Simple Families

Parenting #108

Simple Families offers solutions for living well with children. In this show, we focus on child behavior, positive parenting, family wellness, and decreasing the mental load. As a Mama with a doctorate in Child Development, Denaye’s perspectives are grounded in research, but more importantly real life.

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Recent Reviews
  • Whyareallnicknamestaken?!
    Inaccessible Now
    This podcast has been a longtime favorite. I have listened for years devotedly, but feel it’s becoming inaccessible. Though caveats about privilege are made, the attempts feel feeble when topics center around multiple home renovations, live-in care, private schools and camps, and extended international travel. Recently resilience was discussed and the stories regarding a choice to move to an area with significant cultural differences temporarily and an authoritarian dojo master positioned as true adversities inspiring resilience felt dense. These are fine choices AND are not options for most people. An undertone of judgment is also felt and it makes the rest feel performative.
  • paigeamberbacani
    A Breath of Fresh Air
    Thank you so much Denaye for your peaceful presence and encouragement. I am a young mama finding myself in more and more power struggles with my wildly intelligent three year old! I feel equipped with new tools and resources to love him well and connect with him deeply! I am so grateful for the wisdom that you share!! Thank you again Denaye!!
  • Grerica
    Podcast for Busy Moms
    If you’re like me and you are hit and miss with weekly podcasts, this one is for you! When I finally find the time to turn on podcasts, Simple Families always hits. It’s like they knew what I needed to hear. Thank you for validating us as moms just trying to do our best.
  • ambikayoga
    I learn a lot from your show and apply it
    I have started listening years ago and haven’t missed one since. As a mom of two I have a lot to learn from your conversations. Thank you for normalizing the parenting and partnership issues. Would like to hear something on the theme of homeschooling as I am currently homeschooling my 3rd grader and preschooler. Thank you for sharing.
  • Amy Slenker Smith
    I wish Denaye was in my life when my son was little! Amazing show!
    I loved the episode with a Joshua Becker about his book which I love. I appreciate the conversation that they had about setting the example, and could not agree more. This is how my son has come around to the idea of living, simply and living with less because he has seen us do so first. Can’t wait yo listen to more episodes.
  • Jennifer Booth DNP
    Outstanding Show!
    This show has seriously changed my life in every aspect for the better. Thank you Denaye for sharing evidence based material that can positively impact the world. You are a great inspiration to working moms who are trying to be the best they can be and lead a more balance work-family life!
  • Kaili Z
    Great tips + strategies!
    Love all of the simple tips and strategies to incorporate into our day to day lives. I also love the length of these episodes! I really enjoyed the episode on time management and the new ideas I've not heard anywhere else on how to start teaching kids about time/time management with the clock!!
  • Amandab915541
    Great content but out-of-touch
    I really enjoy the message and content of this podcast. The interviews are done well and are relevant to lots of people! Lots of great content about simplifying many aspects of life with kids. However, her most recent life-update episode rubbed me the wrong way. She does, to her credit, acknowledge her privilege and luck several times throughout the episode, but speaking of full-home renovations, hiring an au pair, and month-long vacation in Mexico seems a bit out-of-touch. I’d say the vast majority of listeners can’t afford these things, and the way she talks about these things makes it sound like these are totally normal things. I’ll continue listening for the content, but will take everything with a grain of salt.
  • laurenfeng12
    Mentorship in Motherhood - loved it!
    Just listened to the episode with Deborah Porter. I have been a long-time listener and follower of simple families and this is one of my fav eps of all time. Ms Porter drops these casually awesome gems of motherhood advice left and right - I wish I could hang out with her and just soak up all her wisdom. As a new mother during the pandemic I also really appreciated the moments of empathy toward new pandemic moms. As always, thank you Denaye!
  • RM2018
    Look forward
    I have been following this show for years and am so thankful for all the topics and insight covered! Only constructive feedback I can give is that the shorter episodes were easier to get to and digest (20-30 min), I’ve found myself not starting the longer ones as fast as I don’t have an hour solid to give to a show on a daily basis and I do like to listen in one setting to really ponder the concepts!
  • Guy113013
    My favorite
    Love this show, it’s an absolute favorite.
  • Midwestmom12345
    Great Listen
    I really enjoy this podcast and the guests she invites to her show. Whether it’s minimalism, child anxiety, screen time, I always enjoy her take on the subject.
  • abby lmft
    Best parenting podcast
    I’ve been listening to Denaye for years and she’s the best. I respect her expertise and also her willingness to grow and learn. She’s so helpful to me in my my parenting journey!
  • smalbert
    Truly my favorite podcast
    I love this podcast. Super easy to listen to. Great tips, insightful questions and interviews and inspirational without making me feel less than. When my husband and I disagree abt a parenting thing husband will literally ask me “what would denaye say?” 😂😂❤️💕
  • Mrs. YE
    Great parenting and self care podcast
    As a parent who is constantly overwhelmed and second guessing every parenting decision I make, but always trying to improve as a person and as a parent, I appreciate this podcast so much and the work Denaye puts into it to offer quality content. I have found this podcast so helpful. I have been able to incorporate a lot of the advice offered, but also I have felt heard knowing other parents, including professionals such as Denaye, go through the same struggles with their own kids.
