Book Talk, etc.

Arts #249Books #90

A book recommendation podcast that's bound to grow your TBR!

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Recent Reviews
  • kfett2
    Mostly enjoy but..
    I mostly enjoy this podcast but lately I feel like all the books recommended are horror or LGBTQ relationship books- neither of which I'm into. šŸ™
  • stephrwats
    Enjoying this book pod!
    I have gotten many ideas from new reads. Great job by both hosts with reviews and recommendations! Love the new host!
  • LaurenJames82
    My favorite book podcast!
    Some of the best books Iā€™ve read were recommendations from this podcast. Each week the hosts share multiple books that they have read and tell a little about each title (spoiler free!) and give their honest feedback about it. Some very popular titles and some that I never would have discovered on my own. Lots of diversity in their selections which I appreciate.
  • SaltyT007
    Never Miss a Tuesday!
    Always look forward to Tuesday book reviews and loving latelys! Definitely feels like chatting with friends!
  • Tomyhealth
    Recently found this podcast and absolutely love the conversation as well as the book recommendations. Itā€™s my number one listen each week
  • Curly q610
    Loving the recommendations
    I love how they not only give you book recommendations but sometimes tv shows as well.
  • DaveWBuf
    Beeeest ā€œevā€™sā€
    It is so interesting that I listen every day , hour , etc
  • por venezuela
    Loooooooove this podcast
    Love it. Best book recommendations. And the hosts are funny and feel like family.
  • LindaMRG
    Loved hearing about!!!
    I look so forward to Tuesdays and new episodes. Tonight was so good learning how awesome is!
  • KadiMR
    Enjoyable Informative Book Podcast
    Book Talk, etc. is a must listen for me. Tina and Renee bring a variety of books each week in their discussion of their latest reads as well as books they anticipate reading in the future. I am a major bookworm, and I never miss an episode of this show. Itā€™s my favorite book podcast hands down.
  • Fellow RD
    Too much Goodreads
    I have only listened to one podcast, the one about over- and under-hyped books. I was very surprised at how many times they referred to Goodreads and the ratings than it was given. My understanding is Goodreads is not a good source for ratings and recommendations. Goodreads is owned by Amazon and I have read that they control so much of the contents and they can slant readers towards purchasing their books.
  • newmomtoo
    My favorite book podcast!
    I love the format of this podcast, I love their ā€œloving latelyā€, book talk, going thru their top 10 of the year etc. a professional podcast with wonderful audio/tech but also fun and feels like your chatting with friends.
  • podlistener53234679
    A great bookish listen
    I love this podcast and the wide variety of book recommendations it brings to my TBR. The enjoy the format, structure, and loving latelys!
  • ama ama WOOSH
    Love them
    Look forward to listening to these two interesting podcasters. I stop and start as they mention books and write down the titles! Highly recommend for any book lovers.
  • thedaisycomplex
    Love it
    My favorite bookish pod. Love their recs and their loving lately selections.
  • Mctmamma
    Great podcast
    I am also easily distracted by new releases! I enjoy your show and reading suggestions. I listen regularly now!
  • KittyP88
    Great podcast with a wide variety of recommendations
    I have never stuck with a podcast before and I love this one. I like both hosts, and they both recommend lots of books I wouldnā€™t have found otherwise. Iā€™ve read about 15 books theyā€™ve recommended since starting the podcast about two months ago, and I look forward to each Tuesday when a new episode is released. Their content and conversations are always interesting and not something I just skip through. I love it so much, I just subscribed to their Patreon group which Iā€™ve also never done before!
  • Karenayngus
    I have started listening to many book podcasts as part of my 100 book reading challenge( which I have completed already!) This is my favorite and I have listened to previous episodes too. I read 90% in print or e-book and I wish all book podcasters would address good on audio vs print. Many popcorn thrillers are not a great read but fine for a walk in your ears. Listening to 20 books on 1.5 or greater is not the same as sitting and reading . I do however feel that this pair is the most genuine, entertaining and relatable.
  • Dpsvegas
    My Go-To Podcast for my TBR Listā€”and Loving Lately Gems
    Renee and Tina are a dream team! I love the concise, well-paced format. I like knowing what to expect with each episode. The thought and organization that goes into each episode shows their respect, passion and love of books/authors and the writing craft. The notes provided for each episode are so helpful- all titles hyperlinked and times are indicated, for ease of access. I can pull up any episode and go right to that spot in the podcast to get a review on a given book/author. šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’žThank you, Ladies! What I love best is their intentionality of bringing wide range of authors and genes to the podcast. Itā€™s opened my world to terrific options. I also appreciate their opinions to read it in print or listen to it via Audible (or your preferred format). Their conversational style, personalities, and witty and thoughtful banter makes for an enjoyable hour of book chat and loving lately recommendations!
