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gffghgbenGood but could be bettterI listened every night for more than 3 years now about but one thing I want to make it better is bring back the mini adventures
Tyler Durden (Cornelius)FunTony and Scott put in a lot of time in so the adventures go well and it's always fun to listen to the players completely make it go off the rails.
Andee917Always a great time!I have been listening to TPK for several years now and I have to say I am always laughing and and just generally having a great time with whichever cast of adventurers I am listening to at the moment. Thanks for the great work!
Jackson06More episodes!!!!I absolutely love this podcast. It can always make me smile and laugh. Every person you bring on is great and funny. This is my go to comfort podcast. I love to listen to old episodes which are my favorite. Gammaworld was absolutely hilarious. I nNEEd MorE episodes.
Sir Bails of HayeThe Real ThingI learned to play D
AppleZillaFun to listen to casually. Not worth paying for.Some series are really good. Some are bad. All the Curse of Strahd related shows are extremely tedious. The shows with UK people in the mix are are the best.
lbutlrThe original, the bestI believe this is the original and longest running “friends play hilarious D&D podcast” and it’s still the best one of a genre that includes a lot of great podcasts.
GlisharaA fun romp!This podcast feels like a real D&D game, more than a production. As much as I love some of the big-name podcasts, this is my go-to for fun and humor. Everyone always seems to be having fun, and they don’t take themselves too seriously.
AlishstarI have never laughed so muchI have been playing AD&D for over 30 years. Listening to this group has brought back so many memories. Now I think I may even want to try 5th edition. Thanks guys for making me smile all day. Of course my party may not be to happy? Oh well, such is the life of a quester.
dcassinoGreat funThere are a lot of D&D actual play podcasts. What makes this one special? It’s a little shaggy. It’s funny. The players are less concerned with character development (though there’s a little of that) than they are with exploring dungeons and wrecking/getting wrecked by monsters. The folks playing aren’t professional voice actors or comedians: they’re smart, funny people having a good time. And they get into enough scrapes that you’ll be cheering along with them when they do manage to finally take down whatever just about killed them all.
The Blue NinjaTENGU R0CKS!total Party Kill has been my favorite role playing podcast for a long time now… But the 10gu takes there adventuring silliness to a whole new level!
JamesDiGrizI’ve listened to the previous 139 episodes......and never bailed on one. Until now. Sorry, but GammaWorld comes across as one of those constructs where “anything can happen - and does!” The problem with that is, it doesn’t make for a good story: if anything can happen, nothing that does happen is very interesting. And the interplay between characters is curiously flat. Say what you will about Eglath’s Angels (which has dragged on way too long) but the interplay between characters in character, players, and GM is fun. This feels like nobody wants to be there, and the episode is just filler while Snell is on the road. Bring back something from the Action Castle lineup. Or anything else. Please let GammaWorld go.
srmcfaGreat, fun mix of laughter, role-playing, combatA very funny, engaging live play Dungeons and Dragons podcast with rotating multiple campaigns. The players and game masters don't take themselves too seriously, which leads to many laugh-out-loud moments. They DO take sound quality, editing, and honest gameplay seriously, which makes for a more entertaining listen. While I also like The Adventure Zone podcast, I like Total Party Kill better. TPK lacks the near-constant swearing. TPK also has a little larger group of player characters, including women (they can play D&D too, you know!). A few more characters makes for more interesting combat and role-playing. Keep up the good work!
referenceaknowledgedDnD at its audio best!Pure brilliance
GgccjhgdcA quite good podcastThis is one of my favorite podcasts and I always am excited when a new episode pops into my feed.
perfectlyvirgoa great take on classic D&D pathseveryone on this show is great but tbh i can't wait until the guy who ran the campaign in the desert gets to dm again!
HoursGoneByMore fun than a bag full of rats!Crazy fun – literally! All of the campaigns are tons of fun, but delving the Underdark to work off a sandwich shop debt has to be one of my favorite plots ever.
RestettBest dnd group everSo funny and exciting
Lord CantidoNice Podcast ChillMainly focused on comedy and combat, the great C's of the Dungeons and Dragons franchise. Total Party Kill, will leave your sides in stitches with reference I don't get, but if you have even an ounce of culture, it will leave you with those stitches bursting open, and large amounts of comedy gold pouring down upon the ground, but hopefully not on your head. OMG, Game of Thrones. But for serious. They enjoy 4th edition, and I too enjoy hearing them go through battles. They keep it entertaining and always on the joke up stroke.
dwearschYou'll feel like part of the partyI never would have guessed listening to people play D&D on the internet would be entertaining, but it totally is.
OneofthreeofeightGreat timesThis is the first D&D podcast I listened to and I got hooked. Now I listen to the adventure zone as well as drunks and dragons in addition to this.
Not Tom SelleckI have never cared about D&D, and I still don't!This group manages the impossible, making D&D entertaining to someone who has no interest in it. From the outset, listening to people play D&D seemed like a boring concept, but after one episode I was hooked. They have fun and it's infectious. I've already seen copycat podcasts popping up now trying to replicate it, to little success.
CelestialnLOVE it — but for one annoying participantI love this podcast. The first season is perfect. However, from campaign 2 and beyond, a participant called Georgia Dow joins the team, and her voice and fake laugh are like nails on a chalkboard. It's a shame, because this is one of my favorite podcasts. Hopefully she will not be in the next campaign.
MDHiTunesCool live playA live play D&D campaign. Good sound quality, and not boring.
Drew_HOne of the top D&D PodcastsIt’s not as hilarious or creative as The Adventure Zone but still a very good and fun D&D podcast.
