Ask Me Another

by NPR

Packed with trivia, comedy and celebrity guests, Ask Me Another is like an amusement park for your brain. Host Ophira Eisenberg and musician Jonathan Coulton take brilliant contestants on a roller coaster that'll make you laugh and scream (out the answers)—and barely anyone throws up in a trash can.

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  • gemini love sexy
    Canceled? No way
    Great show. I could name quite a few NPR shows that would be on the chopping block before this gem. Fantastic writing!
  • lbeard501
    Such clever games
    I miss AMA! I listened a long time ago and am going through it again currently. Ophira, Jonathan, and Art have such clever quips and banter with each other, I could listen to them all day. I am crushed that this show was cancelled due to ‘it never found its audience’ (paraphrasing) - I feel like AMA listeners are left with a puzzle-shaped hole in their hearts since there really isn’t another show like this. The clever word games, the hilarious song parodies, the honest and friendly interviews with VIPs… It’s so happy, pleasant, interesting, silly, and fun.
  • Filibuster3
    Please bring it back
    I’m listening to the recordings again because I miss this show! It was positive, funny, and always a joy to listen to on my commute. Too many get overly sarcastic and negative. Not this show! I drove with a 🙂 when accompanied by the AMA crew.
  • prrnbsn
    STAY....DON’T GO 🙏😱👍
    Sure do miss you two! Still listening over & over. Ophira & Johnathan are smart & witty, clever & upbeat, convivial & engaging. You are just what is needed in these strange times!❣️🙏 You’ve made me laugh so many times! I look forward to every episode often listening to each one more than once. PLEASE COME BACK! Life is just dull without you! Hope you are both well and happy, miss you both!
  • ValyVee
    Miss you guys!
    I am listening to the last podcast and the two of you are so funny. Thank you for an amazing nine years! You are the joy between conflicts, politics, craziness, chaos, add world problems. I would just turn on podcast and laugh myselfSilly so thank you so much both of you have the greatest laughs ever and we’re all gonna miss you so much! Thank you thank you thank you
  • dano1014
    Binge after the fact
    Sad this is over and that I missed it live! So much fun
  • su.bga
    I adore this program!
    Thank you thank you for this wonderful show… I love learning stuff I didn’t know about people I have read about and seen. Awesome!
  • Poditol
    The most creative game show out there. Please bring it back!
    Ophira Eisenberg is an awesome host, Jonathan Coulton is an incredible musician and the puzzle gurus and writers are very creative. The show is produced incredibly well. For the sake of all of humanity…bring them back…please!!! So entertaining!
  • mr. pie man
    Very nice
    It was very nice
  • Slothy29
    Wish you had more
    It is so sad you had to stop the show but I think it was very nice.
  • AnimalGuy :)
    I love this show, sad to see it end.
  • johnny in Chicago
    Used to to be great
    For me, this show was great when it was live. A real fun puzzle show with regular people as contestants and funny banter. Once COVID ran everything indoors, however, the show tanked. Boring guests (how many people from Orange is the New Black do we need to hear interviewed?) and I grew to cringe at how unfunny Ophera got without a live audience. A sad decline of a podcast I looked forward to listen to. Listen to old episodes, though. They hold up.
  • BUUNS5
    This was my favorite podcast
    This used to be my favorite podcast. I started from the beginning after I found it and listened to all 300 episodes. I enjoyed all of it and was so happy to be reintroduced to Jonathan Coultan and listen to more of his music, and listened to Ophira’s stand up. I even found and started listening to Invisiblia thanks to this show. I will miss this.
  • Maxilla
    Fun goodbye
    So sad to see the show end. I listened to this show while I hiked early in the morning. Goodbye and thank you for making me laugh
  • thomasbc
    Absolutely necessary!
    In these crazy times, the playful, simple diversions of AMA are as necessary as sleep, nutrition, and therapy. Cancelling it was shortsighted, and left the world less rich and joyous. If NPR is unable to see their error, perhaps there is a home for you elsewhere…maybe Maximum Fun?
  • Aelfwynn the Welsh Dragon
    Please bring it back!!!
    It was such a shock when you canceled this show NPR!! Why? It was so great…..
  • TouchstoneSoul
    Bring it back!!!!
    This show was a beacon of light amongst the depressing and anxiety inducing podcasts, tv shows, and news in the entertainment world. Why did NPR decide to take away this thriving show which attracted big name celebrities, introduced the world to incredible comedians, warmed our hearts, and delighted our ears (looking at you, Jonathan Coulton)? I hope these two can work together again soon.
