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….🏄🏻Slanted CommentaryFor the most, I enjoy Mr Graham’s programs, that is until his own views skew the context. He is most certainly liberal, woke to the core, and that’s fine. I’m just disappointed that I paid for a subscription interjected with biased reporting.
James SaladoUber Liberal BiasI kept trying to ignore the bias of these shows. I hoped that they could just tell the story…..but they are so clearly liberal. It’s sad. They’ve lost my wondery plus subscription
Nick6663737🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I Like TwuRTleS
vine crime fanShow is top notchThis show is so well done . Very informative and great deep delve that goes into every covered story . Shout out to the station episode in RI . Very accurate . Having lived through that .
KateD426Money Hungry CompanyLove the series…hate the paywall. I haven’t listened for a while and when I come back I can’t get past seasons unless I pay. Aggravating!
Jeffrey T 11Love the podcast, sounds effects annoyingI have Wondery+ and I really enjoy this podcast. It’s really well produced in the stories are interesting. The one thing I can’t get over are the repetitive and annoying sound effects used in every episode. I’d listen more if not for this.
BillBlaster1Lindsay Tells a Great StoryExcellent podcast with great content, and subject matter. I am very disappointed about the paywall for past episodes, but the scandals are intriguing enough to consider downloading the Wondery app. Highly recommended.
dkline250FrustratedGreat content, great host. But why are episodes after the first now locked behind a paywall?? Even seasons that have been out for a few years. I really enjoyed the Enron series and wanted to listen again. Nope. I get that podcasting needs to make money to sustain itself, but why make listeners pay now for old content they were able to enjoy with ads before? Subscribing to every podcast network I enjoy costs more than I can afford, and it’s more than frustrating *Edit: ultimately decided it’s just not worth the irritation. Unfollowed.
genxorcistAhh…Ahh… Millennials. The generation that revived the ad reads of the 1950’s and combined them with insulting algorithm ads that interrupt every 10 minutes! These people can’t get enough of that sweet sweet ad money! And yet somehow they still “can’t afford to own a house.” 🤔
LovnLifeMommaThoughtfully doneThe Challenger series was so thoughtfully done and so many perspectives covered. The story is portrayed so well to allow the listener to understand all the complexities within. Thank you for sharing this with us.
THElisaferJust wow- incredible season “Challenger”I have been looking for new podcasts to replace the true crime I have been listening to for so long. I saw the “Challenger” and had to listen. I was a senior in high school in 86 and vividly recall watching the space shuttle go up and what happened next. I remember all the talk in the news but nothing could have prepared me for what this podcast unfolded over the season. From the sadness about the loss of life to the anger at the coverup, I was completely hooked. Then hearing about Columbia … I went to the internet and did a deep dive there. This was a helluva good podcast. I will have to go and check out past seasons. Incredible reseasrch, fantasic production- this is what a podcast should be! Thank you for the spellbinding listen and for the reminder from my past…
oliver tauteNot ok1/20/25:I’ve listened to this podcast since 2021 and and first all the stupid adds, then the paywall, and then the recording of men and woman burning alive. (The first episode of the challenger disaster) And I was listening to fall asleep one night and I noticed that when you referred to president Trump (he was sworn in before I rote a review) you referred to him as Trump no fmr. President Trump not even president elect Trump. You had no problem calling the other presidents there right full names.
Cupcake seanGreedThe subject matter is mostly interesting but the production lacks entertainment value. The narrator does all voices including womans. Its ok but becomes boring after listening for awhile. Ads are abundant and often. Now they have a pay wall as well. These feeds that do both ads and pay walls seem to lack the understanding of either a subscription or ads but not both. Too many podcasts with better content, superior production, less annoying add and no pay wall to listen.
Ballsout9999Competent production that’s too neutralIt’s a quality made shoes, just expect a both sides take to every single story. Harm kids for the rest of their lives?? It’s alright, you were just an ambitious judge!!
AllielceaGreat podcast weird sponsorI’ve listened to almost every season of this podcast. It’s extremely well done. Interesting, informative, and gripping. …I do find it SUPER ironic, though, that a podcast (often) about corporations lying to the public, shoddy business practices, and lawsuits, accepts a sponsorship by notoriously terrible and deceptive Noom…
Retread316Political views asideLove your podcasts but noticed when you referred to Trump on one of your podcasts you didn’t say former president Trump or even president elect.With other presidents you don’t have that issue. I know someone’s bias doesn’t affect the stellar production or great quality of your podcasts but just something I wanted to bring to your attention.
taylorswiftl👩🏿In a class by itselfDear Mr Graham, 1/3/25: Amending an earlier review: did not believe you could out do Boeing but Mr Graham, you did with Challenger. ABSOLUTELY GRIPPING! At the end of a “Boeing” episode you said you read each review. After completing the “Boeing” I knew I had to write this review. You and your team took a complicated, recent topic, that I followed in the news but I must admit, I did not fully understand, and made it such that I can now very knowledgeably speak about it and the history of Boeing overall. Thank you for this and all the excellent history podcasts you all do. “Boeing” was top notch stuff. And to those who haven’t listened to it yet, man do I envy you that first listen.
