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“How did we get here?”
Dec 20, 2024 – 01:35:16 -
“Defund everything”
Dec 19, 2024 – 01:29:44 -
“Buying the crazy”
Dec 18, 2024 – 01:25:09 -
“The company he keeps”
Dec 17, 2024 – 01:25:46 -
“We are staring down a crisis”
Dec 16, 2024 – 01:20:44 -
Listen to “Kamala: Next in Line”
Oct 9, 2024 – 00:10:25 -
MSNBC Exclusive: VP Harris Interview
Sep 26, 2024 – 00:24:16 -
Harris-Trump Presidential Debate & Analysis
Sep 11, 2024 – 02:14:05 -
Live Coverage: First Presidential Debate of 2024
Jun 28, 2024 – 01:32:06 -
BONUS: The Stakes of Immigration with Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
Apr 9, 2024 – 01:05:52 -
BONUS: Ep. 1 of Into America presents: Uncounted Millions
Feb 15, 2024 – 00:46:05 -
BONUS: How to Win 2024: The “Kiddie Table” Debate
Sep 29, 2023 – 00:32:57 -
Introducing “How to Win 2024”
Sep 15, 2023 – 00:31:18 -
BONUS: “Velshi Banned Book Club”
Aug 24, 2023 – 00:37:45 -
BONUS: Prosecuting Donald Trump: The 2020 Election Indictment Read by Ali Velshi
Aug 2, 2023 – 01:42:47 -
BONUS: Prosecuting Donald Trump: The Full Indictment Read by Ali Velshi
Jun 11, 2023 – 01:12:56 -
Prosecuting Donald Trump: The Manhattan Arraignment
Apr 5, 2023 – 00:58:37 -
Prosecuting Donald Trump: The First Indictment
Mar 31, 2023 – 00:21:56 -
Prosecuting Donald Trump: A Primer
Mar 27, 2023 – 00:40:21 -
Lives Well Lived
Mar 11, 2021 – 00:50:14 -
Welcome to "Deadline: White House"
Apr 3, 2018 – 00:00:22
Recent Reviews
JudeRanchNicolle is a blessingThank you Nicolle But then there’s Alicia Melendez…groan. She talks too much & makes it about herself. I just cannot make it through her hour. I appreciate Nicolle Wallace & her love of country. I make it my mission to listen to her every single day. However, will you address that morning crew who after years of befriending trump, then switching to actually addressing his corruption went & kissed the ring? Even the Rev was on their show?! Please acknowledge the two hyenas in the room. Thank you Nicolle for always speaking truth to power, I believe in you.
gonegoneforeverPremium?Love Nicole. Already pay for cable. Not paying twice. Great way to get rid of the audience.
chicka-doodle-dooMolly, the internees were AmericansMolly, the people who were swept into concentration camps during WWII were AMERICANS, not Japanese, as you said this evening (12-15-24). Ask George Takei about it. Please watch your language. It’s an inexcusable error.
admasnekCassidy Hutch?Obviously, this pod has been sucked into an echo chamber of voices that parrot the same information. Nothing is learned here. I urge you to diversify the circle you engage with. Be open to learning. It’ll earn more respect. What are you going to do when 47 is gone? Dance on his grave?
Che BlockBefore I leave and never come backThe World War II veteran said to Zelensky, I pray for you - not I’ll pray for you. You watched it. How many times ? and teared up but you didn’t hear what he said. It was a big difference. He said, I pray for you.
kat477456Where the Truth is Happening!As was always true, Nicole’s show is where the truth is happening. So glad to have a friend back with us to face the year ahead! Thanks to Alice and Ari for getting us through a tough time and giving Nicole a chance to bond with her family as newly constituted. Now it’s time to show up, buckle up and do the work! Starting to lose faith in Nicole. Love her to death, but she’s just not showing up. Trying to be understanding.!!! SoNicole showed up one day out of five at the beginning of August, and now no podcasts since then. I am so disappointed. We really count on her. She is a part of our life. No Nicole, no podcast, no more MSNBC! How very sad!