  • EmilymB98
    Super Amusing
    So witty and entertaining! It must continue going. So much potential.
  • NC_1994
    Now when my favorite hosts say to rate and review…
    I will!!!! I never thought in a million years that this show was in danger of being canceled and I took it for granted that it would be around a long time. I’m rating all of my podcasts on my feed now. I’m super bummed about the show being canceled, I’m crossing my fingers someone else picks it up!!!!!! If I keep listening to the reruns does that help the likelihood of the show coming back?? I hope so!
  • tymurua
    Save Ask Me Another!
    I am devastated that NPR canceled this show. Surely some other organization can pick it up! Please! It absolutely has kept me grounded and entertained especially these last 20 months! It’s cancelation is terribly misguided.
  • drose1947
    Will miss this wonderful fun show
    So sad to see you go😟🥲 Hope you keep playing old shows😍
  • TheLadyDisdain
    Favorite part of my week FOR THE LOVE OF PETE BRING IT BACK!
    I love the games especially the song parodies and that “ooooooooh” moment when I finally “get” the harder puzzles. I listen on headphones at work and they make me laugh out loud a lot. Really helps the time fly.
  • Lboz65
    We LOVE Ask Me Another! It has been one of our favorite road trip shows and are heartbroken it was cancelled! Please bring it back!! Even if they’re not on NPR, let them do their own podcast!!!
  • ILoveMyRoadGlide
    Will miss like far away friends
    As a long time subscriber, and a live show attendant at The Bell House, I will miss the weekly visit from Jonathan and Ophira. Words just fail to convey the sadness that covers me about this. I will miss you both.
  • Cradrad
    My life is incomplete
    Please bring ask me another back!!! I have a big hole in my week and listening to the old episodes only partially fills it :(
  • Annieloubug
    Please bring it back!
    This show was such a great way to start the weekend. I miss it!
  • Raevedolly
    NPR…. We’re mad at you!
    We are avid listeners to NPR, especially on out weekend drives… listening to puzzle shows and chats, laughing like we are at the table with old friends. We just found out that we were listening to the last episode of Ask Me Another, one of our very favorite shows of all time. NPR, we feel like you are taking away our best friends. Please reconsider taking this show off the air! Bring it back! Even the performers are upset this is ending! It was a heartbreaking episode to listen to. I’m terribly sad! What an amazing and clever show… only to be taken off, leaving us with drivel and boring reality stars talking about themselves. How depressing. We need more smart and entertaining shows that make us think and enjoy our time together! Bring our friends back!
  • SuperShoeDiva
    All reruns now
    This show was axed by NPR. The final show aired in September 2021. I don’t know why NPR is now posting old shows as if they are new because podcast listeners can just scroll through past episodes.
  • RobEastID
    The Best “Family” Quiz Show
    I love this. The hosts are as talented and funny as their most impressive guests. But they make you feel like they bring you around the family dinner table. So great to have a brilliant aunt and the best dad-joke teller. And they introduce you to their best-friend award winners.
  • FireBadger
    This is truly one of the highlights of my week... I actually listen to the episodes over and over because they are always witty and fresh! I wanna a reboot!!!! Thanks for al the smart, clever wit (my FIRST ever rating... and really the only show worth my rating time!)
  • NickiPT
    A weekly favorite - so sad to see it end!
    I love listening to this podcast every week, usually when cooking up a weekend breakfast… so fun. I’m so sad it was canceled by NPR…I’ll be enjoying the past episodes for as long as possible!! 💛🎧
  • GwynneB
    Please Bring It Back
    I feel so stupid. I should have written this while the show was still being produced. This show kept me sane during lockdown and beyond. The games are fun, and the banter is even more fun. Ophira and Jonathan have great chemistry and feel like people you’d want to hang out with. And yes, most of the guests are promoting something, but they are fun and funny. And they all make a very nice family to spend time with once a week—or in an all-day binge fest.
  • quirkyquirk13
    Ask me another last broadcast
    I’m so sorry to see you go. I think everyone did an amazing job during this health crisis to keep this show on the air I looked forward to this podcast every week. Good luck in the future. I will miss ask me another tremendously!
