What Should I Read Next?

Arts #13Books #5

What Should I Read Next? is the show for every reader who has ever finished a book and faced the problem of not knowing what to read next. Each week, Anne Bogel, of the blog Modern Mrs Darcy, interviews a reader about the books they love, the books they hate, and the books they're reading now. Then, she makes recommendations about what to read next. The real purpose of the show is to help YOU find your next read. To learn more or apply to be on the show visit whatshouldireadnextpodcast.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • WinMorr Games
    Soothing and informative
    Anne Bogel is the literary Delilah Luke.
  • Leeback
    The Ads!
    This used to be my favorite podcast, but it's sooo monetized now. It seems like about 10 minutes of ads per episode plus you have to pay for the lists of book recommendations. I hope it gets back to basics one day.
  • skinny chef
    Perfect for book lovers!
    I often run out of books to read and feel like my tastes are eccentric so it’s hard to find books I love - this show changed all that! So glad I found it.
  • Sarie R J
    I’m hooked
    Finished reading one book and not sure where to find your next read? This show is the answer. I’ve gotten stuck in the cycle of all the popular familiar Goodreads titles and love recommendations from real people (not The AI Machine). I really enjoy the intelligent conversation and questions that lead to the recommendations. It’s a soothing listen, for sure. Looking forward to finding my new favorite book with you. 🤓📚🐛
  • RubyW3
    Favorite podcast
    Anne is a delight to listen to. This is my favorite podcast. She’s so down to earth and respectful of her guests and her listeners. Her recommendations are great and she brings so many new books into my life.
  • Hfrimm
    Always a pleasure
    I look forward to these episodes. Anne has so much knowledge about books and the bookish world. MY TBR has grown exponentially because of her recommendations.
  • Erindoubler
    Wonderful show
    What can I sway about Anne Bogel that hasn’t already been said? Not much. I love this podcast. Have listened for years and always look forward to her guests and then her recommendations. I have found so many books from this podcast that I have loved simply based on Anne’s description. I’ve also gotten numerous reading ideas over the years from her and her guests that are invaluable to me. Love this show!! Update: I’ve been a very long time listener and lately I dread listening to info due to insane amount of ads in this podcast. And there are times when I have a hard time hearing Anne, like the mixing is off with the audio.
  • Zlassenp
    Both calming and exciting
    I could listen to Anne’s soothing voice all day - and the conversations are fun and insightful! I love getting new book recs, even if I’ll never be able to read them all.
  • JennaRL
    … life changing?
    This show reignited my love for reading and helped me become a more intentional, introspective reader. Thank you!
  • Elsie Browncow
    Perfect, bookish fun
    I started listening to WSIRN in January of this year and I’ve already read well over three times my typical annual average since then (and the year isn’t even over!). The episodes are structured and focused while still feeling like you’re just having a really interesting conversation about books with a good friend. And the Patreon is so worth it, with excellent bonus episodes and access to special events. I’ve always been a reader but this show has impressively boosted my reading output and made me so much more curious about books outside my typical genres. Thanks to the entire WSIRN team for providing a calming, invigorating bright spot in my podcast feed every week!
  • Readsem
    Always a great listen
    This podcast has transformed my reading life. I have learned about so many fantastic books from Anne and her guests. I appreciate the diversity of topics and guests. Anne has fabulous insights! Thank you for the consistently excellent content.
  • KNWis
    Calming and Helpful
    This podcast has really added to my reading life. And I find it my most calming listen every week, which is so welcome in the noise of the world.
  • Lucci Gray
    Anne Bogel delivers such a soothing voice couple with wonderful book recommendations. Pair this podcast with your warm beverage and a task you aren't super excited to complete and voila! It will be done and you will feel awesome afterward.
  • hoovl95
    I’ve never described a podcast as life-changing, but it’s not hyperbole in this case. Anne and her team consistently create original, insightful, and inspiring content. This podcast has not only reinvigorated my love of reading, but Anne’s enthusiasm and passion for books has ignited an intellectual curiosity that I haven’t experienced since college. I would rate it 10 stars if I could!
  • christroia
    This show is a warm literary hug.
  • Jen12021202
    Great Variety
    I appreciate this podcast for the variety and the depth and Brad the novels they recommended. The show notes are very helpful on the website. I’ve been a long time listener and haven. Haven’t been listening to the weekly episodes as much. I really enjoy googling the podcast with a book title and then listening back to episodes that reference books. I’m interested in or books. I’ve just read and enjoyed, listen to most episodes and will finish them all day. I also think Anne has a very unique vocal quality with her pacing and somewhat breath voice, which I find interesting. To listen to, and I can’t sleep at night. I’ll pop on and episode. She referenced how she produced the plosive sounds for audiobook and I feel like this training probably let her to have a really clear voice.
