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Orgyia.antiquaDon’t bother with the paid subscription - ads are out of controlThere’s still ads every two minutes. I’ve been listening for years but it’s completely out of control. Two stars given simply because the old ones were decent before it was half ad space for simplysafe. But I can’t do it any more.
SLMG12NarratorI love this podcasts. However, after trying to listen to Brooke G, I have to skip all of hers. Horrible horrible narrating. Omg. Someone help her. Sounds likes she’s in 4th grade.
KickingitwithKimStick to the showI enjoy the show, but I don’t enjoy all the extra stuff in my feed. Throw an ad in for your other shows, but I don’t want them in the queue. It feels very bait and switchy.
bv nanaSTOP!STOP suggesting I listen to Oprah!
lost jersey girlNo OprahIf you don’t stop pushing Oprah on me I will unsubscribe like I did to dateline.
Chippewa1976Get rid of Brooke, redo her episodesCan not stand Brooke’s telling of the stories. She’s awful, please get rid of her and redo all the episodes she did so we could listen! Also stop putting a “new” episode saying I might like Oprah’s podcast because no I wouldn’t. I have deleted it no less than ten times and about to unfollow the show so I don’t have to see it.
Matt_B_WDelete all old Brooke G. episodesYou’re losing listeners. Read the comments. She reads like a six year old and adds the cringeworthy “insights” of a seven year old. Hard to believe a major network hires someone this unqualified.
foxsongsYepLove it
Christie Leigh CookPlease stopPls for the love of God stop recommending the Oprah podcast. If that was the last podcast on earth, I still wouldn’t listen to Oprah. We all know about her at this point. Her true colors has shown themselves. Her support of every predator at this point like Epstein, Harvey, and now Diddy while manipulating America under the guise of a do gooder makes me want to puke. Stop just stop!
chrantqbpWay way too many ads and shows I’m not subscribing to.I’ve tried to hang in there, but it’s too painful at this point bad production and no new content. Unsubscribe.
cleopodsing songy readingI’d like this podcast more if it didn’t sound like a high school girl was reading a book report out loud. Has anyone ever coached her on a more natural delivery?
pmjmvGood showThe show is a refurbished show of older episodes that were a tv show a while ago. They’ve redone some of the audio portions with a new narrator. Lots of people have complained about the background music, but that was pretty standard for the crime shows back in the day. Decent show if you just want a short episode.
Drewby1454Great show overallGreat show but really could do without the stupid music in the background while these people tell stories of their life’s worst moments.
Nag screensSpam feedThe show itself is good, but half the feed is ads for shows I don't care about. I know how to find podcasts. Stop spamming the feed with garbage.
Bevo1990Decent podcastThese girls are hard to listen to. The vocal fry, Kardshian voice is tough to get through.
Fillips1988GreatKeep up the good work Brooke Been listening for years always look forward to a new episode
🤔🦀😁What is everyone’s deal with Brooke?Brooke, keep making podcast,and being the narrator. Keep ‘em coming!
KellyAnne CGreat stories, horrible hostingI love the classic episodes hosted by Bill Curtis, but just so confused on how Brooke Gittings snagged this hosting gig. Her voice, presentation, delivery, and commentary are all so immature, and just hard to listen to. I just have to skip her episodes. It’s so disappointing, especially considering it’s an A&E product. And, please re-record her episodes with Paula!! The re-releases are like double punishment.
TsteverUnsolvedOriginal so much better. Please don’t waste our time with unsolved cold cases. Really feels like a total waste of time
Sportsfan2980Please, please hire a new narratorI am a true crime podcast buff, and used to watch the Bill Curtis episodes on A&E faithfully. Brooke’s narration is a true disservice to the excellence that was Bill Curtis in this show! I start an episode, hoping that it will be one with Bill, when I hear Brooke’s voice, I immediately turn it off. After reading the other reviews, I am clearly not alone in this thought, so PLEASE record these episodes with a different narrator!
A 'Nickname'?!Being back Paula Barros!Airing Brooke’s episodes would be criminal. There’s no question Paula Barros is by leaps and bounds the only voice for Cold Case Files. I wish they’d re-record the other episodes with Paula. She’s the one with the sexy voice, btw. Brooke sounds like an total amateur. These cases deserve better. They deserve Paula Barros.
NickeyB3Long Time ListenerGood stories but out of a good story, you’ll get a lot more commercials. Very annoying. There’s other podcast without commercials every 4 minutes that lasts 6 minutes!
Number 1bookworm!Almost paid for a subscriptionThen I realized no Bill Curtis instead we got the awful choppy speaking maga valley girl Alice from the prosecutors-no thanks
EllaUmbrellaVatorShoozNarrator is difficult to understandThe narrator talks like a Valley Girl. How was she hired to narrate?? She talks too fast, blends two words together in rapid succession, mumbles, and at the end of every sentence her volume gets lower and even more mumbly. Hire someone with better diction. It’s a real turn off having to listen to someone who sounds like a vapid cheerleader from the OC.
mks000001InconsistentOlder episodes copied from tv are great, the reporting is overall interesting. However, I can’t fathom how the host got this job- her delivery sounds similar to a high schooler trying to do the morning announcements. This is strange considering it’s produced by A&E, you’d think they’d have the budget to hire someone with better reading skills/ richer voice/ gravitas. As other reviews have mentioned- the “I Survived” episodes don’t feel like they should be part of the same show. Some episodes are good but I have to skip around to find them
biljobobBrooke sounds hotHey Brooke. Find me and I will make all your dreams come true. You sexy lady.