ElizaCostFOX propagandaOne way we got a criminal president coming into power was allowing commentary to pose as news. FOX is played continuously in the military, motels, etc. A second way is that the Democrats left the working class behind 45 years ago. And we know it. Both parties have supported socialism for the elites, and as Dr King said “rugged capitalism” for the rest of us. And get real, America is NOT going to vote for a woman any time soon, and a Black woman is, and was, a pipe dream. Do you talking heads EVER talk to ordinary working people? No. You talk among yourselves in your own little bubble.
B02@Never a womanCome on people. You know the reason and if you don’t your head is in the sand. There is a swathe of voters who will never vote for a woman president and it only takes a slice of them to turn an election. I’m from super blue area and I know a number of them. They won’t go public or answer a polling question but they are there and the GOP knows it. It’s two out of the last three. I hate it but you can’t govern if you lose.
Raging SouthpawStop with the Democratic Party Bashing!ENOUGH! The polls were showing that Democratic Party Voters were more enthusiastic than the GOP. What happened? I want to know how many registered voters were purged from the rosters? Ask Greg Palast, investigator journalist. How many voters got provisional ballots and how many were counted? How many people requested mail-in ballots and never received them? How many people mailed in their ballots but they were never received and/or never counted? How much money did the Billionaires pay out to flood social media with propaganda. (Hint: billions of dollars). There is a reason why voters were unaware of Biden’s economic achievements, Big Pharma takedown, his infrastructure achievements, climate change advances, immigration achievements that Trump killed, NATO strengthen, etc, etc. One theory is that Americans have a new religion called Tech. You see these worshippers everywhere with their hands folded in prayer over their iPhones. Their place of worship is ‘social media’ where their brains are hacked by the Tech Cult. The new Holy Trinity: Tech Deity, Tech Billionaires and the holy Social Media. (See: ‘Cult of Trump’ by Hassan; ‘Tech Agnostic’ by Epstein) Please consider all the evidence before blaming anybody. We must fight together, not each other.
K.C. WashingtonMat DowdMat Dowd can choke on the humility he only ever seems to want Democrats to show.
myapledWhere are the podsNov 6 pod is repeat of Nov 5 pod. Please fix. Unless there was no Nov 6 episode because it was bad news?
8$8$888Not okI do appreciate this show for a multitude of reasons, but at this point in history it is simply untrue and gross negligence of journalism to paint Israel as a victim, to ignore how Israel and its allies have conducted themselves and the gross human rights violations and war crimes Israel and its allies have committed. I have no stomach for a narrative that is so utterly one sided and false. Booooo….
IoB.Delivered with empathy, reality and…Grace. Nicole and her guests deliver this kind of news breakdown on every show. Thank you so much for that.
LaraGenLove your showI listen to your show everyday. You do a great job, Nicolle. More David Jolly! Always love hearing from him.
AZ VJNicole WallaceShe’s back and so deserving of a 5 star review. Love the show when Ali Velshi subs but could NOT listen to A Menendez!
JeReynAZTrump’s Project 2025 Podcast is chillingIf anyone has any doubts about the way Trump and his crew will inflict horrific pain on our nation, remove all our rights during his dictatorship if he wins the election, check out this disturbing new podcast. We cannot let this happen.
PoliticalRefugeePronouncing "Maddow"Dear Nicolle, if Rachel Maddow is indeed your "good friend," do her the honor of pronouncing her last name correctly. It bugs me every time I hear you say she is your friend! It's "mah-doe," like doe, a deer... Listen to her promos for her own shows and her new documentary, and you will hear the way she says her own name: Mah-doe. Thanks for all you do. This is small.
