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TyHotchShut upDude needs to hang up the microphone. Full douche. Not funny anymore. Sniffs his own farts.
L*********sHorrible commercial break editingThe latest season of shows has commercial breaks injected into the middle of dialog. It’s not properly cut together. Sound isn’t equalized either. Terrible editing. A pre-teen on a flip phone could do better
dyjhdjigdhjIs Bill Maher dating Kid Rock?That was the worst interview or conversation I think I’ve ever heard. Bill spent the entire time pandering and talking about kid rock’s music. Kid rock wants to make himself political. Where were the real questions?
para87CommercialsI’ve been listening to the show for 10 years and now they want to put commercials in it. I will not listen to the show ever again. Take commercials out. This is an HBO show. There is no commercials on HBO. And you wanna put them on the podcast unacceptable.
rcl111Done!I loved Bill Maher in the past, even saw him in person. I can no longer listen to his shows without having a visceral response. He acts like his opinion is fact and downplays anyone whose experience is different from his.
Just another mol Elizameltdownbill maher's psychotic off meds old man meltdown attacking gen z was the last straw. this dude is absolutely falling apart. gather whatever tiny bit of dignity u have left and retire buddy
loomasaurisDem bashingBandwagon cringe
boopfreeSomeone hold my MargaritaWell just finished listening to the 4/26/2024 episode of the man who tells the truth in a rubber bouncy ball so we enjoy hearing it yet we know there’s a real problem today in America. Ljust say that yes free speech is allowed but if we are truly smarter then these kids who haven’t lived yetis to see if they are truly sincere then band together with the American Jewish citizens and both agreee to protest the treatment of innocent women non military men n children of all ages then you truly find the haters in the crowds and both sides can see those people for who they are because our kids haven’t live it’s our responsibility to lead them in their prusuit of true humanity. Ok 👍 one more thing please let Mr Kennedy know he’s not young enough to have any right to say a word about Biden being able to function n do the work of being President. If he wants to b respected n titled like his father he must first put in the work n character of integrity his father did for the lead up to running for president not come in out of the blue because who his father was. Thank you I will now drop the mic 🎤 Vickie Renick if Zanesville ,Oh
Bootsy AmpleforthPast sell by dateBill Maher - what happened to you? You’ve become a caricature of someone you might have brutally satirized 2 decades ago. As a privileged white male narcissist, you’re tragically out of touch with the people and all the values you espoused decades ago in the beginning of your career. They’re out the window now, as is your humor. It’s most definitely time for you to retire! You’ve lost it.
rfvhpzKevin O’LearyIt’s impossible Bill Maher has no clue who Mr Wonderful is !
TryRydElderly Maher Not FunnyMaher has jumped the shark. He's no longer interesting or intellectually competent. He clearly believes he's the smartest guy in the room, no matter the truth. He hates women. He used to pretend not to be a misogynist - no longer. When half your audience used to be female, when he was often funny (years ago), I was happy to pay for HBO. Now I wish I could block ads for Real Time from my account. Half the world is female, Bill - including HBO/Warner executives, subscribers and future generations. Becoming an elder version of Keith Olberman is not worthy of pride - it's pathetic. Maher is pathetic and weak and boring.
jjandbLove Bill Maher but…Agree with Neil Tyson Degrasse. Bill is getting a bit more fringe with medical stuff. I agree with everything else but he needs to have an MD like Paul Offitt on his show. I don’t know why Casey Means didn’t finish her residency when she was so close to being done though I don’t know much about her. I agree with improving nutrition but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Causing canine hesitancy is a problem bc the masses are not educated in medicine like you are in medical school!!
Stephen in ManhattanOne of the last polital comediansI love this podcast, perhaps because I agree with almost everything Maher says, but also because I can't think of anyone else who's doing this kind of polital humor. Where's Mort Sahl when we need him? In addition, it has a kind of Bill Buckly Firing Line vibe, with honestly conflicting viewpoints. I can't praise it enogh.
541redMoving onBe forever grateful for this guy over years since politically incorrect and for intro to minds like yuval harari, glen loury, and john mcwhorter along with countless others. Now it’s just (1) intelligent person to (2) quacks ratio on panel and guests (interchangeable, either guest is good and panel stinks or one person on panel good and other panelist and guest weird, etc) lol. He’s drinking his own kool aid these days. Club random is super boring btw. Stay in lane. Unfollowed. Take care. Get back to original and will be happy to see ya again.
CanusShamusLong Time FanI love how Donna Brazile gets progressively thirstier for Bill with each visit😆
chicka-doodle-dooHigh horseBill, you can criticize people with toxic MAGA family members who don’t want to spend thanksgiving together because you’re the kind of guy nobody wants at the dinner table. Gross. Your liberal bashing is so freaking lazy. Stupid.
A guy syncing phonesLaugh track is awfulI love the topics. I love listening to the arguments. The guests are wonderful. The audience is terrible. It sounds like this is being performed in front of 12 people and two of them are being paid to fake laugh.
Amalthea24Used to love BillHe is becoming more and more vocally misogynistic, and is clearly unaware of how he sounds to his female listeners.
housewives fan 11Talk about long covidDr. Casey means is a joke. Anyone who makes their platform combatting “chronic disease” without uttering the words long covid and discussing how post viral illness is neither taught nor acknowledged in med school is a new age hack masquerading as some type of wholistic medical practitioner. Sure there are environmental factors, but there is also gross misunderstanding, neglect, and lack of research when it comes to autoimmune and inflammatory disease. Changing your diet and sitting outside more often is not gonna cure fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, or ME, and implying as such is insulting to patients who have tried literally every alternative treatment and lifestyle change under the sun to compensate for the lack of fda approved drugs. Stop acting like the lowest of low hanging fruit is some type of revelation and put the federal $$s towards more research already.
evanspcFunny, but ideas about health and science comicalBill is great, especially being flippant about politics and popular culture, but his understanding of science and medicine is so extraordinary poor I often laugh aloud at statements that are intended to be incisive and pithy. I only hope that most people don’t take this garbage seriously!
