Sarah's Bookshelves Live

Arts #189Books #66

Sarah’s Bookshelves Live is a weekly show featuring real talk about books and book recommendations from a featured guest. Each week, Sarah of the blog Sarah’s Bookshelves will talk with her guest about:


I’m getting real about all things books and serving you up a bit of snark on the side.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ellens8
    A happy addition to my podcast stable
    I like the variety of reviewers and what they prefer.
  • pbmb5000
    Favorite podcast but disappointed in recent patreon episode
    In a recent patreon episode the host referred to the Israel and Hamas war as Israel vs Gaza. This is dangerous rhetoric. Not all people of Gaza are members of Hamas. 25,000 innocents in Gaza have been murdered and many are still under rubble Many of the people in Gaza did not vote for Hamas as they were not alive Using Gaza instead of Hamas is a dangerous conflation.
  • kmaize
    My new book podcast show
    I’m following this show because I too couldn’t stand Tom Lake. I’ve been waiting to hear this on every book podcast I’ve listed too. You’re definitely the podcast for me!!
  • Rise 16
    I usually like book podcasts. My problem is I had two books on my Kindle , the latest John Grisham and Happiness Falls , after listening to really negative reviews and whet I consider spoilers , I find myself questioning my choices. Negative reviews just cause a reader to feel unsupported.
  • BookMumu
    One of the Best!
    I always struggle to find where to rate podcasts! But just here to say that Sarah’s Book Shelves is definitely a favorite. Love when Susie is a guest. Y’all are great to listen to on a walk & always help me add to my TBR list. Always appreciated that not too much of the book’s plot is given away. Great job!! Thanks!!!!!
  • sephbrown
    Love this podcast!
    Love this podcast. It's about books, and they share tons of titles! Funny and honest with smart opinions. My favorite book podcast!
  • Mrsh8b
    Great podcast about reading
    I love this podcast. Sarah has wonderful guests who include authors of new releases as well as Susie and Catherine who also recommend books. I especially like their preview episodes which help me request books through NetGalley and the library. They recommend a variety of genres. They have opened my eyes to many books I otherwise would not have discovered. My reading life has been greatly enriched though listing to Sarah and company.
  • Tomyhealth
    Great podcast!!
    I love the diversity of this podcast… wonderful guests….one of my favorite book podcasts
  • ProfeHumes
    If Sarah Recommends It, I Read It
    I have just come to love this podcast so much. All my 5 star books come from listening to Sarah and Catherine. From one reader named Sarah to another—-thank you!
  • Drew0275
    Very enjoyable
    I know that this is a bit out there but I just finished the Ramona books, again, and you remind me of a grown up Ramona Quimby. You seem very animated and creative, lively and able to express yourself wonderfully. Your podcast is very engaging. Thank you.
  • TriciaCapeCod
    I love this podcast and get excellent book recommendations from Sarah. Wish it was every week!
  • Gridoune
    Great podcast
    I listened to a few book podcasts and this one came recommended in one of them. I came to it a bit later so I had many episodes to catch up but it’s become one of my favorite ones. I enjoy Sarah’s efficiency and straightforwardness, she will tell you when she did not love a book and that’s important too. She seems very approachable and the way she talks about books is too. Her recurrent guests/cohosts have different reading tastes and bring a different viewpoint to the show. Her previews are favorite episodes. I like the no chit chat, it’s all about books here!
  • ashleyqueenofwands
    Always building my TBR
    This is one of my fav ways to get new books! Sarah always has great recs. My favorite episodes are the seasonal book previews followed by the circle back. Love hearing reviews of their previews, not just a prediction! Also love the audience interview, especially their recs at the end. Highly recommend!
  • hsifekj
    Look forward to every episode
    I love love love Sarah’s Bookshelves! She has such a fresh spin on things with different types of episodes - author interviews, backlist deep dives, micro genre episodes, etc. I also love the integration of learning about the behind the scenes of writing and publishing a book. This podcast makes my heart so happy!
  • Here for the honesty
    Best $7 I spend every month.
    What I enjoy most about this podcast is that Sarah and her cohosts, Catherine and Susie, aren’t afraid to be honest about their book opinions. Other podcasts tend to tiptoe around so as to not offend other readers or authors. Here’s the thing though: not all books are great books, and not all books are for everyone. In today’s current climate where having an opinion on anything is ripe with the demands to cancel someone, I hope Sarah and the shows guests continue to show up as their authentic selves; lord knows we need it.
  • Lady-of-Aquitaine
    Great podcast
    I have been a loyal listener of Sarah’s for the past three years and am a Patreon subscriber. Her book recommendations and guests are varied. I love the episodes with Susie and Catherine. I also love romance books which Isn’t Sarah’s favorite, but she brings guests on who will talk about genres like romance which makes a great balance.
  • EchoReading
    Overall an Interesting Podcast
    For the most part I enjoy this podcast. I think the books mentioned aren’t really books for me. The only problem I have is Sarah always having to say something along the lines of how this book isn’t really literary fiction, or a legal thriller, or whatever. Please stop. Some of us don’t care about he genre, just give us your summary.