Name0009Lots of repeat episodesIt seems that most of their episodes are just the same episodes played over and over again. I love this podcast but it’s really annoying how frequently I have to skip over like 10-15 episodes because I’ve already heard them on this same podcast
YecatsyergAds???I have a paid subscription but I still get ads. Canceling now. Also, Brooke Gittings’ voice is grating and way too perky for the subject matter.
CN2018MSIs this a middle school book report?I expect much more of A& E. Cold Case Files is a classic but this narration lacks the gravitas and nuance necessary to deliver such serious material. Big disappointment. It sounds like a little girl reading a storybook to the class.
PicladAnyone but BrookeI listen to this podcast *despite* Brooke. She sounds flat, insincere, and honestly dumb. She seems to think her commentary is challenging and insightful, when it’s actually SO obvious and at times belittling. I can’t stand it.
Twin mom 1654087Not Brooke PleaseBrooke’s voice ruins the podcast. Why is she still on??
Gagafufu123Background musicI really enjoyed this podcast, but can you please kill the background music? It’s so distracting and unnecessary. I want to hear the people tell their stories please and thank you and you’re doing a great job.
shape612Brooke is not for me.Love the repeated tv episodes. Listening to Brooke is very hard for me. Her presentation doesn’t feel right and I do not really care for her interjecting her own opinions. If this was “Brooke’s True Crime Podcast” I’d be fine with it. But being under the Cold Case Files name it feels like it takes away from the straight forward nature of the original show. I don’t need to know her takes on what she does when a police office is behind her or why she thinks a person acts a certain way or what she thinks she heard in a 911 pr interrogation recording. Just tell the story.
Drea2550Brooke is bestBrooke is the first host of cold case and is still the best host forever. For the people that don’t like her move on to another podcast. And stop talking about it. You sound pathetic. Brooke should be the only host for cold case.
Herr Wolf Jr.BrookeMs Giddings must be the beneficiary of nepotism The story lines are exactly from the show so no research needed The narration is like an 8th grade school presentation The golden-throated Bill Curtis was/is CCF! Hey “I Survived “ Start your own podcast!!
MiCorazonMiAmorUnprofessionalIf this was an amateur podcast the podcast host delivery would be explainable but they sound distracted, unpracticed and unfamiliar with their material.
heaavenly21I’m glad I found this podcastI love listening to this podcast and I love the I survive stories.
Nft249Weird chippy deliveryThere’s one certain podcaster that has a weird choppy delivery which makes it really hard to listen to this. She says a few words at a time then has these weirs pauses, maybe for dramatic effect but it doesn’t work at all. Very difficult to listen ti but the other podcaster has a smooth delivery so I just listen to this when she’s hosting.
Christine19Great podcast great hostInformative and I love the hosts voice
Carla,RDRepeats of many other PodcastsNothing new and presented with flat affect.
Drizz9355Love the show but BrookeShe talks her mind way to much.
Ducks140Non positive review.I guess you didn’t like my last review and took it down since It doesn’t come up to be edited anymore LOL!!! Didn’t hurt your sensitive feelings.
wishappwouldworkUsed to love itI used to love this podcast until they started the I survived episodes.
McjMN1Too many repeats, otherwise it is goodPrevious shows are repeated in ridiculous volume. I feel like I have found the same repeated shows within just one season. I would rather wait longer between releases than hear the same show…even a second time. I do hope the podcast creators reads the constructive criticism and stops repeating the same show. I am waivering on deleting the podcast from my list. The content is interesting to listen to, but only ONE time.
Dutchess of SussexHate the new soundsHate the new background noises and sound effects. No longer soothing or easy to listen to.
RushellVToo many adsI like the content and I like Brooke but there are way too many ads.
TekDragon68Used to be decentNew host with the same issues. Now half the episodes are “I Survived” or “you may be interested in”. This podcast has nothing to do with the original podcast. Each podcast is overloaded with ads. I timed them and about 10-15% of each podcast is nothing but ads.
JAB9719Good until the “I survived” podcast was absorbedI listen to this podcast while I’m working and nothing is more frustrating than having to skip through an episode that has already been played. I go through this every day. 3 of the same I survived cases keep getting replayed until I have to skip them to find the next episode. The I survived cases aren’t bad by any means only when it’s being played 4 times over. Also too many ads.
Sasfrass1313Not greatI LOVE true crime, but this was a dud. Not many details into the case and a lot of fluffy nonsense.
Rachel RanerGood but ALOt of ads 👎🏼Love the host and the way the stories are laid out. But half the episode is ads. It’s infuriating.
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