The Best of Car Talk

by NPR
Comedy #26All Genres #164

America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jellen21
    Best out there
    These guys are there best! I was too young to listen to the original radio show. I am so glad they put these out as a podcast for another generation to enjoy!
  • Zdonk
    Best podcast ever I might be a kid but I still like it I use this to go to sleep!
  • Er redddy
    Well spoken brothers, very knowledgeable, vehicle issues and solutions they make very interesting by making jokes and solutions which makes me listen all the time.
  • Jeromes58
    Bye Bye Car Talk
    I had over a years worth of saved car talk on my phone. After updating my iOS now all of a sudden I’ve got the offer of car talk plus to be able to listen to older versions. They were all deleted. bye-bye Car Talk because if all I can have is four on my phone and the older ones just roll off before I listen to them I’m not interested anymore. I have been listening for years.
    Pay wall!!
    Great podcast but had to unsubscribe cuz of the paywall
  • Ajakjfjdl
  • Samj246
    Can’t believe I’ll never be able to submit my car questions to these guys - love them! Great for family!
  • Masbette
    Why is a show that’s supposed to be free and open to the public, a station subsidized by donors and taxpayers, making you pay for a subscription?? Absolutely deplorable, despicable and disgraceful. I will never give money to public broadcasting again. Quit calling it public radio and start calling it radio for people who can afford it.
  • Swejen530
    I love Car Talk and listened to the boys every Sunday when our local station played them. This is the only podcast I pay extra for. That said, for those of us that pay for CarTalk+, the ads should be omitted. I still love the show and will continue to pay AND skip past the ads.
  • dranthro
    Nostalgia on steroids
    I so appreciate that these episodes are still available after so many years. These brothers kept me laughing I’m pretty rough years, and still do. I’m so grateful for their presence in my life ❤️
  • NUBS?$$$
    Absolutely Hilarious
    This is one of my favorite shows. Tom and Ray are brilliant, funny and clever. I cannot stop laughing when the show is on.🤣🤣🤣
  • 1MG444
    Best Show Ever
    Five stars, used to listen to it on the radio. Happy to have it on my phone.
  • Oooooohhhhhhhbiddy!!
    I miss the guy, and I’m grateful we still have some stuff you made.
    Tom made some excellent shows with his brother Ray, I have to say, even after years of him not being here, just listening to reruns is great!! I am so content, entertained, and sometimes even informed when I listen to it! I still remember the day the news broke he had passed, we lost something we can’t get back, so grateful to have a piece of him here still
  • trumpsucks2024
    Old episodes please!
    NPR has totally ruined the Car Talk podcast over the past few years. I’m a subscriber so I have access to the many versions of Car Talk, but I promise, all we really want this the archive, in order, full length episodes, from oldest to newest. All these feeds like “rust buckets” and “family matters” or whatever, are super confusing and once you’ve worked your way through one and move on to another, episodes repeat. And worse yet, you’ll listen to the BEST part of the show, the puzzler, and then the following weeks episode is absent (it will skip weeks or even months of episodes), so you can’t hear the answer on your next listen. I know the puzzler archive exists, but that is just so annoying. Car Talk fans just want an un-edited chronological podcast, PLEASE.
  • Brick Bentley
    A timeless show, shamelessly paywalled
    You have to respect Tom and Ray. For all their shameless commerce, their show and useful website were always free to access. Car Talk should be a public good.
  • paradigm99
    I listen to this and can stop letting out a laugh every time
  • Akashingo
    A classic
    Hard not to love these classic hilarious episodes.
    Tom & Ray Olé Olé !
    Informative and fun- especially when a caller vocally describes a noise that their car makes. I wish I could call Tom & Ray to describe a noise my Honda makes which sounds like Ayesha Rascoe.
  • truckersal
    Car Talk
    Absolutely love this podcast! These 2 make me laugh till Im crying😆😆
  • Meanycvgdhhxf
    The Best Ever!!
    I love both of these hosts!! They are so funny, knowledgeable, and just an overall pleasant and enjoyable listen. Wish they were still doing the show. Love this podcast so much. Great job guys!
  • Umarty
    Lifetime of laughs
    I have been a listener for over 30 years and they still make me laugh every week
  • The MAGA times
    ❤️ car talk 🤮npr
    You are over funded by the government, have HUGE fundraisers/ pledgdrives, and still need subscriptions for a show that you paid for 20+ years ago? WHAT THE HECK!!
  • person #48201
    So funny
    Great show
  • Clanker 8842 🥸
    Sooper guud HELP!
    So good! I have an 1897 Jeep Fiesta with a 13 cylinder engine and 1 wheel drive. It has 8.3 bil miles and gets 304 miles per gallon, but the transmission keeps banging when I get above 12 kilometers per hour. Can you help?
  • CCTV Guru
    Literally the only thing palatable on NPR!
    By far my absolute favorite thing to listen to… Quite literally the only thing I can stomach on NPR, and from the sound of the commercials during the show, things are only getting worse. Shame, I used to listen regularly, but the idiot ideologies are off the rails. Defund NPR.
