled she took over for Rachel Maddow. She’s perfect because like Rachel, she reads between the lines of the narrative older, “traditional” Democrats are framing. She doesn’t scold the younger Democratic base over progressive issues and common sense concerns. Her reporting is truly objective over what is currently dividing the voter base. She expresses concern over the Israeli government’s actions against innocent civilians. She doesn’t bring on a plethora of white guests to brainstorm how we can win the Black vote. HIGHLY recommend
  • zinblonde
    Dec 4-6????
  • PAyscue
    So long!!
    435 members of Congress but Wagner chooses antisemite/anti-Biden Jayapal for her Israeli war segment. Did MSNBC hire Chris Licht when no one was looking?
  • FritoJr
    Love this show but…
    I love this show. I listen to it every morning, a replay from the night before. However, recently, they’ve not been uploading the new episodes. It used to be without fail, the episodes would be there. Then, every once in a while one would be late. Now, it seems every other day one is being missed. They’re not even late anymore, they just never upload them. As someone that relies on this for up-to-date current events due to lack of internet where I work, this is deeply unsettling.
  • zyx77777777
    Where’s Oct 25 episode?! 27th?
  • Ugly Chugley
    Speak out about MSNBC sidelining Muslim hosts
    Alex, you and other hosts MUST protect your 3 colleagues—Mehdi, Ayman and Ali from this outrageous and bigoted decision by MSNBC. Their voices, always wise, are more needed than ever.
  • DinaForHill
    I love Alex’s show
    I appreciate the in-depth reporting in Florida schools and book banning. I have noticed that since last Saturday, MSNBC hasn’t had a minute of news about the existential threat to democracy that is Donald trump! 24/7 coverage to almost none does make me question the real motives behind the intense Trump coverage.
  • EhforLife
    Just No. Awful and disgustingly partial.
  • Retire21
    So smart…
    Alex is terrific and has a good sense of humor.
  • Cynthia St James
    Amazingly Knowledgeable
    Alex has an amazing knowledge and understanding of news and current events. I always love to listen to her show.
  • JT7474
    5 stars for Ali Velshi standing in!!!
    Alex gets my 1 or 2 star reviews if I listen to her at all... She interrupts guests trying to finish their sentences. She is not up to this job. Im sure shes a nice person. She simply is not a news professional. I unfollowed her show a month ago. If I hear a stand in like Ali Velshi covering her spot because of my loyal listening to Lawrence ODonnell... then I go grab the stand in segment. Otherwise? I have completely quit MSNBC for the 6pm-7pm time slot. (I gave Alex a fair chance to improve. She did not improve)
  • nallenc
    I want to listen to you
    I want to listen to your show. I just can’t bare your snarky comments snd charged delivery. If you could stick with delivering the facts without the snarky tone and so much if your own commentary I would love to listen. You are smart. You don’t have to prove it. I want you to succeed! Your August 18 coverage of Floridians standing up to the book ban was great No snark. And the interviewees spoke for themselves
  • GalInSeattle
    99.9% repackaged old news, every night
    I have been following the hour for years. I can’t anymore. Good lord, it’s mostly regurgitated old news every night, with a whatever headline of the day being the cherry on top. There is more happening in the world than Donald Trump’s indictments. I just can’t anymore. Do More Actual News. Cover more stories. Alex is talented, and I want the network and producers to give her, and her audience, MORE news to bring to an audience that is already up to speed on what’s been happening the last 6 years.
  • HolS34
    PLEASE don’t wait 4 days or more to download your podcasts to the Apple App. When I drive distances it is so much easier to listen from the Apple App than on the web. PLEASE DON’T IGNORE DOWNLOADING ON THE APPLE APP. I do love your show. It is different and you handle it much better than the substitute anchor clones. Your show utilizes your specific talents and knowledge. Thank you so much for the variety and the care.
  • BKWcbc
    America’s Sweetheart
    Calling a colleague “America’s Sweetheart “ is disgusting
  • 11dalya
    Show is great but advertisers ...
    I don't object to advertisements but the volume is louder for Hello Fresh (as an example) then the show itself. Side note: whatever happened to pleasant voices being preferred? The sound forces me in a run to find my phone so I can fast forward instead of listening.
  • Knickckick
    Competent, I guess but shallow and irritating
    Bubblegum nasal voice (which is not vocal fry btw) and not much depth or inquiry or intensity. No hint of Rachel's investigative curiosity like Flint water crisis but plenty of now-cliched "thank you, my friend" at handoffs. A totally uninteresting hire - Alicia Menendez would be a much better choice.
  • marye7077
    Please stop talking over people
    Your guests and especially Laurence.
  • Edmo47
    Obnoxious ads close to making me unsubscribe
    The content of the program itself is wonderful. The ads are cringeworthy. In particular, the ads for Draft Kings Sports Book are *highly* obnoxious and are close to driving me away from this podcast.