  • queenivanka
    I am obsessed with WSIRN!
    Tuesdays & Fridays (Patreon) just got a lot more exciting, so thankful for this podcast, it’s making my 2024!
  • Brookipye
    Wonderful conversations, great recommendations
    I have enjoyed listening to Anne’s conversations and many book recommendations. She has such a gift of listening and understanding what her guests would like to read next!
  • alplk
    Had to get a library card to help afford all these books
    This podcast is the reason I started reading a variety of books, outside my go to historical fiction and mystery. Before I started listening to Anne, I wandered into the bookstore or audible and while always getting good stuff,I wasn’t feeling so adventurous and didn’t know what I was missing! I got a library card to help afford my TBR. Anne’s interviews are interesting, she draws out detail that helps listeners understand their own style and preferences. This is my favorite listen each week and the show notes have all the books discussed so you can just enjoy the discussion. Ann
  • Thehappyplate
    Love the variety of titles
    This is a fave bookish pod for me. While my tastes don’t always align with the guests’ reading preferences, I love that each episode brings a broad range of titles to the table for consideration. I get as much out of the “books I loved” recs as I do from the “books I didn’t love” category, as Anne and guests talk mindfully about what might work and not work for different readers. Highly recommend!
  • Garb09
    Favorite podcast
    WSIRN has been enhancing my reading life for years. This is the perfect podcast for readers!
  • Christen DiGerlando
    Perfect for Book Lovers
    Recently discovered this podcast and I am now making my way through previously recorded episodes. Love how relaxed this show is and the variety of recommendations. Tuesdays just got exciting in my life.
  • Minneapolis reader
    Favorite Podcast !
    I don’t even know how I found this podcast years ago but what a fun ride it has been. I’m reading more than ever thanks to recommendations from Anne and her guests. Now I’m just waiting patiently for this years summer reading guide to be released!
  • Content_junkie_88
    Relaxing and fun
    This is what I listen to when I need a brain break and to know other people think of books like this, love it
  • BookishLife62
    Simply The Best
    Can I give it more than 5⭐️? My absolute favorite podcast. Anne has contributed mightily to my shelves - both TBR and actual, I could listen for her every day. Thanks, Anne!
  • Leah8898
    Just the Podcast I Needed
    After decades of professional and technical reading, retuning to pleasure reading was challenging. This podcast has become my guide to finding the right books for me. Lots of books are discussed and I get to choose from a variety of well written volumes. The host is likable and knowledgeable- and best all, introduces me to interesting people with good recommendations!
  • sarahnalini
    LOVE this podcast!!!
    I love hearing Anne talk about books - she’s introduced me to all sort of titles that I never would have read otherwise. I can even suggest titles to friends and loved ones based on her reviews. Anne is so good at describing a book, and her approach to reading is so open and thoughtful. I love how she includes all different types of readers with different backgrounds and interests on her show - I feel like I’m meeting new people every time I listen.
  • Lynn book lover
    Love this show!
    I devour these podcasts because I love to hear Anne’s book recommendations as well as other reader’s book recommendations, especially my book twins 😃. Anne’s book descriptions are so eloquent that it makes me want to read every book she describes! My TBR list has grown substantially since listening to this podcast but as a book lover, that is a very good thing. ❤️
  • Wynn1711
    Love! Changed how I read!
    Love the book suggestions and guests. It has changed how I read and pick books. Broadened my knowledge too. One suggestion…it’s hard to hear the end of each sentence as you almost whisper it. Beautiful voice but often hard to hear.
  • Mildred Honey
    Great Guest Ep 416
    Loved episode 426. Reagan was an interesting fun guest!
  • librarianrich
    Everyday listen
    I’m so glad I found this podcast after 300 were already made. I started at the beginning and I listen everyday. It’s so fun to hear the different opinions on books I’ve read or have wondered about! My TBR list is so much richer since starting this show.
  • jorjastone
    Publishing trends
    Anne Bogel’s interview with literary agent Elizabeth Weed at The Book Group about publishing trends and insights was interesting and uplifting.
  • MSteimle
    A Staple in my Podcast Listening
    I’ve been listening to What Should I Read Next since the very beginning (and reading Anne’s blog even before that), and it’s one of the few podcasts that I listen to ever week, without fail! I love the format of having different guests with a variety of reading tastes and goals, and Anne’s soothing voice is always a treat to listen to.