  • Cool Dude/Cule Dood
    LOVE IT!!!
    Car Talk is hilarious! I listen to it every week
  • lyonking76
    Amazingly funny until
    Apple got too big for its britches or maybe it’s NPR. They want to charge you now so we can’t even listen!? It was fine when you released two episodes a week for free. I’m not going to support this any longer. I hope you lose all your patronage trying to make more money.
  • Fribblecrew
    Roses are red, fire is hot,
    This show is great, and NPR is not.
  • AeolianMode.
    So glad these are all in one place.
    I’m happy to cough up a little cash to keep listening to this gem. Not an issue of greed…it’s just like paying to watch an old movie you love. This show bring me back to a better time and I just love these two to bits.
  • Jimfit17
    Car talk is like the perfect popcorn podcast
    I miss the great laughter from Tom and enjoy every episode. Now I’ve got them all. Great plan. Thanks Ray. Worth every penny.
  • 667yyy
    Good podcast
    Good podcast funny show
  • Emancipation300
    Awesome guys keep it up
    These guys are so funny. rip Tom. though I’d remove the subscription to listen to older episodes. And just keep going
  • Janfrs
    Sadly edited version of the great originals
    I have loved Car Talk since my long lost youth. I do not, however, love the edited version now offered. It ruins the rhythm of the show and manages somehow to make it less funny. Please bring back the full unexpurgated shows. I might be willing to pay for a subscription to that.
  • Pantiltzoom
    Short episodes
    Why are these episodes a lot shorter than the ones that were originally recorded? Seems like additional work for the staff to cut out portions of the program. Still funny shows, just less.
  • A random person 2124
    Love it
    I really like your show keep being funny!👍
  • lay de fraise
    I’ve loved car talk for years and it is a real big part of my childhood I just love listening to these guys talk and make fun of peoples names!
  • Hullo08
    The best car-themed podcast!
    This podcast is absolutely the best automotive show out there! A good listen for anyone, even if you don’t care about cars because Tom and Ray are very humorous. The bottom line: if you want entertainment, and like laughing, this is for you. If you like automotive related stuff, even better.
  • Ford Tech 1234
    Not much value here
    Move on don’t bother
  • mooglitz
    They’re baaaack- kind of
    Tom, RIP. Nostalgic yet relevant. Still just as funny. A dose of these guys will cure your 2023 blues.
  • CarGuy951
    Would Pay Subscription for FULL Episodes
    Love the show enough to pay a subscription, but can’t justify when the episodes have been cut from the full hour to a “modified” format (unsure if this was for copyright or for NPR “political correctness”). Hey NPR: bring back the full episodes and we’ll pay to listen.
  • what among us
    Love this
    Too bad one of them died let him rest in peace 🙏
  • BrenF2023
    Awesome service
    My dad and I love listening to car talk while on road trips and the four show rotation just isn’t enough. There are so many tv shows on rerun on cable that costs far more than the $30 annual car talk subscription. Totally worth it as my subscription helps support NPR and the shows I love. In these crazy times I would much rather tune in to Ray and Tom for a good laugh and maybe learn something than listen to all the anger that plagues America.
  • Ellis1951
    Loved this show hate they started to charge!!
    Great show tha I've listen to since the 80's. This was funded by PBS, so disappointing you can no longer listen without paying. I've supported PBS for many years, had hope this podcast would have remained free for all to enjoy. Guess profit is more important than loyal 40 year plus listeners...
  • *geekmaster*
    Subscription for what we’ve already paid?
    Let’s see, NPR is funded by our taxes, and then they also have fundraisers. So their supporters are already paying and now they want to charge for old episodes of a show that is no longer in production? No thank you.
  • M. Ohaly
    My favorite podcast
    I used to listen to them on the radio with my dad. I’m so glad they’ve archived all the episodes and turned it into a podcast. I still listen to every episode!
  • nickname101a
    Pay to Subscribe?
    This subscription service is very bad. Always enjoyed the show but unable to listen to old shows. Nothing but greed. Boo
  • Theblank2023
    You are amazing!!!
    This is the best show I’ve ever heard!!! P.s mellisa is a twerp a idiot and a dweeb p.p.s my former dog loves your show
  • diamon hand 42069
    Not having plus means I can’t listen to episodes I downloaded
    I love the show, but it’s absurd that I can’t listen to old episodes that I downloaded without paying for the plus subscription. They’re stored on my phone! Let me listen to them!
  • zap555
    Subscription has broken the feed
    Since the paid subscription model was put in place for older episodes, I can no longer listen to older episodes that I had downloaded and saved when they were free. Even though the episode is on my device, I’m prompted to pay to listen to it.
  • Skwcrj
    Don’t subscribe!
    I would give zero stars if I could! This show has been around for decades. It’s been one of my favorites. Until recently, the new owners decided to convert it to a subscription podcast. Ok. Fine. Except for the fact that all of my downloaded episodes now require that I pay a subscription to listen to them! These are episodes that I downloaded years ago! I can see starting a subscription version from here on. But not taking away the ones that I had download over the years. So…Don’t subscribe to the show!
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