  • PamTNC
    Please work on vocal fry affectation
    For the most part, I enjoy Alex’s episodes. But it would go better if she calmed down just a bit, not interrupting her guests so often to give long comments of her own. Her tendency toward vocal fry seems to be getting worse. Is it stress? Lots of potential here - Alex is well-informed and intelligent. Hoping she settles into this role more.
  • King of a
    DeSantis: alleged war criminal
    I learned much from your 4/20 coverage of DeSantis. Curious, are you planning on investigating claims DeSantis is a war criminal, Guantanamo ? Appreciate you Marco the tucson cowboy
  • long time expat
    Keep it up Alex
    Great shows this past week
  • MikeyJ1951
    Alex Wagner
    Always a great show. I have never been disappointed, she asks great questions and always find her knowledgeable
  • Nikki1492
    I gave Wagner a chance, for 14-15 months
    Love MSNBC. Got hooked by Maddow, watch O’Donnell, Hayes, Deadline White House all the time. Wagner doesn’t cut it. I understand that she had big shoes to fill so I gave her a very long chance, much longer than I would have given anyone else. She’s a people-pleaser who wants to prove to everyone that she’s clever. Why would she need to prove it? She lacks wisdom, humor and depth and her superficial chatter is unnerving.
  • Loop3d
    The show is excellent with great reporting but..
    But for f sake, can we stop with the trymaine lee ad every break? I dislike the aggressive tone of his voice and will fast forward. Sometimes, annoyed enough to go to another podcast. Is there no real advertisers for this pod cast? Just trymaine?
  • WrigleyFieldMarshal
    Garbage Podcast
    Don’t waste your time here.
  • julieesq
    Miscast for role
  •  mark
    Conspiracy Entrepreneurs
    Great show. Please dive deeper into the monies behind and revenue generated by radical MAGA propaganda. Following the paper will shed light on its subversive strategies.
  • 7btrus
    Lucky to have her
    We are lucky to have someone so discerning and knowledgeable to take over from Rachel. Also brave enough to take over the show from Rachel. Alex, I have a need to understand what is happening in my world. May you host the show for many years.
  • Leilalulu
    Podcast great- advertising is off putting and Alex Jones like
    I have really enjoyed Alex Wagner in replacement of rachel. No concerns with the actual podcast, but it concerns me that the advertisements being played are quackery exploitative medical stuff that disparage mainstream medicine. “Eat this bar to lower your cholesterol in 8 weeks without the dangerous side effects of medication” “try this testosterone supplement” but the fine print is “none of this is validated and talk to your doctor”. So I am a physician and expect this of right wing conspiracy media- it’s exploitative. But I am disappointed that msnbc is using this type of advertising for pseudoscience and non validated supplements that make misleading, oversimplified and sometimes dangerous claims. Dealing with these ads as a doctor with my patients has become the Bain of my existence. Honestly I will stop supporting msnbc podcasts if this is how they choose to fund their shows. Because to me the content of the podcast includes the podcast and all of the other content the channel chooses to expose its listeners to, I have to say I give the experience 3 stars - 2 knocked down because of this quack advertising.
  • livnletlrn
    What’s with the noise?
    This is a professional production, right? So what’s with the whip-like loud noise in the background near the beginning of the shows? Not all, but many. And twice on last nights show. Why is this permitted to keep happening?
  • L0r3L0p3
    Alex has found her groove
    Really appreciate how more grounded Alex’s reporting has become. She’s calmer and more seemingly sincere. Always sharp. I look forward to her growing confidence and occasional humor. Rachel Maddow has been a hard act to follow! Congrats Alex.
  • 6420dsz
    It’s become difficult to listen
    Nobody else is Rachel M. and I think the Alex W. and the show could have a chance for success if they stop trying to make her Rachel M. Perhaps if the show embraced the skills and style of the current host, the long-winded and redundant introductions, tendency to interrupt guests and leave little time for them to speak will take care of itself.
  • MadMadParent
    I miss Rachel, nobody compares!
    Alex is decente but not fabulous. There is something about the way Rachel explain every intrinsic situation that is easy to digest and open eye. That isn’t Alex forte. Sad to say.
  • Hogger87
    Alex for the win.
    I was very sad to see Rachel drop to one show a week. I refused to believe anyone could pick up the mantle and succeed. Boy am I glad I got over that. Alex is a fabulous host, the team is cohesive and has kept the same feel while allowing Alex to make the show her own. She’s charming, the reporting is great and the guests she has are interesting. Bravo, Alex! PS - if you love Alex, check her out as the host of The Mole on Netflix.
  • Golden Girls Outdoor
    More Trump?
    Must you cover Trump in EVERY episode? He’s washed up! Move on! Is there no other news to cover? I simply cannot listen anymore. Complete waste of time!
  • vieille dame
    Rachel is a hard act to follow
    Unfortunately Alex does not have Rachel‘s depth, both intellectual depth and emotional depth her news style is somewhat gossipy in a way that Rachel in spite of her informality did not project. I find I don’t look forward to her broadcast as much as I used to when Rachel was at the helm.
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