  • huju202
    Thank you AMA, please don’t stop what you’re doing
    This is my first and only review I’ve ever posted. ever. Such a great team of people who brought smiles and joy to everyone. Please don’t stop what you’re doing. Please don’t get disheartened. Your body of work lives on and the happiness you brought to so many lives during such a challenging time will never be forgotten. Ophira and Jonathan... I really hope you read this. And I really hope you realize that what you do really does mean a lot to so many folks that love what you do. I just want to say thank you, thank you so much. And I can’t wait to see what you both do next.
  • tbstevi
    You’ll be missed!
    Thank you for all the years of fun! Here’s to the next chapter!!!
  • CJGMac
    Ask Me Another
    You will be missed! Thank you for your clever and cheerful show. It really helped during times of isolation! Best wishes in all of your future endeavors!
  • WordNerd📘
    Missing You Already
    This was one of my all time favorite podcasts! I love trivia, puzzles and word games and I’m so sad to see this show go. I was fortunate enough to get to see a live performance when you all were in Austin, TX. A happy memory for sure. Thanks for all the laughs and fun!
  • StitchN'Thyme
    I will miss this show very much
    I’ve always enjoyed this show over the years, and it even got better during the pandemic. It was one of the podcasts I looked forward to most each week. All the best to Ophira and Jonathan. They were a bright light during the pandemic, and their show will be missed. I will never forget the intro with the feral cat. I am still laughing about that.
  • Mr. Cogito
    Thank you for these countless hours of top entertainment…
    Shame on NPR for not continuing Ask Me Another! It was one of only two NPR shows I regularly listen to. It brightened my long runs, and my vacuuming. It kept us such a valuable company during the pandemic. I know the talents from the show will surface elsewhere - it’s just a question of time - and I am looking forward to that.
  • penguinIsABird
    Thank you!!!
    After a stressful week my weekend would start on a high note knowing that I could download your wonderful show. Your humor, Jonathan’s musical talent will be missed. Thank you for helping me deal with all that has happened in the past year and half. Wishing you both the best and again Thank You
  • so_gruntled
    I will miss you
    This was one of the highlights of my podcast lineup. I will truly miss the music puzzles, word games, trivia, jokes, and wit. Thanks for everything, I hope to hear you again soon.
  • dogdadofthree
    My favorite Friday Podcast!
    Lunchtime every Friday through the pandemic I have heard goofy jokes, personalized interviews that make me feel like I am right there and amazing song parodies. Over the past two years, this has honestly become my FAVORITE podcast! I enjoy the no-audience, special guest via FaceTime version of this show. I think you all have done something really special here - so to all of you - THANK YOU!! You will be greatly missed!!
  • Mbdavis1898
    One of my favorite podcasts and trivia shows and I don’t understand why it is over. The show adapted to the pandemic better than anyone else and made it arguably better. I’m heartbroken
  • steamengine89
    I started listening on WVXU in Cincinnati, OH when “thou jolt a cannon” and “her ripe begonias” took over the slot that car talk once inhabited. ( a better, and exponentially less grating show to be true). That transferred to the podcast once I got a smartphone. I’ll survive, of course, but I’m sad to hear this show is going away. Can’t imagine it’s popularity was so low… PRX/PRI would certainly make a lot of folks happy picking up this one.( if that’s how they work) Well, AMA friends, it’s been a blast 🥺
  • BPinABQ
    NO! DON’T GO!!
    First I lost “Only a Game” and now “Ask Me Another “!?!?? This is not right!!
  • Doña_Gallo
    Say it ain’t so!
    Please don’t cancel the show. Please don’t cancel the show. Please don’t cancel the show. 😩😩😩
  • Big Mama Lulu
    Wonderful show!!! Shame on NPR
    I have loved Ask Me Another and can’t imagine not sharing time with Jonathan and Ophira anymore. The very best shows were the COVID ones, where got to know both of them as real people and listening was like sharing time with good friends. Please someone, pick up this lovely show. To Ophira and Jonathan, thank you so much. I will miss you. Maurine Audel
  • boborojo
    The best… is cancelled. I’m so sad
    Five+ stars! One of my favorite shows, listened on radio for years and sometimes pod to catch missed shows. And NPR cancelled in 2019, wrong move by corporate! Ophira, Jonathan, I hope we will hear your wicked-good humor, great performance and dulcet tones again soon, somewhere somehow. PRI, pick up this show! Bring Them Back!
  • allie6886
    So sad this show is ending!!
    It was something I looked forward to every weekend as I cleaned my house and ran errands. Best wishes!!!!
  • 27 hcp
    So wrong
    My family will miss our favorite ride podcast. I grieve its loss and don’t know why it is canceled. sad
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