  • Leeback
    The format seems to be a ripoff of What Should I Read Next. But my book taste is more similar to Sarah’s than to Anne Vogel’s so I still listen.
  • cg31950
    NO Politics-Republicans Read Books Too!
    Mostly good pod-but conservatives are readers too! And we purchase books-or maybe we will NOT purchase books ghost written by the most recent guest/ghost writer. That episode took a turn at the very end when she went all triggered liberal. Why?
  • Kittens Mittens
    Great podcast!
    However today listening to episode 107 (ghost writer) I turned it off as soon as the guest started to get political naming a book she hated and admitted she never read it. We get enough political talk everywhere else. She shouldn’t have been allowed to do that. I hope that doesn’t continue as I do enjoy this podcast.
  • tuned up treasures
    Ghost writing episode
    I have ZERO interest in political views especially for someone writing for the corrupt Hillary Clinton . Turned off this episode . 👎🏻
  • NYCPodcastLover
    Loving it!
    I love the episodes with Sarah and Catherine because Catherine is my book twin. It’s a great podcast and I look forward to listening. Keep up the great work!
  • MElizS18
    Fantastic Book Podcast
    Sarah’s thoughtful reviews and interviews help me read better. Her Patreon community is also amazing, so worth the $7/month to support a woman-run business/podcast!
  • MelEdits
    Favorite book podcast
    I am hooked on listening to book podcasts. It’s my happy place. And Sarah‘s is my absolute favorite of the bunch, which is just saying something. I love that she’s not afraid to say she doesn’t like a book and explain why, that she’s quick to DNF a book, that she doesn’t jump on a book bandwagon just because everyone else loves it. I love her preview shows and now her “circle back” episodes with Catherine. It’s a lot of fun to hear what books they are anticipating for the season and then hear if they actually liked them several months later. The show just keeps getting better and better, and I highly recommend the $7/month level to get all the bonus episodes as a Patreon supporter.
  • OtterMommy124
    Sometimes infuriating
    I’ve listened to this podcast from the beginning, but I’m not sure why. Sarah has a good selection of guests, but so much of it is just Sarah. Shame very quick to dump on anything that’s not in her wheelhouse and she is strangely unwilling to venture outside of her rather small box. However, what I find most infuriating is her insistence to insert her own judgments in her interviews with others. For example, a guess will say that they liked a certain book, she’ll jump in that she DNF’s it. She needs to save that for her (many) solo spa dedicated to her own reading and let her guests share their own preferences. Not only is this frustrating as a listener, but it is downright rude to guests. Sarah is very quick to complain about genres and authors she doesn’t read. Romance is cheesy or, as she says it, “satchareen” (I think that is supposed to be saccharine?), which is quite the blanket to lay on an entire genre. She professed her distaste for Louise Penny and then, seconds later, admitted she’d never read Louise Penny. I am not saying that she needs to love romance or Louise Penny or whatnot, but she should be able to admit that a book that isn’t for her doesn’t mean it is inherently flawed. I stayed with this podcasts because of the interviews, but they have become almost painful to listen to. I do quite like it when she is joined by Catherine Gilmore, but I think that might just be a sign that Sarah needs a co-host to balance her out.
  • Katrina in NYC
    The best book podcast out there!
    Sarah asks thoughtful questions of her guests, while keeping it real. She’s smart, funny and always her authentic self. This show is worth the listen every time.
  • ssm1229
    One of my favorites
    Never annoying, full of book talk, and very frank discussion of books she doesn’t like. Love it!
  • brandes95
    Love this podcast!
    I love listening!
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Sarah, host of the Sarah’s Bookshelves Live podcast, highlights all aspects of good books and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • HelenfromSC
    Book preview and circle back
    My favorite episode are the book preview ones and the circle back episodes.
  • Nannybec
    Book Lovers favorite
    I love Sarah’s podcast because her recommendations are excellent and very helpful if you are thinking about buying a particular book. It is also wonderful at keeping you aware of all the new books that are getting ready to become available
  • sherri728
    Great reviews and previews!
    Love getting book recommendations from Sarah! Thoughtful reviews and interviews!
  • AKH2
    Love the Circle Back Episode
    Prosecco N Prose | A Book Club Podcast loves Sarah’s Bookshelves Live! We listen to her episodes to help us figure out what novels we will discuss on our podcast. Thinking 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑃𝑢𝑠𝘩 by Ashley Audrain may be a novel we discuss in Season 3. You have such a mix, which makes our life just a little bit easier when choosing meaningful text.
  • CTM485
    So much great information!
    What a great podcast. I’m so glad I heard about it from another book I’d cast I listen to. Lots of great book suggestions and fabulous author interviews!
  • msog177
    Great podcast!
    Such a great podcast. I've gotten so many of great recommendation from here. Keep going!