  • Jro826
    My favorite podcast every week!
    Love these two and hearing all things books from them each week.
  • StacieMartin
    Fun Podcast!
    I love this podcast! Love the book recommendations, and recommendations on a variety of other things. I discovered a great natural bug repellent for me AND my dog from a recent episode. :) Love, love, love Renee & Tina!
  • Branola
    Frustrating and Tone Deaf Response
    I had an upsetting reaction to the way they were discussing a book, by not really mentioning and even undermining any of the cruel racism one of the subjects of the book (a real person) may be dealing with. As an avid listener who happens to be a black woman, I wanted to let them know that after hearing this perspective for a couple consecutive episodes that it had left enough of impression on me for me to be upset by their words. As a membership listener, I really wanted to reach out on that platform, and just have my feelings listened to and understood, so they may know how those words of theirs could sound. Instead I was told that even though Iā€™m coming from a black womanā€™s perspective, they checked in with their editor (who is married to one of them and a black man), and was told he didnā€™t see anything wrong in what they said. After that I didnā€™t bother continuing the conversation, but instead signed off with a polite ā€œOk. Thanksā€ type of response. And then the next podcast opened with them advertising something they loved that definitely felt like a jabbed response to our conversation. People listen to you, and even pay for some of your content, the least you could do is listen to them and not say ā€œWell actually I asked this person so Iā€™m fine.ā€ I couldnā€™t believe the nature of the response I got. Itā€™s been some time, and I never leave negative reviews on things, but I listened and paid for bonus content, so felt it was the right thing to do, as they keep coming up in my suggested feee.
  • lapointerachel24
    Great book podcast
    Love hearing these ladies chat about books!
  • valof4
    Love this podcast
    My favorite part is that the two hosts are different ages, enjoy different books and I love how they interact. Always great book suggestions!
  • BookMumu
    Rating Podcast
    I swear, finding where to leave a rating drives me nuts!!!!!!!!! Not sure why I always struggle with this. That said, I love Book Talk Etc. Always a fun and informative listen without too much being given away.
  • MegM413
    Great recommendations!
    I am so glad to discover this podcast. I feel like Iā€™m talking about books to friends. Thank you !!
  • Jennyjennjen457
    Warms my midwestern heart
    Very enjoyable listen
  • EvelinaFBC
    Good, with a few caveats
    I like this podcast, but I wish they would talk less about the expensive skin care and makeup products theyā€™re ā€œloving lately.ā€ My other caveat is that I joined their Patreon and went to a Zoom meeting, where they both kind of made me feel stupid for liking a particular book (which they hadnā€™t read). Needless to say, I canceled that membership. Soā€¦proceed with caution.
  • Rdgzo
    Highly recommended
    I listen to a lot of book podcasts and this one is my favorite.
  • R8chel78
    I love this podcast so much! I am so excited every time a new episode drops.
  • Anne.Candle
    My Favorite Book Podcast!
    I have listened to this podcast from its inception and cannot believe I only thought now to write a review. I listen to a lot of book podcasts, all of which are very good, but I have to admit that this one has quickly become my new favorite. Tina and Renee are so much fun to listen toā€” they have excellent banter and talk to one another just like I would chat with my friends. I canā€™t get enough of their contentā€” even will all of their Patreon extra shows, Iā€™m always delighted when another one pops into my feed. They bring such a great mix of hot new releases and also backlist gems Iā€™ve never heard of, and many of their picks align with my own reading tastes or interests. Just the best book podcast currently in production in my opinion!
  • MyHealthilyEverAfter
    5 stars! But recent episodeā€¦
    Love this podcast. 5 stars. However, the most recent episode with Liberty was ehh.. my least favorite.
  • meg1271
    Refreshing change
    Iā€™ve been following one popular book review show for a few years and still like it, but I was looking for something more. This was it. Two intelligent women who talk mostly about books (no wasting my time on a lot of personal chitchat) in an honest and helpful way. Perfect!
  • Kates0730
    A total delight!
    When I found myself saying upon waking, ā€œItā€™s Book Talk, Etc. day!ā€ I realized I was long overdue to write a glowing review for this well-rounded, fun and informative podcast! With their ā€œLoving Latelyā€™sā€, and their honest yet thoughtful book reviews, Tina and Renee pull together a stellar podcast that feels like a honest conversation with friends. Highly and enthusiastically recommend!
  • Samantha2984
    LOVE!! :)
    My absolute favorite podcast!! :) Every book nerd should have this podcast in their library! :)
  • I turn Sunshine Into Steak
    Eeeennnnn. Aaaannnnnn
    As much as I love the content of this podcast Reneeā€™s constant eeennnn and aaaannnn s as verbal place holders make each episode difficult to get thru in one sitting. Better editing or self awareness. Would put this up to five stars.