VAgrrlWhy subscribe?So, I subscribed to get “ad-free” episodes of MSNBC, and during Deadline, I hear an ad. For what? For subscriptions for ad-free MSNBC programs.
jomopemboHeart felt approach to the daily news.Nicole Wallace has great guests and facilitates great dialogues. It’s obvious that her guests enjoy being on her show. Kudos to Michael Steele today, bringing up the internalized misogyny that makes having a woman president so challenging to many people (men and women alike). We need to acknowledge this more.
TallJonesGambling AdsCNBC, stop with the online gambling advertisements. DO BETTER. Any ad that needs a disclaimer for addiction is icky as F. BE BETTER.
mic-drop🙄Please! Do not Ever quote Charlie Sykes.
11dalyaHad To ChortleI'm glad I was listening to this on a podcast because I got to rewind a great sentence she uttered after playing a tape of Trump talking about how his numbers went up after he was indicted. Nicolle: “Again, the only guy who's an expert in what your poll numbers do when you get indicted.”
ranger62Great news insights from a good personI’ve had to cut my news intake because all the political hate spewed by some politicians. I can trust Nicole Wallace to provide the behind the scenes details without ugly vitriol you get from many sources. I am so thankful to you and your team for providing true fair and balanced news, not empty propaganda. I respect Ms Wallace for remaining a good person in an acidic business. You give me hope!
deadlineseriousSub host PsakiI watch and listen to Nicolle every day. Please don’t have Jen sub for her. She is a serious downgrade from Nicolle. She flubs the simplest words and needs a Thesaurus to find synonyms for the word interesting. Alicia and Ali V are much better at doing this type of show. I recognize Jen has White House experience that would be put to better use as an analyst.
Maine HearsMaine Boomer GrandmaI miss you Nicole! Have a great time off!
Mary TwainI’mI’m
SisterLauraMara GayShould keep Biden’s name out of her mouth.
Colorado_ChickEnjoy This podcast!I no longer have cable TV so I’m grateful that I can listen to many of my favorite shows by podcast!
e-coolingWhere are August 5&6th episodes???Why does MSNBC keep deciding for those of us who work evenings that “if you missed it, to bad!” ???
Mooj58Faithful Podcast ListenerUsually 4* But is someone on vacation?? No shows posted yet this week when normally that’s done before end of day. I wondered if something happened to the show only to hear Nicole on another podcast referring to stories she talked about today or yesterday. I listen daily and enjoy the variety of guests, even when I find specific people and their perspectives/arguments to be less than compelling. Please do more frequent reports on Ukraine to keep that top of mind for wider swath of people.
Jose’s WayWish uploads were consistentReally enjoy the show and have for years but have always found uploads inconsistent.
bigbenelliTrumpAs Catholic, speech disorder, single, D mean my vote had same vote weight as than Donald Trump’s vote Harris will received lot vote people believing that women decision could with her and her doctors Disabilities, men who believe in health care should On with parents with their doctors decisions , happy single people for Harrs
mpdd2000Not a laughing matterI find Nicole Wallace snickering and grinning when fescribing acsetback for Donsld Trump to be unprofessional and juvenile. Andrew Weissman brings clarity and unbiased facts to the discussion. Eliminating the juvenile “gotcha” attitudes by Wallace would bring much needed credibility. This is the future of our democracy at stake not a volleyball or game of tennis. Please bring mature intellectual perspective to reporting. I quit watching MSNBC because of Nicole Wallace’ snickering.
Babble5blueStanding by BidenI am tired of seeing John Heilemann on your show. his attitude towards President Joe Biden winning the 2024 presidential election is disparaging. I am so tired of the media, allowing people who come on with only their opinion, no proof of polls, no representation of demographics, to come on your and other MSNBC shows to spew hate and arrogance. Polls have not been accurate since Trump entered politics. People do not answer their phones unless they recognize the number, so a broad demographic is almost impossible. Please have the producer think carefully about who is brought on as a guest. Make sure they are bringing proof that justifies his/her opinion. Thank you.
