Fat Man Beyond


Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin passionately discuss the latest in geek culture.

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  • biggity Baker
    I’m still listening and not stopping
    Old or young I’ve been enjoying this podcast for years and it’s not leaving my top of the charts any time soon. Keep it up and I will keep tuning in ✌🏼💛
  • mario94606
    I love toilet paper, I want to marry toilet paper. Tushy fail.
  • nickname: dontHave1
    EP 421 The thing to remember about Superman…
  • Quaratine Mom Podcast
    Love this show!
  • David Meier Smith
    Five for Kevin, One for Mark, Three fir the show
    Sadly, I’m just done with the show. I’ve listened for years, but have just unsubscribed. I just can’t handle Mark Bernardin’s toxicity and racial bias anymore. And it’s rubbing off on Kevin too. The latest Batman show I went into with gusto, having loved the film; it having done what we’ve been wanting for years, only to have Mark crap on it. And he missed so many points of the film about which he was complaining. I think he only casually watched it, like he seems to do so much, and read other people’s negative reviews. I’m sure he’s a fine writer, but he is also so biased (racially) when it comes to reviews. Jordan Peele is a “genius”, despite having written and directed one of the worst written films of all time (seriously, no hyperbole) (“Us”). He gives latitude to black creators constantly simply on race. I love Kevin. Can listen to him for hours… and I have. I do. But I don’t want to continue to be brought down with an inattentive audience review and white guilt imposition. There’s enough negative in the world without subjecting myself to it regularly. I will continue to listen to Babylon, cause i do love Smith. I just wish he would ditch Mark before the toxicity permeates through him as well.
  • Force Ghost
    Bamf man is cringe
    Too much of the bar owner on the show.
  • Maw0034
    Marc never has anything good to say about movies or shows. Always complaining about the smallest things instead of enjoying the show or movie. It’s beyond annoying
  • very sad in the bay
    Love your show(s)
    I’m part of That Kevin Smith Club and have indulged in every podcast Kevin has produced several times. This show is top notch. I really miss Jay and Silent Bob Get Old. That being said, I’ve been a pothead since unfortunately having been born with it in my system. It makes me more susceptible to substance abuse. I’ve also been an alcoholic when I wasn’t using weed. One substitution for the other. I know everyone’s sobriety journey is different. The recent Comic-Con 2023 show was decent. Though Kevin had been drinking, he didn’t seem upset. But that previous episode with the Blue Milk was scary. I saw Kevin’s mood nose dive after the initial effects of alcohol wore off. I saw the darkness that has haunted my life creep in while he was telling his stories. I have cirrhosis of the liver at 38 because of the amount of alcohol I used while not using weed. It took years of intensive chemical dependency counseling at Stanford for me to stay abstinent of it all, but I’m much happier now. Stay safe my friend.
  • ChristianCerda
    Stop doing shows without Kevin
  • Jae Gaboo
    Kimmel doesn’t pander enough for Smith’s tastes
    Newly sober Smith needs to get past his first 6 months of sobriety so as to not take his suicidal pot withdrawal out on his audience. A consult from Dr Drew is probably in order. Kimmel probably needs to resort to publishing nudes of his wife for a Hefner in order to regain Smith’s respect. Yet, Kimmel doesn’t seem anywhere near that desperate for relevance.
  • Apple Higgins
    Please Kevin and Marc
    I don’t ask the internet for much, but I feel this is important for the world. I saw Laurence on a clip of this show called the view. In it he talked about his new marvel comics project. I’m a 41 year old man and cried. As men who have a young girl we would die for can you please talk about Ike Turner’s new show.
  • Booby Tuesdayyy
    Okay, but lazy
    This show is pretty good sometimes, but new and interesting content is few and far between. The Flash trailer that features Michael Keaton’s Batman was just released three days ago and this podcast, which is named after Batman, doesn’t cover it? Come on, y’all. We want to hear your thoughts on this.
  • NierOh
    Pretty good
    It’s not Bag Fries good but it’s still good
  • Leedo Boy
    I Liked Where the Show Started, but now…
    I’ll be honest, I haven’t listened to the show since they rebranded it to Farman Beyond. I’m all for Geek Talk, but where this show started is so far from where it is now. Literally just Kevin in his house interviewing actors, writers, creators who all worked on the Batman character at some point. Some great guests and episodes from Mark Hamill, to Kevin Conroy, to Paul Dini, to Scott Snyder, to Grant Morrison. And looking back it felt like the show didn’t last that long in that format. I think Marc is great, and I liked the early stuff with him and Kevin, but this just became another run of the mill geek news show which we already have a million of. I miss where the show began and all the amazing stuff we learned about the animation, comics, and film industries all very in depth, unbiased, and honest. I just think at a certain point do we really need another opinion about the newest nerd film? Or learn some great stuff from great artists making great work. Idk, the old show is so far gone at this point that I don’t think it’ll ever come back, unless Kevin spins it off or something.