  • whatishappeningnow
    The high bar
    Sarah sets the standard - smart, focused, authentic and always a good listen that generates library holds. The round up episodes with Catherine from Gilmore Guide are my absolute favorites.
  • happytroyboy
    ✨ Sarah’s Bookshelves Live Permanently Booked at the Top of My Podcast List ✨
    5-star ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ listening enjoyment of all things books 📚 is delivered bi-weekly by the charming and book savvy Sarah with a side of snarkiness to keep you on your toes. I discovered her podcast during the pandemic and have been listening to all of her current and back episodes. I even became a Patron of the Podcast I’ve enjoyed it that much. I love her reading lists with co-hosts and such a terrific plethora of books 📚 she brings to her audience. I love her informative episodes with authors or book industry/publishing insiders. Her voice has a nice tone to it and makes listening to multiple episodes enjoyable. I’ll listen 🎧 a lot during my morning drives to Starbucks or when I have to do the dreaded laundry 🧺 and it’s such an enjoyable use of my time that whatever I’m working on just zooms by and I feel like I’ve gained great book knowledge after each episode. Do yourself a favor and get this podcast booked on your subscription lists. Sarah is a true fan of books and never shys away from speaking her truth about what she does or doesn’t love with any book 📖 she’s reading. She may DNF a few books throughout the year, but you’ll never want to DNL (do not listen) this podcast. It’s simply great. Simply a 5-star book podcast and oh her show notes 📝 at the end of each episode are EXCELLENT for you to go back and reference the multitudes of books or websites or articles mentioned during every episode. All podcasts should take notes like Sarah does for her audience. Check it out and become a patron!! Happy reading and listening y’all!! Troy @simplytroy - IG #BookedBySimplyTroy
  • sarah[;
    Best book podcast!
    Sarah does amazing interviews with authors and others in the publishing world. She brings new perspectives and behind the scenes info that i would never find myself. Her voice is a delight, especially the rhythm. One of my favorite bookish podcasts that i never tire of listening to.
  • haileyoliver
    Love Sarah!
    I just love this podcast. I feel like Sarah gets straight to the point and is honest. I love hearing her interviews with authors and people in the industry. Getting insight on books that they love is so much fun!
  • Martha W D
    Awesome podcast that makes 2020 better
    I never miss an episode of Sarah’s Bookshelves Live. Sarah is my go to recommendation source and listening to her podcast has brought so much needed joy to 2020.
  • Susie | Novel Visits
    Susie | Novel Visits
    Sarah knows books like no one else! That love of books really comes through and her personality shines in her podcast. I love that this podcast varies from week to week. Sarah interviews authors, people in the publishing world, and other figures in the book community. No matter what, the focus is always on books and I invariably leave with some new books I want to read.
  • Robyn A.
    Love book conversation
    I listen to two types of podcasts. Anything about books and true crime. This podcast is fabulous. I love bookish conversations and this fills the bill. I’m a sucker for book recommendations and I’ve gotten so many great ones from this podcast both current and back list. I highly recommend
  • 954gail
    Must listen if you love books!
    Found this podcast two weeks ago and now have listened to all the episodes. Since we are stuck inside, Sarah has become one of my new best friends. She is always prepared and the show moves smoothly. I’m going to miss her during vacation. Thanks Sarah!
  • sparkingjoyinreading
    So informative and interesting!
    There are four podcasts I listen to consistently, and Sarah’s Bookshelves is one of them. She has such interesting guests on that cover a wide swath of the book community.
  • marien aka mcddj
    My favorite podcast
    This is by far my favorite podcast! I am reading so many wonderful books that I wouldn’t have been drawn to because of Sarah’s guests and co-hosts! Can’t wait to listen and read with Sarah in 2021!!!
  • Ladys man 777777777
    Best book podcast
    I love Sarah’s takes on books. She is fun and sometimes snarky. I love her guests. This is the podcast I always keep current on.
  • Lifelongtraveler
    It was Serendipity
    I was overloaded & overwhelmed by all the political podcasts I’ve listened to all year. Reading is definitely my best escape from unpleasant reality so I was scrolling through different book lover podcasts. Something about this caught my eye & after listening to an episode, I decided to subscribe. Sarah’s Bookshelves was like a beacon of light in a dark time. I’m still a pretty new subscriber so I don’t know who Sarah’s co-host is but both women were SO bright, articulate & obviously serious bookworms & that did it for me. A really good sense of humor & a little snarkiness at times were the icing on the cake.
  • Awsome face 1254
    Such a fun format
    I really like the overall format of this podcast- and the reccs are great.
  • m_c__4
    So many good book recs
    I’ve been introduced to so many new bookish follows and reads through this podcast. Great questions and format. Look forward to this!
  • Rachel kohlb
    Love this podcast!
    This is a great podcast with interesting guests and a great format of the show! I have added so many book recommendations to my list that I can’t wait to read. She is personable and fun to listen to while also giving her honest opinions. I always enjoy the podcast and it keeps getting better and better.
Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork on this page are property of the podcast owner, and not endorsed by