DKreflectLove your work…..always appreciate your POV whether or not I necessarily agree with itThoroughly enjoyed your most recent book and applaud your editorial raising awareness of the importance and diminished state of world oceans…..continuing on this thread if you were so inclined please help spread the word to FREE CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON, the planet’s greatest champion/defender of oceans and marine life.
soulrockerTLeeInvite norm ornstein onHeard him on Al Franken’s podcast
Dietz 78You let guests make you look crazyRankin was spouting pure nonsense. 100% pure projection. Wake up!!!
caroline's gmaHorribleYou bash Trump and support Biden and Harris who are facist and anti democracy. You won’t listen to the other side at all. Stubborn rich elitist
Isaac J.S.Cheerleader for genocideAudience laughs like North Koreans if bill was Kim jong un.
Chris MottolaMidway? Not even.Bill is an absolute moron. Uninformed and underprepared. Sadly, his audience of clapping seals mute any cogent conversation. Bill is not an intelligent person, nor are his listeners.
Nw JennaSo soThe jokes just aren’t fun anymore. Less politics more humor please.
Virtuelle16Shilling for NetanyahuUnlistenable
PambooGirlieLove this showAlways interesting, informative and speaks to a great diverse community of artists, young people and the basics.
BHuntDoneYou give platform to fascists. Both-sidesism is weak. Unfollowing after 20 years of being a fan. Retire, your time has passed.
Lamont DavensnapPretty good…I appreciate the variety of views that Bill hosts. It brings a lot of common ground to light. Bill always demands answers to tough questions, but occasionally deflects when it comes to the DNC. Overall solid podcast and worth listening to most weeks - usually with multiple lol jokes. Don’t bother tuning in in the two months leading up to a major election
DontdrinkbleachThank you.Bill, thank you for the show and making it available in podcast form. Sincerely, A Fan
Coco1000xoxoYour misogyny is showingI used to enjoy your show. But lately your misogyny is really growing. I know you’re unmarried and have no kids but try to consider that women’s rights are being stripped away. To tell Kaitlin Collin’s that Kamala not giving an interview to the press is worse than the way Donald Trump speaks about and to the press is disgusting. She had a great response to you - maybe you’ll actually listen to a guest. Too many independent voices have shifted right… I guess it must be good for ratings but our democracy is worth more than ratings. Do better and don’t give DT a pass that he won’t enforce everything in Project 2025. Wake up and think of people that are not men.
Rockit609Used to be a Bill fanHis hatred for both sides makes and has become a nasty person
NoahListerWhat the eff happened to Bill MahreI can’t watch anymore.
lostatpoolExcellent!I have followed Bill Maher since Politically Incorrect, he is one of the most opened minded people out there, I always listened to him as well as Jon Stewart for a fair discussion of politics & current events. I’m a single cat lady
GFYPOSRidiculous personCOVID broke Bill. So FOS now.
JenniferK310Used to love this show but now it’s just garbageI really used to like this show and thought Bill was funny, but that’s when he used to push back a little more. Now it just feels like he’s been fully recaptured by the left wing propagandists.
DoubledippedVery Poor AudioI’ll have the volume all the way up and Bill’s voice is so quiet and muffled, he’s almost impossible to hear. But the constant applause and laughter from the audience sounds like it is amplified. The bad audio makes the show unlistenable.
Mishugina55Annoying crowdSounds so fake and staged.
BurdyblueIs Maher really that uninformed?Crooks was outside perimeter of venue and never entered the gates into Pennsylvania rally arena area where Donald spoke. Maher asks tonight how could Secret Service have allowed Crooks through the security checkpoint with his weapon while Maher can’t get through TSA. Bill doesn’t keep up with facts nor do his writers apparently. The 20 ye old loner never even went into the area!
Real FuzzExcellent show on 7/19!It was so good to hear from intelligent people on this show. Loved hearing Pete Buttigieg talk about the Biden situation. The debate between Larry Wilmore and Byron Donalds was fascinating. I am an unaffiliated voter who is also a childless cat lady. I am not unhappy now but I will be if Trump is president again. Pete 2028!
dedeferreEpisode #666How appropriate with those first 2 guests listed? 🙄
beachdream tunesYou’re not helping anything.You’re not helping anything.
Stohr!Weak.Time after time this liar Congresswoman says something amazingly stupid and Bill doesn’t even confront her of at worst ask her to answer the question that he asked. Might as well move to Fox News, dude. Maybe your balls are there.
PSImagesBiden’s TeamNo single president makes every single decision about any topic. Biden knows how to govern and knows the experts (TEAM) that will compliment and support his agenda. We had FDR in a wheelchair with polio. Who cares if Biden may struggle from time to time. I’m 74 and have brain farts from time to time. It’s the TEAM we must consider. Do we really want Steven Miller and Steve Bannon, after his prison term, be in the executive branch? REALLY???
JaredSch10Bill Maher is full of himselfWise guy but he’s full of himself. Glad he’s not too woke.
CcLamontMust listen every weekA rare place to hear intelligent takes on the issues instead of the predictable left or right opinions. Always a few great laughs too. Thanks for the great work, Bill and team.
ZCAgalleryOne of my favorite or maybe my favorite podcastsWish it was also video but I watch it on Max when I can
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