  • new york shan
    Simple yet satisfying
    Taking inspiration from Simba’s “slimy yet satisfying” proclamation upon eating bugs… although there’s nothing slimy here! From Denaye’s oft-repeated “take what works for you, leave what doesn’t” to the foundational themes of love and respect - who knew that simple could be so satisfying? Beyond providing resources and advice for tricky situations in parenting, the thing that keeps bringing me listening is how I feel after: I feel seen, I feel like I’ve had a chance to reset and load a few more (lightweight!) tools in my belt, and I very often feel like I’ve been given more capacity for love, respect and patience in my relationships.
  • thatnatiam
    Long time listener
    I’ve been listening to Denaye for YEARS. I feel like she is a friend and we have been on my parenting journey together. I love her thoughts, as well as all the guests she brings on. I have found many resources and strategies through this show. 10/10 recommend!
  • pattyknut1234
    Thanks for the podcast!
    I have been listening to your podcast for about 4 years now and I am still learning new things. I appreciate how you talk openly about keeping things simple because it is a hard message to find!
  • Marzipann222
    Thank you!
    This podcast is a life saver. I look forward to it every week
  • LoveAnEngineer
    Simple & Awesome
    I love listening to the Simple Families podcast! There are so many great ideas, tips and just helpful information I have learned!! Not everything is one size fits all and Denaye and her guests get that... they will tell you that too! However the concepts and ideas they provide can be implemented in some way! This is definitely a must listen to podcast for anyone on the parenthood journey!!
  • Bona324
    Incredibly helpful
    This is an amazing podcast!! The information is accessible and easy to process. There are great ideas shared to help you in your everyday life. I love the guests and the solo episodes!!!
  • Pinterested in more pins
    Breath of fresh air
    This podcast has always been refreshing, and calming, and I finish listening with a sense of peace and acceptance of where I am in my parenting journey. I love that there is always a new way to think of a topic, without it being overwhelming or a stretch. Thank you for your constant encouragement!
  • LudovicaX
    Denaye helps is so many ways!
    The simple families podcast and Denaye has helped me become a better parent. I love listening to her podcast for so many reasons. She is a relatable parent who shares so many helpful ideas. She also understands that not everything will work for every child and family. She is down to earth and works hard to get great guests. If you are a parent this is a must listen podcast.
  • AEVanM
    My favorite podcast
    I don’t listen to many podcasts but this is the one I gravitate toward the most. The parenting and minimalism tips are helpful and relatable.
  • J Lee 622
    Not just for parents!
    This podcast is a gold mine of information! As a parent I began listening with the hopes of learning new ways to parent but I have really enjoyed the personal revelations that have come from it as well. I regularly forward episodes to friends and family to listen to you since many of these issues are very applicable to us as adults.
  • MadBMill
    Loyal listener
    I can’t do parenting without Denaye. I’ve learned so much listening to her. The thoughtful approach to minimalism and parenting is a life saver. Thank you, Denaye!!
  • jen2525
    So motivational!
    This is the only podcast I listen to. They aren’t typically something I enjoy, but I heard about this and was interested in the topic and have listened to every episode. It’s motivated me to simplify my house and life. It’s still a work in progress, but I love listening for continued motivation.
  • rebekahsp
    Love this podcast
    Denaye has a soothing podcast voice. I don’t even mind the ads, and the content is great. I especially loves the havening episode as I have been exposed to similar forms of sensory integration lately and trying to find things I can implement easily into our daily lives. Thank you for the podcast.
  • aleronie
    Thankful for Denaye!
    Denaye is a calm, wise, engaging & down to earth resource and she has greatly impacted my parenting and humaning in so many wonderful ways! I learn something every episode!
  • donya.roy
    Thank you!
    Wonderful content.
  • mcall78
    Pep talk from the loveliest podcast voice ever!
    I need a voice to remind me that I’m doing okay and that even a mom with a PhD in child development gets it wrong too sometimes. Denaye gives great tips and coaches me to be a better mom…not perfect, but better.
  • KLWhite82
    Favorite Podcast
    Denaye is relatable and insightful and I look forward to each new episode. I have learned so much from Denaye and believe that the knowledge has truly benefitted me and my family.
  • AmyR613
    Favorite Parenting Podcast
    Simple Families has been my favorite parenting podcast for the last 5 years. As a first time mom Denaye’s resources has been a huge influence on my parenting style and family life. So thankful to have found her early on in my parenting journey!
  • Farrarmansfield
    My Favorite Parenting Podcast
    I love Simple Families! Denaye offers thoughtful guidance and intelligent insights into the world of parenting. I love her perspective which encourages us to enjoy our lives and our children free from the clutter of stuff and complicated parenting advice. I also love how she shares her own experiences; in particular, her year without alcohol and her newer experiment with less screen time. She is authentic, friendly and articulate. What more could you ask for in a podcast host?! Oh, and the length of the podcast is just right for busy moms!