Shellbee342Deadline White HouseLove the show! But but but I wish everyone would please stop telling Biden to back out he is the democratic candidate and leader and with Kamala by his side it will be fine! Stop the bashing and be supportive and he will win to be our president again!!
Jacee ReadsUnfollowThe change is obvious. It’s also destructive.
Buffy Fan 444Understand what most Americans are actually thinkingI really enjoy Nicole’s show but I am concerned that reality isn’t being discussed on the show since the debate. I want to speak as a Democrat who has been a D my entire life but who broke after the debate. My mother is 83 years old. I remember what she was like at 81. She was having trouble remembering words and was having some trouble with deeply intellectual conversations but was otherwise normal. Today, she is 83. She tells me the same story 5 times in a 30 minute call. She doesn’t know what day it is ever. I am traveling to Africa with my father soon but I have to tell her about the trip every time I talk to her and she doesn’t remember a single big event - she is upset that we didn’t celebrate Christmas or my father’s birthday but we have to tell her we did! When I saw Joe Biden at the debate, I saw my mother. I am worried about him now but I know he can’t make it through another term! How can others not see this - the Republicans do and they have been saying it for months. I sometimes listen to middle of the road Rs (can’t handle anything else) and when I was, I was dismissing their conversations about dementia until the debate. I agree that tRump is so much worse but I can’t believe more people don’t understand that many Americans are like me and you can’t talk us out of seeing what I have seen. I will vote for any D over Joe Biden at this point. I have solar panels because of Biden. My tax refund was bigger than I could ever imagine because of him. My city is making major infrastructure changes because of him but he needs to pass on the job to another D, Kamala Harris is a great choice but many others are as well. Don’t get so caught up in manipulating the story that you miss the simple story - my entire family is done! My mother may be close to gone but all that does is make her realize why Joe Biden can’t continue as POTUS. Please, please u destined this!!!!!
PseudotsugaGoodbyeBiden’s debate performance is only an issue because people like you keep platforming the small number of complainers. I have listened to your podcast 5 days a week for many years. No more. You are helping Trump win.
AZshunshineUsed to love this showBut with the 24x7 pearl clutching over President Biden is sickening. Every leader you give a microphone to to call on President Biden to step down as our nominee is a turncoat who is going to cost us the election. Pompous Mara Gay is one of the worst offenders. I’m a PC in a battleground state and actual voters feel exactly as I do - anyone who isn’t supporting Biden is effectively throwing support to Trump. Please help to stop the insanity.
BrianJ2Done.Done with this podcast forever. I no longer support anyone who is helping tear down our democracy.
JCASEANicolle WallaceThank you Nicolle, you get it. You’re reporting on what matters. You’re inviting the guests who matter. History will prove you prescient and correct in your coverage. I’m grateful for your bravery. Of course: this appreciation extends to your team. Well done folks. If you haven’t yet, fellow citizens, listen to “The mother of all battles” episode July 8, 2024. Essential discussions. This is not easy.
Griffin3480Longer conversationsI really appreciate Nicole’s shift to having extensive and probing discussions about current issues. Experts have to love getting more than a minute to make their points.
loveforthewinSo much whining from silly men!Stop bringing on these pearl clutching men who have nothing positive to say about Biden, it’s too late to change the ticket & they know that. Let’s all support Biden, Republicans would support Trump even if he fellow over on stage and refused to get up. Spineless democrats really get under my skin!!!!!
Debbie in AZPlease post 7/5/24 episodeI really want to listen to this episode, as I do all of from this show.