KlievImpressively realistic roleplayingof characters with poor decision-making abilities :) But really, a fun group of folks being silly in D&D for our amusement. As promised in the tagline.
SlowskieOddly satisfying, extremely entertaining!I find myself living vicariously through these characters as I drive along through my day! Looking forward to the next adventure!!
ThunderbunnymountainDragon King of TyrTotally gets my approval! If I wasn't already dead I would say more.....
Justin WeissThe funniest podcast I subscribe toHow is this show so entertaining? Even the Trivial Pursuit episode was fantastic. One of my new favorites. Every single time I open my podcast app, I specifically check to see if a new TPK has been posted. It’s so good!
ThebaniteI love it!By rights, this should be boring as hell, but it's not! "This is truly it." AutoCorrect didn't let me say what I want, but I'll take it. This is truly a hip thing.
Scott T WilliamsI don’t particularly care about D&D but love this podcastI’ve never played D&D, but listening to the Incomparable crew makes up for that. I wish it was recorded more often. … and car.
JeffLikesBikesGreat fun!I can not believe I enjoy listening to people play DnD, but I do. Crazy. I would like to see more overhead maps online though so I know what is going on a little better.
volineBeware the Cutting Words!This may sound strange, but I really enjoy listening in as a group of friends play Dungeons & Dragons on the internet. It's funny and suspenseful and I'm looking forward to whatever challenge they face next.
FelpawReliving the pastThis brings back so many memories of playing D&D. These guys are just like my old group. Love the wit and interplay. Give it a try, you won’t be sorry.
BeaudotgilesEgglaf (Pancakes) livesOn its surface this podcast should not work. It’s people playing D&D on the internet, not something one seeks out. I personally have never played D&D, but I still find myself listening intently. Part of it is that most of the players do not seem to be very good at playing D&D. Coordination is haphazard. Leadership is almost non-existent. The characters vacillate from being overly cautious to dangerously reckless. Tactical mistakes are common. In other words it can be a bit of a organizational behavior train wreck played out in a D&D universe. Admittedly when the situation for the party gets dire, and it almost always does once an episode, I find myself rooting against them in each die roll. Pile on the misery, the death, the destruction. Maybe I’m not supposed to do that, but that seems to be the killer appeal of this podcast.
Joe V 416It's better than you think.But let's face it, it pretty much has to be.
cberriusTotally justifies my misspent youthActually, not misspent. But I am playing D & D online with my friends and this sounds so gloriously familiar (bad jokes, banter, dice disasters, poor strategic choices) that it makes me happy to listen to. I’m also fascinated by listening to people actually play 4th edition, which I always thought was unworkably complicated.
MVelieA must listen toWhile different than many of the other podcasts I listen to, it’s definitely a must listen to. It’s always hard waiting for the next episode to come out and find out what happens next.
VegardlsI love this show!Best hour on the internet, great decision to split it off into a separate show since I get more D&D and The Incomparable at the same time. Eglath lives!
dumbfaceDND4EVERIf you are interested in hearing other people go unconscious over and over again due to overly aggressive battle tactics, you will love this series. It's entertaining people enjoying themselves playing a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign. What's not to like? If you are inexperienced you might learn something about the game. If you are experienced you'll enjoy yelling at your iPhone. There's something for everyone. ZIP-ZOP!
ezfullmerSo good!This show is awesome. Think of an old radio drama with loads of snarky hilarity. Despite the bouts of incompetence, I find myself pulling for the characters and looking forward to finding out what will kill them next.
Kyle B.Unexpectedly AwesomeSome Incomparable regulars go on fantastic adventures through digital pen and paper. Sometimes inept and always hilarious, this show makes my commute fly by. I want to drink beer and play D&D with these people. Also: Eat it, Lutz!
Scott PlumleeBest part of my week is a new TPKill episodeThere’s a few podcasts that get ‘instant listen’ applied to them, and this is one of them. There’s something about TPKill that makes listening to them like being with a group of your oldest friends, where everyone picks up right where you left off the last time.
twohandsofblueBafflingly DelightfulI've never played D&D in my life, but listening to these folks play is so much fun. It's had me biting my lip trying not to laugh out loud at work while listening. (I can only imagine the faces of my coworkers if I tried to explain I was listening to people play D&D and yes it is actually that hilarious at times.) Well worth listening to.
Owly AndyBetter than my favorite audiobook!Interactive storytelling at it's best! I love listening to this podcast and can't wait for each new episode! I started listening via The Incomparable and I've loved hearing the players develop and grow! You guys and gal are the greatest! Zip-zop! It's time for the old Templar's fist!
bpeacockEglath Would Be ProudI am so happy we get regular installments of The Incomparable plays D&D. I've never played and don't really have any interest to. But listening to this group of friends play is absolutely fun! They have a camaraderie that is engaging and just the right blend of wit, sarcasm, and humor to make this an extremely fun listen. I am chuckling and laughing the entire hour. For new listeners, the first 11 episodes here are their adventures as posted in bigger chunks on the Incomparable. Episode 12 picks up anew.
SimpleMan46How is this so entertaining?This show has no right to be so entertaining. It should be boring. Listening to a group of people playing Dungeons & Dragons? Yawn. Yet, somehow it's hilarious... and sometimes suspenseful! I've never played D&D, but I love this show. I'm looking forward to many more episodes.
Bbqsauce112Egg lath lives.Thank you for spinning this off. I can only hope that this means more of this type of episode. These are so much fun to listen to.
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