The Jordan Harbinger Show


(Apple's Best of 2018) In-depth conversations with people at the top of their game. Jordan Harbinger unpacks guests' wisdom into practical nuggets you can use to impact your work, life, and relationships. Learn from leaders (Ray Dalio, Simon Sinek, Mark Cuban), entertainers (Moby, Tip "T.I." Harris, Dennis Quaid), scientists (Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye), athletes (Kobe Bryant, Dennis Rodman, Tony Hawk) and an eclectic array of fascinating minds, from art forgers and arms traffickers to spies and psychologists.

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  • P.S.III
    An all around amazing podcast!
    Thank you for doing the leg work on finding this very interesting information! Addendum: My wife and I have started using the pod as part of my son’s homeschooling curriculum. And I have seen an amazing amount of growth. Thank you again!
  • mrs.moody_1
    Fabulous as always!
  • ATB2001_SD
    Helpful and entertaining
    This podcast is one I look forward to. It is full of real-life wisdom for difficult situations, and Jordan really puts a lot of thought and empathy into his advice. It is nice to know that I’m not as alone as I thought in certain situations that he discusses on Feedback Fridays. Even with difficult topics, he is always able to sprinkle in some humor in an appropriate way. The interviews during the week are incredibly interesting, and again I always look forward to getting a new one. Thanks Jordan and Gabe for the work you’re doing!
  • is-this-nickname-also-taken?
    I saved dozens of episodes and can’t even keep up!
    I only recently discovered this podcast through Cal Newport. There are over 1,000 episodes now, and if I were to catch up, I’d probably have to listen to this show full time for a year straight. What makes this podcast so great though is the quality of its production. The guests are incredible and often make multiple appearances. Jordan’s story is also pretty epic. Listen to episode 133, where he is interviewed by Tom Bilyeu.
  • 👩🏼‍💻🐚🔔
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I’ve been consistently listening for about 3 or 4 years, and I learn something new with each episode. I thoroughly enjoy all of the interesting topics and guests, and I especially appreciate the balanced, fact-based discussions, even on the somewhat rare occasion I don’t share the same view as the hosts. Thank you for all the wonderful content!
  • DrFinn
    One of the best free resources out there!
    A positive role model for confusing times. The topics are varied yet a reoccuring theme is how we communicate with each other. So many practical applications to life in general such as how to deal with a narcissistic boss, getting your kids off of their phones, or just becoming more productive in general. I actually can’t thank my coworkers enough for getting me hooked! Highly recommend!
  • Gottarun96
    Best Podcast!
    I found the Jordan Harbinger show a few years ago and have since went back and listened to EVERY SINGLE episode. His shows are always entertaining, thought provoking, and informative. He handles sensitive topics well and is always respectful. Even if the title of the episode doesn’t seem appealing to me, I still listen because I know I’ll enjoy the podcast. Thanks for a great show!
  • mildred100
    Friday Feedback Freaky Good
    I’ve been listening to The Jordan Harbinger Show for at least five years and I love it! This is my favorite podcast, you can tell how much time Jordan, Gabe, and their team spend on preparation. You get interesting interviews from people from so many different backgrounds and a lot of advice that I’ve actually used in my personal and professional life. A few of the episodes have made a huge impact on my life and the ability to move on after some really difficult events. Listen…you will not be disappointed!
  • FF Sweet T
    Eye opening and entertaining
    This is a great podcast. I learn something frequently and it challenges some opinions I have. I frequently find books that I want to explore as well as other podcasts that the host suggests.
  • Retpedrn12
    Fascinating guests, something to interest everyone!!
    Congratulations on your 1000th show, huge accomplishment, you Gabe and your team have reason to be proud of what you’ve all built and accomplished! I’m a longtime listener and I’m always talking up your show to anyone who’ll listen and sending those podcasts out! I sincerely believe that Jordan is one of THE most well prepared and intellectually curious hosts out there in podcast land. I learn so much from his selection of smart, stimulating and well spoken intelligent guests and I love the variety, never know if it’s gonna be a mobster or a bestselling author, or a combination! I also benefit tremendously from the questions he asks all his guests(that we at home are probably wondering…) and it’s easy to tell that he’s done his extensive prep homework for each episode. Thanks again for a fantastic, informative and well put together show w/always fascinating and sometimes surprising guests. I appreciate all the continued hard work that you, Gabe and your staff diligently carry out to give us such a high grade quality podcast for everyone’s enjoyment and edification. One last thing, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the chemistry that Jason and Gabe have on FBF’s. The time, care and effort that they both put into answering all the letters( and there are some REAL heartbreakers and doozies!) sometimes w/professional advice from former guests and friends of the show, is heartwarming and a real boon to the letter writer and the listeners. I love when they get each other going and can’t stop laughing, I’m right there w/them, they make my day, let them make yours!!