  • xxxxxxxxx ccx
    Close to dropping this pod
    In a recent episode Kevin took time from talking geek stuff (why most of us are there)to actually read texts from someone who was mean to him on the the internet (someone being mean on the internet? Shocking!). Give me an f’n break! Thanks for wasting our time! Then he got butt-hurt when someone called him self-absorbed (he’s the most self-absorbed pod-caster I know of). I could tell even Marc was getting uncomfortable with his endless diatribe against an accurate statement. Marc please get your own pod and leave ol Kev to talk over himself and endlessly shill his latest probably crappy movie.
  • krownjunkee
    Worth listening to
    The podcast is very entertaining. Kevin really needs to stop interrupting Marc when he is speaking.
  • QuietSpace
    Thank you
    Thank you Mark, I thought I would have to go through withdraws without you guys!
  • XavWasTaken
    I love fatman beyond
    Best podcast ever
  • PeeWeeCG
    Great nerd news and more!
    Great show and so positive and affirming how we can all be forces for good in the world! It’s sad that so many racists don’t know how to highlight all the stars to leave a proper review I hope they learn how fingers and touch phones work. How they must struggle everyday? Keep hanging in there buckaroos!
  • poop2169
    Good Show
    Good Show
  • ManlyMurloc
    It was great.
    I hate to say it but if you’re a fan of this show from the early days - that’s long long gone. Unfortunately, the show took a hard turn where the thoughts and opinions on pop culture have become, “I’m right, this is me telling you I’m right and don’t say otherwise” (This is more of a Marc problem). I miss where it was just “let’s geek out”, if I wanted a strict movie/show review podcast I’d go elsewhere. This was originally a “let’s just have fun geeking over something we love” now it’s just “let’s shred it to the ground even if we enjoyed it.” But worse - it’s the hardest to listen to when Marc forcefully interjects how something seems racist/prejudice to him. And again, in his usual tone of “I’m right, I’m telling you I’m right and dont say otherwise.” When a country is at its throat and everywhere is already reminders of turmoil and bigotry, it’s a shame that something I liked to come to for relief is now just another “preacher of dark times.” Even though I agree, I just want to have 30 min - hour of not thinking of all that. Please go back. Do some reboot of the good episode time frame.
  • loonkvktk
    Episode 370 love!!!
    I have been listening to Smith for a long time, Movies and podcasts alike. This is the first time I got choked up when he spoke about his dad and riding the Huffy bike. It reminded me about a time my mom hand made me a Halloween costume that was a hideous spider but I wore it anyway because I knew how much work she put into it. It must have been around 1988. From one Kev to another do you always. PS miss the the old podcast interviews, would love you to mix it up but I get it, always move on and up.
  • StoneCutter01
    First Time Listener
    Just started listening this week, went back and listened to a few old episodes including the first one. Brought back a lot of memories especially when you guys started talking about the Nolan Trilogy. Now I begin the task of listening to them all. Very glad to be aboard.
  • RicFlairFan
    A weekly listen
    Been listening regularly since 2014. Legitimately funny, insightful and laugh out loud moments. Q&As are complete cringe though.
  • thomajake
    I listen to this podcast to know I’m not alone
    It may sound dramatic to say this, but I don’t care. I started listening to the podcast about seven years ago when I stumbled upon Kevin and Marc’s commentary tracks for the Burton/Schumacher Batman movies (totally worth your time, they’re available with a membership to ThatKevinSmithClub.com). I loved how they joked and made pointed comments that I’ve thought about those movies. I kept listening over the years. It was great when they talked to high profile guests, like Marcus and McFeely (the writers of Infinity War and Endgame), but I mostly just enjoyed their friendship and how they talked about the things I wished I could talk about with old friends. Like, the conversations you had with friends in college when you both learned you loved obscure movies or comics. And their both hilarious to boot. When the pandemic hit, and half the country was sent home to quarantine, and the news kept getting worse, I experienced my first panic attack. My anxiety around finances was so severe, I considered harming myself some days. Some nights, I thought, “Maybe it would be better if I didn’t wake up tomorrow.” But I tell you what — when morning came, and I’d lie in bed, I’d think, “Why get up? Why bother?” And most mornings, here’s the answer I came to: “At the very least, why not start by brewing some coffee, scrambling some eggs, and listening to Fatman Beyond while you cook?” And that got me out of bed. There’s this quote from CS Lewis in the biopic movie “Shadowlands” where he says, “We read to know we’re not alone.” As in, the authors speak to us about things we’ve never communicated but always wanted to say, thoughts and feelings we’ve been too sheepish to share. That’s kind of the same reason I love this show. So thank you Marc and Kevin for helping me get out of bed during a really rough year, and letting me know that none of us are alone. Excelsior.
  • Mr. Glas
    Boyz of Wonder
    FatMan Beyond FTMF’nW!🖖♾
  • Cagekicker69
    The Thing…
    Everyone has one… that one thing that brings you happiness… $ it just happens that Kevin & Marc are talking about mine most of the time (when Kev isn’t talking about his balls or something). All the movie & comicbook news that’s worth hearing about is right here, with two guys who’ve written their share of great movies, shows, & comics…
  • Fennellyyy
    Was and what can be
    Love Kevin smith but Marc had ruined this show. He literally hates on every single thing. It’s to the point he will find something to hate in every thing and increasingly finding ways everything is racist. It’s unfortunate because this used to be a great show.