  • Maureen Mountcastle
    So helpful and interesting a must for any book lover
    Ann has such an incredible gift to analyze the taste of her guest and suggest books based on a few insightful questions. I love it, that she refers to herself as a bibliotherapist . That is exactly accurate .She is truly gifted and brilliant and this show is different from any other book podcast that I follow. Her warmth, kindness and sense of humor along with her intelligence, make her such an an excellent podcast host. Definitely subscribe and listen in you will love her show!
  • Stephanie Dimples
    I really enjoy this podcast. I'm glad I stumble upon it.
  • Drfes2000
    Anne has great insights and book recommendations. I get a relaxed feeling every time I hear the WSIRN theme music and hear Anne’s voice. Great podcast. Highly recommended for any reader.
  • LukasKlessig
    Great format, insightful recs!
    WSIRN hits all the right buttons if you like friendly and informative literary suggestions without a feeling of heavy-handedness or inflexibility. Anne seems like such a delightful person who knows her books and how to produce a fun listening experience.
  • PodcastGal9
    100% Woke
    I wanted to like this, but the book selections are woke and appeal only to liberals.
  • ncnole_mom
    My fav podcast
    I love this podcast!
  • itsdavie
  • chuckpowell
    Really enjoy this podcast. The worse thing I can say about it is that my TBR pile is too long. Listening makes me want to read all the books they talk about.
  • KAMCP23
    Add to your TBR!
    Love this bookish podcast — so interesting to learn which books each guest loves (or wasn’t wild about). I’m always adding to my to be read list after every episode!
  • rrrrr6262
    A Present
    Waiting for an episode is like waiting for Santa to come. Each week I wait to hear from guests and rush to my hoopla to see if it’s available on audiobooks or in large print at my local library. Thanks always for making my weeks exciting.
  • swinginmama
    Top of my list
    This podcast always goes to the top of my listening queue the day it comes out. And the book recommendations are so fun to listen too. I love hearing about everyone’s individual tastes and preferences and the recommendations that click with me go right to the top of my TBR list.
  • aaajjjbbbb
    THE Podcast For Book Enthusiasts
    I love What Should I Read Next for its “literary matchmaking” and for its inside baseball on all things bookish. WSIRN is my go-to weekly podcast on the reading life, and its affiliated website/app Modern Mrs. Darcy is great for book discussions too. Anne Bogel is great at what she does, and each episode is focused and fun. I have found many great books that I otherwise wouldn’t have heard about. Thanks!
  • Tracy-the-knitter
    Yay it’s Tuesday!
    I look forward to What Should I Read Next every Tuesday morning when I can download the new one. It’s always interesting and I’ve read some terrific books I learned about here. Thank you!
  • KLMcQU
    A Must for All Book Lovers
    “What Should I Read Next” is my favorite book recommendation podcast and one of my favorite podcasts overall. It is a joy to listen to Anne Bogel talk about books. She is engaging and her interviews with guests are always insightful. If Anne recommends a book it’s very likely it’s going on my TBR list. Her literary matchmaking skills are first rate!
  • PhillyPALady
    My favorite podcast!
    I simply love this podcast; it has really made me enjoy reading more and make time for more reading. Anne is super likable and her whole Modern Mrs. Darcy team adds depth and breadth. I find I’m reading more widely and getting more from my reading. Of course, with all this book talk, my To Be Read list keeps expanding but that’s a good thing. Thank you for bringing more joy to my reading life.
  • Satya Vidya
    Love me some WSIRN
    I've been listening to WSIRN for about three years and my reading life has been greatly enriched by Anne's insights. The entire WSIRN team puts together delightful events and bookish treats--like this podcast and the reading guides!! This podcast is a must listen for any reader! ESPECIALLY if you are looking to nourish your reading mojo. Thanks Anne and team! I still love this show and I'm very frustrated by episode 391. The guest basically retells every book on her list and in a matter that essentially annhilates any element of surprise one might lean from reading it. I do wish that whoever replaced Brenna in editing these episodes will take a step back and reflect on how they are approaching this work. IMHO Brenna's episodes are substantially better. YET, I remain a dedicated fan.
  • OspreyMama
    A favorite
    This is my most regularly listened to podcast. It provides me with all sorts of reading I probably wouldn’t otherwise do, genres I didn’t know I liked, and besides the conversations are enjoyable and easy listening. Keep it up, team!
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