  • JR Sinn
    898 Forest Galante
    I appreciate the entire Jordan Harbenger team. I know it takes a village to create such a wonderful podcast. I have learned so much and will continue to listen and share episodes.
  • Luckiirish
    More Annie Jacobson
    Annie Jacobson episode should be required reading for all US citizens, residents, and service members. The Skeptic/al Sunday with Andrew Gold about bottled water…. CHOICE. 👩🏻‍🍳 💋 🤌 Love the episode about the Royals with Mr. Gold!
  • Alpie gal
    Best of the best
    I’m in a low-level yet highly people-facing community outreach role, and this show has expanded my knowledge (and interest) in topics that I once found too difficult to delve into. I have already utilized information from numerous shows, most recently Out of the Loop: Haiti, as one of our community partners is housing refugees from Haiti. It feels good to be able to add to the conversation, which helps build stronger partnerships and connection. I truly wish everyone would give this show a listen, I love the regular long forms, skeptical Sundays, and of course always down for a dooze-cruise with Feedback Friday. Thanks guys!
  • Ziggie512
    Love these guys!
    I always enjoy the podcast. And I love that Jordan and Gabe are accessible. It’s easy to contact them with comments and concerns.
  • DaHockeyWall
    Great podcast - well run and phenomenal range of guests
    This show is just run in such an amazing way. The long form interviews are great informational pieces. They’ll let you learn from different points of view from people who are extremely interesting. If you really want to start thinking critically and challenge your own thoughts then this podcast is for you. Feedback Friday has tons of sass from the host and cohost you’ll love it. PS don’t be a Lydia.
  • The great ben12
    Jordan is the goat
    Jordan is a very under appreciated podcaster. Jordan is very unbiased and cares deeply about his community. Feedback Friday has always been my favorite show he does. Using insight from trained professionals, he helps listeners tackle all their difficult dilemmas and offers practical advice that helps the average listener with their own lives.
  • Corskin
    Always leaning something new
    I think I’m smarter after I listen to podcasts like this one. Jordan always brings on great guests. There is such a cross section and it’s so diverse, I could learn things I had no idea about. I love that the host actually reads the book and knows his material. I love that his guests will freely talk about what’s in their books. I have purchased it sought out many of these guests materials after listening to a particular episode.
  • Jgev5
    Informative and helpful
    Great show that always has a diverse group of guests with topics that are always interesting. I’ve been sucked into these long form discussions too many times to count. Beyond that, Jordan always has relevant guests on- for instance he had the guy on about recreating a Woolley mammoth and then a couple of weeks later I saw a conspiracy theory tweet about the topic. Thankfully I had listened to the hour and a half pod of Jordan and the guy behind it 2 weeks earlier and knew the conspiracy theory was just that. If you’re not listening to these pods, you’re missing out on so many levels. Also a huge thumbs up that it isn’t politics based, which is more than I can saw for other pods. Sub and listen and learn- you’ll be in good company where you belong.
  • gfhjfcvb
    Jordan Harbinger show
    I happened upon this podcast and now I cant quit listening. Every show has so many facts and his guests are extremely interesting. I wrote to Jordan since I had a question on one of the shows I had listened to and I was shocked that he responded back. He has guests from every walk of life and his show is awesome. Jordan now has over 1000 shows and everyone of them that I have listened to has been fascinating. You wont be sorry listening to his show! Jordan your the best!!!! Thank you, Patti Mills
  • Busy Exec Mom
    Level Up Your Tribe
    Jim Rohn said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So if you want to be an informed, articulate, proactive and clear-thinking person, you need to be hanging out with Jordan Harbinger, his team and his guests. Jordan interviews leading thinkers in business, geopolitics, economics, science, law enforcement, military, and technology to introduce you to new ideas, new mental frameworks, personal and career advice and deep wisdom. The Jordan Harbinger Show is the education you missed in school, the enlightenment you didn't know you needed.