  • HollyWFranklin
    GREAT book recommendations and fun readerly conversations
    Do Tina and Renee own my TBR now? Yes, yes they do! This is such a fun book chat with friends and their recs and descriptions are varied and so helpful to me when determining if Iā€™m going to like something. Both quickly sky rocketed to being my top recommendation sources and their Patreon community is such a fun addition. Great book community.
  • Carrier Jere
    Like the variety
    These gals dive deep with enthusiasm. As a debut author, I'm intrigued to hear what they enjoy and why.
  • Mommy of 2
    This has changed my reading life!!
    I finally figured out how to leave a review! Iā€™ve been following this podcast for well over a year and joined their Patreon as well. What a fun group! The reviews on books are Wonderful with no spoilers making it so easy and fun to choose my next read. I love hopping into the discord or Facebook group to discuss a latest read knowing several people have likely read it too! So fun.
  • TriciaCapeCod
    A favorite!
    I love book podcasts and this is one of my favorites. Great rapport between the two hosts.
  • CLD73
    Enjoy this podcast
    I enjoy this podcast and besides adding books, I have purchased a few of the loving lately as well! My only negative is the sound effects, I could do without them they are more annoying than fun.
  • zazzum
    Must listen for book lovers
    Love these ladies. Itā€™s the best book club I never had. Thank you for the funny, informative and intelligent convo each week.
  • D Pesci
    My favorite book podcast!
    I listened to 3 or 4 book podcasts & Book Talk Etc is my favorite! I love the easy conversation between Tina & Renee & their descriptions of the books are always so good! I get so many good recommendations! Tuesdays are my favorite podcast day!
  • KMC1468
    They make Tuesdays better
    Does anyone else think Tuesdays are the longest days of the week?! Thank goodness for Tina and Renee who bring their book banter & charm to my Tuesday mornings. I love their rapport and chatter, and I also love their book suggestions. Once you fall for them like I did, you will probably want to support them on Patreon. That will bring you extra podcast episodes, more book recs, bookish virtual happy hours, and new bookish friends.
  • SeptemberJas
    Favorite podcast
    Terrible for my TBR shelf but Iā€™m addicted to this podcast! Tina and Renee are great - they donā€™t talk over each other, move in to the next subject without going off on long tangents (but when they do itā€™s good!) and have a wide variety of books they suggest - I always find at least 1 that I enjoy from each episode. When they summarize books they donā€™t give too much away, itā€™s just enough to make the listener think ā€œthat sounds good!ā€ Or ā€œIā€™ll passā€. I appreciate their honesty and compatibility with each other. Best part for me: no more book slumps!
  • I am a monkey 7804
    Give More Critique, Less Summary
    While I really like both hosts, their chemisty, and their book selections, I wish they would spend less time summarizing the books and giving away soooo many details about the actual plot. I would much rather just have the book set up in a few sentences because quite a few have been spoiled by too much information.
  • Mamaabcdefg
    My Favorite Bookish Podcast
    It you enjoy chatting about books with friends or are looking to grow your TBR or gain a better understanding of your reading preferences, then I highly recommend this podcast. Itā€™s one of my favorites! Tina and Renee are so personable, and I feel like Iā€™m amongst friends when I listen. I also love the way they describe books. They do such a good job of explaining why they did or did not enjoy a book. It helps me figure out if a book would be a good fit for me (even if our personal reading preferences donā€™t typically align). Itā€™s also fun to listen to their opinions on books that Iā€™ve read. Iā€™ve picked up some great books because of them! I love the way they structure their episodes. They have the best book chat topic ideas! Iā€™ve cut down my podcast listening a lot (to make more time for audio books), but this is one of the few podcasts where I wonā€™t skip an episode. I also am a Patreon of the show, and they have created a community as welcoming and friendly as they are. I look forward to the mood reader Zooms, where everyone shares their latest reads, as well as the book club chats they host on Zoom. They also have a Facebook group and discord where you can talk books anytime with a wonderful community.
  • Elisenk123
    My favorite podcast
    In absolutely love this podcast. Tina and Renee are so insightful with their reviews and recommendations, and they cover a wide range of topics. Their warmth and love of books shines through in each episode. Please give them a listen if you havenā€™t already! You wonā€™t regret it.
  • Mom says I'm smart
    Fun podcast that really will grow your TBR list
    I love this podcast! -no ads! -great format that keeps the show moving and is consistent from episode to episode -high number of book choices/recs per episode (if you like literary/contemporary fiction, thriller, and true crime and want occasional recs for nonfiction, fantasy-esque, memoir, you're set with this podcast) -this podcast isn't just summaries of books, but includes who certain books might be good for (if you liked X, you might like this; if you want to try X genre, this is a good one to start with, etc), and why Renee and Tina liked the books
    One of the best
    Always exceeds expectations!
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