Joto BreathStop alreadyChallenger disaster. Did this toolbag really just reenact Johnny Carson ? This sht is downright pathetic. Between the sassy reenactments and all the ads, there ain’t much there.
idontknowYIdea for series!Just changed my 5 star review to 1 star due to paywall. This podcast already has excessive ads, including one for the scam rocket money. Down with wondery, down with American scandal. Sadly Do a series about paid for podcast services (stitcher premium, etc). Perfect for American scandal or the American greed TV show.
Allison!!!!!!!!!!!!!PaywallLove the podcast and Lindsay gives it so much passion but the paywall is too expensive for what they are giving also the beauty of the podcast was that you could listen to all episodes for free at anytime and the paywall totally ruined that also there are TWO MANY ADDS it is hard to enjoy a podcast when every five minutes a new useless add comes up it’s a shame that this podcast has turned to this
A.JAXMy Go-ToSuccinct, straightforward…just enough to make you want to read every available book on a topic. Great delivery, sound & editing. One of only a select few podcasts that have me anticipating a new season like a kid on Christmas Eve.👍👍
Slade1973More Entertainment than InformativeListened to the first episode about the Challenger disaster and that was enough. 3 issues: He adds music to try to dramatize someone’s tragedy; He does all the voices himself, which comes across as odd; And he doesn’t have his facts straight: While enacting dialog between 2 people (which supposedly really happened) about the Apollo 1 fire, one character says “They never even made it off the launch pad.” But that incident was not a launch: it was a rehearsal. It wasn’t intended to make it off the launch pad. Oh, and maybe warn your audience before playing actual audio of people DYING IN A FIRE. If the character you are doing an impression of is upset by listening to this, maybe some people in your audience would be too.
/H\Another wondry flounderLindsay does an amazing job delivering a riveting podcast… then wondry puts it behind a paywall. Without a doubt this is a 5 star podcast if it weren’t for the wondry part. I’ve been listening for awhile, I’ve been following for awhile… that will no longer be true. Unfollowed and will no longer recommend to others
CynInDCPlease get rid of reenactmentsThis show would be perfect without the reenactments, which are tiresome and unnecessarily drag out the narrative.
Anonymous User No. 7201Love the Podcast, Hate the CompanyThis podcast is very well made. I think it and AHT (American History Tellers) are both very informative and are both must listens. Lindsey Graham is entertaining, and is an amazing solo host. This show is definitely a must listen among history lovers! However, Wondery can be a bit problematic. I believe that the paywall was mostly influenced by Wondery, and I see the appeal. Maybe the podcast is losing listeners and they need more profit off of it. However, I think being able to re-listen to older seasons was what made this show great. It was high quality content completely for free. Sure there would be Wondery Plus exclusives sometimes and early access, but you needed none of that to actually enjoy whatever topic you wanted. I don’t want to have to pay a hefty fee for Wondery Plus for something that was all free not too long ago. No hate towards Lindsey Graham, though. He is an amazing host with a calming voice. Thank you for reading my review! Overall, a very solid show and I would recommend it!
Hal HIPerfectPerfect and more perfect and more importantly perfect
ash_202020PaywallGood podcast, not paying for older episodes.
Teon77Riveting, Superb PodExcellent production, execution, & writing. Love listening to Lindsey!
Silly_ the KidGreat but…I love the show. I’ve listened to every season, many multiple times. It’s rare to find a show as entertaining as educational. Having to pay for previous seasons is such a disappointment. If I had the discretionary income to do so it would be nice. Another one bites the dust.
oldtimesmellyboatDisgusting/dangerous ethicsPaywall of old episodes is a joke but even worse is one of their sponsors. I get needing sponsors and commercials but when they hawk dangerous “health” apps and then the host claims that weight loss drugs from said app really work. Ummm what is your medical training? An app where you never see an actual dietitian or doctor just “providers” and NP’s with questionable qualifications and NO clinical experience. Said app has MULTIPLE LAWSUITS and literally tells women the only way to lose weight without drugs is to participate in disordered eating and giving starvation diet plans to breastfeeding women!! Real Doctors & nutritionists have come out and said the app and their diet plans are divorced from actual science!! Yep that's who I want giving out prescription drugs!! The host claims to research his episodes but apparently if you toss a few sponsorship bucks their way they will shill DANGEROUS scam health apps that have caused harm to thousands of women. Done with this show. Don't care how good it is.
Jesus___FreakA lot to like - curious problemNot sure what is going on but season 56 had been downloaded free, now some episodes are paywalled.