  • Noetry111
    Favorite Podcast
    As far as blending education, entertainment, self-development and just enjoyable to listen to EVERY time, JHShow is the GOAT. I have consumed SO many hours of this show and I am all the wiser for it. There is no question I’ve become a greater thinker, communicator and entrepreneur through this podcast. I have listened to EVERY feedback Friday, because I live for the drama, but mostly for Jordan and Gabe’s heartfelt and insightful responses. When I wrote it, Gabe was so kind to give incredible, in depth, well-thought out feedback for my question. We carried on a conversation as I updated him on the results. You guys are so real and you’re creating a massive difference in our lives. Huge thanks. (Also, my question is featured in Feedback Friday next week and that is a dream come true!)
  • Cacan12
    Jordan Harbinger Show
    This is the #1 show that I recommend to others. The variety of topics the show engages with is what keeps me coming back week after week. If you like to think, like to stretch your mind to places you haven’t thought about before, and like to see the good in humanity and hope in the world, this show is for you.
  • Stork1998
    Interesting and educational
    Let me start off with this. I very much enjoy your show. I’m a sixty-something guy and learn something every show. I enjoy the format and the easy conversational style. The work Jordan and his team put is evident in the finished podcasts. The relationship with Gabe is especially enjoyable. Friday’s shows are an interesting potpourri of sometimes crazy but often relatable situations that often have answers that can be applied to situations we all encounter.
  • Bleakfilm
    One of the most refreshing and informative podcasts out there!
    The Jordan Harbinger show is always in my podcast rotation and I’ll tell you why. First and foremost, it’s single-handedly one of the most informative and refreshing podcasts there is. The guests Jordan and the team get on the show are so interesting. I have been able to apply a lot of the lessons taught on the show to my real life. Second has to be Feedback Friday and Skeptical Sunday. Love these episodes. I find them truly insightful. I love hearing about other perspectives and this show provides a ton of that. Even the episodes that I thought I wouldn’t be interested in I have found that I love listening to them. Also, the deals and discount codes come in handy ;) If you’re new around here. Get started with the “starter packs” Jordan and the team have provided on their website. To the team, please keep up the amazing work. I plan to listen for many years
  • kurlykeeler
    Great and inspiring content
    I always enjoy listening to Jordan and all of his guest. They always discuss subjects that are meaningful, purposeful and relevant. Jordan’s interaction is always entertaining and engaging! Feedback Fridays are always so interesting and make me think. Gabe and Jordan clearly care about others and care about helping others improve their personal and professional lives. They gave me some feedback that is sure to help me progress as a leader in my industry.
  • Athapap
    The most informative podcast out there!
    I am very selective for my podcast listening list due time constraints. Once I came across Jordan‘s podcast, it moved to the top of my list immediately His guests bring such unique insight across a broad range of topics. Jordan is one of the best interviewers I’ve heard and I’m always looking forward for the next one to drop. Just getting started on six minute networking so stay tuned for next review!
  • Crochet kid #what it is 2011
    So interesting
    Omg if you love tea u new to watch feedback Fridays it’s is so good and all the other stuff this pod is great
  • jeffgc333333
    My go-to podcast
    I’ve been listening for several years now and I keep coming back. I love the format and the variety and uniqueness of the guests. I learn about things I would otherwise know little, if anything, about. I also look forward to Feedback Friday and Skeptical Sunday. Halfway through many of the Feedback Friday episodes, I’m often wondering what the advice could possibly be as so many of the situations seem impossible to solve. I’m constantly impressed at how wise Jordan’s and Gabe’s solutions are. People can benefit whether they face similar problems or not! Thanks so much for all the work you put into your podcast. It really shows! Jeff
  • JustaReviewer111
    Fascinating Stories from Everyday People as Well
    This show is best known for his high profile guests from Scientists to generals, musicians and the late Kobe Bryant. But I most enjoy the "Feedback Friday" episodes in which fans write in asking for advice. This level of connection to the fans sets his show apart from other interview format shows. The issues can be as various family, career, mental health, or legal. He and his cohost Gabriel Mizrahi give informed answers from an unaffected perspective, when they lack the expertise they call upon their network of experts on the given topic including lawyers, therapists, HR managers, and even a pastor once. This network is a strong advertisement for his free Six Minute Networking course in which he recommends reconnecting with previous acquantainces for expertise and favors. Great show, deserves its position near the top of podcasting listings.
  • Whitebread_13
    Bind blown
    Jordan, literally listening to this blew my mind. I just wanted to call you and be like what the “F” are these bosses doing. I just moved into a leadership position and was like my biggest concern is to make sure Understand their needs and I am working to support them. I feel so bad for those that don’t have a boss they can work with.
  • Eire63
    Fan of this show!