  • Coopa the Cidd
    It’s okay
    Kevin Smith is great, the fan base is fun, and the content is enjoyable. However, the co-host Mark( who seems like a nice guy) has some pretty dumb opinions and shallow criticisms that just bother me personally.
  • Luke Warmhands
    Good stuff.
    Two guys talking about stuff they love — or, in Marc’s case, stuff they want to love ;)
    In the 80s
    If it was big it was good … 80s my tv was wood Rhett and link are so funny
  • The Joelest
    Great nerd stuff
    I get my nerd on with this podcast. A bit too long at times. I have stuff to do.
  • Barryallen1213
    Podcasts won’t play. Haven’t been able to listen to most recent 3 shows 😩
  • rudie311
    One of my favs
    Love everything these guys are a part of
  • Sheldon0047
    Fun podcast
    Very funny
  • Smarky Mark
    Best Fandom Show
    Smith and Bernardin bring the right amount of knowledge and humor to cover it all. Every episode is worth it, even if you don’t dig every topic they cover. Jeff’s kiss!
  • pat2240
    Used to be great
    It’s ok when they actually talk about stuff, but kevin is always crying and mark can’t ever stop whining about being black. I think he wishes he wasn’t for some reason, guess he’s just racist. Show fell off a cliff
  • Ron_Keith
    Masters of the universe
    Great job Count on me Watching every episode Two time U Da man
  • #TCGold1976
    Greatest show on iTunes
    You guys are amazing. I enjoy listening to all of your thoughts and ideas. You both are very talented.
  • Robert Hempel
    One of the best podcasts
    Thank you Kevin and Mark for blessing us with 3 hours of amazing content every week
  • MPJ13
    Drug Distraction
    Please stop doing drugs during the show. Just like I wouldn’t listen to someone who is getting drunk and starting to slur their speech the smoking that takes Kevin off topic and has him coughing all the time ruins the flow of the show.
  • DeathdealsWillie
    Malcolm Spellman!!! Interview!!!
    Outstanding as always for FatmanBeyond. But this episode with interviewing Malcolm Spellman was Jeff’s Kiss!!!! The interviews pulled off on this show are so good. Quality quality quality. If you want to hear real shoot about the entertainment you enjoy this is the pod for you. Real good conversations with great guests.
  • Bobx5
    Smith/Bernardin 2024
    I am SO in the bag for all 97 of Kevin's weekly podcasts, but "Fatman Beyond" is always the highlight! And a big thank you to Silent Bob for introducing me to the mind and wit of Marc Bernardin, who brings a more critical voice to Kevin's adorable blanket love-fest to everything he sees. If you enjoy comic-flavored pop culture, foul language, and interesting insights, it doesn't get much better than this!
  • NTJ08
    It used to be good
    The show is great but I’m done with the double standard. Phrases like “white boy money” should not be ok. So I’m done.
  • GretzkyJetski11
    Mooby’s Viking Hat is “A Bridge Too Far...”
    I’ve been a pretty devout Kev Smith guy but that hat is egregious and I will NOT be watching that ridiculous thing. Period. C’mon Kev...
  • Ratkins24
    Unfortunate Change
    The current divisivness had creeped into this beloved podcast. I have listened to this and other Kevin Smith podcast since he began but now feel unwelcome in his world. What should be an entertainment news and reviews podcast now provides political commentary that is sure to divide the audience. No thank you.
  • kierkegaard2.0
    An Exuberant Frolic Through Popular Culture
    Kevin Smith’s Fatman On Batman podcast has seen a few iterations over the years, but its latest as Fatman Beyond is something else entirely! Each weekly episode is a rundown of the latest pop culture, the occasional review and discussion of a new show or movie, and a Q A portion. But its true strengths come from Kevin Smith’s exuberance for the good in sci-fi/fantasy (and hilarious digressions) being tempered by Marc Bernardin’s thoughtful discussions on storytelling and minority representation.
  • AGGruby
    Geoff’s Kiss
    Geoff’s Kiss
  • Rudekiller
    Kevin Smith and Comic Book/ Nerd News 👍
  • Dan.. Not Stuart Schultz
    Great shows! Love the discussion s of all things Marvel and pop culture. Now to WV: It seems to me that this Diz+ show is setting up the idea of 2 things. 1.) the ground work for alternate realities 2.) Mutants. The cosmic radiation from The Snap (s) activating dormant genes (why Rambos scans, etc are problematic), why Wandas powers are stronger, how we get mutants of various ages. Ie the “big bad” will be xman related and the “engine” will be Forge. Cosmic radiation from “Snap (s)” could also explain the FF, as they launch off planet to explore the off planet radiation of the 2nd snap, clear the protection of the stratosphere... boom, FF
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