JazzgrassChicBravo for a necessary conversationListening to today’s episode (7/3/24) where we got two forceful arguments regarding Biden’s challenges after the debate: thank you for giving your platform to strong, truth-telling voices. I am a lifelong Democrat and if Biden is the nominee I will crawl across glass to vote for him. But I am also a Democrat who refuses to be gaslit about Biden’s deficiencies. I applauded both Kimberly Atkins Stohr and Charlie Sykes in their truth telling. Yes, Democrats need to grow a spine and defend their positions and nominees better. But, I am in the Charlie Sykes camp and believe we have to put the country first. We have been asking Republicans to put country over party and some have: Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Geoff Duncan to name a few. As Democrats we must put our money where our mouth is and do the same. Saving democracy is not a one-sided effort. It takes everyone doing the right thing. And if Biden can prove himself every day between now and the election, great! That would mean that at the very least this conversation forced a tough love course correct. Nicole platforms the hard conversations and I am here for it.
cynchronizedMinority RuleI watch your show everyday. Countless times I’ve heard you ask: Why do Republicans lie for Trump? Why don’t they speak the truth about the 2020 election and Jan 6? Why did they allow their party to be hijacked by Trump? Why are Republicans risking our country becoming an autocracy and the possibility that this might be the last meaningful election we have? Minority rule. That is and has been the overriding mission for Republicans. Those Republicans who surprise and disappoint you with their recent behavior towards Trump’s MAGA party are likely embarrassed about the way in which they are getting the minority rule they so covet. That should tell you just how badly they want to impose their unpopular policies on the rest of us. I am 72 years old and have been observing the Republican Party for a very long time. For decades Republicans have been doing everything they could think of to achieve and perpetuate control of our country. They know they do not represent the interests of the majority of Americans. That leaves them only with the option of doing everything possible to achieve minority rule. They have been doing that by curtailing the voting rights of the majority and promoting false populist issues like immigration and abortion. I implore you to start using the term “minority rule” instead of authoritarianism or autocracy. Authoritarianism and autocracy are vague terms to the majority of voters. I hate to say it but it is going over the heads of MAGA voters and voters who do not appear to understand the stakes of this election, such as young voters. MAGA voters believe they want Trump to have the power to do the things they want the government to do (or not do). It seems not to occur to them that, if elected, Trump could then do none of the things they want and many things they don’t want. Please talk more about that. Please lead Democrats to talk about Trump and Republicans in that manner. Don’t rely on voters to read books about how awful autocracy is. And, most importantly, don’t expect Republicans in power to be swayed by those ideas. In all likelihood, they believe they can achieve minority rule without all-out authoritarianism. They are whistling past the graveyard of democracy. Minority rule is an easy concept to communicate and to understand and it has the added bonus of encompassing all Republicans and the Supreme Court, not just the presidency.
pammiepoohbearrThe FDAI’m a huge fan of your way of articulating so much in such a comprehensive way. I appreciate that you’re well read on the topics no matter how many are thrown at you, lol. I also love your questioning style and your choice of guests. My question: how is the chevron decision going to affect things like our FDA?? Etc. It’s a terrifying prospect!! Thanks and God bless Democracy!🇺🇸 ~Pamela Speegle
Stable geniePortlandWe have some real live morons here in Oregon 🫣
midwestBlue6.13.24nicolle why in the H would you ask matthew dowd if you are asking the right questions! omg nicolle, matthew dowd is or “was” one of those lying republicans, just like charlie sykes. you know, it is rather hard to stomach that all of you republicans are just seeing the light. the republican lies have been going on for decades starting with reagan. reagan was told you need the evangelicals so under the command of roger ailes, reagan and his campaign smeared jimmy carter even though jimmy carter had been a genuine evangelical his whole life. reagan campaign didn’t care and hit jimmy carter hard with dirty tricks as they always do as that is there comfort zone. my friend would say, nice guys finish last which is also the republican motto and their guide to running dirty campaigns.
jetthighPost J6 leg changes?Nicolle is a smart, informed ray of light. But some days I can’t take hearing that T-name, his negativity — and need a break. So have I missed any of the concrete steps taken in congress after the work of the J6 committee to protect democracy and/or prevent the chaos of the last election re: the transfer of power? Would love a refresh on this topic. Take care of yourself Nicolle. We need you now more than ever.
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