  • Taylor Metcalf
    Love this podcast!
    Thanks for helping me so much in my motherhood journey!!
  • M the awesome
    Relatable topics with effective advice
    I am so glad I found this podcast. I’ve now listened to most episodes. The first ones are more for parents with smaller children, but I have teens and have found so much value in the way Denaye recommends we talk to our children, or being in tune with our own behavior. The latest episodes are ageless - you can find gems of advice in each episode!
  • girlnamedgretch
    My Don’t-Miss Podcast!
    This podcast is such a winner—I don’t miss a week! I find Denaye to be relatable and honest as a parent and partner/spouse, but both she and many of her guests are also qualified from an educational standpoint to be pouring ideas into my brain, and that is important to me. I’ve listened for years and find the content to be consistently relevant and getting better all the time. A+
  • havasipartyof4
    Hits home all the time
    This is one podcast I look forward to every week. It's so refreshing to hear a well educated and down to earth/approachable voice on parenting, simplicity, and where life hits us hard. Denaye is so thoughtful and considerate. I appreciate her, her work, and her guests making parenting in this incredibly pressured and fast paced culture we live in.
  • Suz1485
    Perfect for my life
    I love this podcast. The topics are incredibly relevant to my life and I love the practical, realistic while rooted in research the advice is. It’s a must listen for me and one of the first podcasts I look for when I’m listening.
  • MayThePeaceofGodBewithYou
    You are easy to listen to
    You are a great podcasts host because you don’t interrupt your guests when they speak and you truly honor and value what your guests say ;even when you disagree with them or their beliefs do not align with your own. You are a great example of listen and learn. You truly practice the art of listening! Which is amazing because you have so much knowledge to share! Thank you for what you do.
  • Jstme62
    Thank you
    I’m a sahm and your podcast has saved my life. That’s all I can say, it easy to listen to, immensely informative and full of “huh, that makes so much sense!” moments. I’ve learned so much and my kids and I thank you for all you do. 😊💖
  • M1mt:/
    A must listen for new parents
    I love this podcast, super practical, straight forward advice given from an expert in child development. Any mom or dad or grandparent would benefit from listening. Recently the podcast has blossomed to included interesting guests that speak to the struggles of parenting and being human today. It’s so great!
  • Dlfingirl
    Valuable even for families who don’t have kids (yet)
    Even before I became a caregiver for little ones, I listened to Denaye for years. She brings so much value to my weeks by providing insights and applicable suggestions on simple living, intentional living, minimalism, and children. Now, as a caregiver to two littles, I’m able to put my years of captive listening to practice and hope to institute all of the value and learning Denaye has brought to my life in the future with my own children.
  • Aprilealba99
    The only parenting podcast I keep coming back to
    I’ve listened to so many parenting podcasts, but this is the only one I listen to regularly. I love the realistic and honest approach… versus the other advice out there that sounds lovely in theory, doesn’t work out, and then the parent is blamed for doing it wrong. Also really appreciate the move toward simplicity, as that’s something I strive for in our home too.
  • Natalie innMinnesota3243
    Love Denaye’s Outlook
    The advice from this podcast has changed my life! Loved the why fewer toys are better episodes… Instead of feeling guilty my kid did not have a ton of toys because I didn’t have the energy to manage them, she helped me realize what kids really do/don’t need and how little time we actually spend at home sitting with purchased toys.
  • Katherine J L
    Favorite parenting podcast
    This is relatable, efficient and practical advice for parents to love and equip our kids with the tools and resources to be good humans. Can’t recommend it enough!
  • KateW7
    Number 1 Podcast for Parents
    I have been following Denaye on IG and subscribed to her podcast for years. I recommend her episodes to people often but it is about time I make a formal review. I love that her podcasts apply to parents with children of any age. She learns right alongside her listeners/followers and offers real life examples of that. Thank you, Denaye!
  • AlSkCa
    Easy listen and reassuring.
    Refreshingly honest, simple, and reassuring. Gives great tips and ideas while also helping me see all the ways I already am a wonderful competent loving parent. So often social media makes me feel less than and this show undoes all of that! Love listening!!!
  • ErinW83
    A staple!
    I have been following Denaye for years and have learned so much from her podcast and courses! She is rooted in research and personal experience. She has truly been one of the few resources that has leveled up my parenting!
  • lauradmiller
    A favorite podcast
    Over the years, I have listened to all sorts of family and parenting podcasts. When I stumbled upon Denaye’s, the first episode I listened to felt like she was talking directly to me and my situation. She keeps her podcasts clear, simple, and full of value. After listening, I often feel more confident in myself as a parent and grounded in the things that matter most. I don’t leave feel like there’s more for me “to do” to achieve parenting goals but rather feeling like I’m already capable as I am. Love the episodes!
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