    I love how Jordan and Gabe always explore all sides of a topic. Listening to this podcast has made me view topics in a more well rounded way and I have learned about things I would have never otherwise explored.
  • CMoore083
    One of the Best Podcasts Out There
    This is a great podcast that is thought-provoking and delivers weekly insightful conversations into a wide range of topics. I stumbled across this show years ago by chance and have not stopped listening since. Really enjoy the format and the in-depth interviews. If you are looking to expand your knowledge on an array of subject matters, or just become more informative, I recommend giving this podcast a listen.
  • koukla923
    The Perfect Podcast Doesn’t Exi—
    If you’re looking for something smart, thoughtful, and thought provoking, you’ve found it. Jordan’s topics and guests are compelling and will interest you (even if they’re not in your wheelhouse) simply from the originality and authenticity of the interviews. He clearly puts so much work into each episode which makes it a terrific listening experience. You will surely learn something new about yourself and the world around you while also being wildly entertained. Enjoy!
  • R3dCat
    I can’t quit you, Jordan Harbinger
    Take one caustic ex-lawyer, whisk with a tender-souled, unusually insightful producer, and fold in some of the most interesting people you didn’t know existed. Bake for 45-90 minutes and serve warm with the hardest working podcast team you can find. Enjoy fresh while shopping for beets at the local co-op or while dusting off your Salvatori Prize from the Heritage Foundation. Store in your favorite podcast app and enjoy reruns as fresh as the day they were made. This show never disappoints. Although Jordan, the show’s host, initially struck me as intense and mildly pompous, he very quickly won me over with his meticulous attention to detail, thorough prep work, and fascinating guests. I also find it endearing that what at first blush seems like a love letter to himself and his accomplishments turns out to be an honest effort to help people in every episode. He offers concrete strategies and advice that parallel his guests achievements and doles out real solutions to listeners that write in with seemingly unsolvable life problems. This is a podcast that delivers both in entertainment as well as self-improvement. With three formats available (long-form interviews, on-air advice to listeners, and probing reviews of hot topics) there is a variety of stories to listen to, and plenty in the back catalogue to keep your ears busy. This is politics without being political, conspiracy theories minus the mental illness, and some of the best interviews you can listen to.
  • MBruins46
    Unlike Seinfeld, this is the show about everything
    I really love this podcast! I have learned so much in a short amount of binging. The diversity of topics, great questions and ability to expand your knowledge into areas you didn’t even know you were interested in are all included. Jordans amazing research shows in his ability to breakdown complex topics into practical knowledge that one can apply in many aspects of their lives. Combined with Gabe for feedback Friday and deep dives and you can be ready to transition to new jobs, learn new skills and get great ideas for any situation. I have used his show notes and shows to mentor younger folks as well. It’s well worth a listen.
  • EmilyLou512
    Always Learning New Things
    I dip in and out with this show (not big on tech and entrepreneurial stuff but enjoy all the other episodes). I’m always learning something new about the world and the people in it. Jordan is a good interviewer and definitely has a variety of topics- anyone can find at least one episode they like. On Fridays there’s advice episodes that always make me scream at my phone in reaction to the stories people write in with, and I usually agree with the advice given. Glad I gave this show a chance.
  • Katja O'neil
    Best show ever
    You simply bug my ear with the most world’s fascinating peoples’ skills, secrets and stories that you put out there in an amazing,,alluring prospect that I really enjoy like a masterly musical performance. ❤️
  • Lil_beat_rizz
    Feedback Friday is the best!
    Thank you Jordan and Gabe you always have rlly good advice that’s applicable in daily life 😊
  • Too many negatives
    Feedback is incredibly helpful
    I enjoy listening to Jordan and Gabe provide practical advice like the adults they are. They have helped me think about some situations in a different light and I gain so much insight. This is one of my favorite podcasts.
  • Lulu3305
    Robert Mazur
    What a fascinating podcast! He is very brave and wish him well in his recovery.
  • Neil Bramblett
    #1 Listen Each Week
    The Jordan Harbinger Show is my #1 listen each week. Jordan and his team bring great guests, provide the best listener feedback that help change lives on Feedback Fridays, and go above and beyond for their listeners to make the time spent listening truly valuable, engaging, and enjoyable. I’ve been introduced to so many great creators, authors, & thinkers that have helped me in multiple areas of life, and the Free 6 Minute Networking course has helped me tremendously expand my network and impact my career. To top it off Jordan’s interview skills brings out good information from guest while remaining conversational and easy to listen to. Can’t recommend this podcast enough.