Vicaahill86Episodes out of orderSeries 47 - the last episode is not from series 47. So no end to series 47. HELP
MurdadockExcessive AdvertisementsThis podcast is very well made, from the research to the performance. But each episode is inundated with advertisements, probably 25% or more of a single episode is ads. It’s super frustrating. In comparison to similarly made podcasts, this is excessive to say the least. There are better options for podcasts with far less ads. Concerning the paywall, I understand the concept. But it is not a valuable investment in comparison to other entertainment apps. Hard pass.
HeckboundUnavailable to the PoorsGreat Podcast! I listened to a random one, liked it, and looked to the beginning. Half the story, of each season, is behind a paywall, so I unsubscribed. So many other free podcast content available, so I won’t be back.
kelliednnExcellentBest podcast ever!! Very well written, great voice, great music!! Very entertaining stories!!
BschoraSolid, educational, great storytelling.One criticism, I really dislike the Encores. If you need to skip a season, skip a season, or just tell me to go re-listen to the old season…. But to make me Mark every episode “Played” just to get it off my Unplayed list when I don’t want to replay it is ridiculous. It’s already hard enough to organize 167 podcasts. Yours isn’t the only one on the block. About Subscriptions: Subscriptions. I would gladly pay to STOP Advertisements! Ads are obnoxious, I prefer to listen to them in Dutch or German. However, there are 247 podcasts in my library. No way could I afford to pay each even $1 a month. When will podcast platforms learn they need to provide a service that takes the amount of money I can afford to donate and divide it between the shows I played in a given month. ??? Hello? Is there anyone out there listening? The current subscription model doesn’t work.
ricmorgan81Well darn it…..Love this show, and others! But, as predicted, Wondery has gone out of control with the paywall. I completely understand paywalls for early listening and special episodes, etc….. but putting the old ones behind the wall is just dirty. Good luck getting new listeners when they see they have to pay. For every listener that will pay to start, there are 5 that will say “no thanks”. So, in the spirit of the latest season, Bye Bye Bye Bye!!!
AGN24-1good pod but questiondid he say final episode for ever or till the next election?
BRE0509Another good oneLindsay Graham, you’ve done it again! I didn’t know if anything could hold to American History Tellers. This is an excellent match. I just wish I could listen to the other seasons without Wondery+, I’m confused about that.
wantmorejusticeLindsay Graham is a wonderful narratorI could listen to Lindsay narrate almost anything, his voice is so soothing. This podcast isn’t just anything though . It’s true stories told in a very interesting way . Even subjects I did not think I was interested in ,become compelling , because told well .
WhidjrdkdddkgcBummerThis is an amazing podcast. I love how it lays out everything, it humanizes the characters and it frames it in such a way that it all makes logical sense to that person’s perspective. This was a podcast I would listen to while working, traveling, chores, anything, and it was a tradition that me and my stepdad would listen to it while driving. I connected with a coworker when we realized we both loved the podcast. I shared it with family and friends. I think this is one of the best podcasts out there, the bummer is just the paywall. Unfortunately I just cannot afford it, and it’s super disappointing. There seems to be a lot of hard work and production that goes into each episode and I understand that they want to get their return, I just wish there was any other way to incentivize people joining wondery. Looking back this podcast was too good to be true, and now it’s basically gone. I will definitely still excitedly wait for every Tuesday upload, but it will always be sad knowing that I can only listen to 10% of the podcast.
M1ck3ykWhyyyyGenuinely love this show but c’mon a paywall?! Boooooooooooooo. Please be free again.
NewsJunky101Paywall? No thanks.In a time when we’re about to hit economic hardship, you guys decide to put on a paywall? Scummy practice. No longer for me.
AHA1914Great listenI never thought I would willingly listen to a podcast series about the Colorado River Authority, but Lindsay Graham can make any topic interesting- highly recommend!
The $7865firstSubscription Required? Well, bye.Seriously love this show. Ads are on this show and I put up with it because I love the content so much. You’re welcome for that ad revenue. Now, I have to pay to listen to old episodes and the few episodes I can still listen to for free still has ads? Well, bye then. Greed.
INSOMNIATICPaywallHit with a paywall. Lost a listener
🫤🤷🏽♀️Love Lindsay but not paywallLong time listener that just unfollowed. Listened to this show, American History Tellers, and American Elections: Wicked Game. He’s the perfect host and I would always recommend his shows and replay old seasons. I will no longer follow the shows listed above due to the paywall. I have enough subscriptions and enough apps. I don’t see it necessary or financially responsible to add anymore. End of an era.
Gwyneth D-FEngaging and so interestingMy standby when driving. Keeps me interested, awake and learning! I really appreciate the way the podcast is organized so I can follow it easily thx!
Mr dependable44Pay wallI loved the podcast until the pay wall. I’m willing to deal with the ads. Can’t afford another bill. Hopefully you guys will reconsider.
MelankieHOW DARE YOUHow dare you put a paywall up! If you dare to do this release all the espoids for the month at the same time at least. I hate this because this is my favorite podcast here and it’s ruined. How dare you!
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