  • Scawndott
    Great show
    A really great show with interesting guests. I especially like the Feedback Friday show which is a Dear Abby type show where advice is given. Well worth a listen.
  • LLuvCoolJane
    Narcissist on Feedback Friday
    May 17: guys total narcissist, move to trap somebody with a financial arrangement. I’m a clinical psychologist and my mind was blown listening to a podcast from a “self-aware narcissist” who has been in therapy for eight years and runs it down like he would not believe. he blows my mind on a regular basis. It’s a jaw dropping. Check out Lee Hammock and his podcast “the narcissists’ code.” Jordan, you should have this guy on as a guest! He’s the real deal.
  • GL Austin
    Great podcast for leaders- relevance and humor
    I appreciate podcasts when I’m prepping to emcee or speak at an event. Most recently, an AI summit- and was looking for heady/ futuristic/ with details. Jordan nailed it with Mustafa - and now I follow. Worth my time - thanks!
  • PanAm12345
    Great collection of podcasts
    Jordan does a great job of having a wide range of subjects and keeping the podcast interesting. I think he has a great podcasting style where he does not pretend to be a genius or an expert on every single topic, and he asks good questions to follow along with his guest. If he gets an assumption wrong, and a guest corrects him, he does not edit it out of the podcast, showing a vulnerability to don’t often see in public figures. The topics are great, super interesting for the most part, and I think he’s been willing to dive into some subjects in a way that you haven’t seen before. Time is short these days and The Jordan Harbinger Show is one of two podcasts I listen to.
  • Tino Drinks Vino
    Engaging Conversations and Down-to-Earth Advice
    The Jordon Harbinger Show is a breath of fresh air in the podcast world. What sets it apart is Jordon's genuine curiosity and down-to-earth demeanor. His unique interview style isn't just about getting the scoop; it's about truly connecting with his guests and the topics they discuss. It's evident that he's not just asking questions for the sake of it; he's genuinely interested, which makes for captivating listening. But what truly hooked me is the Friday show format. It's like stepping back in time to the late night AM radio call-in shows of the 70’s and 80’s. Jordon, alongside his Friday co-host Gabriel Mizrahi, tackles listener problems head-on, offering insightful advice and perspective. Gabriel's addition brings an interesting perspective drawn from personal experiences, enriching the discussions and making them even more relatable. It's a refreshing break from the usual podcast format and a testament to Jordon and Gabriel's commitment to their audience. Overall, The Jordon Harbinger Show is a must-listen for anyone who craves engaging conversations and practical advice delivered with sincerity. Keep up the fantastic work, Jordon and Gabriel!
  • Laura2249
    Best podcast around
    The Jordan Harbinger Show is an exceptional podcast for anyone interested in personal development, insightful interviews, and practical advice for improving all areas of life. Jordan Harbinger excels in engaging with his guests, who range from bestselling authors and entrepreneurs to intelligence operatives. Each episode is packed with valuable takeaways that are presented in an accessible and relatable manner. What sets this show apart is Jordan's skill in extracting actionable insights from his guests, making complex topics easy to understand and apply. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal skills, understand human behavior better, or just enjoy fascinating stories, The Jordan Harbinger Show is highly recommended.
  • Iron Hand(IH)
    Show 990
    Great discussion with Dr. Haidt regarding cell phones and on line access by our youth, very insightful as to how we need to remove these devices from our young children. I was disappointed that the topic of the social contagion of transgenderism was not addressed regarding this subject since this is a major problem influencing our youth today. Unfortunately this contagion is being pushed by the liberal minded predators on line, government and schools these days and affecting many children that are getting influenced & confused by being on these apps at too young of an age. Even if your on the left side of politics Jordan, you can’t sleep well knowing children are victims of chemical castration and mentally abused by the freaks on the left pushing this nonsense on young children. We had a social contagion with anorexia and bulimia in young girls in the 80’s & 90’s, today it’s transgenderism and even more harmful with long term effects. You missed the opportunity to address the obvious on this one.
  • JK Slice
    Great show, especially FBF
    I’m guilty of only tuning in regularly for feedback Friday, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of that and find the advice that Jordan and Gabe dispense to be pretty sound. Oh, I also listen to skeptical Sunday pretty regularly and that one is great too. They really deliver on sticking to the plan- talking about things that you can use to impact your everyday life in positive ways- and I appreciate the focus. Thanks for all the great episodes, guys!
  • Gerri2012
    Always worth the listen!
    The guests are great and the content is relevant!
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